Title: TEXAS A
- (EPA)
Presented by Nancy Cook
- Glossary / terms
- EPA Canopy Symbols
- EPA Introduction
- LOGON to Canopy
- Searching for EPA Documents
- Document Search
- Employee Display
- PIN Display
- EPA Doc Display
- Preparation Steps
- Preparation Steps
- Step 1 Create the document
- Step 2 Document Header
- Step 3 Funding Sources
- Step 4 Validate
- Step 5 Net Funding
- Step 6 Close the Document
- Canceling EPA Documents
- Recalling EPA Documents
- Printing EPA Documents
3Glossary Terms
- Annual Term
- This defines the period of time this position
will be on the payroll and is found in the
Position section of the Document Header. For
typical full-time budgeted positions, these dates
are always 9/1/yy through 8/31/yy. - For Teaching and Graduate assistant positions,
the term is often different. The person may be
employed just for the fall semester (9/1 - 1/15)
or just the spring semester (1/16 - 5/31).
Faculty are on 9 month appointments (9/1 - 5/31).
Any term is valid - provided the term is
specified in 1/2 month increments. - Annual Term Modifier
- Sometimes the annual term is not continuous.
For example, the Term may be from 9/1 to 8/31,
but with a break for the first summer session. - If this is the case, the Annual Term modifier
is used. See the drop down list in the Position
section of the Document Header for the options
for the term modifier.
4Glossary Terms Contd
- EPA Documents
- Electronic documents created using Canopy.
There are three types of EPA documents -
- EBR for Employee Budget Request
- EWR for Employee Wage Request
- EGR for Employee Graduate Request
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Glossary Terms Contd
- Iteration
- Each change to the BPP Position database is
called an iteration. The first version of the
position at the start of the fiscal year is
iteration 01. Iterations increment by one over
the course of the year. Iterations can also be
referred to as a history record for the position.
- Funding Source Lines
- In the BPP system, how positions are funded is
specified in advance. -
- The funding source lines specify how positions
are funded. They specify the account that will
pay the salary and the object code that will be
charged on the account.
- Creating
- Modifying
- Inquiry
- Canceling
- EBR for Employee Budgeted Request
- EWR for Employee Wage Request
- EGR for Employee Graduate Request
10Canopy and EPA Symbols
- Click on this button to expand and show more
detail. -
- Click on this button to collapse and hide
detail. -
- This symbol indicates that the items in the
column can be sorted in -
- Ascending Order
- Descending Order
- The double arrow buttons allow you to go back
to the first - record of your search results or to the end of
the data. -
- Use the single arrows under the words
Employee Search -
- Results to advance the displayed list forward
or backward. -
- Expands the column to show additional
information. -
- Access to canopy is set by the FAMIS Security
Officer - To Log into Training http//lab1.sago.tamus.edu
/training/canopy/logon - To Log on enter User ID
- Password
- Submit
- If you receive a message on the logon page that
your password has expired, The New Password box
will appear and you will need to type in a New
Password (must be 8 characters) -
- You will be asked to retype the New Password
again to confirm. - Logon Modules
- Select Campus Code from the drop down menu
(Galveston) -
- Click on the module - Employee payroll action
(EPA) -
12Searching for EPA Documents
- Search TAB - - BPP Employee Search
- Select Name (Last, First) or UIN/SSN down
list. Type the persons last name (or any
portion) or their identification number. - Click the Search Employees button.
- Results
- The search results are displayed below Click
the S (Select) button or the Name (link) to
view detail information.
13Search Tab -- BPP Budget (Positions) Search
BPP Budget (Positions) Search Select the desired
Fiscal Year from the drop down box. Click the
Vacant Only box to only display vacant
positions. Select a Search By option. Click on
the blank box and type in the Adloc, PIN, Last
Name, UIN or SSN.
Choose the PIN type All, Wage Only, or
Budget Only.
- Click on the Search Budget button to display
the results.
DOC SEARCH TAB To find documents you have
started, but not finished, click on the Doc
Search Tab and look for the ones with the Status
Open for Editing.
14Log on to Canopy http//canopy.tamu.edu.Enter
your FAMIS/Canopy ID and password.Click on the
Employee Payroll Action Module (EPA)
Application.You have some initial questions
to answer before you begin the document.
Is this ACTION for a Wage Position or a
Budgeted Position? Wage Positions pay an hourly
rate of pay and are not eligible for benefits.
Wage positions have a PIN number that consists of
a TAMUG workstation code G followed by an 8 and
numbers automatically assigned by the EPA system,
for example, G800044333. Budgeted Positions
pay a monthly/bi-weekly rate. Budgeted positions
are entitled to TAMUG benefits, provided they
meet all other criteria (Percent effort, etc.).
Preparation Steps
15Preparation Steps Contd
- Is this a New Position or am I taking action on
an Existing Position? - A few hints to make this determination New
positions are positions where the PIN has not yet
been created. If the position is a wage
position and the person does not yet work for
TAMUG, it is a new position. New budget
positions will be assigned a new PIN number. If
the position is budgeted and vacant - you are
taking an action on an existing position. - If this is an Existing Position - do I know the
PIN number? If not, you can use the Search
Features to find the correct PIN number. If
this is a change to an existing position, make
sure the position information is displayed on
the page before you proceed. Once you
have the answers to these questions, you are
ready to begin.
- Step 1 Create the Document
- Set the action Select document type
Occupant action Position action Create EPA
Document - Step 2 Document Header
- Document information Attachments Position
information Occupant Information Rate
information SAVE CHANGES - Step 3 Funding Sources
- Save changes click DONE
- Step 4 Validate
- Step 5 Net Funding
- Click DONE
- Step 6 Close Document
- Click CLOSE
17Step 1 Create the Document
- Set the Action
- Click on the PIN Disp/Start EPA Tab from the
Menu Tabs. -
- Next to the Create EPA document button is a drop
down list of the possible actions. The following
picture shows your choices. -
- Following is a description of each of these
actions -
- New Iteration for this PIN
- Use when you have an existing position
(including vacant wage positions) and you want
to make a change to that position. - This can include (among other things) hiring
someone into a vacant position, promoting someone
into a vacant position, terminating someone from
an active position and performing a funding
change to an existing position. - Insure you have the position you are performing
the action on currently visible. -
- New Wage Position
18Step 1 Create the Document Contd
- New Budgeted Position Use when you have all
appropriate authorization for the new position.
Note - most new hires will fall into one of the
first two actions - not this one. - Example of New Budgeted Position as a copy of
this position - Use when you have all appropriate authorization
for the new position. - This position is just like (New Budgeted
Position) - it exists only to save you some data
entry. - Instead of starting with a blank form, the form
will be filled out from data from a similar
position. - The position that is currently visible is the
position like the position you are creating.
19Step 1 Create the Document Contd
- Select the Document Type
- After making the appropriate selection above, you
will see the following page. The following - picture shows your choices.
- Select a Document Type to proceed to the next
box, Recommended Occupant Action. - The drop down lists for the Recommended Occupant
Action, Current - Occupant Action, and Position Action are
different for wage and budget positions. - Your options in the next box depend on what you
chose in the preceding box. The next box may
also be filled in for you. - Select the Recommend Occupant Action
- The Recommended Occupant Action box may look like
20Step 1 Create the Document Contd
- Select the Current Occupant Action
- The Current Occupant Action box may look like
this - Depending on your choice the remaining boxes may
have different choices - Select the Position Action
- The Position Action box may look like this
- Click Create Document button
- Once you are satisfied with the choices in each
of the action boxes, click the Create Document
button to create a new EPA document. - This action assigns the document ID and also
finalize the create step.
21Step 1 Create a Document Contd
- If you need to change a selection, push the
Reset button and begin again. If you still do
not see the correct action or actions, then go
back to the Search tab and search for the correct
Name, PIN, or Adloc.
22Step 2 - Document Header
- The document header is comprised of the
following sections of the EPA document Document
Information, Position Information, Occupant
Information, and Rate Information. Fields that
are light yellow and have dash lines are the ones
that you can enter information on. Some are
required and some are optional. These sections
will be saved together. - Document Information
- DO NOT MARK any of the boxes unless your
department head has indicated that funding will
be made available by the Budget Office. -
- Action is Effective From -To Dates
- Fill in the starting date of the action.
- Justification / Comments
- The justification comments field accepts 10
lines of up to 74 characters each - Add Attachments
- Electronic document may be attached. Attachments
will be stored with EPA document and viewable by
anyone with right to view. Authorized employees
in the Payroll, Budget, HR, Grants, and Financial
Aid will also be able to view. Documents must be
in PDF format.
23Step 2 Document Header
- Position Information
- Changes to Adoc should be verified with Payroll
- Changes to Title Code for Budgeted Positions
should be verified with Human Resources - Annual Term Modifier Annual Term Months
- Annual term months can be modified if the annual
term modifier is D. - For all other annual term modifiers, the Annual
Term Months will be calculated and replace
whatever you enter. -
24Step 2 Document Header Contd
- Occupant Information Fill in the employees
name and social security number as it appears on
the original Social Security card. You should
have the employee present you their Social
Security Card. If the person does not have one
available, contact Human Resources for a
temporary number. If the employee is
transferring between departments, fill in the
Occupant in Position From-To and From/To PIN
boxes. -
- Rate Information
- Change the Percent Effort and Monthly FTE/Hourly
Rate if this position needs any changes.
25Step 2 Document Header Contd
- Rate Information (continued)
- Choose from the following drop down menus if the
highlighted option is not correct - Pay Indicator
Salary Action -
- Source Control
Pay Type
26Step 2 Document Header
- Save Changes
- When you are finished entering, scroll up to the
top of the page and click the Save Changes
button as shown below -
- If you receive an error message, go to the field
mentioned and make changes. You may also have
the option to get additional help by clicking on
the blue additional help words.
27Step 3 Funding Sources
- Edit funding source lines
- Once the document header has been saved,
navigate to the funding source part of the
document. Click on the Edit Funding Sources
button to make changes to the funding of the
position. - If you do not have any changes, proceed to Step
4 Validate the Document -
- The edit buttons available are
- E - Edit this funding source line
- Use this function to change any of the fields
that are light yellow. - R - Replicate (make copy) of this funding
source line. - Use this function to split the Percentage
Effort between accounts. You will Replicate
and then Edit both lines. - D - Delete this funding source line
28Step 3 Funding Sources Contd
- Object Codes
- The suggested one will be already be highlighted.
- Funding Sources
29Step 4 - Validation
- You are now ready to validate the document.
Validating the document crosschecks the
information on the document header and the
funding source section. -
- This step will also check the account (s) for
available budget. -
- Click the Validate button.
30Step 5 Net Funding
- If the document changes the funding requirements
for any account in this fiscal year, you will see
the net funding section of the document. If
there are no changes, you will not see this
section. -
- You may change the requirement accounts as
necessary. If you change the accounts, click on
the Save Net Funding button. -
- The Net Funding display includes calculations
for benefits and longevity. - Net Funding edits stop documents from being
processed if sufficient budget is not available.
When you are finished, click on the "Done"
31Step 6 Close the Document
- The document is now ready to be closed and
submitted to Routing Approvals. -
- The encumbrances post to FAMIS when the EPA
document is closed. -
- Once the document is closed it can then be
approved and signed by the authorized individuals
for the department or departments affected by the
funding of your document. -
- Click the Close button.
32Other Helpful Information
- How to Cancel an EPA document
- An EPA document can be canceled at any time
before it is closed. -
- Navigate to the Document Type and Actions
section and click the Cancel Button.
33Other Helpful Information Contd
- Recalling an EPA Document
- Search for the document you want to recall using
the Doc Search Menu Tab. Select the document,
and displayed will be the EPA Doc Display tab.
Type in your Recall Comments and click on the
recall button. You will then be able to edit the
document. You will also be able to cancel the
document. -
- Documents can only be recalled if they are still
in the Department Routing. Once they reach the
Processing office, you will not be able to recall
it. -
- Then you can click on the Reopen Document
button and go ahead and make changes to the
document. Then save and validate and do the net
funding changes. Then you can close the document
and submit it to routing.
34Other Helpful Information Contd
- Printing an EPA document
- Prints the current document cover sheet.
- If you experience problems printing an EPA
document, you may need to make some adjustments
to your settings. using Internet Explorer, go
to FILE, PAGE SETUP. Set your margins to .25 for
both the right and left margins and .5 for your
top and bottom margins. - If you still have problems, you can switch the
layout of the page to LANDSCAPE.