Eukaryotic Genomes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Eukaryotic Genomes


Eukaryotic Genomes CHAPTER 19 Structural Levels of DNA a single linear DNA double helix averages about 4 cm in length DNA associates with proteins that condense it so ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Eukaryotic Genomes

Eukaryotic Genomes
  • CHAPTER 19

Structural Levels of DNA
  • a single linear DNA double helix averages about 4
    cm in length
  • DNA associates with proteins that condense it so
    it will fit in the nucleus
  • DNA-protein complex chromatin
  • chromatin looks like beads on a string when
  • beads nucleosomes made up of histones
    (proteins) string DNA
  • http//
  • http//

  • chromatin fiber (30 nm)
  • created by interactions between adjacent
    nucleosomes and the linker DNA
  • chromatin fiber (300 nm)
  • created when the 30 nm chromatin fiber forms
    loops called looped domains attached to a protein
    scaffold made of nonhistones
  • chromosome
  • forms when the 300 nm chromatin fiber folds on

Regulation of Chromatin Structure
  • compactness of chromatin helps regulate gene
  • heterochromatin highly compact so it is
    inaccessible to transcription enzymes
  • euchromatin less compact allowing transcription
    enzymes access to DNA
  • chemical modifications that can alter chromatin
  • histone acetylation (-COCH3) neutralizes the
    histones so they no longer bind to neighboring
    nucleosomes causing chromatin to have a looser

DNA Methylation
  • addition of methyl groups to DNA bases (usually
    cytosine) inactivate DNA
  • methylation patterns can be passed on
  • after DNA replication, methylation enzymes
    correctly methylate the daughter strand
  • accounts for genomic imprinting in mammals
    expression of either the maternal or paternal
    allele of certain genes during development
  • (NOTE inheritance of chromatin modifications
    that do not involve a change in the DNA sequence
    is called epigenetic inheritance)
  • http//

Cell Differentiation
  • process of cell specialization (form function)
    during the development of an organism
  • differences in cell types results from
    differential gene expression
  • several control points at which gene expression
    can be regulated (turned on/off, accelerated,
    slowed down)
  • most commonly regulated at transcription in
    response to an extracellular signal

Regulation of Transcription Initiation
  • general transcription factors proteins that
    form a transcription initiation complex on the
    promoter sequence (ex TATA box) allowing RNA
    polymerase to begin transcription
  • control elements segments of noncoding DNA that
    help regulate transcription by binding certain
  • proximal control elements
  • distal control elements (enhancers) - interact
    with specific transcription factors
  • activators stimulate transcription by binding to
  • repressors - inhibit transcription by binding
    directly to enhancers or by blocking activator
    binding to enhancers or other transcription

  1. activators bind to enhancer with 3-binding sites
  2. a DNA-bending protein brings the bound activators
    closer to the promoter
  3. activators bind to general transcription factors
    mediator proteins, helping them to form a
    functional transcription initiation complex
  • activators can also promote histone acetylation
    repressors can promote histone deacetylation

Cell Type-Specific Transcription
  • the of different genes far exceeds the of
    different control elements therefore, the
    particular combination of control elements is
    what is important in controlling transcription
    along with the available activators in the cell

Co-expressed Genes
  • most co-expressed genes are found scattered over
    different chromosomes
  • to coordinate their gene expression, each gene is
    regulated by the same control elements these
    control elements are activated by the same
    chemical signals

Post-Transcriptional Regulation
  • alternative RNA-splicing regulatory proteins
    specific to a cell type control intron-exon
    choices, thereby producing different mRNA
    molecules from the same primary transcript

  • methods of mRNA degradation
  • enzymatic shortening of the poly-A tail triggers
    the removal of the 5' cap which is followed by
    the digestion of the mRNA by nucleases
  • nucleotide sequences in the untranslated region
    at the 3' end regulate the length of time an mRNA
    remains intact
  • microRNAs (miRNAs) small RNA molecules that
    bind to complementary sequences on mRNA causing
    degradation by associated proteins miRNAs may
    also block translation
  • RNA interference (RNAi) pathway involve small
    interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that function in the
    same way as miRNAs

  • initiation of translation
  • can be blocked by regulatory proteins that bind
    to specific sequences or structures within the
    untranslated region at the 5 end of the mRNA
    prevent the attachment of ribosomes
  • translation will not begin if the poly-A tails
    are not long enough
  • global control activation or inactivation of
    one or more of the protein factors required to
    initiate translation
  • protein processing degradation
  • regulation of the modification or transporting of
    a protein
  • ubiquitin-tagged proteins are degraded by

Genes Associated With Cancer
  • proto-oncogenes normal cellular genes that code
    for proteins that stimulate normal cell growth
  • can be converted to oncogenes (cancer-causing
    genes) by
  • translocation proto-oncogene ends up near an
    active promoter or vice versa
  • amplification increases of proto-oncogenes in
  • point mutations in a promoter, enhancer, or the
    coding region itself
  • tumor-suppressor genes encode proteins that
    help prevent uncontrolled cell growth
  • mutations that decrease the normal activity of
    these genes may contribute to the onset of cancer

Example ras gene p53 gene
  • ras gene is a proto-oncogene
  • it encodes a G protein that, in response to
    growth factors, triggers a cell signaling pathway
    that synthesizes a cell cycle stimulating protein
  • mutations in this gene can lead to the production
    of a hyperactive G protein that continuously
    triggers this pathway even when growth factors
    are absent
  • p53 gene is a tumor-suppressor gene
  • it promotes the synthesis of cell cycle
    inhibiting proteins
  • a mutation that knocks out this gene can lead to
    excessive cell growth cancer

Model of Cancer Development
  • changes that must occur at the DNA level for a
    cell to become fully cancerous
  • appearance of at least one oncogene
  • mutation or loss of several tumor-suppressor
  • in most cases mutations must knock out both
    alleles to block tumor suppression

Tumor Viruses
  • can transform cells into cancer cells through the
    integration of viral nucleic acid into host cell
  • retroviruses may donate an oncogene to the cell
  • integrated viral DNA may disrupt a
    tumor-suppressor gene or convert a proto-oncogene
    to an oncogene
  • produce proteins that inactivate p53 and other
    tumor-suppressor proteins

Predisposition to Cancer
  • an individual inheriting an oncogene or a mutant
    allele of a tumor-suppressor gene is one step
    closer to accumulating the necessary mutations
    for cancer to develop
  • (ex) breast cancer genes BRCA1 or BRCA2
  • a woman who inherits one mutant BRCA1 allele has
    a 60 chance of developing breast cancer before
    the age of 50

Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic Genomes
  • Eukaryotes
  • Prokaryotes
  • larger genome but fewer genes in a given length
    of DNA
  • more noncoding DNA (10,000 times as much as
    prokaryotes )
  • most of the DNA does not encode protein or RNA
  • genes contain introns so they are much longer
    than prokaryotic genes
  • smaller genome but more genes in a given length
    of DNA
  • less noncoding DNA
  • most of the DNA codes for protein, tRNA, or rRNA
  • genes are not interrupted by introns

Human Genome
  • 98.5 does not code for proteins, rRNAs, or
  • 24 is gene-related regulatory sequences and
  • 44 is repetitive DNA made up of transposable
    elements related sequences

Transposable Elements
  • two types
  • transposons move within a genome by means of a
    DNA intermediate
  • can move by cut-and-paste or copy-and-paste
  • retrotransposons move within a genome by means
    of an RNA intermediate
  • always leave a copy at the original site because
    they are initially transcribed into an RNA
  • to be inserted at another site, the RNA
    intermediate must be converted back to DNA by
    reverse transcriptase

Other Types of Repetitive DNA
  • probably arose by mistakes that occurred during
    DNA replication or recombination
  • accounts for about 15 of the human genome
  • about 1/3 of this consists of large-segment
    duplications (10,000-300,000 base-pairs)
  • long stretches of DNA that have been copied from
    one chromosomal location to another
  • remaining 2/3 is simple sequence DNA copies of
    tandemly repeated short sequences like GTTAC
  • most is located at chromosomal telomeres and
    centromeres indicating it has a structural role

Gene-Related DNA
  • consists of coding noncoding DNA
  • constitutes about 25 of the human genome
  • about ½ of the total coding DNA consists of
    solitary genes
  • remaining ½ occurs in multigene families
    collections of identical or similar genes
  • (ex) identical gene family rRNA
  • allows for quick production of millions of
  • (ex) non-identical families a-globin and

Evolution of Genomes
  • extra sets of chromosomes can arise from
  • errors during meiosis
  • polyploidy extra sets of genes
  • mutations can accumulate in the extra sets of
  • unequal crossing-over
  • can result in one chromosome with a deletion and
    another with a duplication
  • errors during DNA replication
  • slippage
  • occurs when DNA template shifts with respect to
    the new complementary strand resulting in a
    region of the DNA not be copied or being copied

  • rearrangement of existing DNA sequences by
  • exon duplication
  • exon shuffling
  • mixing matching of different exons either
    within a gene or between two nonallelic genes
    owing to errors in meiotic recombination
  • transposable elements
  • can promote recombination
  • disrupt cellular genes or control elements
  • carry entire genes or individual exons to new

Evolution of Globin Genes
  • all the a-globin and ß-globin genes likely
    evolved from one common ancestral globin gene
  • the ancestral globin gene duplicated and diverged
    into a-globin and ß-globin ancestral genes
  • the ancestral a-globin and ß-globin genes later
    duplicated several times and their copies
    diverged into the current family genes
  • the divergences undoubtedly arose from
    accumulated mutations
  • some of the gene duplications and subsequent
    divergences are also suspected to have produced
    new genes with novel, yet related functions
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