Happy Tuesday! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Happy Tuesday!


The Theory of Biological Evolution The Theory of Evolution, defined: All living species are descendants of ancestral species and are different from present day ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!
  • Submit The Peppered Moth WS
  • Title a new page in your notebook The Theory of
    Biological Evolution
  • Finish Presentations (Per 4 and 6 only)
  • Evidence Projects group scores _at_ end of class.
    Can someone set an alarm for 3 minutes before the
    bell? Thank you!

  • A volcano erupted on an island. The ash released
    from the volcano changed the acidity (pH) of the
    soil from the level it had been for hundreds of
    years. This significant change resulted in new
    environmental pressures on species in the soil.
    Which of the following is a likely outcome of
    these pressures?
  • Some species will disappear from the soil because
    they do not have individuals with traits that
    allow them to survive in more acidic soil.
  • Only some species will generate the needed
    mutations to adapt to the change in pH other
    species will become extinct.
  • Most species gain additional genetically-based
    traits, and this increase in complexity allows
    them to live in the more acidic soil.
  • Individuals in each species will evolve the
    traits necessary to survive under these new

  • A ship that had been used for many years in
    arctic exploration was sold and moved to a harbor
    in the warm waters of the Caribbean. Worms that
    had lived on the ship bottom crawled off in the
    warm waters and attempted to attach to other
    ships in this tropical area where there were no
    similar worms. Some of the worms were able to
    survive and reproduce. What would you expect to
    happen to this group of worms over many
    generations in this new environment?
  • The worms will mate and produce offspring just as
    they did in their previous environment, and the
    groups traits will likely remain unchanged after
    many generations.
  • The worms will gain new, more complex traits
    through natural selection that will help them
    better adapt to the warmer waters because natural
    selection leads to more complex and better
    adapted organisms.
  • Worms possessing genetic variations that help
    them to survive and thrive in the new environment
    will leave more offspring than others lacking
    those traits. Over time, the proportion of the
    worm population with these adaptive traits will
    likely increase.
  • The mutation rate will increase in this group of
    worms in order to promote evolution.

The Theory of Biological Evolution
The Theory of Evolution, defined
  • All living species are descendants of ancestral
    species and are different from present day ones
    due to the cumulative change in the genetic
    composition of a population
  • In a nutshell Populations of living things came
    from other life but look and behave differently
    because of genetic change.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
  • Father of the theory of Evolution
  • Suggested that natural selection is the mechanism
    by which species evolve over geologic time.
  • Proposed Descent with Modification
  • All organisms on Earth are related
  • through some unknown ancestral
  • type that lived long ago.

History of Evolution Theory
  • As with any scientific theory, Evolution Theory
    has been developed through many generations of
    scientists interpreting new evidence to refine
    and expand our understanding of biological change
    across time.
  • Darwin and Wallace (Evolution)
  • Gregor Mendel (Genetics)
  • Franklin, Watson Crick (Genetics)

The Nuts and Bolts of Evolution
  • Populations change, not individuals.
  • Evolution is like a tree. Many branches emerged
    from a common beginning, some branches died off
    (extinction), others branched multiple times

The Nuts and Bolts of Evolution
  • Niche
  • A job or activity that is very suitable for
  • I have my dream job. I have found my niche in
  • An environment that has all the things that a
    particular form of life needs in order to live.
  • The arctic fish have found their niche in cold
    waters due to the adaptations in their cell
  • The great diversity of life is the result of over
    3.5 billion years of evolution, filling every
    available niche with life forms.

Niche An environment that has all the things
that a particular form of life needs in order to
  • Discuss with a neighbor a possible niche for
  • Elephant
  • Whale
  • Bacterium
  • Cactus
  • Why are these life forms able to fill these
  • How have these life forms filled these niches?

The Origin of Species
  • Darwin developed two main ideas
  • Evolution explains lifes unity and diversity
  • Natural selection is a cause of adaptive evolution

Darwins Tree of Life
Is there a connection to this?
Factors involved in Biological Evolutioninterpret
ed through Observations and Inferences from On
the Origin of Species
(No Transcript)
  • Most species can (and do!) produce far more
    offspring than are needed to maintain the
  • Populations remain more or less constant
    (stable) because a small fraction of offspring
    live long enough to reproduce.

  • Living space and food are limited, so offspring
    from each generation must compete among
    themselves in order to live.

(Genetic) Variation
  • Characteristics in individuals in any species are
    not exactly alike.
  • Example Differences for Homo sapiens can be
    exact size or shape of body, strength in running,
    or resistance to disease.

Natural Selection
  • Nature (environment) selects for living
    organisms with better suited inherited traits to
    survive and reproduce in that particular
  • Survival of the Fittest what does fitness
  • Fitness likelihood of survival AND
    reproduction. Both factors must be at play.

Sun Bear
Polar Bear
  • For the sun bear (native to SE Asia), long fur is
    harmful because the bear will overheat.
  • What does long fur do to a sun bears fitness?
  • Polar bears use long fur to absorb heat in the
    cold arctic environment.
  • What does long fur do to a polar bears fitness?

  • Think about color
  • What is the best color for absorbing heat?
  • What is the best color for reflecting heat?
  • Traits balance out, resulting in the best fitness
  • Why cant polar bears be black, even though they
    would be warmer?
  • Why cant a sun bear be white, to keep it more
  • The ability to hunt is MORE valuable than color
    of fur for keeping the bear alive.

Sun Bear
Polar Bear
Helpful mutations over many generations
Adaptations This is why species appear to be
adapted to their environment.
  • An adaptation is an inherited trait that
    increases an organisms chance of survival and
    reproduction in a given environment.
  • Note This is where the verbal shortcut of the
    term adapt is used (painfully) incorrectly.

  • Over many generations, favorable adaptations (for
    a particular environment) gradually accumulate in
    a species and bad (unfavorable) ones disappear.
  • Eventually, accumulated changes become so great,
    the result is a new species.
  • Takes many generations. Does that mean it takes a
    lot of time? Why or why not?

Whats next?
  • Natural selection does not move in a
    pre-determined direction! The changing earth
    determines what will and can survive.

The four factors ()
  • Biological evolution is a consequence of 4
    factors working together. Without all factors,
    species change will not occur.
  • Overproduction
  • Competition
  • Genetic Variation
  • Natural Selection

Pencils down for a class quiz!Which factors of
evolution are depicted in the following pictures?
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
Diagram 4
Competitionor Overpopulation
Your Task
  • Begin the Lecture Review Questions. You can work
    with a group or partner, but write down your own
    answers (i.e., in your own words). Use your notes
    to help you.
  • Due on the day of test review. Dont

Modeling Natural Selection through the
Evolution of Lemurus hypotheticus
The Evolution of Lemurus hypotheticus
  • Population The species, Lemurus hypotheticus.
  • Environment Floornchair Rainforest
  • Resources Food Landing on a Chair
  • Variation The slight differences between
    individuals brought to you by mutation and
    genetic recombination (aka sexual reproduction)

Simulation The Evolution of Lemurus hypotheticus
  1. No variation
  2. Monopeds
  3. Opti-nots
  4. Audio-nots
  5. Vertically challenged
  6. Bad SOD
  7. Tunnel Vision
  8. Manual Nots
  9. PITN
  10. Lotsamass
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