The History of the Atom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The History of the Atom


The History of the Atom – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The History of the Atom

The History of the Atom
Atomic Theory
  • Because we can not see atoms, we use models to
    teach and learn about atoms.
  • The atomic theory has changed over time as new
    technologies have become available.
  • Remember Scientific knowledge builds on past
    research and experimentation.

Ancient Greece
  • Aristotle
  • There are four elements
  • Earth, air, water, fire
  • The four elements combine in various ways to make
    all matter.
  • Matter is continuous. (There is not a smallest

Ancient Greece
  • Democritus
  • Matter is made of tiny particles called atoms.
  • The atom is the smallest piece. It is
    indivisible. (It cant be divided any further.)
  • Atoms of an element have specific properties
    (smooth, spiky, etc.) that give the element its

John Dalton- Father of the Atomic Theory
  • Matter is made of indivisible particles called
  • Atoms of the same element are identical, but
    differ from atoms of other elements.
  • Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.
  • Atoms of different elements can combine in
    simple, whole number ratios to form compounds.
    (The Law of Definite Proportions)
  • Atoms of same element can combine in more than
    one ratio to form two or more compounds. (The Law
    of Multiple Proportions)
  • The atom is the smallest unit of matter that can
    take part in a chemical reaction.

John Dalton
  • The Billiard Ball model
  • An atom is a solid, indivisible sphere

J.J. Thompson
  • The cathode ray tube experiment
  • Energizing matter in the tube removes charged
    particles and makes a cathode ray (beam of
  • Magnets can deflect the cathode ray in a way that
    shows it is made of negative particles.
  • The amount of deflection tells us how massive the
    particles are.

J.J. Thompson
  • Thomson discovered that
  • The atom is NOT indivisible
  • A small negatively-charged particle (the
    electron) can be removed from the atom.
  • He concluded that
  • The atom must have negative particles (electrons)
    in it (its not like a billiard ball).
  • The electrons are evenly distributed amongst
    positive background stuff that makes up most of
    the atom.

J.J. Thompson
  • This led to the Plum Pudding model

(The electrons are like the plums in a pudding
or the chips in a chocolate chip cookie.)
Plum pudding plum-flavored pudding with plums
distributed throughout it used to be a popular
thing people ate. We still call this the Plum
Pudding Model even though we dont eat plum
Ernest Rutherford
  • The Gold Foil Experiment
  • Alpha particles (which are positive) were shot at
    a piece of gold foil.
  • They were expected to go straight through.
  • Some particles were (unexpectedly) deflected.
  • What deflected them??

  • (Positive) alpha particles are deflected by other
  • (Like charges repel.)
  • The nucleus must be positive!
  • The nucleus must have most of the mass, or it
    would get pushed around by the alpha particles.
  • The nucleus must be ridiculously small because
    10,000 alpha particles pass straight through for
    each one that is deflected.

Ernest Rutherford
  • The Gold Foil Experiment Conclusions
  • Atoms have a NUCLEUS
  • It contains all the positive charge
  • It contains almost all the mass
  • It is TINY (1/10000 of the atom volume)
  • Everything else is mostly empty space

Ernest Rutherford
  • The nuclear model separates the atom into two
  • Nucleus positive massive tiny
  • Electrons negative, tiny, practically weightless.
  • The Nuclear Model
  • This picture is not to scale!
  • The nucleus should be WAY smaller than the rest.

Neils Bohr
  • Since opposites attract, electrons are attracted
    to the (positive) nucleus.
  • Something must prevent electrons from falling
    into the nucleus.
  • Electrons are located in orbits around the
  • Like planets orbiting the sun, they are
    attracted, but if they stay at the correct
    distance, they dont fall in.
  • The distance from the nucleus determines the

Neils Bohr
  • Bohr quantized the atom.
  • Only certain energies are allowed, which means
    only certain orbits are allowed.
  • All other places are forbidden to the electrons.

Electrons are allowed to be here.
Or here!
But not here. (This is forbidden because no
orbit for the electron to land on.)
Niels Bohr
  • Moving from one energy level to another requires
    the electrons to absorb or emit energy
  • Because only certain orbits are allowed
  • The energy comes in specific colors of light for
    each element.

Albert Einstein
  • The photoelectric effect
  • Electrons can be ejected from metal by light
    (energy) of a certain frequency.

Photoelectric Effect
  • If the light isnt high enough energy, nothing
  • If it does have enough energy, electrons are

Albert Einstein
  • The photoelectric effect proved
  • Different colors of light are worth different
    amounts of energy.
  • Electrons can be moved to different orbits (or
    out of the atom altogether) by energy in the form
    of light.
  • Light has momentum therefore it is a particle
    (even though it has no mass).
  • Light particles are called photons.

Thomas Young
  • The double-slit experiment
  • Electrons were sent through two small openings
    and collected on a screen on the other side.
  • The electrons created interference patterns.
  • Interference patterns come from waves overlapping
    constructively and destructively.

Therefore electrons are a wave (?!)
Louis de Broglie
  • Particle-Wave duality
  • Einstein proved light could act like a particle
  • Young proved electrons could act like a wave
  • De Broglie concluded that wave and particle
    arent mutually exclusive. The electron can act
    as either one.
  • Electrons have particle-wave duality.

Louis de Broglie
  • Electrons-as-waves explains the fact that only
    certain orbits are allowed for each element.
  • The orbits circumference has to be a multiple of
    the wavelength in order for it to be allowed.

  • The Uncertainty Principle
  • Electrons can be moved by light.
  • We see things because light bounced off of them.
  • So every time you see an electron, the light
    that made it visible to you probably also caused
    it to move.
  • So it isnt actually there anymore!
  • It is impossible to know the location and
    velocity of an electron at the same time.

The Uncertainty Principle
  • Means that electrons cannot be traveling in
    predictable circular orbits around the nucleus.
  • They move randomly and unpredictably.
  • We can estimate the probability of finding an
    electron somewhere, but we cannot say where it is
    with certainty.
  • (Lets face it if de Broglie is correct and the
    electron is partly a wave, it doesnt necessarily
    travel as a particle anyway.)

Erwin Schrödinger
  • Developed an equation to solve for the locations
    the electron probability is greatest.
  • This basically describes a cloud-like region
    where the electron is most likely to be found.
  • It cannot say with any certainty where the
    electron actually is at any point in time, but it
    describes where the electron could be.

Erwin Schrödinger
  • The probable locations of the electron predicted
    by Schrödinger's equation happen to coincide with
    the locations specified in Bohr's model.
  • The difference is that now everything is fuzzy
    because of the lack of certainty.

Modern Atom the Quantum model
  • Combining Heisenberg Schrodinger (with all the
    previous discoveries) gives us
  • Orbitals, not orbits
  • Cloud-like regions (fuzzy borders) where the
    electron probability is highest.
  • Orbitals are 3-D (orbits were 2-D).
  • Quantized energies
  • Electrons can only exist at specific energies
    allowed by the orbitals.
  • Electrons can absorb or emit energy to move to
    higher or lower energy orbitals.

The current (modern) atomic model
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