Title: Jacques Angelier Michel Glass Benoit Deffontaines Lionel Siame
1Jacques AngelierMichel Glass Benoit
DeffontainesLionel Siame
2Dean,Prof. Cheng, Hsien Yu (Ayo)
National University of Tainan
College of Environmental and Ecological Sciences
Grad. Inst. Environmental EcologyEcotourism
Dept. Bio-technologyEnvironment and Energy
3Prof. Jacques Angelier
Institute of France, Academie des
Sciences Professeur à luniversité Pierre et
Marie Curie
- 2002????????????????,
- ??????,?2004?????????
- ???????????Jacques Angelier??
- 2004???CNRS??????????(PICS)
- ?????????3???????
- Jacques Angelier??2006???CNRS??
- ??????????????
- ????4?????????????( LIA )?
- CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique) - CNRS???1939?,??????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????,????????6????,1,26
0??????????? - ?????????,??2?6????,?????1?1?6??,???????????1?4???
5- Pierre Marie Curie University (UPMC) is one of
the largest universities teaching science and
medicine in France, and indeed in Europe, with
4,000 researchers and teaching academics/researche
rs, 180 laboratories, and some 30,000 students
including 8,000 in postgraduate studies. UPMC is
based in the Latin Quarter in Paris, with most
facilities on a campus of 500,000m².
- UPMC also has branches in regions outside Paris
(???????) - 3 oceanological observatories (??????), at
Roscoff (Atlantic Ocean), Banyuls and
Villefranche-sur-Mer (Mediterranean Sea). - Medicine 2 medical teaching and research units
in Paris teaching hospitals CHUs Saint-Antoine
and Pitié-Salpêtrière.
7Prof. Michel Glass
- Directeur,
- Oceanological observatory (??????), Villefranche
sur mer - Pieere-et-Marie-Curie University
??????,??????????11?18??????????(Paris VI
University)???????Dr. Michel Glass
8Contribution of remote sensing to the study of
environment and natural risks
- Pr. Michel GLASS
- Oceanological Observatory, Villefranche sur mer
- Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University
- mglass_at_obs-vlfr.fr
9Prof. Benoit Deffontaines
- ??????????,?2004?3?9??19??????? Benoit
Deffontaines??,??????????????(Taiwan Neotectonic
Database) ? - Deffontaines???2001???????? TAO????????????????(De
ffontaines et al., 2001) - ??????????????????????????,???????????????????????
10 11Dr. Lionel Siame
- Universite P. Cezanne
- Universite d'Aix-Marseille III, France
- 2005-2006 LATAUD Stéphanie La tectonique
active à Taiwan les leçons du séisme de ChiChi
en 1999
12Dr. Lionel Siame
13???,????????!Sustainability starts in our
14National University of Tainan
College of Environmental and Ecological Sciences,
since 2006
Grad. Inst. Environmental EcologyEcotourism
Dept. Bio-technologyEnvironment and Energy