Title: Options Material-Materials
1Options Material-Materials
- Crystals, Metals and Addition Polymers
- Crystals are formed by ions, atoms or molecules
arranged in a regular geometric arrangement
called a lattice.
Diamond Lattace
3William and Lawrence Bragg
- William and Lawrence Bragg used x-ray
crystallography to determine the arrangement of
particles within crystals. - The arrangement of particles inside a crystal is
often referred to as the crystal lattice. - The unit cell is a structure that repeats
throughout the unit lattice.
4Dorothy Hodgkin
- Dorothy Hodgkin worked out the structure of
Vitamin B12 using x-ray crystallography and a
- Hodgkin determined the three-dimensional
structures of the following biomolecules - cholesterol in 1937
- penicillin in 1945
- vitamin B12 in 1954
- insulin in 1969
- A solid that does not have a crystal structure is
said to be Amorphous.
Wax and Paraffin are amorphous
6 Allotropes
- Allotropes are different physical forms of the
same element. Carbon has 3 different allotropes,
Diamond Graphite and Buckminsterfullerene.
7Types of Crystals
- Crystals are classified into 4 types according to
the type of particle that makes up the crystal. - 1. Ionic Crystals
- 2. Molecular crystals
- 3. Covalent macromolecular crystal
- 4. Metallic Crystals
8Ionic Crystals
- Ionic crystals are hard and brittle solids.
- They possess high melting points.
- They are poor conductors of electricity, but
their ability to conduct increases drastically in
melt. - Most ionic crystals dissolve in water since there
is an attraction between the positive and
negative ions and the polar water molecules
9Molecular Crystals
- Molecular crystals consist of such substances as
N2, CCI4, I2 and benzene. - Molecular crystals are very soft solids that
possess low melting points. - They are poor conductors of electricity.
- Generally, the molecules are packed together as
closely as their size and shape will allow. The
attractive forces are mainly van der Waals
10Covalent Macromolecular Crystals
- Covalent crystals are hard solids that posess
very high melting points. - They are poor conductors of electricity.
- In covalent crystals, atoms are held together by
covalent bonds. - Well-known examples are two allotropic forms of
carbon, diamond and graphite
- The other allotrope of carbon is
buckminsterfullerene, named after the architect
and inventor Richard Buckminster Fuller who
created the geodesic domes - Discovered in 1985
- Has 60 carbon atons and was nicknamed the bucky
12Metallic Crystals
- Individual metal atoms sit on lattice sites while
the outer electrons from these atoms are able to
flow freely around the lattice. - Metallic crystals normally have high melting
points and densities. - Conduct Electricity
- Malleable and Ductile
13(No Transcript)
14Summary of Crystals
Type Structural Unit Bonding Properties Examples
Ionic Positive and Negative ions Electrostatic Hard Brittle High mp. Conduct when solid or molten NaCl MgO NaN03
Non Polar Molecules Non Polar Molecules Weak Van der Waals Soft Low mp Non-conductors I2 CO2
Polar Molecules Polar Molecules Dipole Dipole Or Hydrogen Soft Low mp Poor conductors H2O NH3
Covalent macromolecular Atoms Covalent bonds Very hard High mp Non-conductors Diamond SiO2
Metallic Metallic ions Metallic High mp Good Conductors Cu Fe Na
- Addition Polymers
- An Addition Polymer is made by addition reactions
between very many monomers (with double bonds) to
form long molecules. - Monomers are small molecules with double bonds
that join together in large numbers by addition
reactions to make large molecules. - Examples of addition polymers include
- Poly(ethene) Low density(LDPE) and
high density(HDPE) - Poly(chloroethene)
- Poly(phenylethene)
- Poly(tetrafluorethene)
- Poly(propylene)
Process during polymerisation, an alkene
undergoes an addition reaction with itself
all the atoms in the original alkenes are used to
form the polymer long hydrocarbon chains are
the equation shows the original monomer and
the repeating unit in the polymer
ethene poly(ethene)
n represents a large number
- Polyethene can be made in two ways, with branches
(low density) and in straight chains (high
density). Fawcett and Gibson discovered it in
1933.LDPE consists of branched chains that do
not pack closely together. Thus they are soft and
flexible and used in bags and cling-film.HDPE is
produced when ionic catalysts, called
Ziegler-Natta catalysts are used at low pressure.
The polyethene formed has no branching along the
polymer chain. This allows the chains to be
packed neatly as in a crystal. Compared with
LDPE, HDPE is hard and less flexible and has a
higher melting point. It is suitable for making
bowls, buckets and baskets.
19Poly(chloroethane) (Polyvinyl Chloride PVC)
- Rigid plastic used to make window frames, gutters
etc. (uPVC) - The addition of plasticisers can turn PVC into a
softer and more flexible product (pPVC). Used for
raincoats, floor tiles, cable insulation.
20Polypropene (polypropylene)
- Polypropene has a similar structure to that of
polyethene except that methyl groups are attached
to every second carbon atom (head to head and
head to tail polymerisation is possible). - The presence of the methyl groups means that the
groups of atoms arrange themselves in a kind of
helical screw pattern along the length of the
chain to cause the minimum interference with each
other. This regular pattern means that
polypropene is less flexible than polyethene and
this also causes the polypropene to be harder and
slightly stronger than polyethene. Polypropene is
used in the manufacture of buckets, bowls, toys,
laboratory sinks, etc.
21Polyphenylethene (polystyrene)
- Polyphenylethene is similar in structure to
polyethene and polypropene except that phenyl
groups are attached to every second carbon atom
in the carbon chain. - There are two types
- Rigid polystyrene is used to manufacture items
like yoghurt pots, food containers, disposable
drinking cups, flower pots, etc. - Expanded polystyrene is used in insulating
houses, ceiling tiles, egg boxes, packing for
computers, etc.
22Polytetrafluoroethene (Teflon)
- Teflon is the trade name of the chemical
polytetrafluoroethene discovered by Roy Plunkett
of the Du Pont company in the USA. It is used in
non-stick frying pans, space suits, artificial
heart valves, etc. It was discovered in 1938. - He found that this greasy white solid had
remarkable properties it was extremely inert and
was not affected by strong acids, bases or heat.
He tried to dissolve it in various solvents and
failed. A really unusual property of it was that
it was very slippery. (It is listed in the
Guinness Book of World Records as having the
lowest coefficient of static and dynamic
friction of any solid.)
23Recycling of Plastics
- The worlds production and use of plastic
material has increased from less than 5 million
tonnes in the 1950s to about 80 million tonnes
today. Annual consumption of plastics in Western
Europe is 28 million tonnes. In total, Western
Europe produces some 11.5 million tonnes of
plastics waste each year. An average European
family of 4 throws away around 40 kg of plastics
each year. There are a number of reasons why it
is necessary to recycle plastics. - (i) Plastic recycling saves natural
resources. - (ii) Plastic recycling makes economic sense.
- (iii) Recycling of plastics cuts waste disposal
costs. - (iv) Plastic recycling reduces litter.
- (v) Plastics recycling creates employment.
24Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics
- Not all plastics can be recycled
- Thermoplastics or Thermosoftening plastics can be
softened and remolded a number of times. - Thermosetting plastics cannot be
25Recycling of polystyrene
- Recycling of polystyrene contains five stages.
- 1. Sorting-polystyrene separated from other
plastics. - 2. Shedding-granulator
- 3. Washing
- 4. Drying-excess water removed.
- 5. Re-extrusion-melting followed by remoulding.