Title: Abortus habitualis
1Abortus habitualisÄtiologie und Therapie
2Recurrent Miscarriage
- clinical/biochemical pregnancies
- miscarriage rates
- 15 to 20 (ACOG 1995)
- 50 to 75 (Boklage et al. 1990)
- definition - recurrent abortion
- 3 or more consecutive miscarriages lt 20 weeks
gestation, same partner (ACOG 1995) - 3 or more pregnancy losses (RCOG 2003)
- incidence
- 1-2 (Wilcox et al. 1990) expected 0.3 due to
chance alone -
4Diagnostik - Infektionen
- 16 repräsentative Studien
- Assoziation mit
- Ureaplasmen (Stray-Pedersen et al. 1977)
- Chlamydien (Witkin et al. 1992)
- Mycoplasmen (Quinn et al. 1983)
- Toxoplasmen (Sahwi et al. 1995)
- keine Assoziation
- Listeria, Francisella, Yersinia, Candida,
Brucella - ACOG, RCOG keine Empfehlung
5Diagnostik - Uterus
- Anatomische Veränderungen in 1.8-37.6
- Assoziation mit (Tho 1979)
- Septum
- Myome
- Synechien
- Uterus bicornis
- Lebgebrate 50 (Grimbizis 2001)
- Operative Intervention (De Cherney 1986)
- n101
- Lebendgeburtrate 85 nach OP kein RCT
6Genetik - Karyotyp
- Leukozytenkultur
- numer./strukt. Aberrationen
- selten - 3 (Simpson et al. 1989)
- balancierte Translokationen
- simple Translok.
- reziproke Translok.
- Robertsonsche Translok.
- Abortrisiko 25-50
- RT 1421 50 letale Genotypen (Monosomie 14, 21,
Trisomie 14), ein Drittel normal, ein Sechstel
Trisomie 21
7Genetik - fetaler Karyotyp
- Spontanabort (Simpson et al. 1980)
- 46 - 65 abnorme Karyotypen
- autosomale Trisomie (31)
- Monosomie X (10)
- Triploidie, Tetraploidie (11)
- habitueller Abort (Ogasawara et al. 2000)
- Frequenz abnormer Karyotypen
- 1300 Fälle, 2-20 Aborte
- kontinuierliche Abnahme
- (63,6 2 Ab. - 11,0 89 10-20 Ab.)
- Indikation Studien, Prognose
8Genetische Marker
- Faktor V Leiden (Souza et al. 1999)
- OR 4.9 (95 CI 1.3-19.7)
- C677T-MTHFR (Daya et al. 2000)
- G20210A-Prothrombin (Foka et al. 2000)
- 15 Arbeiten NOS3, p53, AGT (Tempfer et al.
2000) - Agt - knockout mouse model
- Frühaborte
- 121 mendelischer Vererbungsmodus
- signif. Reduktion -/- (P0.001)
9 Tempfer et al., Fertility and Sterility
- Epidemiologie
- n2507, 22 Mutationen
- 66 mind. 2 relevante mt/mt- Genotypen
- 9.9 Thrombophilie 12 KHK-Risiko
- 18 Osteoporose
- 23 mind. 2 homozygote BC-SNPs
10Meta-Analyse - 31 Studien, 1975-2002The Lancet
- Faktor V Leiden
- early recurrent fetal loss (OR 2.01)
- late recurrent fetal loss (OR 7.83)
- late non-recurrent fetal loss (OR 3.26)
- Prothrombin G20210A
- early recurrent fetal loss (OR 2.56)
- late non-recurrent fetal loss (OR 2.30)
- Anti Cardiolipin-Ak Ak gegen Prothrombin, AT
III, Trophoblast 9-17 - APS - AK IRM/Thrombose/IUFT
- HCG signal transduction (Di Simone et al. 1995,
1997) - trophoblast invasion
- Diagnose AK-Ak und/oder Lupus Antikoagulans
- dilute Russels viper venome time (dRVVT)
- LBR 10 (Rai et al. 1995)
- Alloimmunität semiallogenes TX
- asymmetr. glyk. AKs (Eblen et al. 2000)
12TH1/TH2 - Ratio
- normale Schwangerschaft ein TH2-Phänomen
(Rhagupathy et al. 1997) - Interleukinproduktion
- TH1 Interferon-?, TNF-?, IL-1, IL-12
- TH2 IL-4, IL-6
- Autoimmun-KH, z.B. SLE, RA
- HA - Verschiebung der TH1/TH2-Ratio
- Cortison (Petrovsky et al. 1998)
- Naturheilmittel (sarei-to)
13Homocysteine - Neural Tube Defects
- China 1993 to 1995, NORTH-SOUTH
- 400µg FA periconcept.
- NTD 4.8 vs. 1.0/1000 pregn. (North) and 1.0 vs.
0.6/1000 (South) - OR 0.15 95 CI 0.62-0.94
- OR 0.59 95 CI 0.30-0.64
14Fetal Effects Sow Model
- Tremblay et al. 1989
- 162 sows randomised
- folic acid (5mg/kg) standard diet
- reproductive outcome measures
- number of fetuses increased
- fetal survival increased
15Eigene Daten
- Studie
- n133, gt 3 miscarr., serum homocysteine, MTHFR
C677T - Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- allele frequencies
- C-allele (wild type) 65.4 vs. 78.4
- T-allele (mutant) 34.6 vs. 21.6
- OR 1.9 (95 CI 1.2-3.1)
16Recurrent Miscarriage II
- genotype frequencies
- TT 17.3 vs. 5.4
- OR 3.7 (95 CI 1.2-11.8)
- serum homocysteine
- mean 7.4µmol/L (TTCT) vs. 6.5µmol/L (CC)
- plt0.05
- Nelen et al. 2000, meta-analysis
- Witkin et al. 1995 20 Hyperhomozysteinämie
- Mögliche Ursache wiederh. FG
- 1950 (Erstbeschreibung Shirodkar VN 1955
McDonald IA 1957) bis 1990 (Ultraschall) - schmerzlose Zervixdilatation
- Kollagen-SW, mechan. Komponente, Infektionen,
Nikotin - Zervixlänge (Zilianti et al. 1995)
- 20-28 wks 35mm median 10th percentile 25mm
- term 30mm median
- CDC-Statistik 14 000 Diagnosen 1999 (ICD
634.91) 1/217 Geburten - 1980-1990 - Dän.
Geburtenregister - Cerclage 1/222 (Harger JH 1980 USA), 1/182
(Kuhn and Pepperell 1977 AUS) 1/1842 (Barter et
al 1958 USA),1/54 (Toaff et al. 1977 IS)
191) Elektive Cerclage
- 1) Anamnese 2nd trimester loss ohne Bltg.,
Wehen - 2) Zx-Längenverkürzung und/oder funneling gt40
- 3) aufgebrauchte Zx, sichtbare MM- Dilatation
/- FB-Prolaps - MANAGEMENT
20Elektive Cerclage - Metaanalyse
21Elektive Cerclage - Random. Studien
221) Elektive Cerclage
- 4 randomisierte Studien
- Dor et al. n50 twins n.s.
- Rush et al. n194 n.s.
- Lazar et al. n506 n.s.
- RCOG n1292
- birth lt33 wks
- 110/645 (17) vs. 83/647 (13) OR 0.75
(0.57-0.98) - Subgruppenanalyse
- losses 1, 2, 3
- einzige sign. Subgruppe 3 losses NNT 7
231) Elektive Cerclage - Konsequenz
- 3 Aborte 2nd trimester
- laut Protokoll SSW 13-16
- USlebender Fetus, keine Anomalien
- 1,2 Aborte keine Cerclage Zx-US-Kontrolle
25Heparin bei Thrombophilie HA
- Heparinisierung LMW-Heparin
- 10 Studien, 1992-2003, 4 Fallserien, 6
Fallkontrollstudien, Kohortenstudien - 1) Fallserien
- Lebendgeburtrate 89 (40/45) unter Heparin
- 2) Fallkontroll- u. Kohortenstudien
- Lebendgeburtrate 82 (181/221) unter Heparin vs.
20 (95/466) - plt0.001
- OR 17.7 95 KI 12.2-25.5 17.7
26Heparin bei Thrombophilie HA
- LIVE-ENOX-Studie
- LMWH 40mg vs. 80mg n180
- SSW 5-10 bis 6 Wo p.p.
- LBR 84, 78 (vs. 28.2, 28.3 prior pregnancy)
- RCOG Empfehlung
- Screening, Thromboprophylaxe
- Cochrane (Di Nisio et al. 2005)
- 1 RCT ASS kein Effekt vs. Plazebo
- RR 1.0 (0.78-1.29)
- 1 RCT Hep vs. ASS erhöht LBR
- RR 10.0 (1.56-64.2)
27LMWH oder UFH?
- low molecular weight heparin vs.
- unfractionated heparin (Noble et al. 2005)
- n50 APS ASS (81mg/d) LMWH (Enoxaparin
40mg/d) vs. UFH (5000-6000 Gewicht IU 2xtgl.) - Präkonzeptionell SSW 37
- LBR 21/25 84 vs. 20/25 80
- Aborte 4/20 vs. 5/20
- No major bleeding, thrombocytopenia
28Cortison/Aspirin - Therapie
- Aspirin 7. Monat
- ThromboASS 100 mg 1x1 tgl.
- Cortison 12. SSW
- Prednison 5 mg 1x4 tgl.
- Laskin et al. 2000 n202 RCT 2 Aborte höhere
LGR NWs - Reznikoff-Etiévant et al. 1999 n670 LGR 89
- Cortison beeinflußt TH1/TH2 - Ratio
- (Petrovsky et al. 1998)
29- matched-pair design 2001-2004 HA
- n210 80 eligible IRM präkonzeptionell 52
pregnant 52 controls - live births
- 77 (40/52) vs. 35 (18/52) p0.04
- 1st trimester abortion
- 19 (10/52) vs. 63 (33/52) p0.09
- no difference
- birth weight, gestational age, premature birth
(n2 3) - M. Cushing (n0), IUGR (n0)
- 3 stopped treatment (nausea, depression,
- 6 RCTs
- Daya 1998 Metaanalyse 4 RCTs no difference (OR
1.48 95 CI 0.84-2.60) - Jablonowska 1999 n41 no difference
- Stephenson 1998 n62 no difference
- ACOG, RCOG keine Empfehlung
31Immunotherapy RCTs
- Cochrane Analyse (Scott-JR 2003)
- paternal cell immunisation
- 11 trials, 596 women, OR 1.05, 95 CI 0.75 to
1.47 - third party donor cell immunization
- 3 trials, 156 women, OR 1.39, 95 CI 0.68 to 2.82
- trophoblast membrane infusion
- 1 trial, 37 women, OR 0.40, 95 CI 0.11 to 1.45
32Progesterone - RCTs
- no effect in sporadic abortion
- 14 RCTs n1988 OR 1.05, 95 CI 0.83 to 1.34 for
risk of miscarriage (Oates-Whitehead 2003) - effective in recurrent abortion
- 3 RCTs OR 0.39, 95 CI 0.17 to 0.91
(Oates-Whitehead 2003) -
- Daya 1989, meta-analysis 3 RCTs
- Recurrent abortion LPD
- OR for gt20 weeks gestation 3.09 (95 CI 1.28 to
7.42) - El-Zibdeh 2005
- n180 IRM offene RCT Dydrogesteron 10mg/d p.o.
vs. hCG vs. no treatment - Abortrate 13.4 (D) vs. 29 (no treatment)
33APS - RCTs
- APS 9-17
- Def. Antikardiolipin-Ak /oder Lupus
Antikoagulans HA / Thrombose /
Autoimmunthromozytopenie - Aspirin Heparin
- 2 offene RCTs, 1 RCT (Kutteh 1996 Rai 1997
Triolo 2003) - signifikant geringere Rate an Aborten, höhere
Lebendgeburtrate (84 vs. 57)
- Ätiologie/Assoziationen
- genital infections (Witkin et al. 1992)
- mat./pat. translocations (Husslein et al. 1982)
- autoimmune disorders (Kutteh et al. 1996)
- alloimmune dysfunction (Medawar et al. 1998)
- genetic markers (Souza et al. 1997)
- hyperhomocysteinemia (Nelen et al. 2000)
- uterine anomalies (Tho et al. 1979)
- luteal phase defect (LPD) (Daya et al. 1989)
- hyperprolactinemia (Kutteh et al. 1999)
- hyperandrogenemia (Okon et al. 1998)
35Evidence Levels
- Ia meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- Ib at least 1 RCT
- IIa controlled study without randomisation
- IIb quasi-experimental study
- III non-experimental study descriptive,
comparative studies, case series - IV non-clinical studies
- V expert opinion, clinical experience
- Therapie
- APS heparin/aspirin.level Ib
- IRM Progesteron (Studie).level Ia
- Thrombophilia heparin..level Ib/IIa
- IRM Cortison/Progesteron/Folat/Aspirin präkonz.
(Studie)level IIa - Septum Dissektionlevel III
- Cerclage.level Ib
- IRM IVIG, Immunoth..neg. Ia
- mat./pat. Chromosomenanomalie PID, Eizellspende