Title: Possible Additional Measurements in E906
1Possible Additional Measurements in E906
Jen-Chieh Peng
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
E906 Collaboration Meeting
Fermilab, June 20-21, 2008
- Azimuthal angular distributions of Drell-Yan
and J/? - pd/pp ratios for J/? production
- Nuclear effects of open-charm production
- Recent E866 results ? E906 prospect
2Three parton distributions describing quarks
transverse momentum and/or transverse spin
1) Transversity distribution function
2) Sivers function
3) Boer-Mulders function
3TMD and transversity PDFs are probed in
Semi-Inclusive DIS
Polarized target
Polarzied beam and target
SL and ST Target Polarizations ?e Beam
4TMD and transversity PDFs are also probed in
5Drell-Yan decay angular distributions
T and F are the decay polar and azimuthal angles
of the µ in the dilepton rest-frame
Collins-Soper frame
A general expression for Drell-Yan decay angular
In general
6Decay Angular Distribution of Naïve Drell-Yan
Data from Fermilab E772
McGaughey, Moss, JCP Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part.
Sci. 49 (1999) 217 (hep/ph-9905409)
7Drell-Yan decay angular distributions
T and F are the decay polar and azimuthal angles
of the µ in the dilepton rest-frame
Collins-Soper frame
A general expression for Drell-Yan decay angular
8Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
NA10 p- W
Z. Phys. 37 (1988) 545
Dashed curves are from pQCD calculations
9Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
Is the Lam-Tung relation violated?
140 GeV/c
194 GeV/c
286 GeV/c
Data from NA10 (Z. Phys. 37 (1988) 545)
10Decay angular distributions in pion-induced
E615 Data 252 GeV p- W
Phys. Rev. D 39 (1989) 92
11Boer-Mulders function h1-
?10.47, MC2.3 GeV
Boer, PRD 60 (1999) 014012
?gt0 implies valence BM functions for pion and
nucleon have same signs
12Azimuthal cos2F Distribution in pd Drell-Yan
Lingyan Zhu et al., PRL 99 (2007) 082301
With Boer-Mulders function h1- ?(p-W?µµ-X)
valence h1-(p) valence h1-(p) ?(pd?µµ-X)
valence h1-(p) sea h1-(p)
?gt0 suggests same sign for the valence and sea BM
13Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
3.99 3.83 0.91 -0.96 0.16 0.45 0.79
14Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
Fit to the pd Drell-Yan data
Satisfy the positivity bound
15Extraction of Boer-Mulders functions from pd
(B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B-Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,
3.99 3.83 0.91 -0.96 0.16 0.45 0.79
Prediction on the pp Drell-Yan
- It seems unlikely that pd data alone can
determine the flavor structure of BM functions! - Additional Drell-Yan data are needed
16Angular Distribution in E866 pp/pd Drell-Yan
PT (GeV/c)
pp and pd Drell-Yan show similar angular
distributions. Should be analysed togther for
better constraints on BM.
17What more could be done in Fermilab E906?
1) Boer-Mulders functions can be measured at
larger x
2) Study Nuclear effects of Boer-Mulders
3) Measure azimuthal angular dependence of J/?
18Nuclear modification of spin-dependent PDF?
EMC effect for g1(x)
Bentz, Cloet et al., arXiv0711.0392
Very difficult to measure !
19Nuclear Dependence of the Boer-Mulders function?
NA10 Z. Phys. C37, 545 (1988)
Open Deuterium Solid Tungsten
We might have a better measurement of the nuclear
effects of the Boer-Mulders function in E906
20Nuclear effects of J/? and ? and open-charm
p A ? J/? or ? at s1/2 38.8 GeV
a(xF) is largely the same for J/? and ?
Universal behavior for a(pT) (similar for J/?,
21Nuclear effects of open-charm production
p A ? D x at s1/2 38.8 GeV
E789 open-aperture, silicon vertex dihadron
hh- mass spectrum (after vertex cut)
No nuclear effect for D production (at xF 0)
D0 ? K- p
Need to extend the measurements to large xF region
22Single muon measurement in E866 pA
Thesis of Stephen Klinksiek
Targets (Z -24.0) 0 Empty 1 0.502
Copper 2 2.036 Beryllium 3 1.004 Copper
High-pT Single Muon Trigger
High-pT single muon events are dominated by
D-meson decays
23Preliminary E866 results on the
single-muon (open-charm) nuclear-dependence
Cu / Be Ratios
PT (GeV/C)
Rapidity (y)
PT and XF (y) dependences have similar trend as
24A universal xF-dependence in p-A hadron
Kopeliovich et al., hep-ph/0501260
Data cover energy range from 70 to 400 GeV
XF-scaling for a broad energy range ? nuclear
shadowing alone can not explain the data
Do open-charm and quarkonium also follow the same
25Gluon distributions in proton versus neutron?
Lingyan Zhu et al., PRL, 100 (2008) 062301
(arXiv 0710.2344)
Gluon distributions in proton and neutron are
very similar
26How large is the EMC effect for deuteron?
This can not be extracted from DIS or Drell-Yan
using s(pd)/2s(pp)
27Constraints on the gluon distributions in nuclei
from quarkonium A-dependence
p A ? J/? or ? at s1/2 38.8 GeV
Arleo, arXiv0804.2802
a(xF) is practically flat over the region
-0,1 lt xF lt 0.3
The flat nuclear dependence for gluon
distributions over 0.025 lt x lt 0.12 can put
constraints on some parametrizations
Additional constraints could be provided from
E906 A-dependence measurement
28Future tasks
- Monte-Carlo simulations for the acceptance and
count rates for these measurements (need to have
the updated E906 M-C code). - Triggers required for these measurements.
- Other additional physics in E906.
29Quark-diquark Models for Boer-Mulders Function
- Initial-state gluon interaction can produce
nonzero h1- for the proton in the quark-scalar
diquark model. In this model, - h1- f1T-.
- Boer,BrodskyHwang, PRD67,054003(2003).
- Recent diquark-spectator model Gamberg, Goldstein
Schlegel, arXiv 0708.0324.
30Pion Boer-Mulders Function
- Final-state interaction with one gluon exchange
can produce nonzero h1- for the pion in the
quark-spectator-antiquark model with constant
coupling g?. - LuMa, PRD70,094044(2004).
- The quark-spectator-antiquark model with
effective pion-quark-antiquark coupling as a
dipole form factor Lu Ma, hep-ph/0504184
Pion-cloud model gives proton sea-quark BM
31Comparison of data and simulation
Blue simulation Red data (dset8)