Archaeology 100-D200 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Archaeology 100-D200


Archaeology 100-D200 Ancient Peoples and Places Archaeology and the Study of Prehistory Week 5: THE NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION; PEOPLING OF THE NEW WORLD; ANCIENT ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Archaeology 100-D200

Archaeology 100-D200 Ancient Peoples and
Places Archaeology and the Study of
PLACES IN DISTRESS! February 6th 8th
2012 Dr. Alvaro HiguerasSimon Fraser
University, Spring 2012
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  • The Essay for February 22th
  • The Fourth Option
  • Pay a visit to our SFU museum beside Renaissance
    Coffee. Ask yourself these questions as you visit
    the exhibit
  • 1. Who is speaking to you? (it might be an
    unnamed curator speaking through label text, or a
    recording of a voice or something else entirely)
  • 2. How is the material in the exhibit arranged?
    Is it just objects or are other elements
    included? Is it arranged in groups of similar
    objects, or from oldest to youngest or in another

Agenda of Week 5 gt The Neolithic Revolution
and the origins of agriculture gt Peopling of the
  • Wright on Evolution of Complex Societies
  • gt Pre-state societies, with 2 levels of site
    hierarchy persisted for centuries and some never
    made it further along the path of complexity
  • gt State emergence tends to occur in densely
    populated areas, with dispersed sites, where
    competition and conflict arise not necessarily
  • gt While a 3 or 4 level hierarchy appears with the
    multiplication of sites, a process of aggregation
    and power acquisition is responsible in the
    formation of a paramount center...

  • congregating neighbors or enemies, or more
    often the parts of the population that make the
    complex arrangements of a urban center
  • gt While not necessarily at the origin of the
    process, there is a continuous increase in
    conflicts as populations grow, both at a city
    scale and a regional scale (raiding becoming
  • Wright gt State formation relatively fast in
    such conflict gt Concentrates in the competition
    within and between elites, and strategies of

The Mesolithic After the Magdalenian (Upper
Paleolithic) This last period jumpstarted the
need for refined technologies, the need for
rituals, the birth of new forms of production and
relationships with the environment Now, a full
blown transition from foraging to farming Are
there revolutions that lead this
transition? Broad spectrum R HR 3
  • Pleistocene/Holocene Transition
  • gt 10-15,000 years ago.
  • gt The last ice age (Wurm) is definitely over
  • gt Climate becoming gradually warmer
  • gt Changes in ice distribution and sea levels have
    significance to topography
  • gt Core borings of coral beds shows that sea
    levels at glacial max were 121 meters below
    modern levels. They rose by 20 between 15 and
    10,500 years ago, then a rise of 24 meters in
    1,000 years.
  • gt Bering Land Bridge disappears North Sea
    flooded Britain separated from the continent.

  • Mesolithic in Europe the Old World
  • gt Mesolithic forest and coastal hunters and
    gatherers replaced tundra reindeer hunters around
    13,000 BP.
  • gt Not impoverished and limited environments as
    earlier thought but rich in wildlife such as red
    and roe deer, many plant foods.
  • gt Coast, estuaries very productive.
  • gt European Mesolithic ended around 8,000 B.P.
    with the spread of agriculture (from the Near

  • Diet is more diverse
  • gt Broad Spectrum Revolution
  • gt Diet continues to change secondary products
  • gt Patterns of the mesolithic are widespread
  • gt Find all kinds of fishing equipment
  • gt Ground-stone tools
  • gt Diverse projectile weapons from many materials
  • gt Some cultivation is apparent
  • Cultigens are plants that are cultivated but this
    does not equal domestication.

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The origins of agriculture models and
gt Most important Holocene development gt
Starts the Neolithic/Formative period gt Food
collection and small scale cultivation to
vegetable food production at a larger scale
More of it into the diet, in proportion to meat
gt Creation of new tasks and labor organization
Tomb of Sennedjem Thebes, c. 1250 BC
  • Some consequences of domestication and the
    achievement of increasing production
  • Surplus food storage stabilize food
  • Constant food, more nutritious maintains a
    consistent level of fecundity in women in a
    populationgrowth, healthier generations
  • But congregation of humans and animals, disease,
    viruses epidemics
  • Achieving a symbiosis in viral history between
    humans and animals

New forms of organization Lineage / Communal
  • Farmland, livestock as property of lineages
  • Corporate ownership of resources
  • Stability, predictability
  • Conflict resolution

Horticulture cultivation that makes no
intensive use of land, labor, capital (or
machinery) Use simple tools, field not
permanently cultivated, Slash-and-burn
cultivation, mixed and shifting cultivation, rain
fed Agriculture cultivation that requires more
labor than horticulture uses land intensively
and continuously fertilizer, constant water
Domesticated animals, used as means of production
in the process of plowing, threshing
  • gt Structures
  • gt Pottery to store
  • gt Stored food surpluses
  • gt In sedentary settings
  • gt Granaries household, centralized areas
  • gt Craft religious specialization
  • gt Recording contents

Dogon granaries, Mali
Huánuco Pampa Inka Central Andes
Crete, Minoan Palace storeroom
Models on the Origins of Agriculture Oasis
Model Hilly Flanks Model Demographic
Stress Social Models Co-evolution
Oasis Theory
  • Gordon Childe, 1950s
  • domestication began as a symbiotic relationship
    between humans, plants, and animals at oases
    during the desiccation of Southwest Asia at the
    end of the Pleistocene.
  • Resource concentration (circumscription)
  • But it was wetter at end of Pleistocene!
  • Why this subsistence pattern at one particular
    early period? Expect many oases

Hilly Flanks Theory
  • Robert Braidwood
  • Jarmo, Zagros Mountains, Iraq, 1950s
  • Lush, rich environment
  • Population increase
  • But why domesticate insuch positive conditions?

Jarmo, Iraq
Zagros Mountains, Iraq
Edge Hypothesis
  • Lewis Binford, 1960s Demographic Stress
  • The need for more food was initially felt at the
    margins of the natural habitat of the ancestors
    of domesticated plants and animals (population
  • Settlements inland at end of Pleistocene

Jerf el Ahmar, Syria 8000 BC, room with grinding
stones and bins
Social Models
  • Barbara Bender, 1980s
  • Political alliances, trade, pressure for
  • Agriculture before complexity? (factor of scale
    or quality?) The know how the genetic scenario
  • Caral phenomenon?

PPNB house, 6500 BC, DjaDe, middle Euphrates
Co-evolution / Symbiosis
  • Charles Darwin The Variation of Plants and
    Animals Under Domestication
  • David Rindos, 1980s
  • Symbiosis between humans and
  • plants
  • Mutualism cultural AND natural selection

  • Development of Agriculture
  • gt Archaeological record clearly shows that the
    shift to an agricultural way of life in the
    Middle East was a process
  • gt There was no agricultural revolution
  • gt The transition to agriculture can be traced
    through a number of stages
  • gt Starting with Magdalenian in the shift towards
  • gt In relationship to availability of game,
    diversity of plants, use of secondary products

  • gt Out with one-sided intentionality a process
    ignited into the genetics of plants
  • Symbiosis or co-evolution (Rindos following
  • gt Domestication occurs independently in different
    parts of the world
  • gt Except in Europe Ex oriente lux. Grains and
    other staples spread from the Near East
  • gt Are any cultigens or animals domesticated in
    two different world regions?
  • gt Which continent has less domestication cases?

Sheep and goat, as well as some cereals (emmer
wheat and einkorn) and pulses (lentil, pea, chick
pea, and bitter vetch) had no wild ancestors in
Europe during the Holocene.
  • The center of it all The Fertile Crescent
  • It is an area of Mediterranean climate
    characterized by dry summers and winter rains
    with enough precipitation to support vegetation
    ranging from woodlands to open park woodland
  • South and east of the Fertile Crescent, the open
    park woodlands give way to steppes and true

Process of Domestication along the centuries
  • gt No new significant domesticates since the
  • gt In the process narrowed resource diversity
    narrowed species diversity
  • gt Potatoes thousands of varieties, dozens in a
    single valley, dozens only in market
  • gt Maizecorn, regional varieties
  • gt Erosion of genetic resources, disease
  • gt Irish famine, fungus
  • gt Today, genetically improved plants

  • The process of domestication path towards
    agriculture and pastoralism (a higher
    productivity in the economic realm)
  • A combination of parallel genetic social
  • 2 views of early changes in plants and animals
  • Genetic adaptations of plants and animals to the
    conditions of cultivation and herding
  • Results of human selection control of breeding
  • In essence, it refers to human practices that
    lead to generic isolation from the wild
    populations, but there is a constant and mutual

  • Peopling of the Americas
  • Migration Routes
  • Debates surround how peoples migrated into the
    New world. Options
  • Beringialand bridge that connected Asia and
    North America during times of low sea level
  • Ice-free corridora potential (if viable)
    migration route running between ice sheets for
    people emerging from Beringia
  • Coastal migrationhumans migrated into the
    Americas along the West Coast

Experimental Archaeology
  • The canoes of the Polynesian Voyaging Society
    have provided insight into the archaeology of the
    Pacific Islands
  • These vessels have also served as a powerful
    means for local people to explore their history
    and identity

  • NW Megafauna extinction
  • gt Occurred globally at the end of the
    Pleistocene Ice Age by 13,250-12,900 BP
  • gt 17 genera of N S American megafauna went
    extinct including mastodons, mammoths, horses,
    and camels
  • gt At the time the first Clovis sites were
  • gt Many archaeologists doubt whether overhunting
    was cause for extinction they did so
  • gt Hunting low numbers not enough
  • gt Clovis hunters big game smaller game

  • There are three models
  • 1. Clovis First supporters believe that Clovis
    culture (13,500-12,500 BP) is the initial human
    occupation of the Americas.
  • 2. Pre-Clovis holds that human occupation of the
    Americas predates 13,500 BP.
  • 3. Early Arrival states that humans were present
    in the New World by 30,000 BP.

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  • Kill sites after the Clovisperiod
  • At Olsen-Chubbuck site,
    Colorado, remains of a
    massive bison kill from
    about 10,000 years ago
    was found
  • Hunters had stampeded a
    herd into an arroyo
    almost 200 bisonthey then
    butchered them
  • Interestingly, despite evidence for many giant
    bison kill sites over time, bison did not go

Olsen-Chubbock site, Colorado
  • 1. Clovis First model
  • Clovis culture, dated to 13,500 to 12,500 BP, is
    defined largely on the presence of Clovis spear
    points found across North America.
  • Asian populationscrossed the Bering land
    bridge into
    North America,
    were funneled down from
    Alaska to the Great Plains
    an ice-free corridor.
  • Hunted all the megafauna in
    the New World to extinction
    about 1000 years.

Clovis points from Arizona
  • 2. Pre-Clovis sites in the New World
  • Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Pennsylvania
    (23,000-15,000 BP)
  • Other sites indicate that Clovis was simply one
    of several regional traditions Pedra Pintada,
    Brazil (13,000-11,000 BP) and Quebrada Tacahuay,
    Peru (12,700-12,500 BP)
  • Pre-Clovis peoples thought to have been coastally
    adaptedthey moved out of Beringia following the
    West Coast

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  • 3. Early arrival model
  • Human occupation of the Americas took place
    before the later stages of the last period of
    glacial advance, as early as 50,000 BP.
  • Sites that appear to support early arrival are
    found in North and South America and widely
  • They include Old Crow Basin, Canada
    (40,000-30,000 BP), Monte Verde, Chile (33,000
    BP), and Pedra Furada, Brazil (48,000-35,000 BP)

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Non calibrated dates. Top of the pit fill all
three average 9990 30 years before the present
(yr B.P.) 11,620 to 11,280 calendar (cal) yr
  • The researcher concludes
  • A small social group, including adult females
    and young children, foraged from their
    residential base camp in mid-summer, acquiring
    locally available fish, birds, and small mammals.
    The pit was dug within the house and functioned
    as a cooking hearth, cooking debris disposal
    area, and/or cache pit. The child died and was
    placed within the pit, with little evidence of
    disturbance after cremation. The pit was
    backfilled soon after burning, and the relative
    lack of artifacts atop the pit fill suggests
    immediate abandonment of the house.

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