Title: Edinburgh Fastlink
1Edinburgh Fastlink
2Edinburgh Fastlink
- Constructed under the project name West Edinburgh
BuswayS (WEBS) - Comprises
- 1.5km two lane guided busway
- 3.45km of on-street bus priority measures
- Overall corridor length is 8km from City Centre
to Edinburgh Park
3Edinburgh Fastlink Route
West Approach and Fountain Park Development to
City Centre
The Gyle Shopping Centre
Balgreen/ Stevenson Residential Area
Stenhouse Residential Area
Edinburgh Business Park
Guided Busway
Edinburgh Park Railway Station and Interchange
Sighthill and Broomhouse Residential
Sighthill Industrial Estate
Hermiston Gait Retail Park
4The Fastlink Route
Location Mode of bus Priority Max saving in Seconds
South Gyle Bus lane Dual Carriageway Converted 58
Fastlink Guided Busway 540
Stenhouse / Stevenson Drive Road widening for new Bus lane 305
Balgreen / Stevenson Road Realignment to allow Bus Lane 62
West Approach Road Bus lane Dual Carriageway Converted 114
Links in with Car Free Princes Street and
Greenways on Leith Walk
- 1st in Scotland
- Longest continuous in the UK
- Owned by City Council
- Procured and managed by tie
- Constructed on time and within budget
- Operated as open access by agreement at present
single operator Lothian Buses - Quality Standards written into agreement
- Guideway
- Private Bill lodged in 1995
- City of Edinburgh (Guided Busway) Confirmation
Act 1998 - Guided Busway by Definition
- On Street
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Guideway
- Level boarding
- Real time Information
- New Shelters
- On Street
- Level boarding
- New Shelters
- Bus Lane Priority
- Bus Operation
- Frequent Service
- Euro 3 Emissions standard or better
- Kneeling buses
- On bus CCTV
- Technical support contract
- General Technical advice
- Contract Project Managers
- On street design
- Support to TRO process on street
- Guided Busway Contract
- On Street Bus Priority Measures Contract
- Bus Operators
- Design and Build Contractor
- Maintenance and Operation
- Consultation and Community Liaison
12Construction Method
- slipformed
- Continuously Reinforced concrete Pavement (CRCP)
- Designed to crack naturally
- Access by agreement
- Frequency 4 minutes
- 30 buses original fleet
- Additional 5 buses purchased
- 7 rise in patronage in 1st Year
- Improved Reliability
14Guideway PerformanceWestbound Journey Times
15Guideway PerformanceEastbound Journey Times
16Guideway PerformanceWestbound Reliability
17Guideway PerformanceEastbound Reliability
18Public Perception
- Sample of 182 users
- 12 of existing users used the route more
because of Fastlink - 14 had increased their use or started using
Fastlink because of its facilities - The Guideway offers benefits over bus lanes 76
Agree - The guided busway should be extended 73 Agree
19Public Perception
- Importance Ranked Benefits
- Reliability
- Journey Time
- Frequent Services
- Affordability
- Clear priority to buses
- Environmental benefits
- Safe and easy boarding
20Public Perception
- Importance Ranked Facilities
- Real Time Information
- On street Bus Lanes
- Accessible Bus stops
- Guided busway track
- High Tech Appearance
21ConclusionBRT is a success for Edinburgh !
- Scottish Transport Awards 2005 Most Innovative
Transport Project of the Year Winner - Measurable Journey Time savings off street
- Measurable Journey Time savings on street
- Improved Reliability
- Patronage Increases
- High Perception by passengers
- Partnership Delivery and Operation
- Significant non user benefits