Shipperless - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... 425 and 410a Processes A request has been made that a list of Shipper and Network Contacts should be made ... TRAINING FACILITY. TW16 6QU. 23-APR-14 00:00:00. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shipperless

Shipperless Unregistered Workgroup
  • Wednesday 17th September 2014

  • Introduction
  • Previous Actions
  • Statistical Information Update on SU Reports
  • Shipperless and Unregistered Sites Clearance
    Project Update
  • GDNs Updates
  • Ofgem Query Responsibility for a Meter at a
    Shipperless Site
  • Discussion Points
  • Withdrawn Sites with Live MPRNs with No Meter
  • Legitimately Unregistered
  • Contacts for 424, 425 and 410a
  • MNC MPRN Creation Process Changes - GDNs
  • Multiple MPRN Creation Requests
  • A.O.B.

  • Previous Actions

Outstanding Actions
Outstanding actions from previous meetings
Ref. Date Raised Description Action Status
150 01/07/13 All Shippers to provide contact details for Networks to use to provide pre-notifications of GSR site visits or end user letters. Update 01/11/13 Some Shippers have provided contact details as requested but many are yet to respond. Update 29/01/14 Some Shippers are still yet to respond. Reminders will be issued via Xoserves Customer Engagement Team. Update 06/05/14 Some Shippers are still yet to respond. Reminders will be issued via Xoserves Customer Engagement Team. All Shippers Ongoing
158 29/01/14 Networks to consider the request from DW to engage with Shippers and to create MPRNs at their request. Update 06/05/14 NW requested an update on the data previously provided. Networks Ongoing
Outstanding Actions
Actions from meeting held on 06/05/14
Ref. Date Raised Description Action Status
161 06/05/14 CL (Eon) to provide examples of instances where an End User was told a site was Shipperless when in fact they were IGT Sites Update 22/05/14 CL provided an example for Xoserve to Investigate. CL (Eon) Closed
162 06/05/14 Xoserve to investigate what information was given on IGT Sites. Update 23/05/14 Xoserve investigated the issue by re-enacting the enquiry. This was done on 2 separate occasions, and the correct response was given. However, the management of the Call Centre was engaged and the correct line of information and advice in these circumstances was confirmed with him. Xoserve Closed
  • Statistical Information

Statistical Information
Unregistered Sites Unregistered Sites Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-Jul 2014 Description
Shipper Activity Shipper Activity 106 233 812 Shipper specific activity which suggests intention to confirm i.e., Confirmation rejection, Meter Asset update to the CD store, ConQuest and CMS contacts to create the MPRN.
Orphaned TOTAL 14,819 13,470 11,510 Following a response of no further interest, or where no response is received. They also include MPRN's where a service has been completed and in some instances a meter already installed.
Orphaned With Meter 5,903 6,128 5,128 Following a response of no further interest, or where no response is received. They also include MPRN's where a service has been completed and in some instances a meter already installed.
Shipperless Sites - Shipper (PTS) GSR 1,228 1,192 1,454 MPRN's which have previously been confirmed but the meter is now removed. Information provided (via DN) suggests that either the existing meter is still on site or a new meter has been fitted. GSS are identified when a YES is found in the Live Supply Point? column.
Shipperless Sites - Shipper (PTS) GSS 424 406 1,454 MPRN's which have previously been confirmed but the meter is now removed. Information provided (via DN) suggests that either the existing meter is still on site or a new meter has been fitted. GSS are identified when a YES is found in the Live Supply Point? column.
Shipperless Sites - Industry (SSP) Shipperless Sites - Industry (SSP) 4,891 4,891 4,271 MPRN's which have previously been confirmed but the meter is now removed. Information provided (via DN) suggests that either the existing meter is still on site or a new meter has been fitted. GSS are identified when a YES is found in the Live Supply Point? column.
No Activity No Activity 871 815 4,152 MPRN's created on UK Link where no shipper activity has ever been recorded and remain unconfirmed.
Legitimately Unregistered Legitimately Unregistered 38,290 38,759 35,570 MPRN's which represent Vacant sites / No Gas meter but live service / Service still in planning stage.
Meter Point created less than 12 months Meter Point created less than 12 months 33,916 32,040 39,487 Unconfirmed MPRN's with a creation date lt12 months. If not confirmed they will gradually feed into the above 'pots'.
TOTAL TOTAL 21,915 20,601 22,199 SU Database is still unavailable. These figures were created by other means.
  • End User Letter Exercise Update

  • In response to Ofgems open letter to the Gas
    Distribution Networks regarding their concern
    over the existing population of Unregistered
    Sites, the GDNs produced a plan which aimed to
    reduce this population.
  • In the plan narrative, the GDNs stated that in
    order to address the issue, a concerted effort by
    all industry participants was required.
  • The plan set out a series of activities spanning
    12 months, starting in November 2013 and
    culminating in October 2014.

Actions Carried Out To Date
  • In November 2013, Xoserve collated records of
    all Shipperless and Unregistered Sites that had
    been identified on the Sites and Meters Database.
    This dataset was ring-fenced to form the base
    data for the exercise.
  • The dataset was categorised into the usual
    reporting pots that are issued to industry
    participants on a monthly basis.
  • The pots were issued to Shippers, UIPs, and
    Networks with the request for each party to
    investigate the records within the dataset and to
    report their findings back to Xoserve by the end
    of December.

Actions Carried Out To Date
  • A reminder was issued to Shippers and UIPs in
    mid December, and Xoserves Shipper Engagement
    team contacted Shippers on an individual basis to
    discuss the project and to urge them to reply.
  • By the end of December 2013, 5 UIPs and 8
    Shippers had replied.
  • We received subsequent replies after the
    deadline and we were able to include these in our

Actions Carried Out To Date
  • In the meantime, Xoserve had engaged in an
    exercise to investigate possible data cleansing
    methods that could be used to clean the data
    before embarking on the End User Letter component
    of the GDN Plan which was scheduled to commence
    in February 2014.
  • Xoserve explored different approaches to data
  • System Updates
  • Plot Addresses
  • Group Contracts
  • Duplicates
  • Large AQs
  • Age Analysis

Proposed Xoserve Data Cleansing
  • We found that data cleansing options available to
    Xoserve were time consuming and ineffective.
  • Additional information available to Shippers and
    Networks made their activities more effective in
  • Xoserve used available systems to remove sites
    that have been confirmed, and sites with a Meter
    Point Status of DE or EX.
  • Xoserve removed all sites with plot addresses and
    endeavoured to find alternative postal addresses.
  • Xoserve endeavoured to find duplicate MPRNs and
    remove them from the dataset. (This is only
    possible where a MSN is evident). Where a
    duplicate is established, the erroneous MPRN will
    be set to EX.

Ring-fenced Data Set
 Category  Category Number of Sites
Shipper Activity Shipper Activity 242
Orphaned TOTAL 15,034
Orphaned With Meter
Shipperless Sites - Shipper (PTS) GSR 1,573
Shipperless Sites - Shipper (PTS) GSS
Shipperless Sites - Industry (SSP) Shipperless Sites - Industry (SSP) 4,756
No Activity No Activity 1,459
Legitimately Unregistered Legitimately Unregistered
Meter Point created less than 12 months Meter Point created less than 12 months
Total Shipperless Sites Total Shipperless Sites 6,329
Total Unregistered Sites Total Unregistered Sites 16,735
  • Xoserve made the necessary amendments to the base
    data to create the datasets for producing End
    User Letters.
  • The feedback from Shippers, UIPs and GDNs, and
    data cleansing conducted by Xoserve was taken
    into consideration.
  • Letters were sent to 17,108 Shipperless and
    Unregistered sites over a number of tranches
    which started in March and finished in July.
  • Each site received a letter explaining that a gas
    supply was recorded on the central Sites and
    Meters Database but did not have a gas Supplier
    recorded for it. The end user was requested to
    provide Xoserve with information regarding the
    gas supply at their property.

  • If no response was received after two weeks, a
    second letter was issued.
  • The information from the End User Letter
    responses was used to advise what action was
    required to resolve the Shipperless /
    Unregistered record.
  • A number of records were passed to Shippers
    associated with the Suppliers named by the End
  • Any remaining records that were not resolved by
    Desk-top investigation or through the Lettering
    Process, were passed to the relevant GDN.

Lettering Results
  Number of Sites Lettered age
Total Starting Dataset 17108 100
Live Confirmations (LI, CO) 1406 8.2
EX (inc. To be set to EX) 1043 6.1
DE 392 2.3
Legitimately Unregistered (CA/CL et al) 235 1.4
Passed to Shipper 506 3
Passed to Network (inc. Possible Duplicates) 13760 80.4
Total Unresolved 14266 83.4
Total Resolved 2842 16.6
Shipperless Datasets
  SSP PTS Total
Starting Base Data 4756 1573 6329
Live Confirmations (LI, CO, RQ) 765 544 1309
EX 280 41 321
DE 304 71 375
Remaining 3407 917 4324
age Reduction 28.4 41.7 31.6
Unregistered Datasets
  Orphaned No Activity Shipper Activity Total
Starting Base Data 15034 1459 242 16735
Live Confirmations (LI, CO, RQ) 2239 358 58 2655
EX 1542 77 20 1639
DE 376 19 5 400
Remaining 10877 1005 159 12041
age Reduction 27.7 31.1 34.3 28.0
Shipperless and Unregistered Dataset
Starting Base Data 23064
Live Confirmations (LI, CO, RQ) 3964
EX 1960
DE 775
Legitimately Unregistered (CA/CL et al) 296
Remaining 16,069
Resolved 6,995
age Resolved 30
Next Steps
  • Xoserve has provided datasets to all GDNs for
    them to continue investigations.
  • GDNs to continue with investigations
  • Xoserve has also provided datasets to relevant
    Shippers where an end user has indicated that
    they are supplied by a Supplier.
  • Shippers to investigate and respond to Xoserve.

Lessons Learned
  • As with any project, Xoserve encountered a few
  • As the new MUS (Manage Unregistered Sites)
    Contact procedure includes a lettering aspect, it
    was though prudent to examine what could be done
    better in the future.
  • Xoserve conducted an internal Lessons Learned
  • It was thought appropriate to share some of the
    Lessons Learned.

Lessons Learned - Resourcing
Issue Lesson Learned
Xoserve underestimated the end-user response rate and therefore underestimated the resource required to field the responses. We will use this experience to influence our resourcing for possible future projects.
Xoserve was able to respond to unexpected requirements. Xoserves flexibility and the flexibility of our staff allowed resource to be allocated where needed.
Xoserve outsourced the production and delivery of the letters and subsequently control of the issue of letters was reduced. Xoserve would look to work with the printer in a different way in future projects.
Lessons Learned -Tools
Issue Lesson Learned
A round robin telephone system was set up to take calls, which was not very satisfactory. Future exercises like this should be dealt with through the telephone bureau.

Lessons Learned - Communications
Issue Lesson Learned
The Shipperless and Unregistered Site Workgroup meetings were the main arena for communication in the run up to the start of the project. Not all Shippers attend the Workgroup meetings. We will try to engage with more Shippers to attend the Workgroup.
Not all Shippers and DNs briefed their staff on the Project. As a result end users who contacted Shippers and Networks received incorrect advice. We will try to engage with more Shippers and Networks to advise them of future projects but information needs to be cascaded within the respective organisations.
Xoserve did not anticipate complaints from End Users and therefore did not have a complaints procedure in place. Xoserve did not anticipate complaints from End Users and therefore did not have a complaints procedure in place. We will use this experience to prepare for future projects.
Xoserve did not anticipate complaints from End Users and therefore did not have a complaints procedure in place. Xoserve did not anticipate complaints from End Users and therefore did not have a complaints procedure in place. Xoserves different departments (Operations, Legal, Communications) worked well to put a procedure in place quickly.
  • GDN Updates

  • Ofgem Query Responsibility for a Meter at a
    Shipperless Site

Responsibility for a Meter at a Shipperless Site
  • Xoserve was recently contacted by Ofgem following
    an enquiry from an End User who was having
    difficulty getting the meter and service removed
    from their property.
  • No specific details were given, Ofgem wanted to
    know areas of responsibility in these
  • Shipperless known previous supplier
  • Shipperless no known previous supplier
  • Can we have your comments on this situation?

  • Discussion Points

Discussion Points
  • Shipperless and Unregistered Sites have been
    partly addressed by the Shipperless and
    Unregistered Clearance Project, and will continue
    to be addressed by the Contact Codes to be
    introduced as a result of MOD410a and MOD424/425
  • There are a number of Shipperless and
    Unregistered Sites that have not been touched.
  • Legitimately Unregistered
  • Shipperless Sites with No Meter Attached
  • Should these populations be the focus of the
    groups attention?

  • Withdrawn Sites with Live MPRNs with No Meter

Withdrawn Sites with Live MPRN and No Meter
  • Current Population 392,144
  • MPRN's which represent Isolated and Withdrawn
  • Usual route to the Shipperless Pot for Isolated
    and Withdrawn Sites is to go through the GSR
    Process. Only sites where a meter has been found
    connected during a GSR investigation will be
  • Current Population of Shipperless Pot 5,725

  • Legitimately Unregistered

Legitimately Unregistered
  • Current Population 35,570
  • MPRN's which represent Vacant sites / No Gas
    meter but live service / Service still in
    planning stage.
  • This dataset is only updated by adding new
    records or when MPRNs currently in the dataset
    are set to DE/EX or Confirmed.
  • We have no way of knowing if the data that
    determined the inclusion of a record into this
    dataset is still correct, i.e. has someone moved
    into the property and consuming.

Group Activity
  • Split into two groups
  • Discuss one of the topics.
  • Root Causes
  • How does this affect the Industry?
  • How does this affect my organisation?
  • Does the issue need to be addressed?
  • What can be done to reduce the numbers?
  • Feedback to the whole group.
  • Formulate any necessary actions.

  • Contacts for 424, 425 410a Processes

Contacts for 424, 425 and 410a Processes
  • A request has been made that a list of Shipper
    and Network Contacts should be made available for
    use during the investigation and resolution of
    GSR and MUS Contacts.
  • It is proposed that the Contact list that is
    being compiled for the SU Process should be used
    for this purpose.
  • This list is still far from complete. We will be
    asking Xoserves Shipper Engagement Team to
    request contact details from each shipper.

  • MNC MPRN Creation Process Changes
  • GDN

MNC MPRN Creation Process Changes
When is an MNC not an MNC?.when its a FOM
  • Dave Ackers

  • Meter Point Reference Number (the identity of the
    pipe) should originate at the time when the
    Meter Point is created.
  • In the ideal world this would be when the
    service pipe is in the ground and when the
    address of the property is officially registered
    by the Royal Mail.
  • Procedurally, all meter points are Tagged (since
    August 2002) and visible, providing the ability
    to determine its numeric identity and the UIP
  • These are posted to Xoserve in the form of a FOM
  • MNCs should be rare

  • Between January to June 2014 we received 39,665
    FOMs .average 6,600 per month
  • We have processed these within 4 6 hours of
    receiving them
  • Between January to June 2014 we received 8,325
    MNCs .average 1,400 per month
  • 1 in 17 MNCs are rejected around 1,000 each year
  • We did a review of the MNC process as we noticed
    some MNC Contacts raised some doubts about their

FOMs MNCs Explained
  • FOM
  • The FOM acronym stands for FOund Meter -
    (Tagged Service)
  • It is a request to create an MPRN for a Live
    Supply Point (with or without a meter serial
    number) where UK link has no live record. This
    applies to tagged services only.
  • FOMs can be generated by Shippers or UIPs.
  • MNC
  • The MNC acronym stands for M Number Creation
    (non tagged service)
  • A request for Xoserve to create an MPRN for a
    Live Supply Point where UK Link has no live
    record. These will not be tagged
  • MNCs can be generated by Shippers or Networks

Sample Period / Results
  • Analysis undertaken
  • Conducted over a 6 months period January to June
  • Analysis of FOMs received and MNCs received
  • We did an address match comparison between the
    39.5k FOMs and the 8.5k MNCs
  • Findings
  • Out of 48k MPRN creations (both FOMs and MNCs) we
    readily noticed 97 (1 in 500) were duplicate
    records were created
  • The various scenarios found are illustrated on
    the following slides
  • There may be other duplicate records created if
    there were slight or noticeable variants in the
    address format (MNC address v. FOM address)

Addressing the problem
  • The accuracy of the address and the timely
    provision of the approved address is one of the
    root causes
  • Out of the 6k 7k FOMs received each month, 1k
    start their life as Plot Addresses
  • Many of these dont get amended on UK-Link once
    the Royal Mail have given the premises an
    officially approved address.
  • Twelve months ago there were 70k Plot Addresses
  • We now have 40k Plot Address (worked with
    Shippers to obtain improved addresses and update
  • Had we not had this drive to amend Plot to
    Postal, the number of poor addresses would have
    been around 100k

MNC raised before the FOM
  • MPRN 9327198111 was requested as an MNC for 16,
    Flat 2/2 Anon Place which was the PAF valid
    address. It was processed through CMS and the
    MPRN was created.
  • Days later, MPRN 9298453222 was requested as an
    FOM for 16, 2/2 Anon Place.
  • As the addresses have a difference in the way the
    Flat is named, the system will create a second
    MPRN believing it is different.
  • We identified 10 instances similar to this
    scenario where two different versions of the same
    address had been requested by a FOM and MNC.

Multi Service very unlikely
  • Of the 97 duplicate records created there were 75
    that were attributed to a recently noticed
    practice of ticking the Multi Service box on
    the CMS screen or indicating Y in the Multi
    Service file.
  • This ability to indicate Multi Service applies
    to both MNCs and FOMs.
  • There were and addition 11 that didnt cause a
    duplicate but the User selected Multi Service
    when there was no existing MPRN on UK-Link.
  • By doing this, validation is by-passed and
    Shipperless or Unregistered sites are created

M No Creations left stranded
  • The following are combinations of scenarios
  • FOM raised first but MNC raised by Shipper on
    same day
  • MNC raised by Shipper A on the same day as
    Shipper B raised another MNC
  • Two MNCs raised by the same Shipper on the same
  • Two MNCs raised by the same Shipper some days
  • MNC raised a few days before the FOM arrived
  • There are now 37 false Unregistered sites added
    to the Pot

Time Between Contacts FOM - MNC
  • It is interesting to note the time difference
    between the two Contacts being raised.
  • The below chart shows how many weeks after an FOM
    Contact, an MNC was raised for the same address.

Time Between Contacts MNC - FOM
  • The below chart shows how many weeks after an MNC
    Contact, an FOM was raised for the same address.

Summary of Root Causes
  • Differences in how a property is Addressed?
  • Potentially a delay in FOMs being submitted?
  • Not checking Data Enquiry Service before
    submitting MNCs?
  • Not establishing if Meter Point is Tagged before
    submitting MNC?
  • Meter Points not being Tagged?
  • Selecting Multi Service when this is not
  • Not amending Plot Addresses to Postal at the
    earliest opportunity

What Can Be Done?
  • Repeat this exercise monthly to identify MNCs and
    FOMs being raised for same premises
  • Monitor instances of Multi Service being
    selected to identify Users using this incorrectly
  • Continue with project to amend Plot to postal
  • Perform the fullest of checks / enquiries before
    submitting MNCs
  • Request that incorrectly created MPRN records are
    set to EX at the earliest opportunity
  • Review Internal Process Guidelines for M No
    Creation procedures
  • Dont select Multi Service if this is not

What Can Be Done?
  • Influence the UIPs about the timely submission of
    FOM Contacts
  • Influence UIPs to not select Multi Service
    unless it truly is an additional service entering
    a property
  • Re-affirm the importance of Tagging the meter

  • Any other business?
  • Thanks for your attendance your contribution
  • Have a safe journey home!
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