Title: Information Retrieval (1)
1Information Retrieval(1)
- Prof. Dragomir R. Radev
- radev_at_umich.edu
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7Examples of search engines
- Conventional (library catalog). Search by
keyword, title, author, etc. - Text-based (Lexis-Nexis, Google, Yahoo!).Search
by keywords. Limited search using queries in
natural language. - Multimedia (QBIC, WebSeek, SaFe)Search by visual
appearance (shapes, colors, ). - Question answering systems (Ask, NSIR,
Answerbus)Search in (restricted) natural
language - Clustering systems (VivÃsimo, Clusty)
- Research systems (Lemur, Nutch)
8What does it take to build a search engine?
- Decide what to index
- Collect it
- Index it (efficiently)
- Keep the index up to date
- Provide user-friendly query facilities
9What else?
- Understand the structure of the web for efficient
crawling - Understand user information needs
- Preprocess text and other unstructured data
- Cluster data
- Classify data
- Evaluate performance
10Goals of the course
- Understand how search engines work
- Understand the limits of existing search
technology - Learn to appreciate the sheer size of the Web
- Learn to wrote code for text indexing and
retrieval - Learn about the state of the art in IR research
- Learn to analyze textual and semi-structured data
sets - Learn to appreciate the diversity of texts on the
Web - Learn to evaluate information retrieval
- Learn about standardized document collections
- Learn about text similarity measures
- Learn about semantic dimensionality reduction
- Learn about the idiosyncracies of hyperlinked
document collections - Learn about web crawling
- Learn to use existing software
- Understand the dynamics of the Web by building
appropriate mathematical models - Build working systems that assist users in
finding useful information on the Web
11Course logistics
- Fridays 210-455 PM
- Office hours TBA
- URL http//clair.si.umich.edu/si650
- Instructor Dragomir Radev
- Email radev_at_umich.edu
- Instructor Qiaozhu Mei
- Email qmei_at_umich.edu
12Course outline
- Classic document retrieval storing, indexing,
retrieval. - Web retrieval crawling, query processing.
- Text and web mining classification, clustering.
- Network analysis random graph models,
centrality, diameter and clustering coefficient.
- Introduction.
- Queries and Documents. Models of Information
retrieval. The Boolean model. The Vector model. - Document preprocessing. Tokenization. Stemming.
The Porter algorithm. Storing, indexing and
searching text. Inverted indexes. - Word distributions. The Zipf distribution. The
Benford distribution. Heap's law. TFIDF. Vector
space similarity and ranking. - Retrieval evaluation. Precision and Recall.
F-measure. Reference collections. The TREC
conferences. - Automated indexing/labeling. Compression and
coding. Optimal codes. - String matching. Approximate matching.
- Query expansion. Relevance feedback.
- Text classification. Naive Bayes. Feature
selection. Decision trees.
- Linear classifiers. k-nearest neighbors.
Perceptron. Kernel methods. Maximum-margin
classifiers. Support vector machines.
Semi-supervised learning. - Lexical semantics and Wordnet.
- Latent semantic indexing. Singular value
decomposition. - Vector space clustering. k-means clustering. EM
clustering. - Random graph models. Properties of random graphs
clustering coefficient, betweenness, diameter,
giant connected component, degree distribution. - Social network analysis. Small worlds and
scale-free networks. Power law distributions.
Centrality. - Graph-based methods. Harmonic functions. Random
walks. - PageRank. Hubs and authorities. Bipartite graphs.
HITS. - Models of the Web.
- Crawling the web. Webometrics. Measuring the size
of the web. The Bow-tie-method. - Hypertext retrieval. Web-based IR. Document
closures. Focused crawling. - Question answering
- Burstiness. Self-triggerability
- Information extraction
- Adversarial IR. Human behavior on the web.
- Text summarization
- Discovering communities, spectral clustering
- Semi-supervised retrieval
- Natural language processing. XML retrieval. Text
tiling. Human behavior on the web.
- required Information Retrieval by Manning,
Schuetze, and Raghavan (http//www-csli.stanford.e
freely available, hard copy for sale - optional Modeling the Internet and the Web
Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms by Pierre
Baldi, Paolo Frasconi, Padhraic Smyth, Wiley,
2003, ISBN 0-470-84906-1 (http//ibook.ics.uci.ed
u). - papers from SIGIR, WWW and journals (to be
announced in class).
- Linear algebra vectors and matrices.
- Calculus Finding extrema of functions.
- Probabilities random variables, discrete and
continuous distributions, Bayes theorem. - Programming experience with at least one
web-aware programming language such as Perl
(highly recommended) or Java in a UNIX
environment. - Required CS account
18Course requirements
- Three assignments (30)
- Some of them will be in Perl. The rest can be
done in any appropriate language. All will
involve some data analysis and evaluation - Final project (30)
- Research paper or software system.
- Class participation (10)
- Final exam (30)
19Final project format
- Research paper - using the SIGIR format. Students
will be in charge of problem formulation,
literature survey, hypothesis formulation,
experimental design, implementation, and possibly
submission to a conference like SIGIR or WWW. - Software system - develop a working system or
API. Students will be responsible for identifying
a niche problem, implementing it and deploying
it, either on the Web or as an open-source
downloadable tool. The system can be either stand
alone or an extension to an existing one.
20Project ideas
- Build a question answering system.
- Build a language identification system.
- Social network analysis from the Web.
- Participate in the Netflix challenge.
- Query log analysis.
- Build models of Web evolution.
- Information diffusion in blogs or web.
- Author-topic models of web pages.
- Using the web for machine translation.
- Building evolving models of web documents.
- News recommendation system.
- Compress the text of Wikipedia (losslessly).
- Spelling correction using query logs.
- Automatic query expansion.
21List of projects from the past
- Document Closures for Indexing
- Tibet - Table Structure Recognition Library
- Ruby Blog Memetracker
- Sentence decomposition for more accurate
information retrieval - Extracting Social Networks from LiveJournal
- Google Suggest Programming Project (Java Swing
Client and Lucene Back-End) - Leveraging Social Networks for Organizing and
Browsing Shared Photographs - Media Bias and the Political Blogosphere
- Measuring Similarity between search queries
- Extracting Social Networks and Information about
the people within them from Text - LSI dependency trees
22Available corpora
- Netflix challenge
- AOL query logs
- Blogs
- Bio papers
- Email
- Generifs
- Web pages
- Political science corpus
- del.icio.us
- News data aquaint, tdt, nantc, reuters, setimes,
trec, tipster - Europarl multilingual
- US congressional data
- Pubmedcentral
- Timebank
- Wikipedia
- wt2g/wt10g/wt100g
- dotgov
- Paraphrases
- Generifs
- Hansards
- nie
- cnnsumm
- Poliblog
- Sentiment
- xml
- epinions
- Enron
23Related courses elsewhere
- Stanford (Chris Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, and
Hinrich Schuetze) - Cornell (Jon Kleinberg)
- CMU (Yiming Yang and Jamie Callan)
- UMass (James Allan)
- UTexas (Ray Mooney)
- Illinois (Chengxiang Zhai)
- Johns Hopkins (David Yarowsky)
- For a long list of courses related to Search
Engines, Natural Language Processing, Machine
Learning look here http//tangra.si.umich.edu/c
24IR WINTER 2010
2. Models of Information retrieval The
Vector model The Boolean model
25The web is really large
- 100 B pages
- Dynamically generated content
- New pages get added all the time
- Technorati has 50M blogs
- The size of the blogosphere doubles every 6
months - Yahoo deals with 12TB of data per day (according
to Ron Brachman)
26Sample queries (from Excite)
- In what year did baseball become an offical
sport? - play station codes . com
- birth control and depression
- government
- "WorkAbility I"conference
- kitchen appliances
- where can I find a chines rosewood
- tiger electronics
- 58 Plymouth Fury
- How does the character Seyavash in Ferdowsi's
Shahnameh exhibit characteristics of a hero? - emeril Lagasse
- Hubble
- M.S Subalaksmi
- running
27Fun things to do with search engines
- Googlewhack
- Reduce document set size to 1
- Find query that will bring given URL in the top
28Key Terms Used in IR
- QUERY a representation of what the user is
looking for - can be a list of words or a phrase. - DOCUMENT an information entity that the user
wants to retrieve - COLLECTION a set of documents
- INDEX a representation of information that makes
querying easier - TERM word or concept that appears in a document
or a query
29Mappings and abstractions
Information need
From Robert Korfhages book
- Not just printed paper
- Can be records, pages, sites, images, people,
movies - Document encoding (Unicode)
- Document representation
- Document preprocessing
31Sample query sessions (from AOL)
- toley spies gramestolley spies gamestotally
spies games - tajmahal restaurant brooklyn nytaj mahal
restaurant brooklyn nytaj mahal restaurant
brooklyn ny 11209 - do you love me like you saydo you love me like
you say lyricsdo you love me like you say lyrics
marvin gaye
M /data4/corpora/AOL-user-ct-collection
32Characteristics of user queries
- Sessions users revisit their queries.
- Very short queries typically 2 words long.
- A large number of typos.
- A small number of popular queries. A long tail of
infrequent ones. - Almost no use of advanced query operators with
the exception of double quotes
33Queries as documents
- Advantages
- Mathematically easier to manage
- Problems
- Different lengths
- Syntactic differences
- Repetitions of words (or lack thereof)
34Document representations
- Term-document matrix (m x n)
- Document-document matrix (n x n)
- Typical example in a medium-sized collection
3,000,000 documents (n) with 50,000 terms (m) - Typical example on the Web n30,000,000,000,
m1,000,000 - Boolean vs. integer-valued matrices
35Storage issues
- Imagine a medium-sized collection with
n3,000,000 and m50,000 - How large a term-document matrix will be needed?
- Is there any way to do better? Any heuristic?
36Inverted index
- Instead of an incidence vector, use a posting
table - CLEVELAND D1, D2, D6
- OHIO D1, D5, D6, D7
- Use linked lists to be able to insert new
document postings in order and to remove existing
postings. - Keep everything sorted! This gives you a
logarithmic improvement in access.
37Basic operations on inverted indexes
- Conjunction (AND) iterative merge of the two
postings O(xy) - Disjunction (OR) very similar
- Negation (NOT) can we still do it in O(xy)?
- Recursive operations
- Optimization start with the smallest sets
38Major IR models
- Boolean
- Vector
- Probabilistic
- Language modeling
- Fuzzy retrieval
- Latent semantic indexing
39The Boolean model
Venn diagrams
40Boolean queries
- Operators AND, OR, NOT, parentheses
- Example
- Ambiguous uses of AND and OR in human language
- Exclusive vs. inclusive OR
- Restrictive operator AND or OR?
41Canonical forms of queries
- Normal forms
- Conjunctive normal form (CNF)
- Disjunctive normal form (DNF)
- Reference librarians prefer CNF - why?
42Evaluating Boolean queries
- Incidence vectors
- CLEVELAND 1100010
- OHIO 1000111
- Examples
- D1 computer information retrieval
- D2 computer retrieval
- D3 information
- D4 computer information
- Q1 information AND retrieval
- Q2 information AND NOT computer
1 Swift
2 Shakespeare
3 Shakespeare Swift
4 Milton
5 Milton Swift
6 Milton Shakespeare
7 Milton Shakespeare Swift
8 Chaucer
9 Chaucer Swift
10 Chaucer Shakespeare
11 Chaucer Shakespeare Swift
12 Chaucer Milton
13 Chaucer Milton Swift
14 Chaucer Milton Shakespeare
15 Chaucer Milton Shakespeare Swift
((chaucer OR milton) AND (NOT swift)) OR ((NOT
chaucer) AND (swift OR shakespeare))
45How to deal with?
- Multi-word phrases?
- Document ranking?
46The Vector model
Term 1
Doc 1
Doc 2
Term 3
Doc 3
Term 2
47Vector queries
- Each document is represented as a vector
- Non-efficient representation
- Dimensional compatibility
48The matching process
- Document space
- Matching is done between a document and a query
(or between two documents) - Distance vs. similarity measures.
- Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Word
overlap, Jaccard coefficient, etc.
49Miscellaneous similarity measures
- The Cosine measure (normalized dot product)
? (di x qi)
X ? Y
? (D,Q)
? (di)2
? (qi)2
X ? Y
? (D,Q)
X ? Y
- Compute the cosine scores ? (D1,D2) and ? (D1,D3)
for the documents D1 lt1,3gt, D2 lt100,300gt and
D3 lt3,1gt - Compute the corresponding Euclidean distances,
Manhattan distances, and Jaccard coefficients.
- (1) MRS1, MRS2, MRS5 (Zipf)
- (2) MRS7, MRS8