Title: BWEA Health and Safety
1BWEA Health and Safety
Matt Britton Powergen Renewables Ltd.
2BWEA Health and Safety
What do the following have in common with the
BWEAs Health and Safety guidelines? a) Recovery
of the stock market b) The No13 bus to Coventry
They all take a long time to appear!
3BWEA Health and Safety
Now the Health and Safety guidelines have
But what do the Guidelines cover?
4BWEA Health and Safety
What are the aims of the HS guidelines?
- Update legislation and guidance for onshore sites
- Provide details of legislation and guidance for
offshore sites - Provide a management resource
5BWEA Health and Safety
What the HS guidelines do not give you.
- An off the shelf Health and Safety Management
- Tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve
Best Practice.
Instead members should use the Guidelines to
develop there own systems and Best Practice.
6BWEA Health and Safety
What is the format of the HS guidelines?
- Bullet point style - as the original
- Detailed appendix covering offshore
How can I get hold of a copy?
- Available on the BWEA web site
- A limited run of hard copies will be available
7BWEA Health and Safety
- Key issues covered by the guidelines
- Extension of Health and Safety at Work Act to
cover offshore wind sites - Relevant legislation to offshore sites
- Improved health and safety guidance
- HSE documentation
- Protection from falls
- Public safety
- Site layout to reduce risks
8BWEA Health and Safety
What are the Key messages?
- Best Practice is continuous improvement and
sharing information
- Improvements in health and safety cost less when
implemented at the design phase - a CDM principle
- Developers, as the client, have a key role in
improving health and safety, through site layout,
turbine design and ongoing operations post
9BWEA Health and Safety
- To all the member companies who took part in the
development of the guidelines
- To the Health and Safety Executive for their
support, comments and encouragement
- To David Left of the Utilities National Interest
Group of the Health and Safety Executive for
writing the preface
- To Joe Gray, the BWEAs consultant who updated
the guidelines - hes had to wait so long to
receive his cheque!!!
10BWEA Health and Safety
Where does the wind energy industry go from here?
- Deliver best practice
- Review and develop health and safety systems
- Build up a learning network