Stormwater Rulemaking Briefing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stormwater Rulemaking Briefing


Stormwater Rulemaking Briefing US Environmental Protection Agency – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stormwater Rulemaking Briefing

Stormwater RulemakingBriefing
  • US Environmental Protection Agency

  • Regulatory framework
  • Drivers for present rulemaking
  • Rulemaking considerations
  • Timeline
  • Activities completed to date
  • Activities in progress

Regulatory Framework
1972 CWA amendments establish NPDES permit
program. Program does not include stormwater.
Regulatory Framework
  • 1983 Nationwide Urban Runoff Program finds urban
    runoff a significant source of pollution
  • 1987 CWA amendments direct EPA to regulate
    stormwater discharges under NPDES
  • Amendments recorded in section 402(p)
  • 402(p) establishes phased approach to stormwater

Regulatory Framework
  • Section 402(p)(4)
  • Required EPA to establish permit application
    requirements for industrial and medium and large
    municipal separate storm sewer discharges
  • Section 402(p)(5)
  • Required EPA to conduct a study to identify other
    stormwater discharges, assess associated
    pollutant loads, and submit the results in a
    report to Congress.
  • Section 402(p)(6)
  • Provides authority for EPA to regulate other
    stormwater sources, based on the study, to
    protect water quality

Regulatory Framework
1990EPA promulgates Phase I Stormwater
Rules 1999 EPA promulgates Phase II Stormwater
Phase I Phase II
Municipalities with populations gt 100,000 Urbanized Areas based on decennial Census smaller MS4s designated by permitting authority
Covers over 1,000 MS4s Covers over 5,000 smaller MS4s
Regulatory Framework
Phase I Phase II
Typically covered by individual permits Typically covered by general permits
Must reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) Must reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable (MEP)
Application requires development of a stormwater management program Application requires development of a stormwater management program that includes the six minimum measures
Monitoring required to characterize stormwater discharges Monitoring not required by rule
Drivers of Rulemaking
  • October 2008 National Research Council Report.
    EPA commissioned NRC to
  • Review its current permitting program for
    stormwater discharges under the CWA
  • Provide suggestions for improvement
  • May 2011 settlement in Fowler vs. EPA. Plaintiffs
    claimed EPA failed to take adequate measures to
    protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay.

NRC Stormwater Report Findings
  • Current approach unlikely to adequately control
    stormwaters contribution to waterbody impairment
  • Requirements leave a great deal of discretion to
    dischargers to ensure compliance
  • Poor accountability and uncertain effectiveness
  • A more straightforward way to regulate stormwater
    contributions to waterbody impairment would be to
    use flow or a surrogate, like impervious cover,
    as a measure of stormwater pollutant loading

NRC Stormwater Report Findings
  • Efforts to reduce stormwater flow will
    automatically achieve reductions in pollutant
  • Flow is itself responsible for additional erosion
    and sedimentation that adversely impact surface
    water quality.
  • Stormwater control measures that harvest,
    infiltrate, and evapotranspirate stormwater are
    critical to reducing the volume and pollutant
    loading of small storms.

Fowler vs. EPA
  • EPA agreed to settlement with Chesapeake Bay
    Foundation and others in May 2011
  • By September 30, 2011, EPA will propose a
    regulation under section 402(p) of the Clean
    Water Act to expand the universe of regulated
    stormwater discharges and to control, at a
    minimum, stormwater discharges from newly
    developed and redeveloped sitesEPA will take
    final action on the regulation by November 19,

Rulemaking Considerations
  • Establishing substantive post-construction
    requirements for new and redevelopment
  • Expanding the universe of regulated discharges
    beyond the urbanized area
  • Addressing stormwater discharges from existing
    development through retrofitting
  • Establishing specific requirements for
  • Establishing specific provisions for the
    Chesapeake Bay

Post-Construction Requirements
  • Objective is to maintain or restore receiving
    water form and function by reducing pollutant
    loads and stream channel erosion
  • Preferred approach is to require
    post-construction hydrology to mimic natural

Post-Construction Requirements
  • Standard could include
  • On-site retention of a certain size storm event
    determined by EPA
  • On-site retention of a certain size storm event
    determined by permitting authority
  • Other approach determined by permitting authority
    and consistent with objective

Post-Construction Requirements
  • EPA will consider
  • Whether the standard should be different for
    discharges from new development vs. redevelopment
  • What flexibility must be included to account for
    local variability, site constraints and water
    rights law
  • Whether unique standards be developed for

Defining Regulated Discharges
  • All discharges from new development and
    redevelopment of a certain size could be subject
    to a federal/state standard
  • Regulated MS4s could be required to apply the
    standard to applicable discharges to their system
  • Only discharges beyond the MS4 could be subject
    to a federal/state standard
  • Combination of the above

Addressing Discharges from Existing Development
  • Retrofit requirements could
  • Require MS4s to develop a retrofit implementation
  • Require the MS4s to implement the plan over a
    certain time period

Specific Provisions for the Chesapeake Bay
  • Over 64,000 square miles of land drain into the
    Chesapeake Bay or its tributaries
  • Major urban areas include
  • Baltimore, MD - DC
  • Harrisburg, PA - Annapolis, MD
  • Richmond, VA
  • Hampton Roads, VA
  • EPA plans to include in this proposed rulemaking
    a separate section containing additional
    stormwater provisions for the Chesapeake Bay

Activities Completed to Date
  • January March 2010
  • Conducted five listening sessions and national
    webcast (2,000 participants)
  • August 2010
  • Distributed questionnaires to regulated MS4s,
    transportation-related MS4, unregulated MS4s,
    NPDES permitting authorities and owners of
    developed sites to gather information

Activities Completed to Date
  • September November 2010
  • Conducted site visits with state and local
    stormwater managers, developers, engineers, and
    environmental advocates throughout the Northeast,
    Midwest, Southwest, Northwest and Southern
  • October November 2010
  • Conducted five listening sessions on Chesapeake
    Bay specific provisions
  • Monthly meetings with States

Activities in Progress
  • Benchmarking
  • Cost Benefit Analyses
  • Stormwater Calculator
  • Green Infrastructure Database

Anticipated Completion
  • Proposal by September 30, 2011
  • Final action by November 19, 2012

  • Questions?
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