Title: Internet2 IPv6 Workshop
1Internet2 IPv6 Workshop
- Grover Browning, Bill Cerveny, Dale Finkelson,
Michael Lambert, Brent Sweeny, Bill Owens and a
cast of dozens
2IPv6 Addressing
3Overview of Addressing
- Historical aspects
- Types of IPv6 addresses
- Work-in-progress
- Abilene IPv6 addressing
4Historical Aspects of IPv6
- IPv4 address space not big enough
- Cant get needed addresses (particularly outside
Americas) - Resort to private (RFC1918) addresses
- Competing plans to address problem
- Some 64-bit, some 128-bit
- Current scheme unveiled at Toronto IETF (July
5Types of IPv6 Addresses
- Like IPv4
- Unicast
- Multicast
- Anycast
- but designed into specifications from the
6Representation of Addresses
- All addresses are 128 bits
- Write as sequence of eight sets of four hex
digits (16 bits each) separated by colons - Leading zeros in group may be omitted
- Contiguous all-zero groups may be replaced by
- Only one such group can be replaced
7Examples of Writing Addresses
- 3ffe3700020000ff0000000000000001
- can be written
- 3ffe3700200ff0001
- or
- 3ffe3700200ff1
8Interface Identifiers
- Sixty-four bit field
- Guaranteed unique on subnet
- Essentially same as EUI-64
- Formula for mapping IEEE 802 MAC address into
interface identifier - Used in many forms of unicast address
9Types of Unicast Addresses
- Unspecified address
- All zeros ()
- Used as source address during initialization
- Also used in representing default
- Loopback address
- Low-order one bit (1)
- Same as in IPv4
10Types of Unicast Addresses
- Link-local address
- Unique on a subnet
- Result of router discovery or neighbor discovery
- High-order FE80/64
- Low-order interface identifier
- Site-local address
- Unique to a site
- High-order FEC0/48
- Low-order interface identifier
- What is a site?
11Types of Unicast Addresses
- Mapped IPv4 addresses
- Of form FFFFa.b.c.d
- Used by dual-stack machines to communicate over
IPv4 using IPv6 addressing - Compatible IPv4 addresses
- Of form a.b.c.d
- Used by IPv6 hosts to communicate over automatic
12Types of Unicast Addresses
- Aggregatable global unicast address
- Used in production IPv6 networks
- Goal minimize global routing table size
- From range 2000/3
- Three fields in /64 prefix
- 16-bit Top Level Aggregator (TLA)
- 8-bit reserved
- 24-bit Next Level Aggregator (NLA)
- 16-bit Site Level Aggregator (SLA)
13Types of Unicast Addresses
- Aggregatable global unicast address
14Top-Level Aggregators
- Allocated by RIRs to transit providers
- In practice, RIRs have adopted slow-start
strategy - Start by allocating /35s
- Expand to /29s when sufficient use in /35
- Eventually move to /16s
15Abilene sTLA
16NLAs and SLAs
- NLAs used by providers for subnetting
- Allocate blocks to customers
- Can be multiple levels of hierarchy
- SLAs used by customers for subnetting
- Analogous to campus subnets
- Also can be hierarchical
17Other Unicast Addresses
- Original provider-based
- Original geographic-based
- GSE (88)
- Tony Hains Internet Draft for provider-independen
t (geographically-based) addressing
18Multicast Address
- From FF00/8
- Address contains four-bit scope field
- Unlike IPv4 multicast, scope is explicitly
defined in address - Low-order 112 bits are group identifier, not
interface identifier
19Anycast Address
- Used to send packets to all interfaces on a
network (like IPv4 anycast, not all will
necessarily respond) - Low-order bits (typically 64 or more) are zero
20Abilene IPv6 Addressing
- Two prefixes allocated
- 3ffe3700/24 on 6bone
- 2001468/35 sTLA
- Planning migration from 6bone addressing
- Current addressing plan built on assumption of /35
21Allocation Procedures
- GigaPoPs allocated /40s
- Expected to delegate to participants
- No BCP (yet) for GigaPoP allocation procedures
- Direct connectors allocated /48s
- Will (for now) provide addresses to participants
behind GigaPoPs which havent received IPv6
addresses - See WG web site for details
22Registration Procedures
- Providers allocated TLAs (or sTLAs) must register
suballocations - ARIN allows rwhois or SWIP
- For now, Abilene will use SWIP
- Will eventually adopt rwhois
- GigaPoPs must also maintain registries
- Will probably have central Abilene registry
23Obtaining Addresses
- Drop a note to Abilene NOC (noc_at_abilene.iu.edu)
with request - Will set wheels in motion
24Allocation Schemes
- CIDR representation and IPv6 allocations.
- In IPv4 you would see representations like
- At the bit level this is
- 10000001.01011101.1111 0000.00000000
26Reasons for CIDR
- To try to preserve the address space.
- To control the growth of the routing table.
27IPv6 Notation
- In IPv6 every address is notated
- 20010468/35
- IPv6 address / Prefix Length
- At the bit level
- 0010 0000 0000 0001 0000 0100 0110 1000000
28Allocation Strategies
- We wish to allocate /48s out of the /35.
- Which are available
- 200104680000 through
- 200104681fff
- Recall the the bit structure is
- 0010 0000 0000 0001 0000 0100 0110 1000 000
0000000000000 - 0010 0000 0000 0001 0000 0100 0110 1000 000
1111111111111 - So there are 8,192 /48s in a /35
29How would Allocations work?
- Suppose you wish to give out /40s in the /35.
- 20010468000 0 0000 or 20010468/40
- 20010468000 1 1111 or 200104681f00/40
- Thus there are 32 /40s in the /35 each of which
has 256 /48s.
30How would Allocations work?
- The same idea holds for /41s or /42s.
- 20010468000 000000 or 20010468/41
- 20010468000 111111 or 200104681f80/41
- 20010468000 0000000 - 000 1111111
- 20010468/42 200104681fd0/42
31Mixed Allocations
- The interesting case is how to handle mixed
allocations. - One site wants a /40 another a /42. How can you
handle this case. - See
- draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipaddressassign-02
- A flexible method for managing the assignment of
bits of an IPv6 address block
32Mixed Allocations
- Each /35 has
- 32 /40s with 256 /48s
- 64 /41s with 128 /48s
- 128 /42s with 64 /48s
- Look at the bits here.
33Router Configuration
34IPv4 Subnet Masking
- Originally the network size was based on the
first few bits (classful addressing) - Getting rid of address classes was painful!
- routing protocols, stacks, applications
- Modern IPv4 allows subnet boundaries anywhere
within the address (classless addressing) - But decimal addresses still make figuring out
subnets unnecessarily difficult. . .
35IPv6 Subnet Masking
- IPv6 still has address classes, but they set the
address types, not the network size. - Hexadecimal format makes subnetting easier for
human beings. . . but thinking in binary is still
36IPv6 Prefixes
- Always hierarchical, and aggregated at each level
- 2001468/35 Abilene
- 00100000000000010000010001101000000
- 2001468400/40 Indiana GigaPoP
- 0010000000000001000001000110100000000000
- 2001468401/48 Indiana University
- 001000000000000100000100011010000000010000000001
- 2001468401b/64 Abilene NOC at IU
- 001000000000000100000100011010000000010000000001
- IU campus routers carry /64 routes for internal
subnets (and possibly other, shorter prefixes for
large nets or internal aggregation). - IU advertises only 2001468401/48 to their
gigaPoP - Indiana GigaPoP advertises only 2001468400/40
to Abilene - Abilene advertises only 2001468/35 to peers.
38v6 Interfaces
- Multiple Addresses per interface
- Link-local fe80(EUI-64)
- Global autoconfigured
- Global manually configured
- Multicast all-nodes, solicited-node, etc.
- Anycast
- Stateless Autoconfiguration
- Stateful Autoconfiguration - DHCPv6
- Mechanical construction of a unique address from
the IEEE MAC of the interface - Need 64 bits, so the 48-bit MAC is padded up
- 0050da205b03
- 0250dafffe205b03
- Where did the 02 come from? It indicates this is
a globally unique address - reverse of the
original EUI-64 spec.
40Cisco Router Configuration
- Rule 1 What Would v4 do?
- Enable routing
- ipv6 unicast-routing
- Configure Interfaces
- ipv6 address
- Configure Routing Protocols
41Cisco Configs
- LAN Interface
- interface Ethernet0/0
- ip address
- ipv6 address 200146812312/64
42Cisco Configs
- Tunnel Interface
- interface Tunnel1
- description IPv6 to Abilene
- no ip address
- no ip redirects
- no ip proxy-arp
- ipv6 address 3FFE3700FF1052/64
- tunnel source ATM2/0.1
- tunnel destination
- tunnel mode ipv6ip
43Cisco Configs
- interface ATM2/0.3 point-to-point
- description My GigaPoP
- no ip redirects
- no ip proxy-arp
- pvc MyGigaPoP 3/66
- ubr 155000
- encapsulation aal5snap
- !
- ipv6 address 2001468FF5551/64
44Cisco Configs
- IGP - most sites will use RIPng for now, but
IS-IS is also available. OSPFv3 is on the way. .
. - ipv6 router rip ipsix
- redistribute connected
- interface Ethernet1/0
- ipv6 rip ipsix enable
- ipv6 rip ipsix default-information orig
- Static
- ipv6 route ltprefixgt ltnexthopgt
45Cisco Configs
- BGP - added to your existing IPv4 BGP config
- router bgp 64555
- bgp router-id
- neighbor Abilene-v6 peer-group
- neighbor Abilene-v6 remote-as 11537
46Cisco Configs
- BGP continued. . .
- address-family ipv6 unicast
- neighbor Abilene-v6 activate
- neighbor Abilene-v6 soft-reconfiguration in
- neighbor Abilene-v6 prefix-list to-Abilene-v6
out - neighbor 20014685552006 peer-group
Abilene-v6 - network 20014684ff/48
- aggregate-address 20014684ff/48 summary-only
- exit-address-family
47Cisco Configs
- BGP continued. . .
- ipv6 route 20014684ff/48 Null0
- !
- ipv6 prefix-list to-Abilene-v6 seq 10 permit
48Juniper Router Configuration
- Rule 1 What Would v4 do?
- Enable routing - already there. . .
- Configure Interfaces
- family inet6 address
- Configure Routing Protocols and RIBs
49Juniper Configs
- Interface (physical)
- interfaces
- fe-0/1/0
- unit 0
- family inet6
- address 20014681231/64
50Juniper Configs
- Interface (tunnel)
- interfaces
- ip-0/3/0
- unit 0
- tunnel
- source
- destination
- family inet6
- mtu 1514
- address 20014681231/64
51Juniper Configs
- Router Advertisement - not enabled by default
- protocols
- router-advertisement
- interface fe-0/3/0.0
- prefix 2001468123/64
52Juniper Configs
- Routing setup
- routing-options
- interface-routes
- rib-group
- inet6 ifrg6
- rib inet6.0
- aggregate
- route 20014684ff/48
53Juniper Configs
- Routing setup continued. . .
- rib-groups
- ifrg6
- import-rib inet6.0 inet6.2
- router-id
54Juniper Configs
- IGP - RIPng and IS-IS are both available
- protocols
- ripng
- group local
- export redist-direct
- neighbor fe-0/1/0.0
- policy-options
- policy-statement redist-direct
- from protocol direct
- then accept
55Juniper Configs
- protocols
- bgp
- group Abilene-v6
- type external
- family inet6
- unicast
- export to-Abilene-v6
- peer-as 11537
- neighbor 20014685552006
56Juniper Configs
- BGP continued. . .
- policy-options
- policy-statement to-Abilene-v6
- term accept-aggregate
- from
- route-filter 20014684ff/48
exact -
- then accept
- term reject
- then reject
57Cisco Show Commands
- show bgp
- show bgp summary
- show ipv6 bgp neigh ltaddrgt routes
- show ipv6 bgp neigh ltaddrgt advertised
- show ipv6 route
- show ipv6 interface
- show ipv6 neighbors
58Juniper Show Commands
- show bgp summary
- show route advert bgp ltaddrgt
- show route rece bgp ltaddrgt
- show route table inet6.0 (terse)
- show interfaces
- show ipv6 neighbors
59Lab Basic IPv6 Functionality
60Enable IPv6 functionality on each router using
addresses allocated by Internet2 or your lab
router's "upstream" IPv6 provider. Send and
receive BGP IPv6 routes.
- Ensure your router interfaces are configured with
IPv6 addresses - Ping a neighboring router using IPv6 ICMP.
- Verify that you are sending IPv6 BGP routes to
neighboring routers, where appropriate. - Verify you are receiving IPv6 BGP routes.
- Verify connectivity around the workshop lab.
- If your workshop lab is connected to the global
IPv6 Internet, verify you can ping and traceroute
to a host on the global IPv6 Internet. - Verify lab client computer (laptop) is receiving
router advertisements.
61Multihoming Issues
- Many sites are multihomed in the current Internet
- reliability
- stability - which provider will stay in business?
- competition
- AUP - commodity vs. RE
- But all IPv6 addresses are provider-assigned!
ISP2 (Abilene)
University of Smallville
63Lab Multiple Address Configuration and
64Configure router interfaces with alternate IPv6
addresses provided while retaining initial IPv6
address allocation. An additional link will be
added to the IPv6 workshop lab, making
multihoming possible from some routers. Using the
added multihomed link, configure the router to
support routing across either interface.
- Verify that your router interfaces are configured
with multiple IPv6 addresses. - Verify connectivity around the workshop lab with
either router interface address. - Verify host computers connected off router
interfaces are receiving router advertisements
for all address blocks configured on local router
65Provider-Independent Addressing
66PI Multihoming
- One possible answer to the multihoming/multiple
address problem is the use of addresses
determined by geography. - Each site uses the location of its ISP demarc to
determine its PI address space - put your GPS on
top of your router.
67PI Address Calculation
- Lat/Lon each converted to a 22-bit binary number
- 40.0433N 0001110001111001101010
- 105.2781W 1011010100100010101101
- Two values interleaved, latitude first
- 0100 0111 1011 0001 0010 1110 1000 0110 1100 1101
1001 - 4 7 b 1 2 e 8 6 c d
9 - X47b12e86cd9/48
- X because this scheme is not yet approved, but
the expectation is that 1 will be used.
68PI Address Calculation
- Why interleave? So that as the prefix gets
longer, the area included in the prefix gets
smaller - bits degrees nominal square
scope sites - -------------------------------------------------
------------------- - 4 -gt 90.00000 10000 km
octant - 8 -gt 22.50000 2500 km
expanse - 12 -gt 5.625000 600 km
zone - 16 -gt 1.406250 150 km
region - 20 -gt 0.3515625 40 km
metro 16777216 - 24 -gt 0.087890625 10 km
city 1048576 - 28 -gt 0.02197265625 2.5 km
locality 65536 - 32 -gt 0.0054931640625 600 m
neighborhood 4096 - 36 -gt 0.001373291015625 150 m
block 256 - 40 -gt 0.00034332275390625 40 m lot
16 - 44 -gt 0.0000858306884765625 10 m
site 1
69PI Address Calculation
- If all the ISPs in an area meet at a local
exchange, they may be able to aggregate PI
addresses to some degree. - But using PI will inevitably mean that more
prefixes are carried in the default-free zone
(DFZ) at the core of the Internet. -
70PI Multihoming
ISP2 (WestCo)
ISP1 UUnet
IBM 15288653294C/48
SOX 1528865328FE/48
Ford 1528865329A6/48
GE 152886532905/48
71PI Multihoming
- Proposed format draft-hain-ipv6-pi-addr-use-02.tx
t - Usage discussion draft-hain-ipv6-pi-addr-use-02.t
xt - Abilene PIA background and calculator
tml - Remember, this is NOT a standard yet!
72Lab Provider-Independent Addressing
73Configure router interfaces with
provider-independent addresses, based on
geographic location of each router.
- Verify connectivity to all provider-independent
addresses configured in the router lab. - Verify host computers connected off router
interfaces are receiving router advertisements
for all address blocks configured on local router
74IPv6 Under the Hood
75Changes from IPv4 to IPv6
- Expanded addressing capabilities
- Header format simplification
- Improved support for extensions and options
- Flow labelling capability
- Authentication and privacy capabilities
76IPv6 Header Format
77IPv6 Header Fields
- Defined in RFC 2460
- Version (4 bits) 6. Enough said.
- Traffic class (8 bits) DSCP?
- Flow label (20 bits) Used in identifying
flows - Payload length (16 bits) Length in octets of
rest of packet - Next header (8 bits) Identifies type of header
immediately following IPv6 header
78IPv6 Header Fields
- Hop limit (8 bits) Decremented by one each time
packet is forwarded - Source address (128 bits) Originator of this
packet - Destination address (128 bits) Intended
recipient of packet
79IPv6 Extension Headers
- Hop-by-hop options
- Routing
- Fragment
- Destination options
- Authentication
- Encapsulating security payload
- Defined in RFC 2463
- Two types of messages defined
- Error messages
- Informational messages
- Implemented as extension header (type 58)
- Follows other extension headers
81ICMPv6 Format
82ICMPv6 Types
- ICMPv6 error messages
- Destination unreachable (1)
- Packet too big (2)
- Time exceeded (3)
- Parameter problem (4)
- ICMPv6 informational messages
- Echo request (128)
- Echo reply (129)
83IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
- Used by nodes on same link to
- Discover each others presence
- Determine each others link-layer addresses
- Find routers
- Maintain reachability information about paths to
active neighbors - Defined in RFC 2461 (93 pages!)
- Adds five ICMPv6 messages
84Router Solicitation Message
- Router Solicitation When an interface becomes
enabled, hosts may send out Router Solicitations
that request routers to generate Router
Advertisements immediately rather than at their
next scheduled time. - ICMPv6 type 133
85Router Advertisement Message
- Router Advertisement Routers advertise their
presence together with various link and Internet
parameters either periodically, or in response to
a Router Solicitation message. Router
Advertisements contain prefixes that are used for
on-link determination and/or address
configuration, a suggested hop limit value, etc. - ICMPv6 type 134
86Neighbor Solicitation Message
- Neighbor Solicitation Sent by a node to
determine the link-layer address of a neighbor,
or to verify that a neighbor is still reachable
via a cached link-layer address. Neighbor
Solicitations are also used for Duplicate Address
Detection. - ICMPv6 type 135
87Neighbor Advertisement Message
- Neighbor Advertisement A response to a Neighbor
Solicitation message. A node may also send
unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements to announce a
link-layer address change. - ICMPv6 type 136
88Redirect Message
- Redirect Used by routers to inform hosts of a
better first hop for a destination. - ICMPv6 type 137
89Building a dual stack host
- Rangers.ipv6.unl.edu
- Dale Finkelson
- I started by installing Freebsd 4.4.
- Has the advantage of having the Kame stack
compiled into the Kernel. - I choose to use two names for the machine.
- One resolving to a v6 address
- One resolving to a v4 host
- In the rc.conf file I used the name
rangers.unl.edu rather then the v6 name. - For some reason this worked better.
- It messed up the window manager Gnome.
- My guess is Gnome didnt know how to deal with a
AAAA record - Not a big deal if you use another window manager.
- Named
- 4.4 came with 8.2.4
- This supports AAAA
- Configuration
- DNS will be done in more detail at another time
in the workshop.
- Apache_1.3.20ipv6
- This was trivial. All I had to do was do a make
in the ports directory. - The config file is /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.con
f - Apart from some http configuration there was
nothing v6 specific to do.
- Mozilla-
- This took forever to install. The compilation is
huge. It probably cannot be done in a half day of
a workshop. - Unless your machine is faster.
- It worked just fine. However you will have a hard
time convincing yourself if www.kame.net is not
available. - You need a v6 addressed server where you know you
will use the v6 address. - It does not display the address of the machine it
is going to. - I use different names for v4 and v6 on rangers.
Thus by attaching to rangers.ipv6.unl.edu I
convinced myself it works.
- Sendmail
- The sendmail in freebsd 4.4 is v6 capable. Its
version 8.11.6. - There is however configuration you need to do.
- In the M4 file, in my case this was
/etc/mail/freebsd.mc, you need to add the
following two lines. - DAEMON_OPTIONS(NameMTA-v4, Familyinet)
- DAEMON_OPTIONS(NameMTA-v6, Familyinet6)
95Sendmail Configuration
- In my machine the file /etc/mail/freebsd.mc
contained the lines. - I uncommented them.
- I copied the file to /usr/share/sendmail/cf/cf.
- Then /usr/share/sendmail/cf/m4/cf.m4 freebsd.mc gt
freebsd.cf - Copied freebsd.cf to sendmail.cf and restarted
the sendmail process. - It worked fine.
- Test this by telneting to port 25 on the v6
- I could not make the m4 stuff work if I was in
another directory then the one specified. - The README file says to do a ./Build in the
directory, but I could not get that to work.
- Cucipop-1.31
- Pop3 server
- There are several, I chose this one for no
particular reason. - Compiled and installed with no problem.
- Configuration
- By default pop3 is probably turned off in
inetd.conf. - Had to change the pop line in inetd.conf from tcp
to tcp6 or create a new one so it would support
both. - Restart inetd
- Sylpheed.0.6
- A v6 complient mail client.
- Complied and installed just fine.
- Configuration
- I configured it to use rangers.ipv6.unl.edu as
the sending and receiving host. - Set up a user
- Testing
- This will be hard to test as someone else with a
v6 capable mailer needs to mail you a message. - In a workshop this could be done and mail could
move back and forth there.
- Those are the major ones that I know of that will
provide the major services that at least I use
most of the time. - I also installed some tools.
- Ethereal 0.9.1
- Easy to compile and install.
- Will receive and decode v6 packets.
- At least to the extent that you know how to use
ethereal. - Good for exploring and verifying the packet flows
for neighbor discovery or stateless autoconfig as
well as verifying packets are using v6 addresses.
- Netperf-2.1.3
- Compiled and installed fine.
- I have no clue if it works.
- Pchar-1.4
- This does the path charactistics.
- Works with v6 addresses.
- I had two packages that are claimed to work but
that I could not make work. - Mtr 0.45
- This is a ping/traceroute tool. It would not
resolve a v6 hostname or work with a v6 address. - Ncftp 3.1.2
- Same problem. It failed to resolve v6 hostnames
or use v6 addresses.
- Over about 3 days, I was able to build a dual
stack workstation that can - Do DNS for ipv6.unl.edu
- Send and receive mail
- Host a web site
- Use other v6 web sites
- Do some network analysis and testing.
- There are also of course the standard tools line
ping6 and traceroute6 that are simply included in
4.4. - This is Unix specific. I suspect that Linux with
Usagi will have very similar results.
105IPv6 and Microsoft Windows (as of April 14, 2002)
106Supported Platforms
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1 installed
- Must install IPv6 Technology Preview
- Installing with Service Pack 2 see
tpipv6/faq.asp - Windows XP
- Integral part of the operating system
- Must be turned on
107Turning on IPv6 support in Windows XP
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgtipv6 install
- Installing...
- Succeeded.
108Installation Verification via ipv6 if
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgtipv6 if
- Interface 5 Ethernet Local Area Connection 2
- uses Neighbor Discovery
- uses Router Discovery
- link-layer address 00-50-04-f0-64-b2
- preferred global 3ffe37001f05e0d847c169c
aa0cab2, life 6d23h56m11s/23h - 53m49s (anonymous)
- preferred global 3ffe37001f05e02504fffef
064b2, life 29d23h58m54s/6d23 - h58m54s (public)
- preferred link-local fe802504fffef064b2,
life infinite - multicast interface-local ff011, 1 refs,
not reportable - multicast link-local ff021, 1 refs, not
reportable - multicast link-local ff021fff064b2, 2
refs, last reporter - multicast link-local ff021ffa0cab2, 1
refs, last reporter
109Installation Verification via ipv6 if (cont)
- link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500)
- current hop limit 64
- reachable time 23000ms (base 30000ms)
- retransmission interval 1000ms
- DAD transmits 1
- Interface 4 Ethernet Local Area Connection
- cable unplugged
- uses Neighbor Discovery
- uses Router Discovery
- link-layer address 00-60-08-d2-5c-1b
- preferred link-local fe802608fffed25c1b,
life infinite - multicast interface-local ff011, 1 refs,
not reportable - multicast link-local ff021, 1 refs, not
reportable - multicast link-local ff021ffd25c1b, 1
refs, last reporter
110Installation Verification via ipv6 if(cont)
- link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 1500)
- current hop limit 128
- reachable time 25000ms (base 30000ms)
- retransmission interval 1000ms
- DAD transmits 1
- Interface 3 6to4 Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
- does not use Neighbor Discovery
- does not use Router Discovery
- preferred global 2002d1d3ed55d1d3ed55,
life infinite - link MTU 1280 (true link MTU 65515)
- current hop limit 128
- reachable time 32000ms (base 30000ms)
- retransmission interval 1000ms
- DAD transmits 0
111Installation Verification via ipv6 if(cont)
- Interface 2 Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
- does not use Neighbor Discovery
- does not use Router Discovery
- router link-layer address
- EUI-64 embedded IPv4 address
- preferred link-local fe805efe209.211.237.85
, life infinite - preferred global, life
infinite - link MTU 1280 (true link MTU 65515)
- current hop limit 128
- reachable time 43000ms (base 30000ms)
- retransmission interval 1000ms
- DAD transmits 0
112Installation Verification via ipv6 if(cont)
- Interface 1 Loopback Pseudo-Interface
- does not use Neighbor Discovery
- does not use Router Discovery
- link-layer address
- preferred link-local 1, life infinite
- preferred link-local fe801, life infinite
- link MTU 1500 (true link MTU 4294967295)
- current hop limit 128
- reachable time 21500ms (base 30000ms)
- retransmission interval 1000ms
- DAD transmits 0
113Windows XP ping6
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgtping6 www.kame.net
- Pinging kame220.kame.net 3ffe50148192000280a
dfffe7181fc - from 3ffe37001f05e0d847c169caa0cab2 with
32 bytes of data -
- Reply from 3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc
bytes32 time249ms - Reply from 3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc
bytes32 time232ms - Reply from 3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc
bytes32 time249ms - Reply from 3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc
bytes32 time229ms -
- Ping statistics for 3ffe50148192000280adfffe
7181fc - Packets Sent 4, Received 4, Lost 0 (0
loss), - Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds
- Minimum 229ms, Maximum 249ms, Average
114IPv6 tracert
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgttracert6
www.kame.net -
- Tracing route to kame220.kame.net
3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc - from 3ffe37001f05e0d847c169caa0cab2 over a
maximum of 30 hops -
- 1 lt1 ms lt1 ms lt1 ms
3ffe37001f05e04700 - 2 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms
3ffe3700ff24a1 - 3 75 ms 95 ms 95 ms
snva-ipls.ipv6.abilene.ucaid.edu 3ffe3700f - f5092
- 4 76 ms 97 ms 76 ms
cisco1.sanjose.wide.ad.jp 200120006c031 -
- 5 250 ms 229 ms 231 ms
cisco1.notemachi.wide.ad.jp 200120006c01 - 29027fffe3ad8
- 6 230 ms 232 ms 230 ms
pc3.yagami.wide.ad.jp 200120001c041000 - 2000
- 7 251 ms 229 ms 250 ms
gr2000.k2c.wide.ad.jp 2001200048192000 - 1
- 8 232 ms 251 ms 234 ms apple.kame.net
3ffe50148192000280adfff - e7181fc
115IPv6 configuration commands
- ipv6 rc View the route cache
- ipv6 nc View the neighbor cache
- ipv6 if View interface information
- ipv6 ifc Configure interface attributes
- ipv6 rtu Add IPv6 route
- ipv6 adu Configure IPv6 with manual addresses
116ipv6 rc (route cache)
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgtipv6 rc
- 3ffe50148192000280adfffe7181fc via
5/fe802602ffffea3c098 - src 5/3ffe37001f05e0d847c169caa0cab2
- PMTU 1500
- 200120004819280adfffe7181fc via
5/fe802602ffffea3c098 - src 5/3ffe37001f05e0d847c169caa0cab2
- PMTU 1500
- 2002c0586301c0586301 via 3/2002c0586301c0
586301 (stale) - src 3/2002d1d3ed55d1d3ed55
- PMTU 1280
- 2002836b213c836b213c via 3/2002836b213c83
6b213c (stale) - src 3/2002d1d3ed55d1d3ed55
- PMTU 1280
117ipv6 nc (neighbor cache)
- C\Documents and Settings\Billgtipv6 nc
- 5 fe802602ffffea3c098 00-60-2f-a3-c0-98
stale (router) - 5 fe802504fffef064b2 00-50-04-f0-64-b2
permanent - 5 3ffe37001f05e02504fffef064b2
00-50-04-f0-64-b2 permanent - 5 3ffe37001f05e0d847c169caa0cab2
00-50-04-f0-64-b2 permanent - 4 fe802608fffed25c1b 00-60-08-d2-5c-1b
permanent - 3 2002c0586301c0586301
permanent - 3 2002836b213c836b213c
permanent - 3 2002d1d3ed55d1d3ed55
permanent - 3 2002836b213c1e08f08f0208
permanent - 3 200170801624
incomplete - 2 permanent
- 2 fe805efe209.211.237.85
permanent - 1 fe801 permanent
- 1 1 permanent
118Operating System Applications with IPv6
Functionality Included
- Internet Explorer
- telnet
- ftp
- ftpd
- Microsoft Network Monitor
119Coming Soon
- .net Server, now in beta and to be released in
2H2002 - IPv6 compliant IIS
- IPv6 compliant Micosoft Media Server
- Anything that runs over MS RPC should just
work. - Alledgedly every Microsoft application group is
working on IPv6 compliance, but timetables are
120Open Software with IPv6 Support within Windows XP
- NTemacs
- Teraterm Pro with SSH
- Cygwin with IPv6 extensions
- Apache with IPv6 extensions for win32
- Windump
- Emacs
121Open Source Porting Problems
- Sylpheed supports IPv6 with FreeBSD and Linux,
but doesnt appear to work with Windows XP - Mozilla supports IPv6 on FreeBSD and Linux, but
not for Windows. This is apparently because
Windows XP doesnt support IPv4-mapped IPv6
addresses - Mozilla developer said there is some interest in
making mozilla IPv6-capable on Windows XP - Look for a Windows single stack network
architecture in 2003
122Applications to be investigated
- Wanderlust - Yet another message interface on
Emacsen - http//www.gohome.org/wl/index-e.htmlIMAGES
123Microsoft Bleeding Edge Statement
- The IPv6 software supplied in this release
contains prerelease code and is not intended for
commercial use. This software is available for
research, development and testing only and must
never be used in a production environment.
Microsoft is not responsible for your use of the
code or for the results from your use of the
code, and Microsoft does not provide any level of
technical support for IPv6 in this release. Peer
support is available from the microsoft.public.pla
tformssdk.networking.ipv6 newsgroup found at
124Firing Up DVTS over IPv6
125What is DVTS?
- Digital Video over IP
- Videoconferencing over IPv6 or IPv4 with
preference for IPv6 - A product of the Wide Project
- http//www.sfc.wide.ad.jp/DVTS/
126Operating Systems Supported
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- Linux
- Windows 2000 and Windows XP (IPv4 only as of Jan
10, 2002) - MacOS X -- incomplete IPv4 seems to work IPv6
stuff incomplete
127Tested Operating System Environments
- Linux
- Must use specific Linux kernel and configuration
- Used Debian Linux, but any Linux variant should
be OK - Firewire configuration on desktop easy, but
challenging on laptop PC - Once working, everything looked obvious
- Gory details at end of presentation
128Tested Operating System Environments
- MacOS X
- Wasnt able to build without significant
modification port incomplete
129Tested Configuration
This shows video/audio flow Going one direction
only. For Both directions, duplicate this Going
in opposite direction.
Firewire Link
15-30Mbps IPv6
15-30Mbps IPv6
SVGA or Composite Video
Video Content
Firewire Link
130Network Traffic Generated
- By default, 32Mbps IPv6 or IPv4 traffic is
generated in each direction (30 frames per
second) - Can reduce frame rate to 15 frames per second to
reduce bandwidth to about 16Mbps without
noticable degradation in video performance
131Bandwidth Stats from Test Between Chicago and
Armonk, NY
- Abilene (mix of IPv4 and IPv6 traffic)
132Bandwidth Stats from Test Between Chicago and
Armonk, NY
- Armonk IPv6 Router Stats - FastEthernet Interface
Armonk, NY IPv6 Router Stats - Tunnel
133Cost of DVTS -- Wide Estimate
Item Quantity Per End Cost Each
Desktop or laptop computer 2 2,000
Firewire cards for PC or laptop 2 70
Camcorder 2 1,500
134DVTS Cost - My Experience
Item Quantity per end Cost Each
Laptop or PC 2 Used existing equipment
Camcorder 1 1,000
A/D Converter 1 300
Firewire Cardbus or PCI card 2 50-100
- DVTS Main Page - http//www.sfc.wide.ad.jp/DVTS/
- DVTS Presentation to Internet2 IPv6 Workshop in
Los Angeles - http//www.toyabe.net/I2-presentatio
136Linux Configuration Notes
- Configured on Debian Linux, 2.4.12 kernel.
- Turned on IEEE1394 (and IPv6) support in Linux
kernel - DVTS source code looks for IEEE1394 kernel source
code at /usr/src/linux/drivers/ieee1394 - Must install libraw1394 libraries
137Kernel configuration - 1 of 3Turning on
Experimental Code
138Kernel configuration 2 of 3Enabling IPv6
139Kernel configuration 3 of 3IEEE1394 Options
140Personal Linux/Hardware Compatibility Notes
- What works
- IBM Thinkpad T21 and 600E
- Western Digital IEEE1394 Cardbus card
(WDAD0003-RNW) - Sony DCR-PC9 Camcorder (also DCR-PC3 and DCR-PC7)
- Sony A/D Converter
- Dell 400Mhz GX1
- Pinnacle PCI IEEE1394 card
- Orange Micro IEEE1394/USB PCI card (USB not
tested) - Siig PCI card
- All Firewire devices listed above
141Personal Hardware Compatibility Notes
- Doesnt work
- Siig 2-port Cardbus card (NN-PC2012)
- Dazzle Hollywood A/D Bridge
- Dont try to use ohci1394 stuff in pcmcia-cs
source code -- it doesnt work and developers
dont intend to fix it (I wasted a lot of time
troubleshooting it, before I gave up) - If you are using a Cardbus IEEE1394 card and
Linux freezes, you must remark some ohci1394
initialization code (this seems to be a laptop
memory problem)
143Final Note about DVTS (IMHO)
- You have to get past source code and hardware
configuration problems, but once you do this,
DVTS seems easy and straightforward.
144Campus/GigaPoP IPv6
- Addressing, Software Versions, Topology Issues,
DNS Support, Traffic
145Campus Addressing
- Most sites will receive /48 assignments
- 16 bits left for subnetting - what to do with
EUI host address (64 bits)
Network address (48 bits)
16 bits
146Campus Addressing
- Sequentially, e.g.
- 0000
- 0001
- 16 bits 65535 subnets
147Campus Addressing
- Sequentially
- Following existing IPv4
- Subnets or combinations of nets subnets, or
VLANs, etc., e.g. - ?? 003c
- ?? 005b
- ?? 009c
- vs
- 013c or 383c or 9c3c vs 023c or 4f3c or 813c
148Campus Addressing
- Sequentially
- Following existing IPv4
- Topological/aggregating
- reflecting wiring plants, supernets, large
broadcast domains, etc. - Main library 0010/60
- Floor in library 001a/64
- Computing center 0020/55
- Student servers 002c/64
- Medical school 00c0/50
- and so on. . .
149New Things to Think About
- You can use all 0s and all 1s! (0000, ffff)
- Youre not limited to 254 hosts per subnet!
- Switch-rich LANs allow for larger broadcast
domains (with tiny collision domains), perhaps
thousands of hosts/LAN - No secondary subnets (though gt1
address/interface) - No tiny subnets either (no /30, /31, /32)plan
for what you need for backbone blocks, loopbacks,
150New Things to Think About
- Every /64 subnet has far more than enough
addresses to contain all of the computers on the
planet, and with a /48 you have 65536 of those
subnets - use this power wisely! - With so many subnets your IGP may end up carrying
thousands of routes - consider internal topology
and aggregation to avoid future problems.
151New Things to Think About
- Renumbering will likely be a fact of life.
Although v6 does make it easier, it still isnt
pretty. . . - Avoid using numeric addresses at all costs
- Avoid hard-configured addresses on hosts except
for servers - Anticipate that changing ISPs will mean
152Router Software Versions
- JUNOS 5.1 and up Line Rate v6 (just turn it on)
- IOS 12.2T and up - for most ISP-type routers
- IOS 12.0(19)ST and up - GSR only
- IOS process-switches IPv6 traffic with the router
CPU, so beware high traffic loads (though this is
a good problem to have!) - No IPv6 support on 65xx/76xx or 73xx yet.
153Topology Issues
- V6 in a production network
154Layer-2 Campus1 Switch
Bldg Switch
Big Core Switch
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Big Core Router
155Layer-2 Campus1 Switch
Bldg Switch
Big Core Switch
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Big Core Router
Small v6 Router
156Layer-2 Campus2 Core Switches
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Big Core Switch
Big Core Switch
Big Core Router
Big Core Router
157Layer-2 Campus2 Core Switches
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Bldg Switch
Small v6 Router
Big Core Switch
Big Core Switch
Big Core Router
Big Core Router
158Layer-3 Campus
Bldg Router
Big Core Router
Bldg Router
Bldg Router
Border Router
159Edge Router Options
Host v4/v6
Bldg Switch
Switched Core
Bldg Switch
Host v4-only
Commodity Router v4-only
Internet2 Router v4 and v6
160Routing Protocols
- iBGP and IGP (RIPng/IS-IS)
- IPv6 iBGP sessions in parallel with IPv4
- Static Routing
- all the obvious scaling problems, but works OK to
get started, especially using a trunked v6 VLAN. - OSPFv3 is coming
- It will run in a ships-in-the-night mode relative
to OSPFv2 for IPV4 - neither will know about the
161DNS Issues
- BIND Versions
- All modern versions of BIND support AAAA
- BIND9 can use IPv6 transport for queries
- IPv6 root servers
- ip6.int vs. ip6.arpa - being fixed, we hope!
162Equipment Needs
- Tunnel Router (Cisco 2600) 2,000
- A router with two Ethernet interfaces is best, to
avoid one-armed routing. - Workstation Linux Box 1,000
- For testing and demonstrations, any old cast-off
Pentium will get you going. . .
163Future Needs
- Routers better v6 support, new features, speed
- Servers Dual-Stack, Application support
- Topology Border/Core Designs
- Not much - this graph is of IPv6 NNTP traffic
between UO and NYSERNet on June 20, which at the
time was the only non-routing-protocol v6 traffic
over Abilene. There are a few other occasional
165Traffic - the NNTP Experiment
- Usenet makes an excellent IPv6 "foundation"
application, and INN, the traditional open source
news server supported by the ISC, has IPv6
support in the INN -CURRENT development tree
(ftp//ftp.isc.org/isc/inn/snapshots/) Tin
supports v6 reading (http//www.tin.org) -
- Building INN is covered in detail in the INSTALL
file included with the source including support
for IPv6 is a simple matter of including the line
--enable-ipv6 as part of the configure time
options. See also doc/IPv6-info (included with
the source). - IPv6 addresses show up explicitly in three
configuration files - incoming.conf - who can transfer articles to you
- innfeed.conf - where you are feeding articles
- readers.conf - who can read/post from your server
- All work the way you'd expect, and can accept
either host names or IPv6 colon-formatted
addresses (if you use colon-formatted raw
addresses, enclose them in double quotes due to
the use of colons as punctuation in the
innfeed.conf file). - If folks need help finding an IPv6 Usenet peer,
they should feel free to contact Joe St Sauver
(joe_at_oregon.uoregon.edu). He will usually be
willing to provide IPv6 Usenet peering, or play
"matchmaker" to help people find other IPv6
Usenet peers.
- Internet2 IPv6 Working Group
- ipv6.internet2.edu
- Grover Browning
- gcbrowni_at_iu.edu
- Abilene NOC
- noc_at_abilene.iu.edu