Magmatism of the Snake River Plain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Magmatism of the Snake River Plain


Magmatism of the Snake River Plain Yellowstone region ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Magmatism of the Snake River Plain

Magmatism of the Snake River Plain Yellowstone
region Implications for continental lithosphere
evolution above a mantle plume
  • Bill Leeman
  • now at
  • National Science Foundation

Theme of this presentation
  • Earthscope and related geophysical investigations
    will provide a snapshot of crust-lithosphere
  • This will be particularly useful in evaluating
    near real-time geological processes
  • A focus on the active Yellowstone-Snake River
    Plain magma system would provide an unprecedented
    opportunity to understand large-scale
    magmato-tectonic processes and their interactions
    with and effects on existing lithosphere.

Key topics to be addressed
  • Nature of the underlying lithosphere - isotope
  • Space-time migration of bimodal volcanism - the
    hot spot track
  • Volumes, rates, and sources of magmatism -
    geodynamic implications
  • Specific problems and the role of Earthscope

Architecture of the lithosphere - N. Rocky Mtns.
Isotopes signify distinct mantle sources across
prominent tectonic boundaries
Pb-Pb systematics imply Archean age for SRP
basalt sources with increasingly radiogenic Pb to
the west
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Post-mid Miocene magmatic progressions
CRB flood lavas
dashed lines mark isotope discontinuites
Following CRB event, magmatism expanded NE-ward
with time into the SRP with a minor bifurcation
into SE Oregon. Early silicic magmatism requires
precursor basaltic intrusions.
Ignimbrite flare-up between 11.7-10.0 Ma
coincided with widespread outbreaks of distinct
These occurrences signify that (1) Large
pockets of compositionally diverse silicic magmas
existed coevally within wide expanses of the
crust, and (2) Mafic magmatism must have been
similarly widespread
Figure X14. Temporal variation in chemistry of
West-Central SRP rhyolites (14-3 Ma). Included
are data for Bruneau-Jarbidge (CPT and BJ), Mt.
Bennett Hills (MBH), and Rogerson/Twin Falls
(RTF) areas (our averages), Owyhee front (OF),
Magic Reservoir Center (Tmr/yt, Tyd), and
regional ashes (Tephras). Comparative data are
shown for the younger Yellowstone (YP) and older
Juniper Mtn. (JM) and McDermitt (McD) eruptive
centers. Regression lines through data from most
eruptive centers have negative slopes consistent
with magmas becoming more evolved with time.
BJ/RTF/MBH data differ dramatically in showing
increasing maficity with time.
(0-15 Ma)
Archean xenoliths lt 0.5115
From Leeman, Oldow, and Hart (1992) and
unpublished data
?Volume ca. 10000 km3
Comparison of the three ash-flow tuffs of the
Yellowstone Group and resulting calderas
Ash-flow Tuff Age (Ma) Volume (km3) Area (km2) Dimen-sions (km) Caldera name
Lava Creek Tuff  0.640 1000 7500 85 x 45 Yellowstone
Mesa Falls Tuff 1.3 280 2700 16 x 16 Henrys Fork
Huckleberry Ridge Tuff 2.1 2450 15500 85 x 50 Big Bend Ridge, etc. (segments)
Total duration gt2.1 Ma Total AFT eruptive
volume gt 3700 km3 (Total volume of rhyolitic
magma is considerably greater)
How much basalt are we talking about?
  • 1. Yellowstone analog - rhyolites produced by
    crustal melting due to intrusion of basalts
    assuming IE 2 (this could be gt10), volume
    production is constrained by thermal balances
  • rhyolite volume 10000 km3 (produced over 2
  • partial melt zone 100000 km3 (for 10 melting)
  • thickness of pmz 6-13 km (for radii of 70 to
    50 km)
  • 2. Heat budget requires crystallization of 2g of
    basalt for each 1g of rhyolite produced, or about
    20000 km3 over 2 Ma - a supply rate of 0.01
    km3/yr (1/10 the rate for Kilauea) equivalent
    total thickness of basalt intruded 1.3-2.5 km
    (for radii of 70 to 50 km), or about 1 km/Ma
  • 3. For a lithosphere block (width 100 km,
    thickness 100 km)
  • migrating over plume heat source at 2-4 cm/yr
    (20-40 km/Ma), the required volume of basalt
    amounts to 5 partial melting of SCLM (assuming
    greater lithosphere volume or faster migration
    decreases pm).

Implications and questions
  • 1. Large volume (10000 km3/Ma) injection of
    basalt into crust, with near constant crustal
    thickness along the SRP, implies accommodation by
    lithosphere stretching (parallel to SRP axis)
  • extension V/(tL width) 1 km/Ma
  • strain rate for SRP (1 km/Ma  15 Ma)/500 km
  • 2. The inferred magnitude of extension (1 cm/yr)
    is similar to the difference between plate
    velocity estimated from time-distance relations
    for silicic eruptive centers (3.5-4 cm/yr) vs.
    estimates based on other methods (e.g., NUVEL-1
    model, 2.20.8 cm/yr).
  • 3. Ongoing BR style extension may account for
    extended magmatism distal from the plume center.
  • 4. More work is needed to reconcile the inferred
    basalt production with apparent thermal inertial
    of either SCLM or a plume deflected by a thick
    lithosphere. E.g., just how thick is the
    mechanical boundary layer wherein reside the old
    isotopic components that contribute to Y-SRP

Model for SRP crustal evolution - assuming an
averaged crustal extension rate ( 5/Ma) and
original crustal thickness of 40 km. Original
Moho and midcrust (Conrad discontinuity) shallow
with time according to lines M and C. To
maintain near-constant crustal thickness (based
on available seismic refraction data) requires
addition of under- or intra-plated basalt over
depths equivalent to those between curves M and
Moho (though not restricted to the geometry
shown). Final mass distribution is such that
3/4 of the present-day WSRP crust has a lower
crustal average P-wave velocity (6.7 km/sec).
What is the source of Y-SRP basalts?
  • Upwelling plume material
  • a. If t gt 100 km, a plume is unlikely to melt
    unless Tp gt1500C
  • b. Plume could contribute heat to SCLM and
    volatiles (e.g., He)
  • c. If melting occurs, expect OIB- or MORB-like
  • Lower SCLM (isotopic compositions depend on age
    of SCLM)
  • a. If strongly refractory (e.g., residual
    peridotite), perhaps no melt
  • b. Low melts of hydrated lithosphere (--gt
    lamproite melts?)
  • c. Larger melts of mafic/pyroxenitic veins
    (--gt basaltic melts?)
  • Combination models?
  • a. Plume melts modified systematically during
    ascent storage by SCLM-derived melts
  • b. Hybrid source consisting of plume mantle
    thermally eroded SCLM material

Arguments for a lithospheric mantle source
  • Pb isotope array and Archean isochron age
  • Enriched Sr isotope ratios with low Rb/Sr
  • All radiogenic isotopes consistent with ingrowth
    within an isolated Archean source
  • Similarities to OIB-MORB wrt K-Zr, Ba-Th, B-Nb,
    etc. trace element systematics (precludes crustal
  • HREE profiles are flat, and inconsistent with
    melting of deep mantle (garnet-bearing)

It appears that if an asthenospheric mantle plume
is involved, it cannot contribute significant
amounts of melt. However, elevated 3He/4He could
signify outgassing of volatiles from a deep
mantle domain.
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Schematic lithospheric structure, NW USA
Decompression melting scenario
Yellowstonevelocity profilesSchutt
Controls on eruptions out of sequence events?
  • 1. Oceanic hot spot volcanism displays a simple
    time-volume relation, SRP volcanism does not.
    This could be explained by different lithosphere
  • 2. Assuming existence of a sufficient magma
    supply, and ascent by bouyant forces, to get
    eruptions through continental crust requires a
    minimum depth (50 km) to magma reservoir.
  • 3. Shallower reservoirs (e.g., near Moho) cannot
    support eruption of basalt through normal
    continental crust, but can support intrusion at
    shallower levels (est. intrusion of basalt is
    equivalent to 1 km thickness/Ma).
  • 4. Magmatic processes gradually increase crustal
    density thus increasing likelihood of basalt
    eruptions from increasingly shallower reservoirs.
    Petrologic constraints suggest that typical
    SROTs are fed from mid-crust reservoirs ( 25 km)

Suggested research goals
  • High-resolution reflection/refraction seismology
    - determine geometry of intrusive structures,
    mass distribution within crust
  • Anisotropy and 3-D structure - constraints on
    deformation style and magnitude along and
    adjacent to SRP track
  • Nature of inferred lithosphere boundaries -
    isotope contrasts
  • Attenuation - melt distributions with depth
    within the crust
  • Definition of base of lithosphere as a
    physical/chemical/thermal entity
  • Modelling deformation of weakened crust (due to
    magma injection) - contributions to regional
  • Petrology-geochemistry - understanding processes
    of continental evolution
  • Development and extrapolation of understanding of
    large igneous systems

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