Mirror - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mirror This poem is ultimately about a process .examining and understanding oneself. It is a dark, complex poem which reflects on several inter-related themes. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: mirror | search | truth


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mirror

  • This poem is ultimately about a
    process.examining and understanding oneself.
  • It is a dark, complex poem which reflects on
    several inter-related themes.
  • The search for identity
  • Deep personal insecurity
  • Fear of old age
  • Our obsession with image

The speakers world is empty, bleak, even
fearful. The imagery is disturbing,
startling. Plath uses personification to give
voice to a mirror and a lake. Both are reflective
surfaces. Essentially, the poem explores two
different ways of seeing oneself both of which
are cold and frightening.
Two nine-line stanzas
  • In the first stanza the speaking voice is a
  • Its presented as valuable but lifeless
    silver. It makes clear that for all its
    clarity, (its unmisted by love or dislike) it
    isnt cruel just truthful.
  • Nevertheless, the plain, unvarnished truth can
    often be a little harsh, a little unforgiving.
    If this represents Plaths view of herself then
    she judges herself harshly.
  • It presents itself as exact, precise,
    emotionless. Whatever it sees, it takes in
    immediately, swallows, then reflects straight
    back to the gazer. What the mirror reflects is
    exactly what it sees. Its incapable of
    airbrushing anything.
  • Its like a little god because people worship
    at it. How much time, for example, do you spend
    in front of your mirror?
  • The mirror has been reflecting the wall opposite
    for so long it feels almost a part of it.
  • Its view of the wall, though, is interrupted by
    night (darkness) and people (faces) gazing
    at themselves. Repitition (over and over)
    heightens the inexorable passage of time.
  • Note the ideas here of separation, darkness,
    flickering light, relentless passage of time.

Stanza two the speaking voice is a lake.
  • This stanza continues to look at the issue of
    image, identity and self-awareness..
  • The reflective surface is now a lake, however,
    and this is very different to a mirror. A lake
    has hidden depthswhat lurks beneath may not be
  • The woman bends over the lake, searching for
    who she really is.
  • Leaning over a lake is dangerous.unsettlingespec
    ially if you have serious emotional issueswhat
    you begin to discover may be too painful.
  • The woman (Plath) turns awayits too much. She
    needs a gentler self assesment
  • The candles and moon are metaphors for
    thiscandle light hids a thousand blemishes!
  • But this is ultimately unsuccessful and she
    reacts with wringing her hands a gesture of
    anguish (remember Child).

Stanza 2.final quatrain
  • The mirror and lake both speak here and we
    realise that they are both in fact two aspects of
    the same process.the process of self examination
    and understanding.
  • The mirror/lake is important to the woman.
  • She revisits it every morningits as though she
    is unable to resist the urge to self examineeach
    morning her face replaces the darkness. But when
    suffering from depression/anxiety, darkness
    (sleep) is often the only time one has any
  • The final image is particularly frighteningin
    me she has drowned a young girl and in me an old
    woman rises toward her day after day like a
    terrible fish
  • On one hand this represents the decay of youth
    and the approach of a horribleold age
  • It also likely refers to the idea that Plaths
    own inner turmoil is slowly destroying anything
    young and beautiful in her
  • Ultimately, The mirror, lake and woman are all
    one and the same person Plath.

Some points to note
  • Dominant imagery
  • The mirror / The lake
  • Metaphors for the process of self perception /
  • The candles and moon
  • Metaphors for a gentler, more forgiving way of
    seeing oneself.
  • The tears and agitation of hands
  • Represent the poets inner anguish at what she
    sees of herself.
  • The young girl drowned and the old woman rising
    towards her like a terrible fish.
  • On one level this represents the decay of yoth
    and the fearful approach of horrible old age
  • On a deeper level it suggests that Plaths own
    inner demons (the monstrous old woman) are
    gradually destroying anything youthful,
    beautiful, joyful in her.
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