Title: Energy Flow: Photosynthesis
1Energy FlowPhotosynthesis Cellular Respiration
2Functions of ATP
- Chemical work synthesizing compounds
- Transport work moving substances across the
plasma membrane - Mechanical work moving cell structures and
- Energy coupling use of an exergonic process to
drive and endergonic process - ATP mediates most energy coupling in cells
- Consist of
- a sugar called ribose
- N containing Adenine
- Three phosphate groups
4(No Transcript)
5- Unstable w/3 PO4-
- All negative charge-repel each other
- ADP is more stable
- A change from a less stable molecule to a more
stable molecule releases energy.
Covalent Bonds
6- The energy can then be used to drive other
reactions (energy coupling) - ATP carries Energy
7The structure and hydrolysis of ATP
All are negatively charged crowded and repel,
creating instability
When bonds are broken from ATP to ADP
8The ATP cycle
ATP is a renewable resource that can be
FAST working muscle cell recycles its entire
ATP pool once each minute -Turnover represents
10 million molecules of ATP generated per second
in a cell.
10- Process by which plants and other organisms use
sunlight, CO2 H20 to produce high energy
carbohydrates such as sugars and starches. - Prokaryotes- photosynthetic capability is present
within five major groups of bacteria.
11Where Photosynthesis Occurs
12The Internal Structure of a Leaf
Section 23-4
CO2 enters through the stomata
13- Chloroplasts are only found in photosynthetic,
eukaryotic cells. - Chloroplasts are capable of harnessing energy
from the sun's rays of light.
- Using this energy from the sunlight, chloroplasts
are able to form ATP as well as synthesizing
sugars from water and carbon dioxide.
14Things to know about Chloroplasts
- have a double membrane
- have their own DNA (carries the info
to make enzymes) - have their own ribosomes (more like the ribosomes
of prokaryotes) -used to synthesize proteins - make their own enzymes required for
photosynthesis - require CO2 and H2O produce C6H12O6
- contain chlorophyll (green chemical "traps"
sunlight energy)
Now lets look at structure
15- The chloroplast is made up of 3 types of
membranes - A smooth outer membrane which is freely permeable
to molecules. - A smooth inner membrane which contains many
transporters - A system of thylakoid membranes
16(No Transcript)
17Light and Pigments
- In addition to water and carbon dioxide,
photosynthesis requires light. Light energy is
absorbed by the pigment CHLOROPHYLL and other
accessory pigments.
Pigments are molecules that absorb light energy
18Accessory Pigments
- Other pigments that trap other wavelengths --
found in chromoplasts - Capture light and pass the energy along to
chlorophyll A. - Ex. Carotenoids
- xanthophyll yellows
- beta carotene oranges
- These are masked by presence of chlorophylls,
except in autumn (when leaf cells stop
synthesizing chlorophyll) fall colors - Also is very obvious in ripe fruits, veggies
- Ex. Apple, tomato
19Sunlight is a mixture of many different
ROYGBIV (vibgyor)
(light energy is measured in units called photons)
- Substances in organisms that can absorb light.
- The color that you see is the one being REFLECTED
- CHLOROPHYLL is the major photosynthetic pigment
in plants - 2 types chlorophyll a directly involved in
transformation of photons to
chemical energy - chlorophyll b helps trap other
wavelengths and transfers it to
chlorophyll a
Accessory Pigments
- Chlorophylls (green) and carotenoids (yellow,
orange and red.)
21Chlorophyll A and B Absorption Spectrum
22action spectrum and the absorption spectra
23Location and structure of chlorophyll molecule
Double bonds are the source of the e- that flow
through the ETC
The pigment molecules have a large head section
that is exposed to light in the surface of the
membrane the hydrocarbon tail anchors the
pigment molecules into the lipid bilayer.
Where is the chlorophyll located?
- Chlorophyll molecules are located in
photosystems. - light-harvesting complexes in the thylakoid
membranes. - Photosystem Structure
- 1-Protein
- 2-Reaction Center contains chlorophyll A and
several antenna pigments. - Two PS
- PS I and PS II
- PS II acts BEFORE PS I ..go figure...
antenna pigments are predominantly chlorophyll b,
xanthophylls, carotenoids
PSI 700nm range Also referred to as P700
PS II 680nm range Also referred to as P680.
25- Now that you know all of thatlets actually
look at the process of photosynthesis
Mr. Andersons Photosynthesis
26Photosynthesis Quick Overview
STEP 1 PS I (P700) and PS II (P680) capture
energy from sunlight.Â
27Photosynthesis Quick Overview
-Water is Split (photolysis) into H, Electrons,
O2 -O2 diffuses out of the Chloroplasts
(Byproduct). -Light Energy is Converted to
Chemical Energy, which is temp. stored in ATP and
28Photosynthesis Quick Overview
Step 2 -ATP and NADPH from Step 1, along with
CO2, is converted to glucose in the Calvin Cycle
29Light Dependent Reaction ?
Light Independent Reaction ?
30Steps of Light Dependent Reaction(Noncyclic
- PSII absorbs energy.
- e- from double bonds in the head of ChloroA
become energized and move to a higher energy
level. They are captured by a primary electron
acceptor. - Photolysis H2O gets split apart into 2 e- , 2
H, and one oxygen atom.. The e- replace those
lost by ChloroA. - 2 oxygen molecules combine and is released into
the air. - H are released into the inner thylakoid space,
which creates a higher H inside the
thylokoid. - e- from ChloroA are passes along a ETC consisting
of plastoquinone (PQ)---complex of 2 cytochromes
and several other proteins. - This flow is exergonic and provided energy to
produce ATP by chemiosmosis. (photophosphorylation
) - The ATP is used to power the Light Independent
Reaction (Calvin Cycle).this is a coupled
reaction! - The e- end up at PS I.
- PS I absorbs energy.
- e- from double bonds in the head of ChloroA
become energized and move to a higher energy
level. They are captured by a primary electron
acceptor. - E- that are lost are replaced by the e- from PSII
(step7). - e- from ChloroA are passes along a ETC
consisting of ferrodoxin. - NADPH is produced.
- NADP in the stroma pick up 2 H and form NADPH
and enter the calvin cycle.
31Photosynthesis Light Dependent Reaction Overview
Overview clip
32The light reactions and chemiosmosis
organization of the thylakoid membrane
The production of ATP using the energy of
sunlight is called photophosphorylation.
NADPNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
33- Chemiosmosis
- Chemiosmotic Theory
- -Peter Mitchell -1961
- Energy coupling mechanism.
- Uses potential energy stored in the form of a
proton gradient to phosphorylate ADP to produce
ATP synthase-The Movie
- Protons can not diffuse through the membrane.
- SO they must flow through the ATP synthase
protein channel. - 90 of all ATP is produced this way.
- Proton Motive Force generates ATP
35Cyclic Photophosphorylation
- Periodically the chloroplasts runs low on ATP.
- Does this to replenish ATP levels.
- e- travel from the P680 ETC to P700 then to
- a primary e- acceptor, then back to the
cytochrome complex in the P680 ETC. - No NADPH is produced.
- No O2 is released.
36- STAGE 2 Dark Reaction /Light Independent
reaction/Calvin-Benson Cycle). - The ATP and NADPH created in the light reaction
are used to power the formation of Organic
Compounds (Sugars), using CO2. - This is a light Independent reaction. It can
happen during the daylight, it just does NOT need
light be completed. - Occurs in the stroma.
- Cyclical pathway where carbon enters as CO2 and
exits as PGAL (phosphoglyceraldehyde.) - Called carbon fixation.
- Carbon is fixed into PGAL. (2 PGAL1 Glucose)
- This is a reduction reaction (carbon is GAINING
hydrogen) - Must repeat 6 times.
Review step 1 / Intro to step 2 Clip
37Review of Light Dependent and Intro to Light
38The Calvin cycle
C3 plants
CO2 attaches to a 5-C sugar-RuBP. Ribulose
biphosphate. This is called Fixation This forms
a 6-C molecule (PGA) Catalyzes by the enzyme
1)RuBP CO2 ? PGA
39The Calvin cycle
PGA is broken down into 2 3-C molecules called
PGAL (phosphoglycerate)
40The Calvin cycle
PGAL converted to RuBP
PGAL? Glucose RuBP regenerated
Summary 6CO2 18 ATP 12 NADPH H ?
18ADP 18 Pi 12NADP 1 Glucose
41Ted Ed Calvin Cycle
Problem RUBISCO catalyzes two different
- Occurs when the CO2 levels inside a leaf become
low. - Happens on hot dry days when a plant is forced to
close its stomata to prevent excess water loss. - If the plant continues to attempt to fix CO2 when
its stomata are closed, the CO2 will get used up
and the O2 ratio in the leaf will increase
relative to CO2 concentrations.
43- When the CO2 levels inside the leaf drop to
around 50 ppm, Rubisco starts to combine O2 with
RuBP instead of CO2. - The net result of this is that instead of
producing 2 3C PGA molecules, only one molecule
of PGA is produced and a toxic 2C molecule called
phosphoglycolate is produced.
- The plant must get rid of the phosphoglycolate
- Converts it to glycolic acid, which is then
transported to the peroxisome and converted to
glycine. - The glycine is then transported into a
mitochondria where it is converted into serine. - The serine is then used to make other organic
molecules. All these conversions cost the plant
energy and results in the net lost of CO2 from
the plant.
44C3, C4 CAM Plants
- C-3
- Calvin cycle occurs in all photosynthetic cells.
- Risk of photorespiration...
- C-4
- C4 plants separate the site of oxygen production
(PSII) from rubisco (Calvin cycle). - Called C-4 because the CO2 is first incorporated
into a 4-carbon compound. - Keeps O2 Away from RuBP (NO Photorespiration)
- Light reaction occurs ONLY in the mesophyll cells
Calvin cycle occurs in bundle-sheath cells. - SPATIAL SEPARTATION
45C4 leaf anatomy and the C4 pathway
Different anatomy from a C-3 plant
46PhotosynthesisA dry climate adaptation
- CAM Plants (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) -plants
live in very dry condition and, unlike other
plants, open their stomata to fix CO2 only at
night. - -Fix CO2 at night and store it.
- C4 plants that also have a TEMPORAL SEPARTAION
- .
47Factors affecting Photosynthesis
- Amount of water available too little, stop
photosynthesis - Temperature best between OC 35C (too high,
damage enzymes too low, stop photosynthesis) - Intensity of light up to a point, increasing
light intensity increases rate of photosynthesis
48Spinach Chromatography
- A plant physiology manual (Reiss 1994) identifies
six pigments from spinach leaves extracted with
hexane and chromatographed with petroleum
ether-acetone-chloroform (311) on silica-gl
chromatography. The pigments and their Rf's were
- carotene - 0.98
- chlorophyll a - 0.59
- chlorophyll b - 0.42
- pheophytin - 0.81
- xanthophyll 1 - 0.28
- xanthophyll 2 - 0.15
- The color of the bands can be a general guide to
identify the pigments. Carotene is orange.
Chorophylls are green. Chlorophyll a is a
blue-green. Chlorophyll b is a yellow-green.
Xanthophylls are yellow. Phaeophytin is
chlorophyll lacking the central magnesium ion.
Pheophytin is an olive-green."
49-The process that occurs in cells in which cells
break down sugar for ENERGY!
50Cellular Respiration Overview
- We get our energy from the food we eat.
- The unit for energy is the calorie.
- Plants are producers and make glucose by the
process of photosynthesis. - Heterotrophs (consumers) breakdown glucose for
energy. - There are two important ways a cell can harvest
energy from food fermentation and cellular
51Basic overview
52- Step 1 gylcolysis
- Splitting of glucose into 2 pyruvate molcules
9 steps
cellular respiration
53GlycolysisOverall Important Points
Clip McGraw Hill
- Occurs in Cytoplasm
- Does not require oxygen
- Glycolysis occurs in both aerobic (With oxygen)
and anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration. - Evolved early in Earths history (evolutionary
relationships) - First 3 steps are endothermic
- Energy of activation 2 ATP
- Last 6 steps are exothermic
- producing 4 ATPs.
- 4-2 2 ATP (net yield)
- Releases less then 25 of energy from glucose.
54TYPES of Phosphorlation
- Substrate Level
- When an enzyme transfers a PO4- from a substrate
DIRECTLY to ADP. - Oxidatative
- During Chemiosmosis.
- 90 of all ATP is produced this way in the ETC
- NAD FAD lose protons (become oxidized) to the
ETCpumps protons to innermembrane space creating
a gradient. This powers the phosphorlation of ADP - This is what occurs in the light reaction in
55A closer look at glycolysis The 9 Steps
Important regulatory step PFK is inhibited by ATP
Step 1
Step 2
Step 4
Step 3
56A closer look at glycolysis The 9 Steps
"high energy" e- carrying molecule
Step 5
Step 6
Substrate-level phosphorylation
Step 7
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
57A closer look at glycolysis The 9 Steps
Step 5
Step 8
Step 6
Substrate-level phosphorylation
Step 9
Step 7
3- Carbon Cpd
58 59Glycolysis Review
60In the presence of OXYGENStep 2 Krebs
CycleStep 3 Electron Transport
What happens next???
- Happens in the Mitochondria
- Starts with Pyruvate.
- Pyruvate moves into the mitochondria and is
broken completely down into CO2 , O2 ATP.
61Krebs and ETC take place in a mitochondrion
Double membrane
62Mitochondria Anatomy
63Step 2 Krebs Cycle (aka Citric Acid
Cycle) -Mitochondrial Matrix Step 3 Electron
Transport -Cristae
64Krebs Cycle Overview (Citric Acid Cycle)
Clip McGraw Hill
- Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix
- Cyclical series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
- Pyruvate (product of glycolysis) enters the mito.
and combines with coenzyme A (vitamin A) to form
acetyl coenzyme A. - ? Yields 1 NADH
- Krebs starts with acetyl coA.
- Each turn (cycle) uses 1 pyruvate and yields
- 3 NADH, 1 ATP, 1 FADH
- Byproduct CO2
NAD FADCoenzymes that carry protons (H) and
electrons from glycolysis Krebs to the ETC
65How the Krebs Cycle Works
66A summary of the Krebs cycle
- Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix
- Pyruvate (product of glycolysis) enters the mito.
and combines with coenzyme A (vitamin A) to form
acetyl coenzyme A. - ? Yields 1 NADH
- Krebs starts with acetyl coA.
- Cyclical series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
NAD FAD-Coenzymes that carry protons (H) and
electrons from glycolysis Krebs to the ETC
67- Each turn (cycle) uses 1 pyruvate
- Net yield
- 3 NADH,
- 1 ATP,
- 1 FADH
- Byproduct
- CO2
Krebs Cycle
Substrate-level phosphorylation
68The Story So Far
ETC Clip McGraw Hill
- 3 NADH
- 1 ATP
- 1 FADH2
- Byproduct CO2
69ETC Overview
Whats a proton motive force? How is it produced?
Why is it produced how does it help the cell?
70Electron Transport
Step 3 Electron Transport
What happens next???
- The ETC a series of protiens that serve to pump
protons to the inner mito membrane. - Its uses the energy released from the exergonic
flow of electrons. - This sets up a proton gradient across the
membrane - chemiosmosis
- oxidatative phosphorylation
The production of ATP using the energy of
electrons is called oxidatative phosphorylation.
(where have we seen this before)
Extra Overview Clip
71Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis Energy
from falling e- (exergonic) is used to pump H
across the membrane (endergonic).
What happens next???
Clip 2 Formation of ATP
Oxygen is the final e- acceptor!!
oxidatative phosphorylation
H cant get through the membrane, so they MUST
pass through the channel. Ex Hydroelectric plant
72Figure 9.15 Chemiosmosis couples the electron
transport chain to ATP synthesis
Oxidative Phosphorylation The Phosphorlation of
ADP into ATP by the oxidation of carrier
molecules (NADH FADH2)
36-38 Total ATP
73ETC Review
74With With out Oxygen
With oxygen
Krebs cycle
Alcohol or lactic acid
Fermentation (without oxygen)
With out oxygen
Go to Section
- Without oxygen Pyruvate is converted into Lactic
Acid or Alcohol during Fermentation. - Lactic Acid- Muscle cells
- Alcohol- Yeast
Anaerobic Respiration
77Lactic Acid Fermentation
Section 9-1
Lactic acid
Pyruvic acid
Without a means to convert NADH to NAD,
Glycolysis would shut down
Go to Section
78(No Transcript)
79(No Transcript)
80Alternative Energy Sources
- From Fats
- Enzymes cleave the bonds between the glycerol and
the fatty acids, which enter the blood stream.
Enzymes in the liver convert the glycerol into
PGAL. - Enzymes in cells break apart the fatty acids?
acetyl-CoA. - More C-H bonds, so yields more ATP.
81Alternative Energy Sources
- From Proteins
- Cells dont store protein.
- Enzymes breakdown proteinsinto AA units, then
strip of the NH3 group. - Carbon backbone either gets converted into fats
or carbohydrates. - Or, enter krebs cycle.
82Calvin Cycle (extra video)