Title: Intellectual Property (Also known as
1Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.1
What is Engineering Design?
- In order to create and build things, engineers
must be involved in a design process - ABET definition of design
- the process of devising a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs
2Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- 10 Stage Design Process
- Identify the problem / product innovation
- Define the working criteria / goals
- Research and gather data
- Brainstorm / Generate creative ideas
- Analyze potential solutions
- Develop and test models
- Make the decision
- Communicate and specify
- Implement and commercialize
- Perform post-implementation review / assessment
3Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 1 Identify the problem / product
innovation -
- It is critical to establish the actual problem
clearly - Less likely to be an issue in an academic
setting, where the professor provides structure - In industry settings, very important to clarify
what the problem is before attempting to solve it
4Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 2 Define the working criteria / goals
- Examples of working criteria include
- How much will it cost?
- Will it be difficult to produce?
- What will be the size, weight, strength?
- What will it look like?
- Will it be easy to use?
- Will it be safe to use?
- Are there any legal concerns?
- Will it be reliable and durable? And more
5Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 3 Research and Gather Data
- Having good, reliable background information is
necessary for the team to begin exploring all
relevant aspects of the problem - Team members must determine
- What types of information will be needed
- The best sources of that information
6Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 3 Research and Gather Data
- Examples of research/data gathering include
- What information has been published about the
problem? - Is there a solution to the problem that may
already be available? - If there is an available solution, who is
providing it? - What are the advantages / disadvantages of their
solution? - What is the cost? Is cost a significant issue?
- What is the ratio of time spent compared to
overall costs? And more -
7Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 4 Brainstorm / generate creative ideas
- Brainstorming to creatively develop as many
potential solutions to a problem as possible - Every idea that is spontaneously contributed from
the group is recorded - No preliminary judgments are made about any
members idea, no matter wild that idea may be - Goal to develop a long list of possible
alternative solutions to the problem at hand.
8Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 5 Analyze Potential Solutions
- Once brainstorming ideas have been narrowed,
further narrowing to a few ideas can be
accomplished by - Examining the list and eliminating duplicates
- Allow the group to ask clarifying questions
- Ask the group to evaluate the ideas.
9Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 5 Analyze Potential Solutions
- Forms of analyzing potential solutions include
- Common Sense
- Economic Analysis
- Analysis using basic engineering principles and
laws - Estimation
- Analysis of compatibility
- Computer Analysis techniques
- Conservative Assumptions
10Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 6 Develop and Test Models
- Brainstorming and further Analysis have narrowed
options to just a few. The remaining options
will now be developed and tested. - Models used by engineers to develop and test
include - Mathematical models
- Computer models
- Scale models
- Diagrams or graphs
11Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 6 Develop and Test Models
- Testing Prototypes will help determine
- Durability
- Ease of assembly
- Reliability
- Strength
- Environmental
- Quality consistency
- Safety
- Consistency of testing
12Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 7 Make the Decision
- Team members must establish a means to compare
and evaluate the results from the testing stage - Common Method Used to Make the Decision
- Decision Table
- Helps members to visualize the merits of each
option) - Decision Table Columns include (a) Working
Criteria, (b) Weighted Point Totals, (c)
Individual Point Totals
13Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 8 Communicate and Specify
- Before manufacture of a part/ product/ structure,
there must be thorough communication, reporting
and specification of all aspects of that item - Types of communication include
- Written Reports
- Summaries of technical presentations
- Diagrams
- Drawings / Sketches
- Computer Printouts
- Charts
- Graphs
14Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 9 Implement and Commercialize
- Next-to-last stage of the design process
- Final Opportunity for revision (or termination)
of project - Project manager, team leaders and the following
key individuals are involved in this step - Management / Key Supervisory Personnel
- Technical Representatives
- Business Representatives
- Attorneys / Legal Support Staff
15Chapter 13 Engineering Design Section 13.2 The
Design Process
- Stage 10 Perform Post-Implementation Review and
Assessment -
- At this stage, project is assumed to be in full
production - This stage involves the termination of the design
project team (since the product is now part of
the companys overall product line). - Products performance is reviewed, an assessment
report is prepared, and future suggestions