Title: NCTC Briefing
1MicrowaveOven is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Dishw
asher is a type of Kitchen-Appliance
2 July 2005
2Rthagide-disjaks is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Gr
acinimumples is a type of Kitchen-Appliance
2 July 2005
3Rthagide-disjaks is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Gr
acinimumples is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Rthagi
de-disjaks requires Electricity. Gracinimumples
requires Electricity and Water.
2 July 2005
4Rthagide-disjaks is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Gr
acinimumples is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Rthagi
de-disjaks requires Vorawnistz. Gracinimumples
requires Vorawnistz and Buzqa.
2 July 2005
5Rthagide-disjaks is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Gr
acinimumples is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Rthagi
de-disjaks requires Vorawnistz. Gracinimumples
requires Vorawnistz and Buzqa. Buzqa is a Liquid
and supplied through Pipes.
2 July 2005
6Rthagide-disjaks is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Gr
acinimumples is a type of Kitchen-Appliance Rthagi
de-disjaks requires Vorawnistz. Gracinimumples
requires Vorawnistz and Buzqa. Buzqa is a Thwarn
and supplied through Epluns.
2 July 2005
7Hope Eventually, after writing millions of these
rules, the system knows as much about pipes,
liquids, water, electricity, microwave ovens,
dishwashers, etc. as you and I do
2 July 2005
8Cyc A Large Formal Ontology
- Represented in
- First Order Logic
- Higher Order Logic
- Context Logic
- Micro-theories
Cyc contains 15,000 Predicates 300,000 Concept
s 3,200,000 Assertions
General Knowledge about Various Domains
Specific data, facts, and observations
9(No Transcript)
10Temporal Relations
37 Relations Between Temporal Things
- temporalBoundsContain
- temporalBoundsIdentical
- startsDuring
- overlapsStart
- startingPoint
- simultaneousWith
- after
- temporalBoundsIntersect
- temporallyIntersects
- startsAfterStartingOf
- endsAfterEndingOf
- startingDate
- temporallyContains
- temporallyCooriginating
11Senses of Part
- parts
- intangibleParts
- subInformation
- subEvents
- physicalDecompositions
- physicalPortions
12Senses of Part
Concepts in mereotopology X is part of Y
X overlaps Y X is connected to Y
X is is the sum the objects Y1Yn
1323 Senses of In
- Can the inner object leave by passing between
members of the outer group? - Yes -- Try in-Among
1423 Senses of In
- If the container were turned around could the
contained object fall out?
- Does part of the inner object stick out of the
container? - None of it. -- Try
- in-ContCompletely
- Yes -- Try
- in-ContPartially
1523 Senses of In
- Is it attached to the inside of the outer
object? - Yes -- Try connectedToInside
- Can it be removed, if enough force is used,
without damaging either object? - Yes -- Try in-Snugly or screwedIn
- Does the inner object stick into the outer
object? - Yes -- Try sticksInto
16Event Types
11,000 more
17Relations Between an Event and its Participants
Over 400 more.
- Types of Emotions
- Adulation
- Abhorrence
- Relaxed-Feeling
- Gratitude
- Anticipation-Feeling
- Over 120 of these
- Predicates For Defining and Attributing Emotions
- contraryFeelings
- appropriateEmotion
- actionExpressesFeeling
- feelsTowardsObject
- feelsTowardsPersonType
19Propositional Attitudes Relations Between Agents
and Propositions
- goals
- intends
- desires
- hopes
- expects
- beliefs
- opinions
- knows
- rememberedProp
- perceivesThat
- seesThat
- tastesThat
Most of these are modal and assertions using them
go beyond 1st-order logic
- Over 4000 Specializations
- of PhysicalDevice
- ClothesWasher
- NuclearAircraftCarrier
- Vocabulary for Describing Device Functions
- primaryFunction-DeviceType
- Device Specific
- Predicates
- gunCaliber
- speedOf
- Device States (40)
- DeviceOn
- CockedState