Title: Sex - Linked
1Sex - Linked
2Dominant Sex-Linked Cross
Trait Name __Sex______ Parents _XX__ x
__XY_ Possible Sperm ______ Possible Egg
______ Offspring Genotypes __________________ R
atio _______________________ Phenotypes
_________________ Ratio _______________________
3Rett Syndrome
- Brain disorder.
- Small hands and feet.
- Hand shakes.
- Hands always in the mouth.
4Dominant Sex-Linked Cross
Trait Name __Rett Syndrome______ Has Trait
Males _________ Females __________________ No
Trait Males __________ Females
__________________ Parents _____ X
_____ Possible Sperm ______ Possible Egg
______ Offspring Genotypes __________________ R
atio _______________________ Phenotypes
_________________ Ratio _______________________
- Missing clotting factors.
- Cant stop bleeding.
6Recessive Sex-Linked Cross
Trait Name __Hemophelia______ Has Trait Males
_________ Females __________________ No Trait
Males __________ Females __________________ Pare
nts _____ X _____ Possible Sperm ______
Possible Egg ______ Offspring Genotypes
__________________ Ratio _______________________
Phenotypes _________________ Ratio
7Color Blindness
- http//colorvisiontesting.com/ishihara.htmsecond
8Recessive Sex-Linked Cross
Trait Name __Color Blindness______ Has Trait
Males _________ Females __________________ No
Trait Males __________ Females
__________________ Parents _____ X
_____ Possible Sperm ______ Possible Egg
______ Offspring Genotypes __________________ R
atio _______________________ Phenotypes
_________________ Ratio _______________________