Title: Airmux-200%20%20Version%201.750%20GA
1Airmux-200 Version 1.750 GA
2Airmux-200 in Brief
- Airmux-200 is a point-to-point
multi point-to-point radio solution for combined
TDM and Ethernet traffic over license free
- Benefits, Product Highlights and Configurations
- Version 1.750 New Products and Features
- Product Architecture
- Applications
- Sales Tools
4Airmux-200 Benefits
- Excellent price/performance in the industry -
Fast ROI - Combination of up to 4 x E1/T1 plus Ethernet,
with high traffic throughput - High link availability with carrier-class
performance - Service stability avoiding interferences with
adaptive modulation - Reduction of deployment time and expenses as part
of a complete interoperable solution with other
RAD devices (e.g. Megaplex Multiservice Access
Multiplexers)? - Enhanced Air Interface security using Advanced
Encryption System (AES) with a 128-bit encryption
5Airmux-200 Benefits (contd)?
- Radio density increase by supporting various
channel bandwidth (5,10,20 MHz)? - Management of hundreds of links and access
devices from - a single SNMP fault management application
- Easy deployment via installation and alignment
6AirMux-200 Highlights
- Combination of E1 or T1 and Ethernet
- Up to 4 x E1 or 4 x T1 Ethernet (IDU E)?
- Up to 48Mbps air throughput - Function of
distance, net payload is 18.3 Mbps FDX - Range up to 80km/50 miles for Ethernet services
only - RADview SNMP network fault management
- Robust and reliable Telco-Grade
- Easy and fast installation
- Compliant with FCC, ETSI, CSA
- OFDM based air-interface, enabling N-LOS
7AirMux-200 Highlights (Contd)?
- Solutions in Various Frequency Bands
- 2.300 2.400 GHz
- 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz
- 2.500 - 2.690 GHz
- 4.940 - 4.990 GHz
- 5.250 - 5.350 GHz
- 5.470 - 5.725 GHz
- 5.725 - 5.850 GHz
- 5.850 - 5.950 GHz
8Airmux-200Various Products Configurations (1/2)?
- Airmux 200 AIND (All-indoor Configuration)?
- Combines the IDU and ODU in a single enclosure.
- Supports 4T1 ETH with 5.8GHz FCC, designed for
the US market - Airmux-200 L
- Low price POE link for Ethernet services only,
enables improved position versus low end
competitors. - Frequencies 2.4 FCC, 2.4 High Power, 5.8 FCC
- Throughput 2 Mbps full duplex
- Max Range 20 Km
- Channel BW 5 MHz
- Transmit Power 18dBm max
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10Version 1.750 Products and Features
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13Version 1.750 New ProductsPOE-8 ODU-High
- POE-8
- Feeds up to 8 ODUs from a single indoor unit
instead of using 8 separate indoor PoE devices - Supports both AC and DC (-20 to -60V)?
- ODU High End (HE)?
- The ODU-HE
- Supports Hub Site Synchronization (HSS)?
- Transmits higher Tx Power for some frequencies
- Operates with IDU and PoE devices
14Airmux-200Version 1.750 - Features
- Management
- Service pricing flexibility enabled by Ethernet
throughput configuration in steps of 1Kbps - Telnet CLI (Command Line Interface) supported for
the entire portfolio - supports local ODU
configuration monitoring - New Frequency
- 2.5 GHz BRS
- Limitation
- The SW version at both ends of a link must be the
15 System Basic Architecture
Up to 48 Mb/s Up to 80 Km
100Mb/s Up to 100m CAT5e Cable
100Mb/s Up to 100m CAT5e Cable
16Airmux-200 System Components-IDUs
- IDU Standard indoor unit
- Ethernet
- Ethernet E1 or T1
- Ethernet 2 x E1 or 2 x T1
- IDU E Carrier-class indoor unit
- 2 x Ethernet 4 x E1 or 4 x T1
17IDU Performance
- Jitter and wander according to G.823.4
- Clock recovery (lt0.05 PPM)?
- E1 typical delay is 8 msec
- TDM circuit BER lt 10e-11 _at_ sensitivity threshold
- Ethernet delay less then 3 msec
- Lossless Ethernet traffic Even in 10 Air
interface loss still there will be no ETH packet
loss - Lossless TDM traffic future (2Q 2007)?
- Unit size One U
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20Cellular Backhaul Applications
- Alternative to Leased Lines
- Complementing existing networks in Rural Areas
- Remote communities locations
- Low ARPU communities
- Hard to reach locations and NLOS scenarios
- Overlay to network coverage in Urban Areas
- Enhance coverage and capacity
- Providing service to low-ARPU locations in the
city - Hard to reach locations Problematic trenching
or N-LOS scenarios - NLOS scenarios
- Addressing peak hours requirements and temporary
events - 3G ramp-up (More base stations More capacity per
site Street-level locations)? - Intermediate backhaul
- Backup
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296. Wireless Backup
Site B
Site A
- Automatic switch-over with DXC
- Typical users financial organizations,
government, military
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34Thank You
For your attention