How%20to%20pray - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to pray By Imam Khaled ALAZHARI The pillares of Salah (prayer) 1) Standing 2) Intention 3) Making Takbir Tahrimah (The Opening Allahu Akbar) Say : – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How%20to%20pray

How to pray
  • By
  • Imam Khaled ALAZHARI

The pillares of Salah (prayer)
  • 1) Standing2) Intention

3) Making Takbir Tahrimah(The Opening Allahu
  • Say "Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)
  • Raising the Hands
  • The fingers should be apart (not spaced out, or
    together) and hands raised level with the
    shoulders.The Prophet (SAW) would raise them with
    fingers apart (not spaced out, nor together).
    (Sahih - Abu Dawood, Ibn Khuzaimah, Tammaam, and
  • Pointing Eyes to the Place of Sajdah
  • Placing the Hands and Arms on the Chest
  • Reciting Du'a Istiftah (Supplication of Starting)
  • Seeking Refuge with Allah (SWT)

Reciting Du'a Isti'aadhah (Supplication of
Starting) This du'a should be recited in the
first rakah only. Always recite the dua
silently. "Subhana kallah humma wabi hamdika
watabara kasmuka wata'ala jad-duka wala ilaha
ghavruk" (You are Glorified, O Allah, and
Praised, Your Name is Blessed, Your Majesty is
Exalted, and none has the right to be worshipped
but You) The Prophet (SAW) said, "Indeed, the
words most loved by Allah are when His slave
says 'Subhana kallah humma wabi hamdika watabara
kasmuka wata'ala jad-duka wala ilaha ghavruk.'"
(Hasan - Abu Dawood and Tahaawi)
4) Reciting Surah (Chapter) Al-Fatiha (The
Opening - Chapter 1)
  • The Prophet (SAW) said, "Whoever does not recite
    Surah Al-Fatiha in his prayer, his prayer is
    invalid." (Sahih - Al-Bukhari)
  • Reciting "Ameen" After Surah Al-Fatiha
  • Reciting Quran After Surah Al-Fatiha
  • Raising Hands and Reciting Takbir

5) Performing Rukoo (Bowing)6) Be calm and
relaxed, not in a hurry.
  • Spreading the back and making it level such that
    if water were poured on it, it (the water) would
    stay there (i.e. not run off).
  • The hands should rest on the knees
  • The fingers spread apart
  • The arms do not touch the body.
  • The head should not lower or higher than the back
  • Always recite the following silently.
  • "Subhana Rab-bi Yal Atheem" (3 times)
  • (Glory be to my Lord who is the very Greatest)

7) Standing Up From Ruku8) Be calm and relaxed,
not in a hurry.
  • Recite the following silently.
  • "Samee 'Allah hu liman hameeda"
  • (Allah listens to the one who praises Him)
  • 2) Then say, while standing. Always recite
  • "Rab-bana lakal hamd"
  • (Oh, our Lord, all the praises be to You)
  • Reciting Takbir for Performing Sajdah
  • The Prophet (SAW) said, "then rise from bowing
    till you stand
  • straight" (Sahih - Al-Bukhari)

9) Performing First Sajdah (Prostration)10) Be
calm and relaxed, not in a hurry.
  • Place the hands on the ground before the knees
  • Fingers should be together pointed them towards
    the Qiblah
  • Palms should be level with the shoulders.
  • Face (Nose and forehead )and hands should be firm
    on the ground
  • Knees and toes should be down firmly
  • and pointing with the front the toes towards the
  • Heels together and feet upright.
  • Forearms should be raised above the ground and
    kept away from the sides of the body
  • Forearms must NEVER rest on the ground (NOT EVEN
  • Seven limbs must be prostrating the palms, the
    knees, the feet, the forehead and nose.
  • Spine must be completely straight during sajdah
  • repeat the following du'a silently "Subhana
    Rab-bi A'la" (3 times)
  • (Oh Allah, Glory be to You, the Most High)

11) Rising From Sajdah(Sitting Between the Two
  • Recite the following silently"Allah hum
    maghfirlee warhamnee wajburnee war fa'nee
    wahdinee wa 'afinee warzuqnee"
  • (Oh Allah, forgive me, and have mercy on me, and
    keep me on the right path, and keep me healthy,
    and provide me with Halaal sources of living, and
    complete my shortcomings, and make my rank high.)
  • Reciting Takbir

12) Performing Second Sajdah 13) Be calm and
relaxed, not in a hurry.
  • Rising From the Second Sajdah - End of First
  • Jalsah-e-Istarahat (Sitting For Rest)

14) The Final Tashahhud (Sitting After Sajdah)
and As-Salah 'Ala An-Nabiyy (SAW) Sending
Prayers on the Prophet (SAW)
  • Reciting a Tashahhud
  • Pointing and Moving the Index Finger in Tashahhud
  • Seeking Refuge from Four Things
  • Reciting a Du'a before the Tasleem (Salutation
    of Peace)

  • "At-tahiy-yatu lil-lahi was salawatu wat-tay
    yibatu. As-salamu 'alayka ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu wa
    rahma tullahee wa baraktuhu as-salamu 'alayna
    wa'ala 'ibadil-la hi-saliheen. Ash hadu anla
    ilahah illal lahu wa ash hadu an-na Muhammadan
    'ab-duhu wa rasuluh"
  • All compliments, all physical prayer, and all
    monetary worship are for Allah. Peace be upon
    you, Oh Prophet, and Allahs mercy and blessings.
    Peace be upon us, and on the righteous slaves of
    Allah. (For when one says that, it includes every
    righteous slave in the heaven and the earth). I
    bear witness that no one is worthy of worship
    except Allah. And that Muhammad (SAW) is His
    slave and Messenger.

Sending Prayers on the Prophet (SAW)
  • "Allah humma sal-li 'ala Muhammadin wa'ala ali
    Muhammadin, kama sal-layta 'ala Ibraheema wa'ala
    ali Ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed, Allah humma
    barak 'ala Muhammadin wa'ala ali Muhammadin, kama
    barak ta ala Ibraheema wa'ala ali Ibraheema
    innaka hameedum majeed"
  • (Oh Allah, send prayers on Muhammad, and on the
    family of Muhammad, as you sent prayers on
    Ibraheem , and on the family of Ibraheem You are
    indeed worthy of Praise, Full of Glory. Oh Allah,
    send blessings on Muhammad, and on the family of
    Muhammad, as you sent blessings on Ibraheem, and
    on the family of Ibraheem You are indeed worthy
    of Praise, Full of Glory.)

Seeking Refuge from Four Things
  • After reciting As-Salah 'Ala An-Nabiyy (SAW)
    always read the following du'a silently
  • "Allah humma 'innee a'u'thu bika min athabi
    jahannam wa min athabil qabri wa min fitnatil mah
    ya wal mamatee wa min shar-ril masihid-daj-jal"
  • Oh Allah, I seek refuge with You from the
    punishment of Hellfire, and from the punishment
    of the grave, and from the trials of living and
    dying, and from the evil (trials) of the False

16) Ending the Salah with Tasleem (Salutation of
  • Hands are to remain on the knees until the
    tasleem is complete.
  • Make sure the entire right cheek is visible to
    anyone who may be sitting behind.
  • Recite aloud or silently over the right shoulder
  • "Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah"
  • (May the Peace and Mercy of Allah Be Upon You)
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