Statistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistics Sampling Intervals for a Single Sample Contents, figures, and exercises come from the textbook: Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5th ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Statistics

  • Sampling Intervals for a Single Sample

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Confidence Interval on the Mean of a Normal
Distribution, Variance Known
  • If , ,, are normally and independently
    distributed with unknown mean and known
  • has a standard normal

  • Confidence interval on the mean, variance known

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • From , we have
  • If is used as an estimate of , we can be
    confident that the error
    will not exceed a specified amount when the
    sample size is

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • One-sided confidence bounds on the mean, variance
  • A upper-confidence bound for
  • A lower-confidence bound for

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • General method to derive a confidence interval
  • We find a statistic that
  • 1. depends on both
    the sample and
  • 2. The probability distribution of
    does not depend on and any other
    unknown parameter
  • For example,
  • Find constants and so that

  • Large-sample confidence interval on the mean
  • When is large, the quantity
  • has an approximate standard normal distribution.
  • is a large-sample confidence interval for ,
    with confidence level of approximately

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Large-sample approximate confidence interval
  • If the quantity
  • has an approximate standard normal distribution.
  • is a large-sample approximate confidence interval

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 8-1 Metallic Material Transition
  • Ten measurements 64.1, 64.7, 64.5, 64.6, 64.5,
    64.3, 64.6, 64.8, 64.2, 64.3
  • Assume it is a normal distribution with
    . Find a 95 CI for .
  • Example 8-2 Metallic Material Transition
  • Determine how many specimens must be tested to
    ensure that the 95 CI for has a length of
    at most 1.0.
  • Example 8-3 One-Sided Confidence Bound
  • Determine a lower, one-sided 95 CI for .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 8-4 Mercury Contamination
  • 53 measurements 1.230, 0.490,
  • , , ,
  • Find a 95 CI for .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Exercise 8-14
  • The life in hours of a 75-watt light bulb is
    known to be normally distributed with
    hours. A random sample of 20 bulbs has a mean
    life of hours.
  • (a) Construct a 95 two-sided confidence interval
    on the mean life.
  • (b) Construct a 95 lower-confidence bound on the
    mean life. Compare the lower bound of this
    confidence interval with the one in part (a).

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Confidence Interval on the Mean of a Normal
Distribution, Variance Unknown
  • Distribution
  • Let , ,, are normally and independently
    distributed with unknown mean and unknown
    variance . The random variable
  • has a distribution with degrees of

  • PDF of distribution

From Wikipedia, http//
  • CDF of distribution

From Wikipedia, http//
  • The probability density function
  • is the number of degrees of freedom
  • Mean
  • Variance for
  • Percentage points
  • is a large-sample confidence interval for ,
    with confidence level of approximately

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • confidence interval on

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Confidence interval on the mean, variance unknown
  • If and are the mean and standard
    deviation of a random sample from a normal
    distribution with unknown variance , a
    confidence interval on is
    given by
  • where is the upper
    percentage point of the distribution with
    degrees of freedom

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Normal probability plot
  • The sample , ,, is arranged as
    , ,, ,where is the smallest
    observation, is the second-smallest
    observation, and so forth.
  • The ordered observations are then plotted
    against their observed cumulative frequency
    on the appropriate probability paper.
  • Or, plot the standardized normal scores
    against , where

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Percent-percent plot

From Wikipedia, http//
  • Example 8-5 Alloy Adhesion
  • The load at specimen failure 19.8, 10.1,
  • , , .
  • Find a 95 CI on .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Exercise 8-41
  • An article in Nuclear Engineering International
    (February 1988, p. 33) describes several
    characteristics of fuel rods used in a reactor
    owned by an electric utility in Norway.
    Measurements on the percentage of enrichment of
    12 rods were reported as follows 2.94, 3.00,
    2.90, 2.75, 3.00, 2.95, 2.90, 2.75, 2.95, 2.82,
    2.81, 3.05.
  • (a) Use a normal probability plot to check the
    normality assumption.
  • (b) Find a 99 two-sided confidence interval on
    the mean percentage of enrichment. Are you
    comfortable with the statement that the mean
    percentage of enrichment is 2.95? Why?

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Confidence Interval on the Variance and Standard
Deviation of a Normal Distribution
  • Distribution
  • Let , ,, are normally and independently
    distributed mean and variance , and let
    be the sample variance. The random variable
  • has a chi-square distribution with
    degrees of freedom.

  • PDF of distribution

From Wikipedia, http//
  • CDF of distribution

From Wikipedia, http//
  • The probability density function
  • is the number of degrees of freedom
  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Percentage points
  • is a large-sample confidence interval for ,
    with confidence level of approximately

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Since
  • is chi-square with degrees of freedom, we

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Confidence interval on the variance
  • If is the sample variance from a random
    sample of observations from a normal
    distribution with unknown variance , then a
    confidence interval on is
  • Where and are the upper
    and lower percentage points of the
    chi-square distribution with
  • degrees of freedom, respectively. A
    confidence interval for has lower and upper
    limits that are the square roots of the
    corresponding limits in the above equation

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • One-sided confidence bounds on the variance
  • The lower and upper
    confidence bounds on are
  • respectively.

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 8-6 Detergent Filling
  • , .
  • Find a 95 upper confidence bound on and
  • Exercise 8-44
  • A rivet is to be inserted into a hole. A random
    sample of parts is selected, and the
    hole diameter is measured. The sample standard
    deviation of the hole diameter measurements is
    millimeters. Construct a 99 lower
    confidence bound for .

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a population
  • Normal approximation for a binomial proportion
  • If is large, the distribution of
  • is approximately standard normal.

  • PMF of binomial distribution

From Wikipedia, http//
  • To construct the confidence interval on ,

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Approximate confidence interval on a binomial
  • If is the proportion of observations in a
    random sample of size that belongs to a
    class of interest, an approximate
    confidence interval on the proportion of
    the population that belongs to this class is
  • where is the upper percentage of
    the standard normal distribution.
  • Required and

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Sample size for a specified error on a binomial
  • Set
  • Then
  • Or

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Approximate one-sided confidence bounds on a
    binomial proportion
  • The approximate lower and
    upper confidence bounds are
  • respectively.

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Example 8-7 Crankshaft Bearings
  • , , and
  • Find a 95 two-sided confidence interval for
  • Example 8-8 Crankshaft Bearings
  • How large a sample is required if we want to be
    95 confident that the error in using to
    estimate is less than 0.05?

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
  • Exercise 8-53
  • The fraction of defective integrated circuits
    produced in a photolithography process is being
    studied. A random sample of 350 circuits is
    tested, revealing 15 defectives.
  • (a) Calculate a 95 two-sided CI on the fraction
    of defective circuits produced by this particular
  • (b) Calculate a 95 upper confidence bound on the
    fraction of defective circuits.

Contents, figures, and exercises come from the
textbook Applied Statistics and Probability for
Engineers, 5th Edition, by Douglas C. Montgomery,
John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2011.
Tolerance and Prediction Intervals
  • is a single future observation
  • Then
  • has a standard normal distribution and
  • Has a distribution with degrees of

  • Prediction interval
  • A prediction interval (PI) on
    a single future observation from a normal
    distribution is given by

  • Tolerance interval
  • A tolerance interval for capturing at least
    of the values in a normal distribution with
    confidence level is
  • where is a tolerance interval factor found
    in Appendix Tabel XII. Values are given for
    90, 95, and 99 and for 90, 95, and 99

  • Example 8-9 Alloy Adhesion
  • , , and
  • Find a 95 prediction interval on the load at
    failure for a new specimen.
  • Example 8-10 Alloy Adhesion
  • Find a tolerance interval for the load at failure
    that includes 90 of the values in the population
    with 95 confidence.

  • Exercise 8-77
  • Consider the rainfall data in Exercise 8-33.
    Compute a 95 tolerance interval that has
    confidence level 95. Compare the length of the
    tolerance interval with the length of the 95 CI
    on the population mean. Discuss the difference in
    interpretation of these two intervals.
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