Robin Hogan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Robin Hogan


Synergistic cloud, aerosol and precipitation products Progress so far in RATEC Robin Hogan Julien Delano Nicola Pounder University of Reading – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Robin Hogan

Synergistic cloud, aerosol and precipitation
productsProgress so far in RATEC
  • Robin Hogan
  • Julien DelanoĆ«
  • Nicola Pounder
  • University of Reading

Synergy products as defined in CASPER
Overview of our role in RATEC
  • Radiative transfer for EarthCARE (RATEC)
  • Lead contractor Howard Barker
  • Started August 23, 2009
  • 15 month project
  • Our role is to start the development of synergy
  • Also define the required imager and target
    classification products
  • WP120 Review - first 3 months
  • Products and Algorithms Requirements Document
  • Algorithm Development Plan (ADP)
  • WP 220 Design - next 5 months
  • Product Definition Document (PDD)
  • WP 320 Prototype and test - final 7 months
  • Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)

Overview of talk
  • Laying the foundations for the algorithm...
  • Summary of retrieval framework
  • State variables (describing ice, liquid, rain and
  • Forward models (for radar, HSRL lidar, infrared
    solar radiometers)
  • Cost function
  • Minimization techniques
  • Gauss-Newton Levenberg-Marquardt
  • Gradient Descent (adjoint method)
  • Ensemble methods
  • Coding progress
  • C library
  • Scattering code
  • Calculation and storage of error descriptors
  • Solution error covariance matrix
  • Averaging kernel
  • Progress for specific atmospheric constituents
  • Liquid cloud gradient constraint

Retrieval framework
  • Ingredients developed before
  • Not yet developed

Proposed state variables
State variable Representation with height / constraint A-priori
Ice clouds and snow
Visible extinction coefficient One variable per pixel with smoothness constraint None
Number conc. parameter Cubic spline basis functions with vertical correlation Temperature dependent
Lidar extinction-to-backscatter ratio Cubic spline basis functions 20 sr
Riming factor Likely a single value per profile 1
Liquid clouds
Liquid water content One variable per pixel but with gradient constraint None
Droplet number concentration One value per liquid layer Temperature dependent
Rain rate Cubic spline basis functions with flatness constraint None
Normalized number conc. Nw One value per profile Dependent on whether from melting ice or coallescence
Melting-layer thickness scaling factor One value per profile 1
Extinction coefficient One variable per pixel with smoothness constraint None
Lidar extinction-to-backscatter ratio One value per aerosol layer identified Climatological type depending on region
Forward model components
  • From state vector x to forward modelled
    observations H(x)...

Ice snow
Liquid cloud
Lookup tables to obtain profiles of extinction,
scattering backscatter coefficients, asymmetry
Lots of expensive matrix multiplications likely
to be the most expensive part of the entire
Sum the contributions from each constituent
Radiative transfer models
Solution methods (1/3)
  • We want to minimize this cost function
  • Possibly using the gradient (a vector)
  • and the second derivative (a matrix)
  • 1. Gauss-Newton method (Rodgers p85)
  • Advantage rapid convergence (instant convergence
    for linear problems)
  • Another advantage get the error covariance of
    the solution for free
  • Disadvantage need the Jacobian of every forward
    model can be expensive

Solution methods (2/3)
  • 2. Gradient descent method (e.g. ECMWF data
    assimilation system)
  • Advantage we dont need to calculate the
    Jacobian so forward model is cheaper!
  • Quasi-Newton method to get search direction
    (conjugate gradient, BGFS etc)
  • Disadvantage more iterations needed since we
    dont know curvature of J(x)
  • Disadvantage dont get the error for free at
    the end
  • Why dont we need the Jacobian H?
  • The adjoint of a forward model takes as input
    the vector . and outputs the vector ??Jobs
    without needing to calculate the matrix H on the
  • Adjoint can be coded to be only 3 times slower
    than original forward model

Simple steepest descent requires many steps
Conjugate gradient method more intelligent
Solution methods (3/3)
  • 3. Levenberg-Marquardt (hybrid of Gauss-Newton
    steepest descent)
  • If cost function reduces, keep h small rapid
  • If cost function increases, increase h so that
    always go downhill
  • More robust than Gauss-Newton, but still need the
  • 4. Ensemble method (e.g. Ensemble Kalman Filter)
  • Create ensemble of trial solutions or
    particles in state space
  • Spread of results allows Jacobian to be
    calculated automatically to create better set
    of particles repeat until convergence
  • Applied to GPM retrievals by Mircea Grecu (NASA)
  • Advantage no Jacobian required
  • Estimate of retrieval error from final spread
  • Disadvantage may need many ensemble
    members so probably slower than adjoint
  • 5. Simulated annealing (e.g. Donovan in ECSIM)
  • Suitable for very non-linear problems
  • Too slow for this application?

Radiative transfer forward models
  • Computational cost can scale with number of
    points describing vertical profile N we can cope
    with an N2 dependence but not N3

Radar/lidar model Applications Speed Jacobian Adjoint
Single scattering bb exp(-2t) Radar lidar, no multiple scattering N N2 N
Platts approximation bb exp(-2ht) Lidar, ice only, crude multiple scattering N N2
Photon Variance-Covariance (PVC) method (Hogan 2006, 2008) Lidar, ice only, small-angle multiple scattering N or N2 N2 N
Time-Dependent Two-Stream (TDTS) method (Hogan and Battaglia 2008) Lidar radar, wide-angle multiple scattering N2 N3 N2
Depolarization capability for TDTS Lidar radar depol with multiple scattering N2 N2
  • Lidar will use PVCTDTS, radar will use single
  • Jacobian of TDTS is too expensive need to
    develop reduced-resolution Jacobian or
    alternatively adjoint code
  • Also need depolarization forward model with
    multiple scattering

Radiometer model Applications Speed Jacobian Adjoint
RTTOV (used at ECMWF Met Office) Infrared and microwave radiances N N
Two-stream source function technique (e.g. Delanoe Hogan 2008) Infrared radiances N N2
RADIANT (from Graeme Stephens) Solar radiances N N2 N
  • Infrared will probably use RTTOV, solar radiances
    will use RADIANT

Coding progress
  • Coding has started on the underpinning libraries
  • Use C because of key language features
  • Matrix and Vector Expression Library
  • Operator overloading and expression templates
    allows complex operations on matrices to be
    written on one line, with similar efficiency as
  • Important feature is to allow a matrix object to
    behave as part of another matrix important when
    different parts of the Jacobian refer to
    different instruments and need to be passed to
    functions in bits
  • Optimal Synergy Library
  • Object orientation and polymorphism Radar and
    Lidar classes inherit from generic Observation
    class IceCloud and Aerosol inherit from generic
    Constituent class
  • Enables code to be written to be completely
    flexible observations can be added and removed
    without needing to keep track of indices to
    matrices, so same code can be applied to many
  • Also written code to provide scattering libraries
    in NetCDF files

Storage of error descriptors
  • If ice is present at N points and M variables are
  • MN retrieved variables to report with MN errors
  • Error covariance and averaging kernel matrices
    also needed
  • A standard output from a variational algorithm
  • But (MN)2/2 values in each matrix, much larger
    than the retrieved variables and their errors
  • Matrix is a different size each ray!
  • Need a suitable compression strategy...

Retrieval error covariance matrix (Extinction,
lidar ratio, N)
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Retrieval error correlation matrix (Extinction,
lidar ratio, N)
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
Top -gt Height -gt bottom
For autocorrelation of extinction...
  • 3 Gaussians requires 8N or fewer values to
    approximate the error covariance matrix
  • Need to work on correlations between different

Averaging kernel
  • The averaging kernel matrix expresses how the
    retrieval at a point depends on the truth at
    every other point
  • The sum of each column expresses how much the
    retrieval at that point derives from the
    measurements (rather than the prior) 1 is good!
  • The shape of each column expresses the effective
    vertical resolution of the retrieval more peaked
    is good!
  • Easy to parameterize
  • Store integral and peak
  • Or store integral and the width for each column

Height (m)
Information content
Gradient constraint
A. Slingo, S. Nichols and J. Schmetz, Q. J. R.
Met. Soc. 1982
  • We have a good constraint on the gradient of the
    state variables with height for
  • LWC in stratocu (adiabatic profile, particularly
    near cloud base)
  • Rain rate (fast falling so little variation with
    height expected)
  • Not suitable for the usual a priori constraint
  • Solution add an extra term to the cost function
    to penalize deviations from gradient c

Example in liquid clouds
  • Using simulated observations
  • Triangular cloud observed by a 1- or
    2-field-of-view lidar
  • Retrieval uses Levenberg-Marquardt minimization
    with Hogan and Battaglia (2008) model for lidar
    multiple scattering

Optical depth30 Footprint100m Footprint600m
Ongoing work
  • Implement various instrument forward models
  • Not too difficult interfacing different codes
    and languages
  • Write adjoint for slowest models
  • Solver
  • Test gradient descent algorithms (conjugate
    gradient, BGFS etc)
  • Implementation of different atmospheric
  • Ice cloud we know how to do this
  • Liquid cloud to be done in RATEC
  • Aerosol and precipitation basic implementation
    in RATEC longer-term development needs
    collaboration with DAME, IRMA etc...
  • Test datasets
  • Several airborne comparisons for validation (TC4,
    POLARCAT etc)
  • A-Train
  • ECSIM (after RATEC)
  • Two-instrument synergy products
  • To be tested using same code removing one
    instrument (after RATEC)

(No Transcript)
Aerosol refractive index
355-nm lidar
  • Values from Ellie Highwood
  • Strong dependence on aerosol type
  • Varies with hydration
  • Can we use one continuous variable to represent
    different aerosol properties?
  • Need to make simplifications if information from
    multiple wavelengths is to be combined

Solar MSI channels
Thermal MSI channels
Matrix and Vector Expression Library
  • Intuitive interface and ability to do complex
  • Matrix M(3,3)
  • Vector x(3) 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 // Simple
  • M N R exp(P) // invokes element
  • y transpose(x) () inverse(R) // () invokes
    matrix multiplication
  • x solve(A, b) // Linear algebra
  • Important aspects not in any other library (to my
  • S.subset(M, 3, 30, 2, 20) // Matrix subsetting
  • M(find(M lt 0.0)) 0.0 // Matlab-style indexing
  • BitfieldMatrix b b.bit(4) 1 // Handling of
    classification data
  • Efficient and robust implementation
  • Expression templates to avoid temporary objects
    in long expressions
  • Reference counting for allocated objects protects
    against memory leaks

Key classes
  • State
  • Methods
  • solve()
  • add_obs(Observation)
  • Data
  • List of Observations
  • List of Constituents
  • Vector x, y
  • Matrix Jacobian etc.
  • Constituent
  • Methods
  • calc_scat_props(wavelength)
  • Data
  • Vector x, x_prior
  • Observation
  • Methods
  • calc_scat_props()
  • virtual forward_model()
  • Data
  • Real wavelength
  • Vector y, y_error
  • Matrix Jacobian

Forward model part 1
State vector x
xice . . . . . xliq . . .
Forward model part 2
Radiative transfer
?yradar / ?xradar
Z . . .
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