Honor 4-6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Honor 4-6


Take a moment to write some of the qualities that the knobs list as ... and will occur during drill ... their instructor or an honor representative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Honor 4-6


Honor 4-6
  • The Spirit of the Honor Code

Purpose and Learning Objectives
  • Purpose To inspire the Fourth Class to live by
    the Spirit of the Honor Code
  • Learning Objectives At the completion of this
    instruction Fourth Class Cadets will be able to
  • Identify personal challenges to their ability to
    live by the Honor Code
  • Set personal goals for honorable living
  • Truthfulness
  • Respect for other personal property
  • Adherence to non-toleration

The Honor Code
  • A cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor
    tolerate those who do.

The Honor Code should change the way we live our
lives, during and after our time at The Citadel.
It is designed to train cadets to live honorably
both on and off campus.
Vision - Achieving Excellence in the Education
of Principled Leaders
Mission - To Prepare Citadel Graduates to Become
Principled Leaders in all Walks of life by
instilling Core Values in a disciplined Academic
Citadel Values
Academics We produce graduates who have insight into the issues, ideas, and values that are important to society and possess the skills necessary to deal with them successfully Morality We believe that an individuals character is of utmost importance and, therefore, we provide training which emphasizes ethical principles and core values
Duty We emphasize the importance of individual accountability and the moral obligation of responsibility for the welfare of others Discipline We operate a leadership laboratory which emphasizes a structured environment, acceptance of responsibility, self-confidence, and service to others
Honor We adhere to a code which teaches that uncompromising personal integrity is the primary guide in all situations Diversity We promote diversity in all segments of our campus community and in all aspects of college
Challenges of Living by the Honor Code
  • Before coming to The Citadel, how were you
    challenged to do or say the right thing even if
    you knew you could get in trouble?
  • What unique challenges does living under the
    honor code produce?
  • How do you balance personal loyalty to a friend/
    teammate/classmate over the need to be truthful
    and honorable?

The Spirit of the Code
  • What do you think the phrase Spirit of the Code
  • How does living by the Spirit of the Code differ
    from simply living by the Honor Code?
  • Have you ever seen a disconnect between cadets
    living by the Honor Code but not by the Spirit of
    the Code?

Spirit of the Honor Code
  • Though the Honor Code serves as the minimal
    standard it also
  • Embraces truthfulness in its aspects of cadet
    life prohibits lying
  • Calls for complete fairness in human relations
    and personal endeavors prohibits cheating
  • Requires respect for the person and property of
  • - prohibits stealing
  • Demands a personal commitment to uphold the
    ethical standards of The Citadel prohibits
    toleration of unethical acts

Live by the Spirit of the Code and live above
the common level of life
Each cadet must internalize the Honor Code in his
or her own life. Use the following questions to
help you internalize this ethical standard
How have your impressions or opinion of the Honor
Code changed since you have been here? How do
you think that living under the Honor Code will
affect your life after The Citadel?
Explain What goals can you set to help you live
by the Spirit of the Code and not just the
Case Studies
  • Question 1
  • Cadet Smith is the commander of J Company. After
    an SMI, one of his platoon leaders tells him he
    discovered a photograph of Cadet X (male, junior,
    sergeant) and Cadet Y (female, knob, private) at
    a bar. Cadet X has his arm around Cadet Y.
    Cadet Smith has both cadets report to him and the
    First Sergeant, and tells them he has grounds to
    believe they are fraternizing, and he refers to
    the photograph. Both cadets remain silent, so
    Cadet Smith pulls them for fraternization.
    Cadets X and Y claim on their ERWs that this is
    an improper question because Cadet Smith and the
    First Sergeant have no first-hand knowledge of
    the alleged fraternization.
  • Does the pull for fraternization amount to an
    improper question?

Case Studies
  • Question 2
  • Cadet X returns from general leave on a Friday
    night around 2300. He goes directly to the
    weekend duty juniors room and informs him that
    he will not be in his room for all-in check.
    When the weekend duty junior asks Cadet X where
    he will be, he says that he will be in another
    company watching a DVD. Cadet X does go to
    another company and begins to watch a DVD
    however, he does not stay for more than 20
    minutes and leaves the battalion before the gates
    are closed. The weekend duty member, believing
    that Cadet X is still in the battalion, does not
    pull Cadet X AWOL.
  • Has Cadet X committed an honor violation?

Case Studies
  • Question 3
  • Cadet Y submitted a special leave request. As
    justification, she indicated she had to attend a
    wedding that weekend. Cadet Y asked to leave
    Friday at 1200 (missing parade) to attend the
    wedding. There was no further elaboration. The
    wedding was in Sumter, SC. The leave was
    granted. Cadet X saw Y at a party at Folly Beach
    that evening with her boyfriend. Cadet X,
    commander of Cadet Ys company had signed off on
    the leave, so he asked Cadet Y why she was not at
    the wedding. Y said the wedding did not start
    until 0800 the following morning. Cadet X turned
    in Y for an honor violation, feeling she had
    gotten out of parade and lunch formation under
    false pretenses.
  • Is this an honor violation?

  • Tolerating a dishonorable act is a clear
    demonstration of cowardice. It proves that you
    are unwilling to stand for what you believe is
    right at the cost of approval or friendships.
  • The Honor Code belongs to the entire Corps and is
    not imposed on the Corps by the administration or
    a group of seniors. Remember that you have an
    obligation to report any violations that you have
    first-hand knowledge about.

  • As a second semester knob you have been granted
    the privilege of taking overnights and weekends.
  • Remember that when you sign out for a weekend or
    overnight that you are ensuring that you are
    academically, athletically, and conduct

Overnight/Weekend Sheets and Online Sign out
  • My signature below certifies that I have the
    required leave available and I must be Academic,
    Conduct, Physically Proficient as of the date and
    time I sign out on leave.
  • Ensure that you are proficient before you sign
    out on leave. Ignorance is no excuse for
    committing an Honor Violation

Current Committee Initiatives
  • Combating abuse of the Honor Code
  • Continuing education of the Corps
  • Education of faculty and staff of the college
  • Addressing weaknesses in the current training
    plan such as attendance issues from different
    groups of cadets
  • Training of the 2011 Honor Committee

Education of College Faculty
  • The Honor Committee officers have engaged in an
    effort to educate the faculty of the school about
    the Honor System
  • So far, we have met with the Psychology, History,
    and English departments to discuss issues of
    plagiarism and encourage cooperation with the
  • We have plans to meet with the rest of the
    academic departments as their schedules permit.

Abuse of the Code
  • Reports have been received regarding college
    officials abusing the Honor Code
  • We have met with the commandant to ensure that he
    understands that this is a potential problem with
    some school officials
  • He will support our efforts to ensure that the
    Honor Code is used properly and is not an
    investigative or disciplinary device to be abused
    by cadets or faculty
  • Please report any abuse of the Code to your
    company honor representative

Brief Reminder
  • Plagiarism has accounted for a large number of
    honor accusations and violations in the past few
  • Please remember to give credit to the source of
    your information when you are writing a paper.

2009-2010 School Year Statistics thus far
  • Accusations 51
  • Resignations prior to trial 2
  • Trials 23
  • Dropped Accusations/resigned 26/2
  • In Violation 22
  • Leniency Granted 1
  • Found not in-violation 1

  • This year has presented the 2010 Honor Committee
    with two cases that merited leniency verdicts.
  • The cadet that received leniency in the spring of
    2009 successfully completed his program and will
    be reinstated as a cadet in good standing with
    the college.
  • Another cadet (member of the class of 2011)
    received a leniency recommendation at the end of
    last semester.
  • Be on the lookout for messages from him in the
    Mess Hall and The Brigadier regarding his
    leniency this week.

Honor Rep Training
  • Training of the 2011 Honor Committee hopefuls
    will be begin in a couple of weeks.
  • The training program will involve 11 lessons
    about the Honor System and will occur during
    drill periods and lunches.
  • This is a great opportunity for these cadets to
    learn the Honor System more intimately.
  • Completion of the program is mandatory in order
    to run to become an honor representative.

Training Continued
  • Name some qualities that you think would be
    important in an honor representative.
  • After having listed some qualities that you think
    would be important for an honor representative to
    possess. Think to yourself What juniors in my
    company might be a good addition to the

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