Title: July 6 -- DAY 3 -- Hold On!
1July 6 -- DAY 3 -- Hold On!
9-1025 Production Group Meeting 1025-1040
BREAK 1040-1130 Goody 1130-1230 Educational
Philosophers/Paradigms Chart Beginnings 1230-100
Lunch Break 130-330 --Production groups
29-1025 Production group meeting
- 1. Pitch your idea to your group
- Begin to compromise
- Create an inventory of skills
- Create an inventory of skills needed, technology
needed, etc. - Settle provisionally on one idea
3Educational Theorists Aristotle John
Locke Rousseau Pestalozzi Montessori Frobel Acquin
as Pythagoras Skinner Piaget
Thorndike Freire Illich Greene Wollestonecraft Hil
degard von Bingen Nel Noddings Cardinal
Newman Thomas Eddison Jane Adams G. Stanley Hall
4Mann Mead Rogers Freud Hegel Kilpatrick Spencer Ca
rol Gilligan Pestallozi Kholberg Theodore
Sizer Erikson
R. S. Peters John Stewart Mill Leo
Tolstoy Jacques Ranciere A.S. Neill William
James Itard Kant Nightingale Bloom Vygotsky Hirsch
5Richard Rorty Charles Taylor Simon Weil Hannah
Arendt Whitehead Michael Oakeshott Amos
Alcott Wittengenstein Thomas Acquinas Cornell
West Bruner
6Intellectual Production Work for Day 3
- Tools required
- Paradigms Chart on Page 161 of the de Castell and
Luke article - Assignment of Educational theorist
Using the Chart as Model -- Fill it in, in your
own words, for your theorist
7Day 3 Afternoon Expectations
- In your production groups
- Try to stabilize original idea
- Work on design document
- Set tasks for homework which involve bringing
material that will be used on Thursday
- Complete your educational theorists paradigm and
be prepared to present for 3 minutes max and
locate on tools time line for tomorrow morning - Upload your educational theorists chart to your
intellectual production section of your web site - Read Dyson and Lankshear
- Complete production group work homework