The knockout blow to AGW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The knockout blow to AGW


The knockout blow to AGW Dr David Evans – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The knockout blow to AGW

The knockout blow to AGW
The hotspot is missing
Dr David Evans
Signatures Are Important
  • Most global warming debating
  • points do not matter much.
  • Signatures
  • Are evidence about causes (rare!)
  • Can rule out causes
  • Can confirm or falsify IPPC Climate models
    quickly and definitively

No One Knows About Signatures
  • AGW proponents quiet about them
  • 1999 Data collected
  • 2003 Earliest tech. publications
  • 2007 First public outing
  • Never published in media
  • If signatures supported AGW, we
  • would have heard ALL about them

Causes Leave Clues
  • Each cause of global warming heats up the
    atmosphere in a distinctive pattern its
  • Not all signatures are unique

Observed Warming Pattern 1979 - 1999
No Hotspot
Broad stratospheric cooling
Height (km)
Pressure (hPa)
Broad tropospheric warming
This is ALL the data
IPCC Models 1890 - 1999
Increased solar radiation
Increased greenhouse gases (other than water
Ozone depletion
Aerosol emissions
Sum of Signatures What IPCC models say happened
IPCC Models 1958 - 1999
Unknown Signatures
  • Signatures of some leading possible causes of
    global warming are unknown
  • Examples
  • PDO, cosmic rays
  • IPCC produces signatures, but vigorously ignores
    non-human causes and so does not calculate
    signatures for them

Conclusion 1. AGW is wrong
IPCC Models (AGW) 1958 - 99
Observed Warming 1979 - 99
  • AGW predicts a hotspot
  • There is no hotspot
  • ? AGW is wrong

Conclusion 2 CO2 is Innocent
Observed Warming 1979 - 99
IPCC Models 1958 99 Signature of warming due to
increased (non-water vapor) greenhouse gases
  • To the extent that climate theory is correct in
    predicting a hotspot due to extra greenhouse,
    carbon emissions were not the main cause of the
    recent global warming.

IPCC Attacks the Data
  • The missing hotspot
  • Kills AGW
  • Undermines the theory that carbon emissions cause
    global warming
  • Normally theory yields to data
  • Too much money and power at stake, so...
  • The IPCC chooses to attack the data and preserve
    their theory without modification

Santers Objection
  • Stretches error bars
  • Complex statistical argument that the hotspot
    might be present yet went undetected
  • But while an individual radiosonde might miss
    hotspot, collectively hundreds could not
  • Radiosondes detect 0.1C, hotspot gt 0.6C

Sherwoods Objection
  • Throws away the radiosonde thermometer data
  • Uses radiosonde wind gauge data instead
  • Says the results cannot rule out a hotspot
  • But thermometers are designed to measure
    temperature, so its a bit of a stretch to claim
    that wind gauges are accidentally better at it.

Objections are Plainly Weak
  • IPCC scientists do not claim that the hotspot
    was found, only that we might have missed it

What hotspot?
The Obvious Conclusions
  1. There was an increased greenhouse effect due to
    rising CO2 levels, but its effect was so small
    that its hotspot was not detectable by the
    technology employed in the 1980s and 90s
  2. The increased greenhouse effect and its hotspot
    were probably overwhelmed by larger forces on the
    global temperature

Water Vapor Feedback
The Heart of AGW
  • Climate theory Any heating of the earths
    surface causes a hotspot, due to water vapor

Increasing solar radiation by 2
Doubling CO2 levels
Theoretical Signatures From the GISS Model
Responsible For Most of the Predicted Temperature
  • IPCC Climate theory
  • Water vapor feedback amplifies any surface
    warming twofold
  • Journalist Christopher Monckton has heroically
    pieced together the most recent published
    opinions of the IPCC into a single climate system

dT ? dF / (1 b?)
? 0.313, dF 3.4 Wm-2 for a CO2 doubling
IPCC Values If b 1.80 - 0.84 0.26 0.69
0.25 2.16
then dT 0.313 3.4 / ( 1 2.16 0.313) 3.3
Low water vapor feedback If b 0.20 - 0.42
0.26 0.69 0.25 0.98
then dT 0.313 3.4 / ( 1 0.98 0.313) 1.5
Turn Down the Water Vapor Feedback In the IPCC
  1. Weak hotspot, compatible with the observed data
  2. Reduce the temperature rises predicted by the
    IPCC by more than half
  3. IPPC climate models much more stable

What Next with Signatures?
  • Nothing
  • Problem known for years
  • Press wont touch it
  • Even most skeptics dont understand why it is
  • Maybe alarmist scientists will announce that the
    missing hotspot shows temperature rises wont be
    so bad ? lose funding, jobs, status??? Ha ha

Science Was Always Irrelevant
  • Science behind AGW was always weak
  • Only evidence was old ice cores, 1985 to 2000!
  • By 1998 Kyoto, bureaucracy, roadmap
  • Ice core data reversed by 2003. Ignored, even in
    Gores 2005 movie.
  • Missing hotspot contradicts AGW. Ignored.

So what is going on?
Follow the Money
  • Skeptics and big oil
  • 2 million per year on anti-AGW
  • Big government and greens
  • 2 billion per year on AGW
  • Finance industry
  • 120 billion traded last year, exploding

Who Benefits from Emission Trading?
  • Emission permits are created by fiat, out of thin
    air, yet have value
  • Trading favors the well-informed and those who
    can move the market. Big financial firms will
    routinely plunder the pockets of others.
  • The rest of us, one way or another, will pay for
    the emission permits and the trading profits

Banks The Big Picture
  • 1. Fractional reserve banking 1694
  • Banks create bank money
  • Fiat currencies 1971
  • Govts create base money
  • Carbon trading 2010?
  • Govts create emissions permits

We dont need any of these things, but they will
always be with us.
Alarmist Science Used
  • Skeptical scientists always ignored. Mainstream
    never taken us seriously.
  • But alarmist scientists also irrelevant now. They
    have been used.
  • Example James Hansens current call for a carbon
    tax is correct and fair. But they are ignoring
    you now Dr Hansen your baby is no longer yours!

Missing Hotspot
Paper and Powerpoint available from
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