Unit 3: The Quantum Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 3: The Quantum Model


Unit 3: The Quantum Model Chapter 4 Starting at back of chapter, then we ll come back to the easier content – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Unit 3: The Quantum Model

Unit 3 The Quantum Model
  • Chapter 4
  • Starting at back of chapter, then well come
    back to the easier content

Electrons as Waves Particles
  • Where do electrons exist?
  • How can you find the exact location and position
    of one, individual electron?
  • Electrons are detected by their interaction with
  • They have the same energy, so any attempt to
    locate an e- with a photon knocks the e- off its
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle impossible to
    determine simultaneously both the position and
    velocity of an electron or any other particle

Schrodinger Wave Equation
  • Schrodinger hypothesized that e-s have both a
    dual wave-particle nature
  • Quantum Theory describes mathematically the
    wave properties of electrons and other very small
  • Gives the probability of finding an electron at a
    given place around the nucleus
  • Orbitals suggested that e-s exist here instead
    of defined orbits

  • Think of a US map listing all the different zip
    codes and their locations
  • - Merely s that refer to the positions of
    different postal zones
  • Just like an atom, quantum numbers, depict
    positions, and therefore energy levels of
    different e-s in the atom.
  • Notice that no two postal codes are the same,
    neither does an atom have the same set of quantum

Principle Quantum Number
  • Referred to as n
  • -has integral values of 1, 2, 3,.
  • -as n increases, the orbital gets larger
  • Sometimes referred to as shells
  • -as n increases, more time is spent away from the
  • -as n increases, the e- has a higher energy

  • N contains a certain of sublevels
  • Example
  • So if n 2, it contains two sublevels, s and p

Value of n 1 2 3 4
Type of sublevels s s,p s, p, d s, p, d, f
Angular Momentum (Azimuthal) Quantum
  • Symbolized by L
  • -has integral values from 0 to n 1.
  • -defines the shape of the orbital
  • -the value of L for each orbital is designated by
    the letters, s, p, d, f, which correspond to
  • values of 0, 1, 2, 3

Value of L 0 1 2 3
Letters Used s p d f
Magnetic Quantum Number
  • Symbolized by mL
  • Example has integrals values between L and - L,
    including 0.
  • describes the orientation of the orbital in space
  • Example L d
  • there are five different orientations that
    correspond to the values, -2, -1, 0,1, 2

Spin Quantum Number
  • Symbolized ms
  • Only two possible values, ½ - ½
  • Orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons,
    which must have opposite spins

Electron Configuration
  • This is the arrangement of electrons in an atom
  • Rules that must be followed
  • Aufbau Principle an e- occupies the lowest
    orbital that can receive it.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle no 2 e-s in the same
    atom can have the same set of quantum s
  • Hunds Rule orbitals of equal energy are each
    occupied by one electron before any orbital is
    occupied by a second electron, and they must have
    parallel (same) spins

Grab your blank periodic tables from your unit
plan and your colored pencils.
Electron Configuration
  • 1. The arrangement of electrons in an atom.
  • 2. Electrons like to assume arrangements in their
    ground states, because they want the lowest
    possible energy.
  • 3. The electron configuration can be described
    pictorially drawn
  • denotes the number of electrons in
    orbital or subshell
  • 1s1
  • denotes n denotes l
  • The orbital diagram that shows the spin of the
    electron is

  • Noble Gas Notation
  • Example Mg Ne3s2
  • Electron Configuration
  • Noble Gas Notation
  • Orbital Diagram
  • Excited State vs. Ground State
  • Ions in Electron configuration, noble gas
    notation, and orbital diagrams
  • Cr vs Cu
  • Isoelectronic

Valence electrons Lewis dot structures
  • Valence electrons are the outermost s and p
  • Can never be more than 8.
  • These are the electrons used in bonding!!!
  • Lewis dot structures show the distribution of
    valence electrons.
  • Also cant be more than 8.

Properties of Light
  • Light a form of radiant energy consisting of
    electromagnetic waves that travel freely through
  • Electromagnetic radiation form of energy that
    exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through
  • All forms of electromagnetic radiation form the
    electromagnetic spectrum

  • Visible Light
  • Features
  • Wavelength, Frequency Energy

Wavelength Frequency
  • Wavelength ? distance between corresponding
    points on adjacent waves
  • Frequency ? the number of waves that pass a
    given point in a specific time, usually one

Relating frequency and wavelength
  • Use the equation to relate frequency and
  • ? is inversely proportional to ?, so in other
    words as the wavelength of light decreases, its
    frequency increases or vice versa.

The Photoelectric Effect
  • Refers to the emission of electrons from a metal
    when light shines on the metal.

Light as Particles
  • Planck proposed that objects emitted energy in
    small, specific amounts called quantum.
  • This is the amount of energy that can be lost or
    gained by an atom
  • Planck suggested a relationship between a quantum
    of energy and the frequency of radiation

E h v
where h 6.626 x 10-34 J s
Light having a dual wave-particle like nature
  • Einstein expanded on Plancks theory by
    introducing the concept of light have a dual
    wave-particle like nature
  • Each particle of light carries a quantum of
    energy, called photons
  • Ephoton hv
  • Putting Einstein and Planck together
  • E mc2
  • E hc/?

Solve For m
mc2 hc/?
mc h/ ?
(1/c) mc2 hc/ ? (1/c)
(1/c) mc h/ ? (1/c)
(1/c) mc2 hc/ ? (1/c)
Continuous Spectrum vs. Line Spectrum
  • Continuous Spectrum when white light is passed
    through a prism and all the wavelengths of
    visible light are seen.
  • Line Spectrum when the emission spectrum of a
    certain gas is passed through a prism, only bands
    of certain wavelengths are seen.

Hydrogen-Atom Line Emission Spectrum
  • Passed current through a tube containing hydrogen
  • Narrow beam of light passed through prism and a
    series of frequencies or wavelengths were seen.

  • Scientists figured that since only specific
    frequencies of light were emitted then the energy
    differences between the atoms energy were fixed.
  • This is what lead Bohr to believe that a hydrogen
    atom exists only in very specific energy states

  • These are additional lines that were discovered
    in the ultraviolet and infrared regions of
    hydrogens line spectrum

What Bohr Proposed
  • 1. The electron on the hydrogen atom can exist
    only in certain spherical orbits.
  • 2. As the distance from the nucleus increases,
    the energy of an electron in that orbit
  • 3. The closest orbit (energy level) is called the
    ground state. Higher energy levels are called
    excited states.
  • 4. When an electron falls from a higher energy
    level to a lower energy level, it emits a
    definite amount of energy that is equal to the
    difference in the energy of the two levels.

Bohrs Model
  • ?Ephoton  
  • energy of level nfinal -energy of level ninitial
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