Splash Screen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Splash Screen

Splash Screen
Section 1-6
Creating a New Government
  • President George Washington chose his new
    advisory cabinet
  • -Thomas Jefferson for secretary of state.

-Alexander Hamilton became head of the Treasury
Department. -General Henry Knox served as
secretary of war. -Edmund Randolph became the
first attorney general.
(pages 152153)
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Section 1-7
  • The judicial branches as well as the first
    federal judges were established with the
    Judiciary Act of 1789.

-John Jay became the first chief justice of the
United States.
(pages 152153)
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Section 1-16
Hamiltons Financial Program
  • Hamilton asked Congress to create the Bank of the
    United States

-give loans to the government and
individuals -issue paper money. -it would
stimulate economic growth.
(pages 153155)
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Section 1-19
  • In 1791 Hamiltons proposed excise (sales) tax on
    the manufacture of American whiskey passed in
  • Western farmers were outraged by the 25 tax,
    and in 1794 the Whiskey Rebellion began.
  • Washington sent in 13,000 troops to stop the

(pages 153155)
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(No Transcript)
Section 1-24
The Rise of Political Parties (cont.)
What caused the split in Congress that led to the
formation of political parties?
The debate over Hamiltons financial program led
to the split. There were many differences in
their views. The Federalists wanted a strong
national government in the hands of the wealthy.
They believed in manufacturing and trade as the
basis of wealth and power. The Democratic-Republic
ans, commonly called Republicans supported
agriculture over trade and commerce. They favored
the rights of states against the power of the
federal government.
(page 155)
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Section 1-10
Creating a New Government (cont.)
What were some of the first tasks thenew
government faced?
The new government had to organize itself.
Departments were set up to handle different
responsibilities. Individuals had to be chosen to
head these departments. Congress had to introduce
and pass the Bill of Rights.
(pages 152153)
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  • -neutral during Fr. Rev.
  • -neutral during Fr Br. war.
  • Jays Treaty (with Br.)
  • -Br. promised to leave western forts
  • -Br. stop attacking U.S. ships

-Pickneys Treaty- with Spain -U.S. free
navigation of Miss. River -U.S. obtained large
area north of Florida
Section 1-33
A New Administration
  • In 1796 the countrys first openly contested
    election was held.
  • The Federalists John Adams,
  • Republicans Thomas Jefferson.
  • John Adams won the election.

(pages 157159)
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  • X, Y, Z AFFAIR
  • France did not like Jays Treaty began attacking
    US ships
  • Adams selected 3 men (John Marshall) to go to
    Paris to meet with Fr. For. Minister
  • Instead, they met with X, Y, Z, who demanded
    250,000 just to met him
  • They refused and left were hailed as heroes upon
    return millions for defense but not one cent for

Section 1-37
  • The Federalists the Alien and Sedition Acts.

(1) The laws stated that immigrants could not
become citizens for 14 years. -This weakened
Republican support since most immigrants from
France and Ireland tended to vote Republican or
(pages 157159)
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Section 1-38
(2) President could deport without trial any
alien that seemed dangerous to the United States.
(3) made it unlawful to say or print anything bad
about the govt
(pages 157159)
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Section 1-48
Checking for Understanding
Explain how the Alien and Sedition Acts
interfered with the lives of people living in the
United States.
The Alien and Sedition Acts restricted residents
rights and rights of citizens to criticize the
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Section 1-44
The Election of 1800
Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr -tied for president
in Electoral College -when that happens the H. of
R. chooses -Finally, Jefferson became
president First transfer of power (without
violence) -Jefferson supported farmers and the
rights of the people
Also, Hamilton and Aaron Burr fought a
duel -Hamilton died
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Section 1-46
The Election of 1800 (cont.)
Why was the election of 1800 an important turning
point in American history?
The election of 1800 proved that despite
disagreements between political parties, power in
the United States could be peacefully transferred.
(page 159)
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  • Barbary Pirates had been getting protection money
    from the Federalists
  • Jefferson refused to pay
  • 1801 the Pasha of Tripoli declared war on US
  • Jefferson sent the navy to the shores of
    Tripoli where 4 yrs of fighting resulted in a
    victory for the US (60,000 paid for US POWs)

Section 2-14
  • By 1803 Napoleon began plans to conquer Europe.
  • Short on funds, Napoleon agreed to sell the
    Louisiana Territory as well as New Orleans to the
    United States.
  • On April 30, 1803, the United States purchased
    Louisiana from France for 15 million.
  • The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the
    United States.

(pages 163164)
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MAP 9.2 Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase
of 1803, the largest peaceful acquisition of
territory in United States history, more than
doubled the size of the nation. The Lewis and
Clark expedition (180406) was the first to
survey and document the natural and human
richness of the area. The American sense of
expansiveness and continental destiny owes more
to the extraordinary opportunity provided by the
Louisiana Purchase than to other factor.
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2
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Section 2-20
Rising International Tensions
  • His 2nd term in office, Jeffersons main goal
    to keep us out of the war in Europe
  • Ships going to Europe became subject to search
    and seizure by one side or the other.

(pages 164165)
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Section 2-21
  • Impressment
  • -a legalized form of kidnapping
  • - was the solution Britain came up with to stop
    sailors from deserting and escaping on American

(pages 164165)
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Section 2-23
Rising International Tensions (cont.)
  • The attacks angered the American public.
  • Anti-British mobs rioted.
  • To avoid war, Jefferson asked Congress to pass
    the Embargo Act of 1807.
  • -An embargo is a government ban on trade with
    other countries.
  • -This ended up hurting the United States more
    than France or Britain.
  • -The embargo was repealed in 1809.

(pages 164165)
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Section 2-28
  • Many in US called for war, especially in the
    South and West.
  • -called the War Hawks
  • -they called for war because British trade
    restrictions had hurt them
  • Blamed them for the clashes with Native
  • Most Americans realized the only way to rid area
    of N.A. was to take CANADA.

(pages 164165)
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Section 2-32
  • In June 1812, Madison asked Congress to declare
  • The vote split, with the South and West generally
    voting for war while the Northeast was against
    the war.

(pages 164165)
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Section 2-33
Rising International Tensions (cont.)
Why did Americans in the South and West want war?
Americans in the South and West felt British
trade restrictions hurt Southern planters and
Western farmers. They also blamed the British for
clashes with Native Americans.
(pages 164165)
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Section 2-37
The War of 1812
-In 1814 a British fleet landed troops near
Washington, D.C. -The capital was seized, and
Madison and other officials fled. -The White
House and the Capitol were both set on fire.
(pages 165167)
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Section 2-38
-The next British attack was on Baltimore.
-attack on Fort McHenry -Star Spangled Banner
by Francis Scott Key -Battle of New Orleans, US
defeated the British and made Andrew Jackson a
(pages 165167)
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Section 2-42
  • On December 24, 1814, The Treaty of Ghent ended
    the war of 1812.
  • -it restored prewar boundaries and no territory
    changed hands.
  • -no mention of war debts, impressments
  • The War of 1812 increased American prestige
    overseas and created a new feeling of patriotism
    and national unity.
  • -called nationalism

(pages 165167)
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Section 3-18
Nationalist Diplomacy
  • In the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded all
    of Florida to the United States.
  • Also, President Monroe issued the Monroe
  • -declared that European countries had no right
    to interfere in Western Hemisphere problems
  • -they were to keep out

(pages 172173)
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Section 2-44
The War of 1812 (cont.)
What were the effects of the War of 1812?
The war increased American prestige overseas and
created a new feeling of patriotism and national
(pages 165167)
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M/C 3-1
Chapter Summary 1
M/C 1-1
M/C AV 1
M/C 3-1
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 1
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