Wuthering Heights Notes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wuthering Heights Notes


Heathcliff terrifies her when she asked about key to OUR ... takes place before ... in her life which serves as a connecting link to all the universe? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wuthering Heights Notes

Wuthering Heights Notes
Emily Bronte
  • Emily Bronte was born July 30, 1818
  • Yorkshire, England
  • Her father, Patrick Bronte
  • had been educated at Cambridge
  • rector of a church in the small town of Haworth
  • married Maria Branwell,
  • six children Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte,
    Branwell, Emily, and Anne.
  • In 1821 Maria Bronte died
  • children were left much to themselves, spending
    much time reading and writing.

  • The children were educated at home most of the
  • Emily (and some of the other girls) did spend
    some time at a girls school.
  • Emily Bronte took a teaching position for a short
  • She became homesick and returned home.
  • Emily and Charlotte also entertained plans to
    start a school
  • In 1845 Charlotte found poems written by Emily
    and discovered, in fact, that she, Emily, and
    Anne all wrote poetry.
  • In 1846 they published a volume of their poetry,
    but only two copies of the book were sold.
  • The girls wrote under pseudonyms Charlotte as
    Currer Bell, Emily as Ellis Bell, and Anne as
    Acton Bell.

  • In 1847 Charlotte Brontes novel Jane Eyre was
    published and was extremely successful.
  • Wuthering Heights was published in December,
    1847, but was not well received at that time
  • it was considered too savage and animal-like.
  • Laterit was recognized as one of the finest
    novels in the English language.
  • Soon after the publication of her only novel,
    Emilys health failed she died of tuberculosis
    in 1848.

Characteristics of Romanticism
  • Emphasis on emotion (a reaction to the emphasis
    on reason of the preceding period).

  • Glorification of the imagination This group
    rejected the previous
  • periods treatment of man as a limited being
    restricted by reason,
  • and therefore, bound by tradition. The
    imagination became equated
  • with creativity as contrasted to the imitative
    process followed by
  • the previous neoclassicists.

  • Emphasis on subjectivity and individuality
    Romanticists believed
  • that everyone was unique and different. This
    eventually led to an
  • appreciation for introspection, reverie, and
    melancholy. The
  • brooding, solitary dreamer became a popular
    literary figure.

  • Love, a preeminent theme Romantic writers often
    wrote about
  • love, but their vision of love was usually
    spiritual in nature.
  • They believed that for every person, there was a
    perfect soulmate
  • the person in the world who provided his other
    half and made him a more complete person.
    Love, in other words, was a spiritual communion.

  • Worship of nature Romanticists often set their
    poems or stories
  • in the countryside and appreciated the rustic
    person who was close
  • to nature and unspoiled by civilization. This
    cult of nature
  • eventually led to the development of the
    theory of Pantheism, a
  • theological belief that equates God with

  • Idealism This group believed that life could be
    made better and
  • were often politically active in trying to
    bring about change, and
  • many also believed that heaven could be found
    on earthor nowhere.

Chapters 1-5
Notes Chapters 1-5
  • 1. List details describing Heathcliff.
  • 2. List details describing Lockwood.
  • 3. Describe Wuthering Heights.
  • 4. Identify
  • a. Mrs. Heathcliff
  • b. Hareton
  • c. Joseph
  • d. Zillah
  • e. Catherine
  • 5. Setting
  • What is effect of the snowstorm?
  • How does the snowstorm help to reveal characters?
  • Symbolism of snowstorm????
  • 6. Narrators
  • a.
  • b.

Quotes 1-5
  • Wuthering Heights ch. 1-5 quotes
  • Not anxious to come in contact with their fangs,
    I sat still but, imagining they would scarcely
    understand tacit insults, I unfortunately
    indulged in winking and making faces at the trio,
    and some turn of my physiognomy so irritated
    madam, that she suddenly broke into a fury and
    leapt on my knees. I flung her back, and
    hastened to interpose the table between us.I was
    constrained to demand, aloud, assistance from
    some of the household, in reestablishing peace.
  • Identify speaker describe this scene.
  • Her position before was sheltered from the
    light now, I had a distinct view of her whole
    figure and countenance. She was slender, and
    apparently scarcely past girlhood an admirable
    form, and the most exquisite little face that I
    have even had the pleasure of beholding small
    features, very fair flaxen ringlets, or rather
    golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck and
    eyeshad they been agreeable in expression, they
    would have been irresistiblefortunately for my
    susceptible heart, the only sentiment they
    evinced hovered between scorn and a kind of
    desperation, singularly unnatural to be detected

Quotes 1-5
  • Identify speaker whom is speaker describing?
  • This time, I remembered I was lying in the oak
    closet, and I heard distinctly the gusty wind,
    the driving of the snow I heard, also the
    fir-bough repeat its teasing sound..I must stop
    it, nevertheless! I muttered, knocking my
    knuckles through the glass, and stretching an arm
    out to seize the importunate branch instead of
    which, my fingers closed on the fingers of a
    little, ice-cold hand!...Let me in---let me in!
  • Identify people what is happening???
  • putting her arms round his neck before we could
    hinder her. The poor thing discovered her loss
    directlyshe screamed outOh, hes dead, . Hes
    dead! And they both set up a heart-breaking
    cry. I joined my wail to theirs, loud and
    bitter, but Joseph asked what we could be
    thinking of to roar in that way over a saint in
  • Identify characters what is the problem?

Chapters 6-9
Notes Chapter 6-9
  • 1. When Cathy returns from the Lintons, what
    direct evidence do we get of her love for
  • 2. How does the hot applesauce incident and the
  • dramatic aftermath show the love Catherine and
    Heathcliff have for each other?
  • 3. How do we know Heathcliff loves Catherine?
  • 4. In chapter 8 Cathy quarrels with Healthcliff
    and with Edgar. How does each quarrel reflect
    the emotional tension she is feeling as a result
    of her attachment to both of these men?
  • 5. What reasons does Cathy give to Nelly for
    deciding to marry Edgar? What does Nelly think
    of the reasons? What conflict within Cathy
    causes her serious worry and unhappiness over her

6-9 Continued
  • 6. What is the emotional effect of Cathys
    confessions upon the eavesdropper, Heathcliff?
  • 7. Cathys split personality is the result of
    two deeply seated drives. What two strongly
    conflicting desires has Cathy so far revealed in
    the story? How does Heathcliff fulfill one of
    these? How does Edgar fulfill the other?
  • 8. In what way has Cathys dream revealed her
    subconscious state of mind?
  • 9. How can Cathys illness be explained on a
    physical basis? On a psychological basis as
  • 10. What does Cathy mean when she says, Nelly,
  • am Heathcliff?
  • 11. How does Cathy relate her love for
    Heathcliff to the concept of life after death?
  • 12. How does Cathy explain her love for
    Heathcliff as the element in her life which
    serves as a connecting link to all the universe?

Quotes 6-9
  • 1. The devil had seized her ankle, Nelly I
    heard his abominable snorting. She did not yell
  • ---no! She would have scorned to do it, if she
    had been spitted on the horns of a mad cow. I
    did, though, I vociferated curses enough to
    annihilate any fiend in Christendom, and I got a
    stone and thrust it between his jaws, and tried
    with all my might to cram it down his throat. A
    beast of a servant came up with a lantern, at
    last, shorting--
  • Keep fast, Skulker, keep fast!
  • Identify she and I.
  • What has happened?
  • 2.
  • Afterwards, they dried and combed her beautiful
    hair, and gave her a pair of enormous slippers,
    and wheeled her to the fire, and I left her, as
    merry as she could be dividing her food between
    the little dog and Skulker, who nose she pinched
    as she ate ..I saw they were full of stupid
    admiration she is so immeasurable superior to
    themto everybody on earth is she not, Nelly?
  • Identify they and she
  • What is happening and why?
  • 3.
  • You neednt have touched me! he answered,
    following her eye and snatching away his hand.
    I shall be as dirty as I please, and I like to
    be dirty, and I will be dirty.
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is scene?
  • 4.
  • He ventured this remark without any intention to
    insult but Heathcliffs violent nature was not
    prepared to endure the appearance of impertinence
    from one whom he seemed to hate, even then, as a
    rival. He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce,
    the first thing that came under his gripe, and
    dashed it full against the speakers face and
    neckwho instantly commended a lament that
    brought Isabela and Catherine hurrying to the
  • Why did Heathcliff throw the applesauce?
  • Whom did he hit? Why?
  • 5.
  • He told his wife the same story, and she seemed
    to believe him but one night, while leaning on
    his shoulder, in the act of saying she thought
    she should be able to get up tomorrow, a fit of
    coughing took hera very slight onehe raised her
    in his arms she put her two hands about his
    neck, her face changed, and she was dead.

  • 6.
  • The crosses are for the evening you have spend
    with the Lintons, the dots for those spent with
    me. Do you see? Ive marked every day.
  • Yesvery foolish as if I took notice!.....and
    where is the sense of that?
  • To show that I do take notice
  • Identify speakers.
  • 7.
  • Youve made me afraid, and ashamed of you, he
    continued. Ill not come here again!
  • Her eyes began to glisten and her lids to
  • And you told a deliberate untruth! he said.
  • I didnt! she cried, recovering her speech. I
    did nothing deliberately
  • Well, go, if you pleaseget away! And not Ill
    cry---Ill cry myself sick!
  • She dropped down on her knees by a chair and
    set to weeping in serious earnest.
  • Identify speakers.
  • What caused this scene?
  • 8.
  • Why do you love him, Miss Cathy?
  • Nonsense, I do---thats sufficient.
  • By no means you must say why.
  • Well, because he is handsome, and pleasant to be

  • Hindley comes home for funeral with wife. She
    cries to Nellie about fear of black and dying
    she seems delicate in health.
  • Hindley has grown thin. Wife is excited at first
    then grows peevish. Hindley grows tyrannical.
    She did not like Heathcliff Hindley drives
    Heathcliff away.
  • Catherine teaches Heathcliff then they love to
    play in moors. Hindley locks Catherine and
    Heathcliff out of house at night.
  • Heathcliff returns without Catherine shes at
    Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff tells about going
    to Lintons, looking in on Edgar and Isabella.
    Catherine falls and hurts ankle they let dogs
    loose servant carries Catherine inside. Lintons
    thought they were robbers. Heathcliff describes
    looking in window at Catherines treatment.
    Nellie scolds him. Mr. Linton comes next day to
    lecture Heathcliff. Heathcliff threatened with
    dismissal if he continues to see Catherine.

Chapters 10-12
  • What did Heathcliff do and how did he change
    during these three years?
  • What is Lintons attitude towards Heathcliff?
  • What had Heathcliff originally planned to do
    immediately upon his return? Why? Why didnt he
    do so?
  • Where is Heathcliff staying now? Why do you
    suppose he is doing this?
  • What happens to Isabella?
  • What does Cathy tell Isabella about Heathcliff?
    Does this seem odd coming from Catherine?
  • What does Heathcliff ask Cathy about Isabella?
    What is the significance of this question? (What
    is Heathcliff planning to do?)
  • In chapter 11 what is Heathcliff doing to Hareton?

  • About what do Cathy and Heathcliff argue?
  • What happens between Heathcliff and Edgar?
  • What does Cathy threaten to do if she cant see
  • What choice does Edgar demand Cathy make?
  • What is her reaction?
  • What does Edgar tell Isabella?
  • In chapter 12 what does Nelly think of Cathys
  • What does Cathy imagine herself saying to
  • On her way to get the doctor, what does Nelly
    find? Who probably did this? Why? (What early
    episode concerned a pet dog?)
  • Where has Isabella gone?
  • What is Edgars reaction?

  • 1.
  • I have waited here an hour, he resumed, while I
    continued staring and the whole of that time
    all round has been as still as death. I dared
    not enter. You do not know me? Look, Im not a
  • A ray fell on his features the cheeks were
    sallow, and half covered with black whiskers the
    brows lowering, the eyes deep set and singular.
    I remember the eyes.
  • Identify speaker.
  • To whom is he speaking?
  • What is scene?
  • 2.
  • We were quarrelling like cats about you.and I
    was fairly beaten in protestations of devotion
    and admiration and, moreover, I was informed
    that if I would but have the manners to stand
    aside, my rival, as she will have herself to be,
    would shoot a shaft into your soul that would fix
    you for ever, and send my image into eternal
  • Identify we and you.
  • What has been happening?

  • 3.
  • Id wrench them off her fingers, if they ever
    menaced me, he answered, brutally, when the door
    had closed after her. But what did you mean by
    teasing the creature in that manner.you were not
    speaking the truth, were you?
  • I assure you I was, she returned. She has
    been pining for your sake several weeks and
    raving about you this morning.
  • Identify two speakers.
  • About whom are they talking?
  • 4.
  • He raised his missile to hurl it I commenced a
    soothing speech, but could not stay the hand.
    The stone struck my bonnet, and then ensued, from
    the stammering lips of the little fellow, a
    string of curses which, whether he comprehended
    them or not, were delivered with a practiced
    emphasis, and distorted his baby features into a
    shocking expression of malignity.
  • Identify he and I.
  • What is importance of this scene?

  • 5.
  • I was standing by the kitchen window, but I drew
    out of sight. He then stept across the pavement
    to her, and said something she seemed
    embarrassed, and desirous of getting away to
    prevent it, he laid his hand on her arm she
    averted her face he apparently put some
    questions which she had no mind to answerthe
    scoundrel had the impudence to embrace her!
  • Identify I -- he -- she.
  • Why is this scene upsetting?
  • 6.
  • This is insufferable! he exclaimed. It is
    disgraceful that she should own him for a friend,
    and force his company on me! Call me two men out
    of the hallshe shall linger no longer to argue
    with the low ruffian---I have humoured her
  • Identify speaker.
  • Identify she and him

  • 7.
  • No, shes a sly one, he remarked, shaking his
    head. She keeps her own counsel! But shes a
    real little fool. I have it on good authority,
    that last night (and a pretty night it was!) she
    and he were walking in the plantation at the
    back of your house, above two hours and he
    pressed her not to go in again, but just mount
    his horse and away with him!
  • Identify she.
  • What has happened?
  • 8.
  • She went of her own accord, answered the
    master. She had a right to go if she
    pleased---trouble me no more about
    her---hereafter she is only my sister in name
    not because I disown her, but because she has
    disowned me.
  • Identify speaker and she.

Chapter 10 Summary
  • Heathcliff has come to call on Lockwood who has
    been illbrings grouse.
  • Lockwood has Nellie come up to finish tale
    (Catherine had
  • wed Edgar)Heathcliff leaves for 3 years.
    Lockwood convinces Nellie to continue she really
    doesnt know what Heathcliff had done in those 3
  • Nellie went to TG with Catherine Edgar has fear
    of ruffling her humour and tells Nellie to be
    careful how she speaks to Catherine. Nellie
    tries to be better. Catherine is gloomy and
    silent some. Nellie believes they are happy.
    Yet, it ended when each though the other was not
    the most important.

  • One day outside Nellie meets Heathcliff. He had
    waited an hour to see her. She remembers the
    eyes! He wants to speak to Catherine. Nellie is
    worried about how Catherine will take it. Nellie
    has to go in and tell Catherine that Heathcliff
    is back. Linton is NOT happy!!! Catherine is
    jubilant Edgar wants her to calm down.
    Catherine takes Heathcliff and Edgars hand
    together. Heathcliff tall, athletic,
    well-formed manlooked intelligenteyes full of
    black fire, dignified. Catherine is excited!
    Heathcliff said he came back to see her face and
    to settle score with Hindley. He was going to WH
    on Hindleys invitation???? Catherine wakes
    Nellie in night because she wants company and
    cannot sleep. Nellie questions praising
    Heathcliff to Edgar. Catherine mentions
    Isabellasee jealousy. Heathcliff visits some.
    Isabella (18) is interested in Heathcliff, but is
    sickly. Catherine sends her to bed and gets
    doctor. Tension rises between women. Catherine
    warns her about Heathcliff Nellie warns
    Isabella, too.
  • Edgar is gone one day and Heathcliff comes to
    visit Catherine embarrasses Isabella by telling
    him she loves him. Nellie wishes Heathcliff were
    gone! Heathcliff is interested in Isabellas

Chapter 11 Summary
  • Nellie describes favorite spot of hers and
    Hindleythinks she sees him as a child and she
    longs to be at WH. She goes by WH and is shocked
    to see Hareton he is unfriendly and throws
    something at her and curses. Nellie demands to
    know who taught him the bad habitsHeathcliff!!
    Heathcliff pays Hindley back and lets Hareton do
    whatever and say whatever. Nellie wants to see
    Hindlby, but Heathcliff comes and she runs.
  • She will try to keep Heathcliff and Isabella

  • Heathcliff comes over and embraces Isabella
    outside (Nellie watches from kitchen window).
    Catherine tries to tell him to leave Isabella
    alone! NO way!! Heathcliff tells Catherine she
    treated him badlythey argue.
  • Edgar comes home and plans to do somethingtells
    Heathcliff he cannot come again. Edgar signals
    to Nellie to get help, but Catherine locks door!
    Catherine throws key into fire. Edgar hits
    Heathcliff in throat and leaves. Catherine tells
    Heathcliff not to come back (Edgar is outside
    with help in case.)
  • Edgar asks, is it me or him??? Catherine has
    nervous fit and goes to room he stays in
    library. Edgar threatens to end marriage if
    Catherine does not give up Heathcliff.

Chapter 12
  • Isabella, Edgar, Catherine all mope around.
    After 3 days, Catherine unbars door and asked for
    waterasks about Edgar. Nellie becomes alarmed
    by Catherines mood (mentions former illness
    and not be crossed)
  • Catherine arranges bird feather on pillow.
  • Catherine imagines being home at WH and gets
    scared ..fiery Catherine not better than
    wailing child goes to window and thinks she
    sees WH. Edgar comes in and is speechless at
    Catherines appearance.

  • Edgar, Nellie, Catherine get into argument1
  • Nellie leaves and goes outside. Isabellas dog
    is hanginghears horses feet (2AM)
  • Nellie brings doctor back. He says Isabella is a
    little fool and has been seen at night with
  • Nellie goes to Isabellas room empty.
  • Doctor hints at mental insanity for Catherine.
    Maid finds Isabella gonesaid someone told they
    had seen Isabella and Heathcliff running away.
    Nellie asks should we go after her?
  • Edgar said Isabella has disowned him first he
    disowns her and orders to send all her property
    to WH.

Chapters 13-16
  • 1.
  • Im tired with my journey, and I want to go to
    bed! Where is the maid-servant? Direct me to
    her, as she wont come to me!
  • We have none, he answered you must wait on
  • Who is tired?
  • Who is he? What is
  • 2.
  • Look here! he replied, pulling from his
    waistcoat a curiously constructed pistol, having
    a double-edged spring knife attached to the
    barrel..I cannot resist going up with this every
    night, and trying his door. If once I find it
    open, hes done for!
  • Identify speaker .
  • What is problem?
  • 3.
  • Before you leave this house, I must exact a
    promise from you, that youll get me an interview
    with herconsent, or refuse, I will see her!
    What do you say?
  • Identify speaker.
  • Who is being spoken to?
  • What is scene?

  • 4.
  • You must let her have a maid to keep things tidy
    about her, and you must treat her kindly.you
    cannot doubt that she has a capacity for strong
    attachments, or she wouldnt have abandoned the
    elegancies, and comforts, and friends.
  • Identify you and her---explain problem.
  • 5.
  • I reflected as the good woman descended to
    receive the doctor and not exactly of a kind
    which I should have chosen to amuse me but
    never mind! ..I should be in a curious taking if
    I surrendered my heart to that young person, and
    the daughter turned out a second edition of the
  • Identify speaker.
  • 6.
  • .the thing that irks me most is this shattered
    prison, after all. Im tired, tired of being
    enclosed here. Im wearying to escape into that
    glorious world, and to be always there
  • Identify speaker.

  • 7.
  • He flung himself into the nearest seat, and on my
    approaching hurriedly to ascertain if she had
    fainted, he gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad
    dog, and gathered her to him with greedy
  • Identify he.
  • What has happened?
  • 8.
  • I was weeping as much for him as her we do
    sometimes pity creatures that have none of the
    feeling either for themselves or others
  • Identify speaker.
  • Who is him and her?
  • 9.
  • He dashed his head against the knotted trunk and
    lifting up his eyes, howled, not like a man, but
    like a savage beast getting goaded to death with
    knives and spears.
  • Identify he
  • What is happening?
  • I twisted the two, and enclosed them together.
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is happening?

Chapter 13
  • Isabella and Heathcliff gone for 2 months.
    Catherinebrain fever. Edgar takes care of her.
    Even with flowers to cheer her, she cries. They
    want to give her a change of scenery by fireplace
    and window.
  • Isabella sends Edgar a note (after 6 weeks
    absence). Her marriage is dry and cold and
    offers obscure apology and wants to be
    reconciled. Edgar did not reply
  • Then Nellie gets long letter from Isabella she
    wants to see Edgar again
  • How did you remain sane here at WH?
  • B. Is Heathcliff a man? Is he mad? Devil?
  • Please come see medont write! Bring something
    from Edgar. Describes when came to WH and sees
    Hareton he swears at her. She walks around,
    tries to get Joseph to help her then runs into
    Hindley he gets her to come into his room.
  • She longs for TG. Wants help!! She wonders
    where shell sleep Hindley tells her to lock her
    door! He shows her a pistol with a knife
    attached to it. If he finds Heathclliffs door
    open, Hindley will kill him. Isabella says
    Hindley on verge of madness. Isabella has to fix
    her own oatmeal
  • Isabella throws down try, sits down at head of
    stairs, and cries! Joseph wishes Heathcliff
    would catch her tantrum. Skulker, her old dog,
    domes up to her. When dog hears Heathcliff, he
    fides. Heathcliff terrifies her when she asked
    about key to OUR room. Asks Nellie not to tell
    anyone and begs her to visit!!

Chapter 14
  • Nellie tells Edgar about Isabellas letter of
    apology he refuses to forgive her and will not
    write a note.
  • Nellie goes to see Isabella and notices her
    looking through latticedreary house!! Isabella
    looks terrible. When Nellie went in, Heathcliff
    was friendly. He realizes Nellie may have
    brought letter, but only message is No
  • Heathcliff begins to ask about Catherine. Nellie
    tells him itd be better to leave her alone.
    Heathcliff demands Nellie set up an interview
    with Catherine. He calls Isabella a slut.
    Nellie wants Isabella to have a maid and to be
    treated kindly. Heathcliff says he did not lover
    her! Isabella makes Nellie promise that she
    wont tell Edgar how badly she is treated.
    Isabella wants to die or see Heathcliff dead! He
    says she is insane and he must be her guardian!
    Heathcliff has been coming to TG garden at night
    and threatens to come in.
  • Nellie protests Heathcliff wont let her leave!!
    He thinks Edgar cant care for Catherine.
    Nellie finally agrees to take letter to Catherine
    and to let him know when Edgar leaves. Nellie
    goes home sad.
  • Doctor comes Nellie goes to meet him Lockwood
    has final notewonders about young Catherine.

Chapter 15
  • Lockwood is sick another week He continues to
    tell Nellies story
  • Nellie senses Heathcliffs presence outside TG.
    Three days later family goes to church and Nellie
    gives Catherine letter leaves doors open and
    unlocked. Sends servant off for oranges.
    Catherine has vacant lookreads letter hears
    Heathcliff coming in. He grasps her in his arms
    for 5 minutes and kisses her. He has trouble
    looking at her he realizes she wont recover)
    and cant disguise his despair.
  • Catherine says you and Edgar have broken my
    heart! Grabs his hair and keeps him down. She
    keeps some of his hair in her hand. Catherine is
    tired of this shattered prison and tries to get
    up. Heathcliff catches her he wants to know why
    she left him??? Both week servant returns.
  • Nellie sees Edgar returning and begs Heathcliff
    to leave Catherine faints. They all finally
    revive her Heathcliff reluctantly leaves.

Chapter 16
  • Baby Catherine is born that night Catherine dies
    2 hours later.
  • Nellie asks Lockwood if people are happy in other
    world? She doesnt answer.
  • Nellie goes out to see Heathcliff and tells him
    Catherines dead he already realized it.
  • Nellie weeps for Heathcliff, too he wants to
    know how Catherine dies. Wishes shell wake in
    torment he dashes head against tree and howls.
  • Heathcliff comes inside to see body Nellie knows
    he has been their drapery has been moved and
    light curl of hair is on floor. Heathcliff puts
    his own black hair in locket
  • Nellie twisted the two and puts together.
  • Hindley invited to funeral but never came
    Isabella not asked. Catherine is buried in
    corner4 of church yard (odd).

Chapters 17-20
  • 1.
  • when he flung himself on Earnshaws weapon and
    wrenched it from his grasp.
  • The charge exploded, and the knife, in
    springing back, closed into its owners
    wrist.The ruffian kicked and trampled on him,
    and dashed his head repeatedly against the flags,
    holding me with one hand..
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is happening?
  • 2.
  • Oh, if God would but give me strength to
    strangle him in my last agony, Id go to hell
    with joy
  • Identify speaker.
  • 3.
  • He often asked about the infant, when he saw me
    and on hearing its name, smiled grimly, and
  • They wish me to hate it too, do they?
  • I dont think they wish you to know anything
    about it, I answered.
  • But Ill have it, he said, when I want it.
    They may reckon on that!
  • Identify speakers.
  • What are they discussing?

  • 4.
  • I could not hinder myself from pondering on the
    question-Had he had fair play? Whatever I did,
    that idea would bother me it was so tiresomely
    pertinacious that I resolved on requesting leave
    to go to Wuthering Heights, and assist
  • Identify speaker
  • What is happening?
  • 5.
  • Now, my bonny lad, you are mine! And well see
    if one tree wont grow as crooked as another,
    with the same wind to twist it!
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is meaning?
  • 6.
  • I entered, and beheld my stray lamb, seated on
    the hearth, rocking herself in a little chair
    that had been her mothers, when a child.
  • Who is I?
  • Who is stray lamb?

  • 7.
  • Aunt Isabella sent papa a beautiful lock of his
    hair it was lighter than mine---more flaxen, and
    quite as fine. I have it carefully preserved in
    a little glass box and Ive often thought what
    pleasure it would be to see its owner
  • Identify speaker
  • Identify scene
  • 8.
  • A pale, delicate, effeminate boy, who might have
    been taken for my masters younger brother, so
    strong was the resemblance but there was a
    sickly peevishness in his aspect
  • Who is this boy?

  • 9.
  • God! What a beauty! What a lovely, charming
    thing! he exclaimed. Havent they reared it on
    snails, and sour milk, Nelly? But thats worse
    than I expected---and the devil knows I was not
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is happening?
  • 10.
  • I despise him for himself, and hate him for the
    memories he revives!
  • Identify I and him.
  • 11.
  • Dont leave me! Ill not stay here! Ill not
    stay here!
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is meaning?

Chapter 17
  • Late 1784, after Catherines death. Nellie turns
    parlor into a nursery. Suddenly, Isabella runs
    in and wants a carriage to take her to Gimmerton
    clothes she was a mess! Takes wedding ring
    off and throws on floor and then in coals.
  • Isabella rants ontalks of Hindleys drunken life
    and not going to Catherines funeral. Heathcliff
    is gone a lot now comes back and Hindley plans
    to shoot him as he enters. Isabella warns him.
    Heathcliff gets in and tackles gun from Hindley.
    Heathcliff holds Isabella while fighting Hindley
    Hindley is wounded. Heathcliff demands Isabella
    retell story.
  • Hindley wishes for strength to kill Heathcliff.
    Isabella describes abuse. Heathcliff throws
    knife at her she escapes. After tea with
    Nellie, Isabella leaves on carriage and goes to
    Longon and has baby, Linton. Heathcliff often
    asks about baby---says hell have it! Isabella
    dies 13 years after Catherine does Linton is
    about 12 Nellie tells Edgar that Isabella has
  • Edgar has little to do with Cathie. Edgar dies 6
    months after Catherine. HIndley dies a drunk at
    27 years old. Nellie wants to go to WH to check
    on Hareton funeral details for Hindley. Now
    Hareton is Heathcliffs !! Nellie wants him.

Chapter 18
  • Next 12 years are happy for Nellie baby Cathy
    grows (looks like Lintons with spirit of
    Earnshaws) reminds Nellie of her mothercapacity
    for intense attachments. Cathy had not been
    beyond park by 13 years. She asks questions
    about going out? Edgar finally lets her go out
    with Nellie and he is gone 3 weeks.
  • Cathy plans excursion Nellie fixes food she
    does not return.
  • Nellie goes to WH and finds her talking with
    Hareton (18). Cathy finds out Hareton is her
    cousin. Edgar had gone to get Linton at London.
    Hareton had shown Cathy around area.

Chapter 19
  • Nellie gets letter from Edgar, announcing his
    return plan for nephews arrival, too. Cathy is
    excited and puts on new black dress. Linton is 6
    months younger than Cathy. Cathy waits
    impatiently. Linton pale, delicate,
    effeminate. Edgar tells them not to bother
    Linton. Kids are introduced. He wants to go to
    bed! Joseph is at door and wants to speak to
    Edgar. He has come for Linton! Nothing Edgar
    could do he sends him over in the morning.

Chapter 20
  • Nellie takes Linton to WHmust not tell Cathy.
    Linton does not want to go. Nellie has to get
    Edgar to help her get Linton to go. Nellie tries
    to describe Heathcliff to Linton. He questions
    why Heathcliff has not visited him if he is his
  • Heathcliff comes to see Linton. Linton looks
    scared Heathcliff makes fun of Lintons looks.
    Tells him his mother was a slut!! Heathcliff
    tells Nellie he hates Linton for the memories he
    revives he is disappointed in the whining
    wretch. Linton is not impressed with oatmeal. As
    Nellie leaves, Linton is pleading not to leave

Chapters 21-24
  • 1.
  • Mr. Linton has a prejudice against me we
    quarreled at one time of our lives, with
    unchristian ferocity and, if you mention coming
    here to him, hell put a veto on your visits
    altogether. Therefore, you must not mention
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is the scene?
  • 2.
  • He does not know his letters, he said to his
    cousin. Could you believe in the existence of
    such a colossal dunce?
  • Is he all as he should be?...or is he simplenot
  • Who are speakers?
  • About whom are they talking?

  • 3.
  • Im not crying for myself, Ellen, she answered,
    its for him---He expected to see me again
    tomorrow, and there, hell be so disappointedand
    hell wait for me, and I shant come!
  • Who is she..he?
  • 4.
  • One day, as she inspected this drawer, I observed
    that the playthings and trinkets, which recently
    formed its contents, were transmuted into bits of
    folded paper.
  • Who is she?
  • What is now in drawer?

  • 5.
  • and hell be under the sod before summer,
    unless you restore him!
  • Explain.
  • 6.
  • No Catherine could I discover upstairs, and none
    below. The servants affirmed they had not seen
    her. I listened at Mr. Edgars door---all was
    silence. I returned to her apartment,
    extinguished my candle, and seated myself in the
  • Identify speaker.
  • What happens next?

  • 7.
  • Miss Catherine! I can read yon, ah.
  • Wonderful, I exclaimed. Pray let us hear
    youyou are grown clever!
  • Who can read?
  • 8.
  • I had brought some of my nicest books for him he
    asked me to read a little of one, and I was about
    to comply, when he burst the door open, having
    gathered venom with reflection. He advanced
    direct to us, seized Linton by the arm, and swung
    him off the seat.
  • Who comes through door? Explain actions.

Chapter 21
  • Cathy disappointed to find Linton is gone.
    Nellie finds out Heathcliff cannot stand to be in
    room with Linton. Lintonsickly (allergies?)
  • Cathy as 16th birthday, but no celebration
    because it is also anniversary of her mothers
  • Cathy and Nellie go on adventure and get close to
    WH. Heathcliff gets mad because Cathie is
    bothering bird eggs. He wants them to come to
    his house. Nellie tells Cathy, NO! She goes
    anyway Nellie is afraid of Heathcliffs evil
    ulterior motives. He wants
  • Cathy and Linton to fall in love and marry!
    Cathy is surprised to see Linton again. She asks
    Heathcliff if he is her uncle and why he does not
    visit TG more. Cathy turn on Nellie then.
    Heathcliff tells Cathy she may visit, but not to
    mention it to Linton. Heathcliff brings Hareton
    in. He empathizes with Hareton and Hareton lines
    Heathcliff. Cathy asks about inscription on
    door. Linton giggles when Hareton says he cant
    read and makes fun of Hareton. Nellie begins to
    dislike Linton. On way home Cathy chastises
    Nellies not telling about Lintons whereabouts.
    Cathy tells Edgar about trip. He tells her about
    family past. Cathy cries in room for Linton, who
    expects her tomorrow.
  • Cathy asks Nellie to be able to send noteno!
    Nellie tucks her in and returns to find her with
    paper getting ready to write. Cathy sends notes
    by milkman. Nellie finds notes in kitchen drawer
    and suspects Heathcliff wrote them! Nellie
    intercepts note again with milkman. Nellie wont
    give Edgar letters if Cathy swears to stop
    communicating. Nellie sends letter to Heathcliff
    telling him to stop letters!

Chapter 22
  • Cathy and Edgar take walks in fall he gets
    sick. She cries at prospect of Edgar and Nellie
    dying and leaving her alone. (Nellie is 45.)
    While Cathy and Nellie are outside,
  • They run into Heathcliff. He says Linton is
    dying for her and says hell die before summer
    unless Cathy helps him. Nellie suspects Cathy is
    worried. Next day Nellie and Cathy go to WH.

Chapter 23
  • They go in and see Joseph first. Linton yells at
    Joseph for help he looks sick. Linton and Cathy
    argue about family history. Cathy pushes chair
    and Linton falls on one arm and has coughing
    spell. As Nellie and Cathy leave, Linton
    screams. Cathy sits and sings while Linton leans
    on her knees. Cathy plans to return to care for
    Linton. Nellie is sick for 3 days Cathy is good

Chapter 24
  • After 3 weeks Nellie is able to get out of bed.
    Cathy reads to her, then acts bored. Nellie
    finds no one in her room she waits by window.
    Cathy comes home on pony. Nellie scares her as
    she sneaks in room. Cathy tells her of going to
    WHgives groomer books to help her with horse.
    She describes their perfect days they find balls
    to play with (H C)
  • One time Hareton takes her horse and says he can
    read inscription. Nellie scolds her for reaction
    to Hareton. Cathy reads to Linton and
    Heathclliff comes in and makes Linton go to room.
    Heathcliff locks them out. Linton has coughing
    attack, blood from mouth, falls down. Cathy
    calls for Zillah. Heathcliff comes out and gets
    him. Cathy leaves, but Heathcliff comes out
    about 100 yards down road. She returns and
    Linton blames her!!
  • She returns again and tells Linton this is last
    meeting he repents.
  • Nellie tells Edgar who says she cannot return to

Chapters 25-30
  • 1.
  • Yet, who knows how long youll be a stranger?
    Youre too young to rest always contented, living
    by yourself and I some way fancy, no one could
    see Catherine Linton, and not love her. You
    smile but why have you asked me to hang her
    picture over your fireplace? And why---
  • Identify speaker.
  • To whom are they talking?
  • 2.
  • Stop, my good friend! I cried. It may be very
    possible that I should love her but would she
    love me? I doubt it too much to venture my
    tranquility, by running into temptation and then
    my home is not here. Im of the busy world, and
    to its arms I must return.
  • Identify speaker.
  • 3.
  • In his crossest humours, formerly, I liked him
    better than I do in his curious mood. Its just
    as if it were a task he was compelled to
    perform---this interview---for fear his father
    should scold him.
  • You think he is better in health, then? I said.
  • Yes, she answered because he always made such
    a great deal of his sufferings, you know. He is
    not tolerable well.There you differ with
    me..I should conjecture him to be far worse.
  • Identify two speakers.
  • 4.
  • ..my life is in your hands and you have said
    you loved me---and if you did, it wouldnt harm
    you. Youll not go, thenand hell let me die
    with you!
  • Identify speaker.
  • Identify you.

  • 5.
  • I can never re-enter that house, he answered.
    Im not to re-enter it without you!
  • Identify speaker.
  • 6.
  • he seized her with the liberated hand, and,
    pulling her on his knee, administered with the
    other, a shower of terrific slaps on both sides
    of the head, each sufficient to have fulfilled
    his threat, had she been able to fall.
  • Identify he and she---what is scene?
  • 7.
  • Papa wants us to be married, he continued,
    after sipping some of the liquid. And he knows
    your papa wouldnt let us marry now and hes
    afraid of my dying, if we wait so we are to be
    married in the morning, and you are to stay here
    all night and, if you do as he wishes, you shall
    return home next day, and take me with you.
  • Identify speaker.
  • What is happening?
  • 8.
  • Have you never loved anybody, in all your
    lifenever? Ah! You must look once---Im so
    wretched---you cant help being sorry and pitying
  • Identify speaker.
  • Who is you?

  • 9.
  • Five nights and four days I remained, altogether,
    seeing nobody but Hareton, once every morning,
    and he was a model of a jailer---surly, and dumb,
    and deaf to every attempt at moving his sense of
    justice or compassion.
  • Identify speaker.
  • What has happened?
  • 10.
  • I am going to her, and you, darling child, shall
    come to usNone could have noticed the exact
    minute of his death.
  • Who is dying?
  • 11.
  • You are miserable, are you not? Lonely, like
    the devil, and envious like him? Nobody loves
    you---nobody will cry for you, when you die! I
    wouldnt be you!
  • Identify speaker.
  • Identify you.
  • 12.
  • I got the sexton..to remove the earth off her
    coffin lid, and I opened it.
  • Identify speaker.
  • What has happened?
  • 13.
  • Ill have her in my arms again! If she be cold,
    Ill think it is this north wind that chills me
    and if she be motionless, it is sleep.
  • Identify speaker.

  • 14.
  • Mrs. Heathcliff was seated by the bedside, with
    her hands folded on her knees. Her father-in-law
    went up, held the light to his face, looked at
    him, and touched him, afterwards he turned to
  • Now, Catherine, he said, how do you feel?
  • Identify him----what was Catherines answer?
  • 15.
  • he put out his hand and stroked one curl, as
    gently as if it were a bird. He might have stuck
    a knife into her neck, she started round in such
    a taking.
  • Identify he.
  • What happens next?

Chapter 25
  • Nellie tells Lockwood these things happened last
    wintersuggests Lockwood might be interested in
    Catherine he hangs her picture over fireplace.
  • Edgar asks about Linton Nellie says he is
    delicate. Edgar becomes philosophical and
    doesnt want to abandon Catherine to Linton.
  • On Catherines 17th birthday, Edgar doesnt walk
    outsideraining he writes note to Linton.
    Linton asks Edgar to ride with Catherine toward
    WH. Edgar cannot accompany Catherine.
    Heathcliff insists on reading every ling in
    letters. Lintons health continues to fail.
    Nellie mentions Heathcliff is mistreating Linton.

Chapter 26
  • Catherine and Nellie go to see Linton sultry,
    cloudy day. Finally see Linton lying on ground
    feeble and pale. Catherine says he is thinner.
    Linton has hard time talking. Catherine is
    disappointed. He seems listless and apathetic
    and their visit seems a punishment to him. When
    Catherine wants to leave, it agitates Linton. He
    asks her to come next Thursday. Linton tells
    Catherine not to make Heathcliff angry.
    Catherine notices this visit seems like a task
    for Linton. Nellie and Catherine differ on how
    well Linton is. Catherine leaves Linton and says
    she has been disappointed. Nellie and Catherine
    leave. Edgar wants account of trip.

Chapter 27
  • Edgars health is deteriorating. Cathy gets out
    of the house and sees Linton again. He says to
    hate his father, not him, for the bad situation.
    Linton convulses on ground and has tantrum about
    his life being in her hands. Linton said
    Heathcliff had threatened him. He weeps and
    kisses her hands. Heathcliff comes up suddenly
    said he heard Edgar is dying and wants Edgar to
    die before Linton. Linton has trouble getting
    up. Heathcliff wants Catherine to walk home with
    them. She says Edgar has forbidden her to do so.
  • Linton says he cant reenter WH without her.
    When they go in WH, Heathcliff locks door. Cathy
    challenges Heathcliff and it reminds him of her
    mother! Heathcliff threatens to knock her down.
    Catherine uses her teeth to try to get key from
    him. Heathcliff grabs Catherine and slaps her on
    her head. Catherine runs to Nellie and cries.
    Heathcliff offers tea. Heathcliff wants them to
    be married in the morning! Nellie cannot believe
    it!! Heathcliff wont let them leave until
    morning. Catherine begs Heathcliff to let Nellie
    go with message for her papa. Heathcliff says
    Edgars happiest days were only when she was
    born. Catherine begs to go. Three servants come
    from TG to check on them. At 7 am Heathcliff
    comes and gets Catherine Nellie still locked up.
    Hareton brings food Nellie stays locked up 5
    days and 4 nights.

Chapter 28
  • On 5th morning Zillah comes to get Nellie out.
    Zillah thinks they were lost. Edgar is almost
    dead. As she leaves, Nellie sees Linton on
    hearth, coughing. Nellie tries to soften Linton
    and get Catherine. He tells how Heathcliff beat
    Catherine to get picture/chair. Nellie goes to
    TG Edgar is 39 he looks older. Edgar wants to
    change willattorney is delayed. Catherine comes
    to TG unexpectedly. (Is Papa alive?) Nellie
    wants her to tell Edgar she is happy Edgar dies
    blissfully. Lawyer comes too late (Mr. Green)
    He orders everybody around. Linton had helped
    Catherine escape.

Chapter 29
  • After Edgars funeral, Nellie and Catherine hope
    she can remain at TG. Servant warns them
    Heathcliff is coming. 18 years before it was
    same room Heathcliff came innow 32 years old.
    Heathcliff had come to get Catherine. Heathcliff
    yields all interest in Linton to Catherine.
    Catherine tells Heathcliff he has nobody to love
    and no one will cry when he dies. Nellie begs
    for Zillahs job. Heathcliff tells Nellie how he
    got sexton to remove earth and opened Catherines
    coffin lid. Gets him to remove side so theyll
    be together in death. He tells how he dug at
    Catherines grave and feels her presence. He
    feels her presence in moors. Cathy leaves Nellie
    and wants Nellie to visit Heathcliff says NO!
    Heathcliff and Catherine walk toward WH arm in

Chapter 30
  • Nellie tries to visit but is not let into WO.
    Zillah doesnt like Catherine and relates story
    to Nellie. Catherine tries to get Linton help.
    Heathcliff would not get doctor Linton dies.
    Heathcliff shows Catherine the will. Catherine
    finally comes down and sees books. Hareton helps
    her get them. Hareton touches her hair and
    Catherine yells. Catherine does not want any of
    their help!!
  • Lockwood is getting better and will go to WH to
    tell Heathcliff that hell be in London next 6
    months and wont sped another winter there.

Chapter 31-34
  • 1.
  • He followed my example, and left the room, but
    presently reappeared, bearing half a dozen
    volumes in his hands, which he threw into
    herlap, exclaiming
  • Take them! I never want to hear, or read, or
    think of them again!
  • Who is he?
  • Why is he acting this way?
  • 2.
  • It will be off, if I thwart myself! he
    muttered, unconscious that I was behind him.
    But, when I look for his father in his face, I
    find her every day more! How the devil is he so
    like? I can hardly bear to see him.
  • Identify speaker.
  • Why is speaker upset?
  • 3.
  • I had neither to climb the gate, nor to
    knock---it yielded to my hand.
  • That is an improvement! I thought. And I noticed
    another, by the aid of my nostrils a fragrance
    of stocks and wall flowers, wafted on the air,
    from amongst the homely fruit trees.
  • Both doors and lattices were open.
  • What is significance of scene?

  • 4.
  • Contrary, then, answered another in deep, but
    softened tones. And now, kiss me, for minding
    so well.
  • No, read it over first correctly, without a
    single mistake.
  • Identify speakers.
  • 5.
  • His gun burst, while out on the hills, by
    himself a splinter cut his arm, and he lost a
    good deal of blood before he could reach home.
    The consequence was, that, perforce, he was
    condemned to the fire-side and tranquility, till
    he made it up again.
  • Identify he---why is this important?
  • 6.
  • Is the fool drunk? asked Mr. Heathcliff.
    Hareton, is it you hes finding fault with?
  • What has happened?

  • 7.
  • You must learn to avoid putting me in a passion,
    or I shall really murder you, some time!
  • Identify speaker.
  • To whom are they speaking?
  • 8.
  • Nell, there is a strange change
    approaching---Im in its shadow at presentI take
    so little interest in my daily life, that I
    hardly remember to eat, and drinkIdentify
  • 9. Could it be hurtful to send for some
    one---some minister of any denomination, it does
    not matter which, to explain it, and show you how
    very far you have erred from its precepts, and
    how unfit
  • you will be for its heaven, unless a change takes
    place before you die?
  • Identify speaker.
  • To whom are they talking and why!
  • 10.
  • He sat by the corpse all night, weeping in bitter
    earnest. He pressed its hand, and kissed the
    sarcastic, savage face that every one else shrank
    from contemplating
  • Who is He?

Chapter 31
  • Lockwood talking he visits WH. He takes note to
    Catherine from Nelly. Sees Haretonhandsome.
    Hareton takes him inside. Catherine is in bad
    mood. Lockwood drops note in Catherines lap and
    Hareton grabs it to show to Heathcliff. Cathy
    cries and Hareton returns it. Lockwood wants her
    to send note back to Nelly. Cathy says she has
    not paper.
  • Heathcliff has destroyed her books Hareton got
    them. Cathy fusses about Hareton not needing the
    books he robs her of her favorite pieces.
    Hareton returns with books and throws in Cathys
    lap. She says she does not want them theyll
    remind her of Hareton!
  • Cathy deliberately tries to hurt Hareton
    feelings Hareton throws books into fire.
    Heathcliff returns and says he sees Catherinee
    eyes in Haretons. Lockwood tells Heathcliff he
    is leaving for London and wont need TG.
    Heathcliff orders Cathy to eat with Joseph.
    Lockwood eats with them and thinks WH is
    drearywonders what if he and Cathy had gotten

Chapter 32
  • Lockwood comes back to TG firstdifferent
    servants there he surprises them. Finds Nelly
    at WHgate is easy to open and flowers smell
    gooddoors and lattices open fire in chimney.
    He heard Cathy and Hareton talking and reading
    and kissing. Lockwood goes to back door and
    finds Nelly sewing and singing. She tells him of
    Heathcliffs death. Heathcliff died 3 months
  • Nelly begins story she is summoned to WH soon
    after Linton left. Relates how Cathy is unhappy
    and picks on Haretonteases him about efforts to
    learn to read. She puts book in his hand and he
    throws it down. Cathy tries to be nicer and
    reads aloud to Nelly when Hareton is present.
    Tells how Hareton had gun accident and hurt his
    arm and has to be by fire more to recuperate
    Cathy enjoys it.
  • Nelly hears Cathy teasing Hareton she breaks
    his pipe. She wants him to talk to her! Hareton
    resists! Nelly urges Hareton to be friends with
    his cousin. Hareton tells her he took her side
    against Heathcliff many times! Cathy kisses him
    on cheek.
  • Cathy wraps book in paper and gives to Nelly to
    give to Hareton. If he takes it, shell teach
    him to read. Nelly looks back and sees them
    together looking at book. Nelly tells Lockwood
    shell be happy if Cathy and Hareton wed.

Chapter 33
  • Cathy persuades Hareton to clear ground for
    flower bed. Joseph will be made because it
    disturbs his black currant trees! When they are
    eating, Cathy teases and plays with Hareton.
  • Heathcliff tells Cathy not to stare at him.
    Joseph threatens to leave. Heathcliff and Cathy
    get into a fight over flower bed. Hareton does
    not want Cathy to talk badly of Heathcliff.
  • Heathcliff grabs Cathy by hairfinally releases
    her when looks in her eyes. Threatens to kill
    her if she angers him again. Nelly said they
    calmed down and Cathy and Haretons personalities
    complemented each other.
  • Hareton 23 Cathy 18
  • They look up to see Heathcliff returning. Nelly
    mentions their eyes are similarCatherines!
    Heathcliff says he is too tired to destroy them!
  • Heathcliff says something strange is happening.
    He says Cathys presence bothers him. He is
    surrounded by images of Catherine. Nelly asks if
    he is ill. Heathcliff wishes to dies.

Chapter 34
  • For several days Heathcliff shuns them. He
    leaves one night and does not come backstill
    gone in the morning. Nelly and Cathy sit outside
    and enjoy smells/air. Heathcliff is coming.
    Cathy says he looks different excited wild and
  • Nelly tries to talk to Heathcliff, but he wants
    to be left alone his breathing is as fast as a
  • Later, Heathcliff piles his plate with food then
    suddenly stops and looks at window and leaves.
    Heathcliff walks in garden. He reenters later
    and seems to have (It was unnatural) joy. He
    tells Nelly for no one to bother him! He does
    not eat and eventually goes upstairs into THAT
  • Nelly wonders if hes is ghoul, but remembers
    history with Heathcliff and realizes it is not
  • She discussed Heathcliffs headstoneno
    surnamejust Heathcliff and date of death.
  • Heathcliff comes down eventually, then leaves
    house again. Finally, returns at midnight.
  • Heathcliff goes into room Nelly can hear him
    pacing and saying, Catherine! At 4 a.m. he
    asks Nelly to build a fire. Heathcliff says
    hell send for lawyer at daybreak. Nelly tells
    him to rest. Nelly encourages Heathcliff to get
    preacher to repent of sinful life. Heathcliff
    tells her to have sexton follow his orders for
    his burial.
  • Doctor comes raining---windowopen. Nelly has
    to go into check Heathcliff and he is dead!
    Nelly cannot close his eyes. Hareton is one who
    really suffers and sits by corpse all night,
  • FuneralHareton Nelly sexton 6 pall bearers.
  • Neighbors say they have seen his ghost. Nellie
    does not like to be out at night.
  • Hareton and Cathy getting married New Years day
    and moving to the Grange
  • Joseph stays at WH.
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