Title: Field Team Leader
1Exotic Disease Response (EDR) Training
2Training Agenda
- During this session we will cover the following
processes - Organise Surveillance Teams
- Prepare for Surveillance Visit
- Conduct Surveillance Visit
- Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit
- Evaluate and Record lab Results from Surveillance
- Stand Down Resources
3Session Outcomes
- At the end of this session you should be able to
- deliver briefings / debriefings to surveillance
teams - decide whether to escalate as a result of
- Field Veterinarian report from a farm
- exceptions uncovered during a debrief
- complete visit documentation
- make a diagnosis after receiving lab results
- verify stand down requirements
4Surveillance Process
5The Role of a Field Team Leader in an Exotic
Disease Response
- Managing teams (up to 7 people)
- Act as Interface with Field Visit Coordinator
- Daily briefing / debriefings
- Deciding whether to escalate as result of
- field visits
- lab results
- Standing down resources
6Escalation Path
7Organise Surveillance Field Teams
8Organise Surveillance Field Teams
- At the end of this topic you should be able to
- describe some of the key things to be aware of
when delivering briefings - use the SMEAC Checklist to perform the initial
briefing of a surveillance team
9Delivering Briefings
- Briefing should be relaxed and reasonably
informal, and - Brief Only the information that they need
- Clear Avoid unfamiliar technicalities, acronyms
- Interesting Use examples that the group will
recognise - In control Arrange the group so that you are
its focus - Confident Stick to the information, relax
10Surveillance Briefings Key Points
- Are a method of getting the key information to
people regularly and quickly - Follow a consistent agenda
- Highlight Changes especially policy
- Is a two way process not just about informing
people but listening and responding to questions
and concerns - Contain important points from training
11Prepare for Surveillance Visit
12Prepare for Surveillance Visit
- At the end of this topic you should be able to
- perform daily briefing to teams on latest disease
information, policy changes and issues of concern
13Conduct Surveillance Visit 1 of 3
14Conduct Surveillance Visit 2 of 3
15Conduct Surveillance Visit 3 of 3
16Conduct Surveillance Visit
- At the end of this topic you should be able to
- take the appropriate action when a Field
Veterinarian reports clinical signs from a farm
17Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit
18Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit
19Evaluate and Record Surveillance Visit
- At the end of this session you should be able to
- conduct the surveillance debrief
- determine whether to escalate an exception
uncovered during a surveillance visit debriefing - complete the Office Use Only section of the visit
20Evaluate and Record Lab Results
21Evaluate and Record Lab Results
22Evaluate and Record Lab Results
- At the end of this session you should be able to
- track the status of lab results
- review surveillance results recorded in IRS
- complete the Lab Diagnosis form
23Lab Submission Screen
24Place Details
25Surveillance Task History Report
26Sensitivity and Specificity
- Sensitivity (SE) Measures the ability of the
test to correctly identify infected animals - Specificity (SP) Measures the ability of a test
to correctly identify disease free animals - Predictive Value (PV) Probability that an animal
testing ve (ve and ve) (or ve) is actually
diseased (or not). - Depends on SP, SE and prevalence
27Example interpretation 1
- 1000 pigs, 60 sampled
- SE 95, SP 60
- No clinical signs
- Prevalence 5, ve PV 11
- Prevalence 10, ve PV 21
- Prevalence 50, ve PV 70
28Example interpretation 2
- 1000 sheep, 60 sampled
- SE 95, SP 85
- No clinical signs
- Prevalence 5, ve PV 25
- Prevalence 10, ve PV 41
- Prevalence 50, ve PV 86
29Stand Down Resources
30Stand Down Resources
31Stand Down Resources
- At the end of this session you should be able to
- confirm
- which Veterinarians visited an infected place
- which other places they have visited, and
- if those visits were made during the stand down
period - stand down potentially infectious team members
32Stand Down Resources
Stand Down Period
Risk Period
Farm declared Infected
farm visits
farm visits
1. Determine At Risk People who visited the
Infected Place? 2. Determine At Risk Places
where have they been before and after? 3.
Determine who should be stood down has stand
down period already elapsed? 4. Determine
Surveillance Requirements what risk is
associated with these visits?
33Stand Down Report
34Stand Down Report
- During this session we covered
- delivering briefings / debriefings to
surveillance teams - deciding whether to escalate as a result of
- Field Veterinarian report from a farm
- exceptions uncovered during a debrief
- completing visit documentation
- making a diagnosis after receiving lab results
- verifying stand down requirements