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How Enterprise Decision Management (EDM) Capabilities Enable Customer Centric Organizations Tony Branda Executive Head of Business Analysis, RBS Citizens NA – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Blank%20R

How Enterprise Decision Management (EDM)
Capabilities Enable Customer Centric Organizations
Tony Branda Executive Head of Business Analysis,
RBS Citizens NA December, 2008
I. Why Enterprise Decision Management?
1. Retail Bank Data-Mining Evolution
2. Level Setting Business Intelligence and analytics
3. The Evolution in World Class Customer Mgt.
4. Best Practices in Customer Centric Architecture
5. Killer Customer Applications
6. Vision
7. Who Is Your Customer?
8. What Does Top Analytical Talent Need?
9. What Is The Impact To Your Bottom Line?
II. Steps To Deploy EDM
1. Assess Your Organization
2. Create A Vision
3. Create A Phased Plan
4. Procure Executive Sponsorship
5. Enact The Right Governance
6. Implementation Considerations
III. Major Pitfalls
1. Top Ten Reasons EDM Projects Fail

Retail Bank Data-Mining Evolution
  • As Retail Banks move from focusing on pushing
    products to managing customer relationships,
    their approach to data analytics has gone from
    being one dimensional to multi-dimensional
  • The multi-dimensional nature of operating at a
    customer level has forced a more collaborative
    organization and common infrastructure to
    maximize customer value and experience in
    addition to shareholder value
  • Certain lines of business by their very nature
    have been early adopters of analytics to drive
    revenue growth. The Commodity nature of
    businesses like Cards and HELOC have facilitated
    heavy data-mining to differentiate themselves in
    commodity markets
  • Customer Centricity will best leverage economies
    of skill and scale derived from analytical
  • Methodologies, techniques and best practices have
    proven transferable to other retail finance

Level Setting Business Intelligence and
Optimization Whats the best that can happen?
Predictive modeling What will happen next?
Forecasting/extrapolation What if these trends continue?
Statistical analysis Why is this happening?
Alerts What actions are needed?
Query/drill down Where exactly is the problem?
Ad hoc reports How many, how often, where?
Standard reports What happened?
Competitive advantage
Access and reporting
Degree of intelligence
Source Adapted from a graphic produced by SAS,
reprinted by permission in Competing on
Analytics, The New Science of Winning, Authors
Thomas H. Davenport Jeanne G. Harris
The Stages of Evolution in World Class Customer
Integrated Information Drives the Entire Customer
To facilitate the evolution from a single
product/ channel focus to an end-to-end
customer-centric vision
4th Generation
5th Generation
3rd Generation
1st Generation
2nd Generation
Multiple segmentation schemes enhanced
predictive modeling by LOB and rolled up to
1 customer view drives marketing strategy,
planning and execution decisions
Processes focused on balancing improved
efficiency with improved effectiveness by LOB
Focus on identifying the best channel for
reaching the customer by LOB
Focus on single channel execution by LOB
Integrated CFG customer data and single
repository across organization
Actualization of Customer Centric Vision
Customer-oriented org alignment by LOB
Learning Agenda and supporting Framework
established for CFG supported by the LOB
Pre-emptive CFG customer cross-sell retention
strategies employed
No org alignment
Stages of Actualization
Vision adapted from Forrester Study on customer
Best Practices in Customer Centric Architecture
Business Intelligence, Marketing Support
All data at the Customer Level stored here
Service Manager Layer
Enterprise Data Warehouse (RDR)
Customer Marketing System (SmartFocus) (Unica)
Best Product Option at POS
Product Needs Assessment tool, taking into
consideration Bank requirements and Customer needs
Enterprise Business Services (ODS)
Business Intelligence
Prospect System (Equifax Credit Bureau)
Universal Loan Fulfillment
Sales Interface
Loan fulfillment and Processing Shows total
contingent liability at the Customer level
Pipeline to distribute leads, offers, referrals
to Different platforms
New sales platform over the Existing sales
tool Creates a standard process for selling in
any channel
Customer profile And householding creator
Sales and Servicing Support
Knowledge Expands Customer Choice
Killer Customer Applications
  • Manage at the customer profitable level RNI
  • Next logic product
  • Channel Optimization based on customer level
    channel usage and preferences
  • Offer Sequencing
  • Contact Management Offer Coordination/Bundled
  • Relationship Pricing based value exchange
  • Channel Optimization Best Offer for each
    customer in the right channel.
  • Full Spectrum Lending. Willingness to Lend.
  • Quality Customer / Best Customer mindset
  • Continuous Pre-approval at the customer level.
  • Product Development

Program Strategy and Management
Information Delivery Development And Management
  • Who are the most lucrative customers?
  • How do we retain and deepen those relationships?
  • What is the next logical product to offer?
  • What product/features do customers want?
  • Data Analysis Predictive Modeling
  • Segmentation Optimization
  • Get the right information to the right user at
    the right time
  • Solution Planning and Development
  • Database Management and Maintenance
  • Develop and Provide Access to Metrics
  • Standardized Tool Suite
  • Standard Reporting (Static Interactive)
  • Data Acquisition
  • User Training and Support
  • Campaign Management and Execution
  • Program Planning
  • Vendor and Channel Management
  • List Development
  • Creative Development
  • Reporting Standard and Ad-hoc
  • What is the competition doing, and how do we
  • Market and Sizing Potential
  • Market and Share Analysis
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Market Research
  • Test and Learn Discipline
  • Short-Term Measurement
  • Performance Alerts
  • Forecasting and Extrapolation
  • Long Term Performance Assessment and Business
  • Program Optimization for Gen 2, 3, etc.

Who Is Your Customer?
  • Partial views are completely wrong!
  • Take off your businesss blindfolds and see your
    customer holistically.

What Does Top Analytical Talent Need?
  • More insight, less data matching and cleansing.
  • No duplicative functions.
  • Enterprise-wide Scope provides greater impact

Feel Valued
To Have Impact
  • Enterprise-wide Analytical Teams provide the best
    environment for growth.
  • Multi-product and channel applications provide
    intellectual challenges.

Growth Potential
What Is The Impact To Your Bottom-Line?
Time spent analyzing not linking data. Typical
gains 20-30.
Analyst Efficiency
Eliminate redundancies. Gain from economies of
scale. 20-30 cost reduction.
Lower IT Cost
I. Why Enterprise Decision Management?
1. Retail Bank Data-Mining Evolution
2. Level Setting Business Intelligence and analytics
3. The Evolution in World Class Customer Mgt.
4. Best Practices in Customer Centric Architecture
5. Killer Customer Applications
6. Vision
7. Who Is Your Customer?
8. What Does Top Analytical Talent Need?
9. What Is The Impact To Your Bottom Line?
II. Steps To Deploy EDM
1. Assess Your Organization
2. Create A Vision
3. Create A Phased Plan
4. Procure Executive Sponsorship
5. Enact The Right Governance
6. Implementation Considerations
III. Major Pitfalls
1. Top Ten Reasons EDM Projects Fail
Assess Your Organization
Be brutally honest. What skills do you need? What
silos do you need to break?
People Org
A GREAT offer to our valued customer
We regret to Inform you
How many systems? What is the scope of each? How
do they promote a unified view?
Create A Vision
Strategic Customer Insight Through CRM
Consistent and Seamless Customer Experience
Analytical Environment
Source Data
Strategic Analytics
Legacy Systems MCIF
Real Time Integration
Enterprise Data Warehouse
Market Research
Competitive Intelligence
Call Center
Modeling/ Optimization
Customer Data
External Data
Multi-Channel Communication
Value Proposition
List Generation
Campaign Design
Contact Data
Value Driven Decision
Analytical Tools
Market Research
Real-Time Event
Enterprise Rules
Loyal Customer
Create A Phased Plan
  • The vision is vital. It will avoid dump and
  • The phased plan is what you will sell to finance
  • Each phase should have positive ROI independent
    of all subsequent phases.
  • All phases should add up to the vision.

Procure Executive Sponsorship
  • Executive support is key because it
  • Accelerates analytical growth by eliminating
    diversionary paths to growth.
  • Mitigates risk of reaching dead-end terminal

Source Competing on Analytics Davenport
Enact The Right Governance
Role Description
Expected MeetingFrequency
Executive Champions
  • Sets the overall vision
  • Holds ultimate accountability for the success of
    the CIM Program
  • Role models and communicates leaderships

  • Approves CIMP Program Vision, Standards and
    Guiding Principles
  • Ensures integration across LOBs
  • Approves Project and Initiative Prioritization
  • Reviews Program Progress with Steering Committee
  • Ensures program is appropriately staffed and

Use this as a starting point. But,
be flexible. Every organization is unique.
Key Executive Stakeholders
Six Times Annually
  • Reviews proposals to add new projects to the
  • Tracks and reports on the progress
  • Provides strategic direction and ensures
    alignment to the vision
  • Define Enterprise Policies and LOB Requirements
  • Committee Chairs from Lines of Business

Steering Council
  • Provides Overall Program Management
  • Program Communications
  • Initial Program Vision and End State
  • Program Schedules, Milestones and Control
  • Ensures Integration with In-flight Processes and

Program Planning Committee
  • Develops and manages the program work-plan (and
    content) working with the CIMP Steering Council
    and Planning Committee
  • Program Director endorses program team solutions
    for Executive Approval
  • Executes on CIMP Initiatives

Program Director, Core Team and SMEs.
Enact The Right Governance (Cont)
The Org shouldbe carefullycrafted toensure
thatEDM is trulyenterprise-widein scope.
Implementation Considerations
Senior Executive Sponsorship and Enterprise
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 5
Year 4
Determine and load critical data to deliver against Business for highest priority deliverable Consumer Commercial (RBS) Greenwich Load critical data and develop prioritized application by business Begin design of CRM solution to interface with analytical environment Expand data sourcing to next immediate data by business area Develop additional application Phase 1 implementation of CRM solution Enhance existing applications based on lessons learned previous Phase Complete data sourcing Continue CRM implementation based on business priorities Continue Enhancements to existing applications Continue CRM implementation based on business priorities Continue CRM implementation based on business priorities
Benefit Accrued
Senior Executive Sponsorship and Business Area
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 5
Year 4
Selected Line of Business projects identified and funded by individual LOBs Only data related to the LOB and project loaded Work based on LOBs willingness and ability to pay Next phase of LOB prioritized and funded projects. Next phase of LOB prioritized and funded projects. Next phase of LOB prioritized and funded projects. Next phase of LOB prioritized and funded projects.
Benefit Accrued
Implementation Considerations
  • The data environment has the following component
  • Robust Database
  • Point and Click ad-hoc query and reporting tool
  • Slice and dice drill down tool (cubes)
  • Demographic and mapping capability
  • Campaign Management
  • Analytical and predictive modeling
  • Data cleansing and quality assurance
  • Ability to extract, transform and load data (ETL)
  • Skills to develop and support the analytical
    environment are different from the transaction
  • Ability to process large amount of data quickly
  • Design of the database is significantly different
    from transactional systems
  • Tools are specialized for this environment
  • Need the ability to quickly implement changes
  • Daily (very small changes)
  • Weekly (small changes)
  • Monthly (medium changes)
  • Quarterly (large changes)
  • Satisfy all levels of knowledge worker
  • Unica Affinium Campaign (v6.4)
  • Targeted selection and list generation engine
    for all standard campaigns
  • eMessage module supports dynamic email
    marketing (RedAlerts)
  • Claritas/MapInfo
  • Demographics and Mapping
  • Hyperion Essbase
  • Advanced Ad Hoc Query Engine (Cubes)
  • Business Objects Reporting Platform
  • Client and Web-based Report creation
  • Ad Hoc Query Point and Click capability
  • SAS Data Mining/Modeling
  • Predictive model development
  • Acquisition, Retention, Attrition models for both
    Products and Relationships
  • Each model may have 40 to250 input variables
  • Oracle 9i Database
  • Robust database with
  • Real time data update
  • Daily, weekly and monthly data update
  • ----------------
  • Able to store multi-terabytes of data
  • Data Mentors DataFuse v4
  • Address cleansing
  • Household Definition
  • Data Extraction/Transformation/Load
  • Informatica PowerCenter 7.1
  • Able to process multiple data loads at once
  • Runs daily and Ad Hoc
  • Supports file import/export and direct database
    connections to other systems

I. Why Enterprise Decision Management?
1. Retail Bank Data-Mining Evolution
2. Level Setting Business Intelligence and analytics
3. The Evolution in World Class Customer Mgt.
4. Best Practices in Customer Centric Architecture
5. Killer Customer Applications
6. Vision
7. Who Is Your Customer?
8. What Does Top Analytical Talent Need?
9. What Is The Impact To Your Bottom Line?
II. Steps To Deploy EDM
1. Assess Your Organization
2. Create A Vision
3. Create A Phased Plan
4. Procure Executive Sponsorship
5. Enact The Right Governance
6. Implementation Considerations
III. Major Pitfalls
1. Top Ten Reasons EDM Projects Fail
Major Pitfalls
  • Lack of Support at the Most Senior Levels of the
    Organization. No Mandate or Top Down driven
    approach to developing a EDM capability and lack
    of understanding of how it drives growth or
    enables the customer experience.
  • Mistaking CIM/CRM or Data Warehouse initiative
    for a Technology project and not a business
  • Not recognizing CRM/CIM as a separate discipline
    that includes marketing, risk, ops and IT skills
    but is also broader than any one of these.
  • Not selecting the EDM head carefully. This is a
    demanding job that includes
  • Budget oversight of such a large initiative. IT
    spend can get out of control.
  • Broad expertise with technology, techniques
    (modeling, etc) and vision.

Major Pitfalls
  • When companies assume that building the
    capability internally with IT is the only option
    when several ASP or hosted solutions may provide
    a better value equation and speed to market.
  • Taking a Build it and they will come or Big
    Bang approach.
  • EDM Projects need to include an End State/Vision.
  • A Phased Implementation is always better. This
    can be done in several ways. By Subject Area, By
    Data Type, By Business Line etc.
  • Decoupling the analytical areas who are the users
    from the database itself. Adoption is always
    quicker when both teams are together and
    learnings are self contained.

Major Pitfalls
  • When companies assume that building the
    capability internally with IT is the only option
    when several ASP or hosted solutions may provide
    a better value equation and speed to market.
  • Taking a Build it and they will come or Big
    Bang approach.
  • EDM Projects need to include an End State/Vision.
  • A Phased Implementation is always better. This
    can be done in several ways. By Subject Area, By
    Data Type, By Business Line etc.
  • Decoupling the analytical areas who are the users
    from the database itself. Adoption is always
    quicker when both teams are together and
    learnings are self contained.
  • Not defining any quick wins from the project.
  • Holding EDM to a one year ROI. This is a
    long-run investment with major milestones and
    achievements along the way, but each phase will
    only pay off in 2-3 years.

  • The customer centric nature of retail banking
    today is driving more complexity in management of
    data and more sophisticated business analytics
  • Knowledge sharing and collaboration across
    geographies, lines of business and platforms is
    an important part of achieving this vision
  • Optimization techniques can be a helpful tool in
    achieving the maximum return on customer
  • Technology has increased response/activation and
    decreased the customer annoyance factor.

A. Biographies Tony Branda
B. Customer Centricity Case Study Relationship Indicator
C. Optimization Handles the Increasing Complexity Of Our Marketplace
Biography and Case Studies
  • Tony Branda
  • Tony Branda leads the Business Analysis team
    within RBS National Bank. The Business Analysis
    team provides world class business insights for
    internal clients and partners through the use of
    leading edge data-mining techniques and tools.
    Tony joined RBSNB in June of 2006
  • Prior to RBSNB, Tony was Senior Vice President
    and Program Director for a Division wide customer
    information strategy at Wells Fargo. Tonys
    strategic planning unit created the enterprise
    wide approach to Customer Data, Business
    Intelligence and Marketing Infrastructure. Tony
    built out a 30 million customer cross sell
    marketing platform and associated analytics as
    well as a customer experience enhancing contract
  • Prior to Wells Fargo, Tony Branda was Senior Vice
    President and Team Leader for Consumer Real
    Estate Database Marketing as well as Enterprise
    Statistical Modeling at Bank of America.
  • Tony Branda has held several key positions in
    financial services at American Express and MBNA
  • Tony Branda received his B.B.A and M.B.A in
    Marketing from Pace University. He received a
    Certificate in Direct Marketing from New York

Optimization Handles the Increasing Complexity
Of Our Marketplace
Dynamic Predictions On-Going Recalibration
and Scalability over Brands
1 to 1
More products
Optimization, predictive models and segmentation
Many to Many
Scores rank orders prospects on a single
Few to Many
Segmentation Based on customer profile data
Few to Few
Less products
One offer fits all
1 to All
Customer Complexity
More Customers Segments
Less Customers Segments
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