U.S. EPA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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U.S. EPA s Dioxin Reassessment: The Current State Of Scientific Understanding William H. Farland, Ph.D. Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: U.S. EPA

U.S. EPAs Dioxin ReassessmentThe Current
State Of Scientific Understanding
William H. Farland, Ph.D. Acting Deputy
Assistant Administrator for Science Office of
Research and Development U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency 6/28/04
The Concept of Toxicity Equivalence (TEQ)...
Total TEQ Ccongener X TEFcongener

Toxicity Equivalence of

Four of 17 Toxic CDD/CDF Congeners and One of
the 11 Toxic PCBs Account for Most of the
Toxicity in Human Tissue Concentrations
  • These five compounds make up about 80 of the
    total TEQ in human tissue
  • 2,3,7,8-TCDD
  • 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD
  • 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD
  • 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF
  • PCB 126

Sources and Pathways to Human Exposures
  • Sources
  • Combustion
  • Metal Smelting, Refining, Processing
  • Chemical manufacturing
  • Biological and Photochemical Processes
  • Reservoir sources
  • Others?
  • Pathways
  • Ingestion of soil, meats, dairy products, fish
  • Inhalation of vapors and particulates
  • Dermal contact with soils
  • For more details, see EPA Inventory

Key Findings of the ReassessmentExposure
  • Environmental levels have declined since the 70s
  • Current US regulatory efforts have addressed most
    of the known large industrial sources (80
    reduction between 87 and 95 further reductions
  • Open burning of household wastes is the biggest
    unaddressed contemporary source identified so
  • There remain many uncharacterized sources that
    could be significant (ag. burning, ceramics,
    forest fires, secondary steel, reservoir sources)
  • Exposure to general population has declined but
    currently averages 1pg/kg/day

Adult Average Daily Intake of CDDs/CDFs/dioxin-lik
e PCBs
2000 Draft Estimate 65 pg TEQDFP-WHO98/day
Soil ingestion
Vegetable fat
Soil dermal contact
Other meats
Freshwater fish and
Marine fish and shellfish
Key Findings of the Reassessment Exposure
Document (continued)
  • General Population Exposure is from animal fats
    in the commercial food supply
  • -- Local sources make little contribution to
    most peoples exposure
  • -- Environmental levels in meat dairy
    production areas major contributor
  • Air deposition onto plants consumed by domestic
    meat and dairy animals is the principal route for
    contamination of commercial food supply
  • Reservoir sources are a significant component of
    current exposure and may dominate future exposure
  • -- accounts for most coplanar PCB exposure
  • -- unknown contribution for D/Fs
  • Special populations may be more exposed but
    prevalence is not well substantiated

Dioxin Exposure Variability
  • Dioxin intakes for general population may reach
    levels at least 3 times the mean
  • Support
  • ? 99th percentile total animal fat consumption
    is 3 times the mean
  • ? 99th percentile blood level is 3 times the
  • Potentially highly exposed populations may exceed
    this range
  • ? Nursing infants
  • ? Subsistence fishers/farmers in contaminated
  • ? Occupational groups (historical)

Dioxin Exposure Trends
  • Environmental levels
  • Peaked in late 60s/early 70s declined since
    based on sediment data
  • Decline also supported by Emissions Inventory
    which shows significant decrease from 1987 to
    1995 (80)
  • Human tissue data suggest current levels are
    about half of 1980 levels (55 to 25 pg TEQDFP/g
  • Steady state PK modeling of current intake
    levels project tissue levels of about 11 pg
    TEQDFP/g lipid.

Effects of Dioxins
  • Multiple effects in multiple tissues of both
    sexes of multiple species throughout the
    vertebrate kingdom

Key Findings of the Reassessment Health Document
  • Toxic equivalents (TEQ) provide the best means
    for evaluating mixtures
  • -- Use WHO98 TEFs
  • -- Include coplanar PCBs
  • Body burden is the best dose metric for
    estimating risk
  • Environmental mixtures of dioxin-like compounds
    are likely to be carcinogenic to humans and
    2,3,7,8-TCDD is carcinogenic to humans.
  • Dioxins produce a variety of noncancer effects in
    animals humans
  • -- Developmental Toxicity
  • -- Immunotoxicity
  • -- Endocrine Effects
  • -- Chloracne
  • -- Others

Dioxin-like Compounds and Human Carcinogenicity
Complex Environmental ? Likely to be
Mixtures carcinogenic 2,3,7,8-TCDD
? Carcinogenic to humans Other dioxin-like ?
Likely to be compounds carcinogenic
Based on
  • Unequivocal animal carcinogen
  • Limited human information (epidemiological/other)
  • Mechanistic plausibility

Cancer potency increasingly focusing on human
Note In February 1997, the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified TCDD
as a Category 1, Known human carcinogen. In
1999, the U.S. DHHS 9th Report on Carcinogens
(ROC) proposed the same, and finalized this
listing in 2001 (9th ROC, as revised).
Summary of All Site Cancer ED01s and Slope
Factor Calculations from Published Studies
ED01/LED01 (95 lower bound) ng/kg
Slope factor1, All cancer risk/pg/kg/day
Hamburg cohort, Becher et al. 1998 NIOSH
cohort, Steenland et al. 20012 BASF cohort, Ott
and Zober, 1996 Sprague-Dawley rats, Kociba et
al. 1978 Goodman and Sutter, 1992 (pathology)
6.0 32.2 0.9 5.1 x 10-3
18.6 (11.5) 1.5 x10-3 (2.5 x10-3)
50.9 (25.0) 0.57 x10-3 (1.2 x 10-3)
31.9 (22) 3 0.97 x10-3(1.4 x
10-3) BMD dose
38 (27.5) 0.80 x10-3(1.1 x 10-3) BMD dose
Upper bound estimates in parentheses
See Footnotes next slide
Cancer Dose Response - Foot Notes
1. Assumes 25 of body weight is lipid 80 of
dioxin dose is absorbed from the normal diet in
humans the TCDD half-life is 7.1 years in
humans. Background all cancer mortality rate
calculated through lifetable analysis to 75
years. Summary results are for male all cancer
risk, because the male lifetime (to 75 years) all
cancer risk is greater than for females, leading
to correspondingly higher cancer slope factors.
As detailed in Chapter 8, RelRisk(ED01) 0.99
0.01/Risk(0 dose). Based on the manner in which
the dose-response data were calculated using Cox
Regression rate ratio analyses, risks are given
as cancer slope factors for 1 pg/kg/day above
background, assumed 5 ppt TCDD in lipid. 2.
Steenland et al. (2001) power model results are
not included as this formula predicts
unreasonably high attributable risks at
background dioxin levels in the community due to
the steep slope of the power curve formula at
very low levels. 3. Modeled using U.S. EPA
benchmark dose software, version 1.2, with either
dose or adipose concentration as the metric. 50
absorption assumed from food pellets in animals.
BMD 0.00176849 ug/kg/day. BMDL 0.00122517
ug/kg/day. Therefore, rat LED01 1.2251 x 25 x
0.5/ln2 22 ng/kg human equivalent LED01 22 x
ln2 x 1000/2593/0.8 7.38 pg/kg/day slope
factor 0.01/7.38 1.4 E-3 risk/pg/kg/day
Non-cancer Dose/Response Modeling
  • Use body burden (Ng/Kg BW) as dose
  • Accounts for differences in half-life
  • Shape of dose/response curve
  • Most toxic responses are non-linear
  • Most biochemical response and 40 of complex
    responses are linear
  • Derive ED01/ED10 within/close to experimental

Body Burdens (Ng/Kg) Associated With Effects
MOE I 4 I 0.1 - 8 I 10 I 0.3 - 2 I 4 I
0.6 - 16 I I 0.1 - 7 I 0.4 - 17 I I 2
  • Adverse Effects
  • Developmental neurotoxicity 22
  • Developmental/reproductive toxicity 0.7 - 42
  • Developmental immunotoxicity 50
  • Adult immunotoxicity 1.6 - 12
  • Endometriosis 22
  • Cancer 3.3 - 80
  • Biochemical Effects
  • CYP1A1 Induction 0.6 - 33
  • CYP1A2 Induction 2.1 - 83
  • Functional Effects
  • Oxidative stress 10

MOE effect level / current average U.S.
background body burdens of 5 Ng/Kg
US/International Comparisons
WHO 1997 10-40 ng/kg Several 10 TDI 1-4
ATSDR1999 32 ng/kg Neuro. Dev. 90 MRL 1
JECFA 2001 13/25 ng/kg Devel. 3.2/9.6 TMI 2.3
Body burden from original publication ATSDR
used intake of 0.12 ng/kg/day Based on TMI
70 pg/kg
Similarities/Differences with EPA
  • Focus on lowest adverse effects
  • Use body burden as dose metric (except ATSDR)
  • Suggest additional decrease in intake necessary
  • Assume cancer will be insignificant at guidance
  • Choose safety/uncertainty factor (3.2-90) to
    account for NOAEL/LOAEL, PD, human variability
  • Choose safety assessment vs. MOE/QRA

Key Findings of the Reassessment Risk
  • Cancer slope factor is based primarily on
    recently published analyses of human studies and
    is revised upward by a factor of 6 over the 1985
    EPA value based on 1978 study in rats.
  • Cancer risks to the general population may exceed
    10-3 (1 in 1,000) from background (dietary)
    exposure but are likely to be less and may even
    be zero for some individuals
  • Adverse non-cancer effects have been observed in
    animal and humans within 10 times background
    exposure. It is likely that part of the general
    population is at, or near, exposure levels where
    adverse effects can be anticipated

  • Dioxin science has evolved rapidly more data
    lead to better understanding, but more questions.
  • Expanded human data on cancer reinforces our
    previous concern for the potential for human
    health impacts.
  • Identification of non-cancer effects in animals
    and human are sufficient to generate a similar
    level of concern to cancer
  • Environmental levels and human exposure are
    declining but are still at a level of concern
  • Current source characterization is complex with
    uncontrolled burning and reservoir sources
    potentially playing a significant role.

SAB Report
  • The SAB Report (May 31, 2001)
  • Commends the Agency on providing a careful and
    thorough review of the dioxin literature
  • Suggests improvements in the following areas
  • More focus on non-cancer effects
  • Increased emphasis on Mode of Action
  • More clarification of uncertainty
  • Discusses lack of SAB panel consensus on several
    key dioxin science issues
  • Cancer Characterization Carcinogen vs. Likely
  • Margin of Exposure (MOE) and/or Reference Dose
  • Upper Bound Estimate of Cancer Risk?
  • Recommends that the Agency expeditiously move
    forward with finalization of EPAs Dioxin

(On the Internet at www.epa.gov/science1/fiscal01.
Major Issues Identified in SAB/Public Comments
  • Sparse data to derive national means
  • for sources/pathways
  • Lack of information on dioxin-like PCBs
  • in exposure document
  • State of validation of exposure models
  • Trends in environmental/body burden levels
  • TEFs/TEQs
  • Impact of human data on hazard and
  • risk characterization
  • Significance of enzyme induction and other
  • biochemical effects
  • Relative roles of data, scientific
    inference, and science policy

GAO Report
  • In May 2001, U.S. Senators John Breaux and Thad
    Cochran requested that the Congresss General
    Accounting Office (GAO) conduct a study on the
    draft dioxin reassessment that focuses on
  • EPAs discussion and characterization of dietary
    exposure risks
  • Comparisons between the World Health
    Organizations and EPAs approaches to dioxin
    exposure and estimates of dietary levels and
  • Responsiveness to external peer review and other
    comments in the draft reassessment.

GAO Report (cont.)
  • Major findings in the report
  • Positive comments regarding development process,
    quality, and inclusiveness of the Agencys draft
  • EPA's work largely reflects the recommendations
    and suggestions provided to the agency by the two
    most recent independent peer review panels.
  • GAO commented that the data on dioxin levels in
    food supporting EPAs October 2000 draft
    reassessment were a significant improvement over
    the 1994 draft although citing some aspects and
    limitations of EPAs dietary exposure discussion.
    GAO raised the issue of the currency of the
    dietary survey data referenced in the Agencys

GAO Report (cont.)
  • Major findings in the report (cont.)
  • Commented that the TEF approach is the
    internationally accepted scientific method for
    risk assessments of dioxins
  • Commented that EPA and the scientific community
    conclude that dioxins can cause a variety of
    cancer and noncancer health effects that they
    act in the same way in animals and humans and
    that some effects could occur at or near the
    levels to which the general population is now
    being exposed
  • GAO noted that EPA and WHO used different
    approaches to estimating human safety/risk.

Status and Next Steps
  • Science Advisory Board (SAB) review May 1995
  • Report received from the SAB Fall 1995
  • Major SAB comments -- revision and re-review of
    Chapter 8 Dose-Response Modeling and Risk
    Characterization add TEF Chapter
  • Internal and Inter-Agency Review of TEF Chapter
    and revised Integrated Summary and Risk
  • SAB re-review of revised D/R and TEF Chapter and
    Integrated Summary and Risk Characterization
    -- November 1 and 2, 2000
  • SAB/Executive Committee review of Nov. meeting
    draft report and letter to Administrator --
    May 31, 2001
  • Internal and Inter-Agency Review of D/R and TEF
    Chapter and revised Integrated Summary and Risk
    Characterization -- Oct. 2003
  • National Academy of Sciences Review of Selected
    Issues 2004-2005

  • The National Academies Research Council will
    review EPAs 2004 draft to assess whether EPAs
    risk estimates are scientifically robust and
    whether there is a clear delineation of all
    substantial uncertainties and variability.
  • Focus on
  • cancer characterization
  • modeling assumptions, including use of TEFs
  • dose ranges and associated likelihood estimates
    for identified human health outcomes
  • selection of studies as the basis of the
  • quantitative approaches to uncertainty analysis.
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