Title: Crop Protection Online - now also including maize
1Crop Protection Online - now also including maize
- Per Rydahl
- Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
- Status
- Introduction to model
- Prototypes in maize
- User interfaces
4Status (1)
- Crops
- 3 spring cereal crops
- 4 winter cereal crops
- spring- and winter oilseed rape
- field pea
- sugar beet
5Status (2)
- Herbicides
- all registered and marketed products
- Weeds
- 75 species
- Subscribers in Denmark
- 1000 farmers
- 300 consultants
- 200 schools, companies etc.
- System export
- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Norway
6Introduction to model
7Model function
- assesses the level of weed control needed
- selects single herbicides and calculates doses
needed - calculates tank-mixtures, optimised for cost or
TFI - strategy-module for multiple treatments
8Step 1 The level of control needed
- Includes aspects on yield, quality and crop
rotation - Based on expert knowledge
- Input
- Crop name
- Season
- Expected yield
- Weed name
- Weed density
- Output
- level of control needed on weed biomass,4-6
weeks after a herbicide application (0-97)
9Step 2 dose-response function1 herbicide, 1 weed
1/4 N 1/2 N 1/1 N 2/1 N
10Step 2 dose-response functionIntegration
11Step 2 dose-response function1 herbicide, 3
weed species
12Step 3 Tankmixtures Additive Dose Model (ADM)
Herbicide A
Herbicide B
13Step 3 Tankmixtures Optimization
Dose Herbicide B
Sp 1
Dose Herbicide A
14Prototypes in maize
- to develop and validate DSS models for weed
control in maize - to achieve sufficient and safe control of weeds
- to quantify potentials
16Reuse of components from cereals
- target effect levels
- expert model
- dose/response functions
- weed species (field data)
- weed growth stages (semifield data)
- temperature, relative air humidity and water
stress (semifield data) - ADM (semifield data)
17Reuse of components from sugar beet
- strategy
- spray subsequent flushes of emerged weeds
- repeated
- field inspections
- consultations of model
- sprayings, as recommend by model
- dose/response functions
- data from genuine split-applications of single
- 3 prototypes with 3 levels of aimed efficacy
- 90-version
- 85-version
- 80-version
- questions to answer in field validation tests
- can treatment options be recommended by model?
- is yield and weed control at satisfactory levels?
- can input of herbicides be reduced?
19Efficacy 4-6 weeks after treatment
20Efficacy at harvest (1)
21Efficacy at harvest (2)
) No significant differences between treatments
23Treatment Frequency Index (TFI)
24Costs of herbicides
25Conclusions on prototypes in maize
- considerable variation in weed infestations in
validation test plots - satisfactory weed control was achieved by all
prototypes in all tests - input of herbicides by 85-version and
80-version - about 10 reduction of TFI
- about 20 reduction of cost (about 160 DKK/ha)
- slightly revised 80-version will be integrated
in the official version of CPO in 2006
26User interfaces
27User interface - input www.planteinfo.dk
28User interface - output