Title: Epipolar Geometry Class 7
1Epipolar GeometryClass 7
2Feature tracking
Affine transf.
3Three questions
- Correspondence geometry Given an image point x
in the first image, how does this constrain the
position of the corresponding point x in the
second image?
- (ii) Camera geometry (motion) Given a set of
corresponding image points xi ?xi, i1,,n,
what are the cameras P and P for the two views?
- (iii) Scene geometry (structure) Given
corresponding image points xi ?xi and cameras
P, P, what is the position of (their pre-image)
X in space?
4The epipolar geometry
C,C,x,x and X are coplanar
5The epipolar geometry
What if only C,C,x are known?
6The epipolar geometry
All points on p project on l and l
7The epipolar geometry
Family of planes p and lines l and l
Intersection in e and e
8The epipolar geometry
epipoles e,e intersection of baseline with
image plane projection of projection center in
other image vanishing point of camera motion
an epipolar plane plane containing baseline
(1-D family)
an epipolar line intersection of epipolar plane
with image (always come in corresponding pairs)
9Example converging cameras
10Example motion parallel with image plane
(simple for stereo ? rectification)
11Example forward motion
12The fundamental matrix F
algebraic representation of epipolar geometry
we will see that mapping is (singular)
correlation (i.e. projective mapping from points
to lines) represented by the fundamental matrix F
13The fundamental matrix F
geometric derivation
mapping from 2-D to 1-D family (rank 2)
14The fundamental matrix F
algebraic derivation
(note doesnt work for CC ? F0)
15The fundamental matrix F
correspondence condition
The fundamental matrix satisfies the condition
that for any pair of corresponding points x?x in
the two images
16The fundamental matrix F
F is the unique 3x3 rank 2 matrix that satisfies
xTFx0 for all x?x
- Transpose if F is fundamental matrix for (P,P),
then FT is fundamental matrix for (P,P) - Epipolar lines lFx lFTx
- Epipoles on all epipolar lines, thus eTFx0, ?x
?eTF0, similarly Fe0 - F has 7 d.o.f. , i.e. 3x3-1(homogeneous)-1(rank2)
- F is a correlation, projective mapping from a
point x to a line lFx (not a proper
correlation, i.e. not invertible)
17Fundamental matrix for pure translation
18Fundamental matrix for pure translation
19Fundamental matrix for pure translation
General motion
Pure translation
for pure translation F only has 2 degrees of
20The fundamental matrix F
relation to homographies
valid for all plane homographies
21The fundamental matrix F
relation to homographies
22Projective transformation and invariance
Derivation based purely on projective concepts
F invariant to transformations of projective
not unique
canonical form
23Projective ambiguity of cameras given F
previous slide at least projective
ambiguity this slide not more!
(22-157, ok)
24Canonical cameras given F
25Epipolar geometry?
courtesy Frank Dellaert
- calibration
- correspondences
Iterative least-squares
- Maximum Likelihood Triangulation
- Represent point as intersection of row and column
Useful presentation for deriving and
understanding multiple view geometry (notice 3D
planes are linear in 2D point coordinates)
29Next class computing F