Title: Camp Tecumseh
1Camp Tecumseh
2Trip Dates
- Monday, April 13th Tuesday, April 14th
- Mrs. Caddick
- Mrs. Hathaway
- Mrs. Decker
- Tuesday, April 14th-Wednesday, April 15th
- Mrs. Extin
- Mrs. Jancich
3Important Forms
- Every student needs to have the Health Form and
Permission Slip completed before going to camp. - These forms will be going home tomorrow.
4We Need Parent InstructorsAt Camp Tecumseh!
- Be an instructor and help teach our campers about
pioneer life. - This is a scripted leadership activity in one of
the 7 different sessions. - Instructors will attend a half day training at
Camp Tecumseh. Training Dates March 14th, March
28th, or April 11th from 930a.m. to 100p.m. - You can carpool with other parents!
5Parent Instructors Needed!
- We need at least 14 parents to become
instructors. (Seven for each trip) - When you are not instructing a pioneer activity,
you will chaperone your childs trail group. - Parent Instructors attend camp for half price. ?
6If you cant be an Instructor, you can still be
a chaperone.
- Chaperones guide groups to each activity.
- Chaperone the students at all other times
including meals, free time, and campfire. - Chaperone cost 54.00.
- We will be drawing names for chaperones this year
so return your volunteer form by February 20th.
7Student Arrival
- Students will arrive at school between 810-825
with all their luggage. - They will not be able to ride the bus to school
that day. - Students will be in classrooms until we leave at
915 - Chaperones can leave for camp after dropping off
their child.
- We will need parents to help haul down luggage in
their vehicles. - Please sign up near the trainer table if you are
able to carry luggage in your car.
9Sample Schedule- Day 1
- 1130 - 1215 Arrive, Move in, Orientation
- 1215 - 1245 Sack Lunch
- 1245 - 100 Head to Settlement Opening
Story - 100 - 145 Period 1 Pathfinders
- 145 - 230 Period 2 One Room School
House - 230 - 315 Period 3 Yankee Ingenuity
- 315 - 400 Period 4 Indian Sign
Language - 400 - 445 Period 5 Necessities of
Life - 445 - 530 Period 6 Pioneer Cooking
- 530 - 545 Head back to flag pole
- 545 Supper
- 730 Campfire
10Sample Schedule-Day 2
- 700 Wake up, Pack up,
- Move gear to cabin porch
- 800 Breakfast
- 900 - 945 Period 7 Barnyard
Recreation - 945 1030 Period 8 Trappers Trade
- 1030 1115 Period 9 Log Cabin Building
- 1115 Closing Story
- 1130 Group Picture
- 1200 Lunch
- 100 Head for Home
- 130 (our time) Arrive at Joan Martin and Go
Home! - All students are dismissed
11Suggested Packing List
- Sack lunch for lunch on
Tuesday - Sleeping bag or
blankets - Pillow - Toothbrush/paste
and towel Student should only have one duffle bag
and bedding/pillow roll.
12Clothing to bring -2 pairs of old jeans -2
T-shirts and underwear -2 pairs of warm socks -2
long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts-1 warm old
coat, gloves, and hat Rain gear (rain
coat/poncho)-1 extra pair of old shoes or boots
13- Optional
- Cabin Activities
- Snacks
- Games
- Crafts
- Mrs. Hathaway will be administering all
medications while at Camp Tecumseh. - A medication form will be filled out for each
child that will receive any type of medication
while at camp.
15Cost of Camp
- Student cost- 60.00 (camp and bus rides)
- Instructor cost- 27.00
- Chaperone cost- 54.00
- This price covers 2 bus rides, 3 meals, 9
pioneer activities, lodging for the night, and a
lifetime of great memories.