Title: Spatio-Temporal%20Variability%20of%20the%20North%20American%20Monsoon
1Spatio-Temporal Variability of the North American
- Balaji Rajagopalan
- Department of Civil, Env. And Arch. Engineering
(CEAE) and CIRES - Katrina Grantz, Edie Zagona
- Martyn Clark (CIRES)
- North American Monsoon
- Dramatic increase in rainfall from an extremely
dry June to a rainy July, August and September - SW United States and NW Mexico
- Shift in winds (from westerlies to southerlies)
brings moisture over the land - Warm land moisture monsoonal precipitation
- Afternoon thunderstorms
- Significant portion (30-50) of annual
precipitation falls in the summer months in
Arizona and New Mexico - Water management perspective important to
predict the strength of the monsoon - for water supply and environmental planning
- Few studies on timing, streamflow, and
implications for water management - important to local communities in the monsoon
4North American Monsoon Experiment Schematic
Schematic Illustrating the multi-tiered
approach of the North American Monsoon Experiment
(NAME). The schematic also shows mean
(July-September 1979-1995) 925-hPa vector wind
and merged satellite estimates and raingauge
observations of precipitation (shading) in
5North American Monsoon Schematic
6Past Studies
- Spatial and temporal variability depends on
- Location of subtropical jet, topography, SSTs
- Moisture comes from Gulf of California and Gulf
of Mexico - Wet winter ? Early monsoon onset and vice-versa
(Higgins Shi, 2000) - General negative correlation with previous
winters precipitation (Gutzler, 2002 Higgins
Shi, 2000) related to North Pacific SSTs - El Nino ? weaker/southward monsoon ridge (Castro,
2000) - Increased monsoonal precipitation with increased
soil moisture - (Toshi, et al. 2003 Small,2000)
7Past StudiesHiggins et al. 1998
Composite evolution of the 30-day running mean
area average precipitation (units mm/day) over
Arizona and New Mexico for wet monsoons (dotted
line), dry monsoons (dot-dashed line) and all
(1963-94) monsoons (solid line). The average
date of monsoon onset is July 1 for wet monsoons,
July 11 for dry monsoons and July 7 for all
monsoons (defined as day 0 in each case).
8MotivationSeasonal cycle shifts in Western US
hydroclimatology (Regonda et al. 2005)
- What are the large-scale Ocean/Atmospheric/Land
drivers of space-time (timing and amount)
variability of N. American Monsoon (interannual /
decadal)? - Potential Long-lead Precitability?
- Implications for water management.
- Need a systematic investigation of the monsoon
rainfall attributes and also the streamflows.
- Study area, data
- The research project
- Precipitation diagnostics
- Streamflow diagnostics (preliminary results)
- Water management issues
- Incorporating forecasts into water management
12Study Area
- Monsoon Region (NAME II) Arizona and New Mexico
- Water Management Gila River
- Flows from New Mexico through Arizona, joins
Colorado River at Yuma, Arizona
- Precipitation
- Monthly climate division data (1948-2004)
- NM (8 divisions), AZ (7 divisions)
- Daily NWS co-op data (1948-1999)
- 219 stations across AZ and NM
- Temperature, PDSI
- Monthly climate division data (1948-2004)
- Large-scale climate variables
- Monthly NOAA NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data
(1948-2004) - SST, precipitable water, geopotential heights,
vector winds - Streamflow
- Daily HCDN streamflow (1948-1999)
- USGS daily/monthly values (1948-2005)
Co-op Stations
14The Research Project
- Precipitation diagnostics
- Streamflow diagnostics
- Water management issues
- Incorporating forecasts into water management
15Precipitation Diagnostics
- Monsoon cycle
- Monsoon rainfall
- Plausible hypothesis
- Antecedent land conditions
- Antecedent ocean Atmospheric conditions
16Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Cycle
- Monsoon timing at each co-op station
- Calculate Julian day when 10, 25, 50, 75, and
90th percentile of the monsoon season (July-Sept)
precipitation has fallen (each station, each
year) - -- Julian day time series for each threshold
for each station - Perform trend analysis on the Julian day time
series - 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles
capture the entire monsoon cycle onset, peak
and recedence
17Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Cycle
- Use Spearman rank correlation to detect trends
- A nonparametric (distribution-free) correlation
statistic - doesnt require that data be normally distributed
- similar to Pearsons R, except that the values
are converted to ranks before computing the
correlation coefficient. - where D is the difference of the rank numbers.
(Spearman, 1904) - gives p-value and slope
- Correlatate value with time to get trend
- Results similar for Pearsons R
Climatological Julian day
5th Percentile
- Largest circle gt 21 days
- Second largest 15-21 days
- Second smallest 10-15 days
- Smallest circle lt 10 days
- Filled circles significant at 90
25th Percentile
50th Percentile
- lt July 19th
- Jul 20th 29th
- Jul 20th Aug 8th
- Aug 9th Aug 18th
- Aug 19th 28th
- gt Aug 29th
75th Percentile
- Entire Monsoon Cycle Shifted Later
- Approx. 1015 days shift
95th Percentile
19(No Transcript)
20Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Rainfall Amount
- Monsoon rainfall amount at each station and
climate division - July, August, September, July - September
- Spearman rank correlation to compute the trends
21Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Rainfall
- Decrease in July
- Increase in August and September (esp in NM)
- July- September NM increase, AZ mixed/decrease
- Consistent with the monsoon timing results
22Precipitation DiagnosticsRainfall Amount
Co-op station trends similar to climate division
Relative circle size indicates the magnitude of
the trend (slope) 0.4 (largest circle),
0.3-0.4 (second largest), 0.2-0.3 (second
smallest), less than 0.2 (smallest circle).
23Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Rainfall
- Is the trend a steady increase, or jump, or ?
- August precipitation over AZ and NM 5 year
moving window - Eastern region (NM) gets wetter in the later
period - Western region (Arizona) trend not as distinct
- Shift most apparent after a dry spell in the late
24Precipitation DiagnosticsMonsoon Moisture
- Trends in Palmer drought severity index (PDSI)
and 850mb precipitable water - Corroborate results seen in precipitation (more
so with precipitable water)
25Precipitation DiagnosticsPlausible Hypothesis
- What is driving the delay in the monsoon cycle?
- Hypothesis
- Increased pre-monsoon (antecedent winter/spring)
soil moisture ? longer summer heating to set up
the land-ocean gradient ? delaying the monsoon
cycle - Wetter antecedent winter / spring conditions in
southwest driven by increased El Nino Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) activity in recent decades
26Precipitation DiagnosticsAntecedent Land
- December- May precipitation and PDSI trends
- Increasing trend in southwest, decreasing trend
in northwest classic ENSO teleconnection pattern
27Precipitation DiagnosticsAntecedent Land
- Relate winter/spring hydroclimate to summer
monsoon attributes - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to find the
dominant modes of variability in summer timing
and rainfall - Leading modes can be thought of as spatial
average - Timing PC1 28 of variance
- July precip PC1 45 of variance
- July-Sep precip PC1 45 of variance
- Correlate leading modes with antecedent land
28Precipitation DiagnosticsAntecedent Land
- Correlate 50th and 10th percentile timing PC1
with antecedent precipitation/PDSI across western
US - Significant positive (negative) correlations in
southwest (northwest) - Correlations are stronger for the 10th
percentile timing PC ? onset of monsoon more
strongly affected by antecedent soil conditions
29Precipitation DiagnosticsAntecedent Land
- Correlate July and Jul-Sep precipitation PC1 with
antecedent precipitation/PDSI across western US - Significant negative (positive) correlations in
southwest (northwest) - This negative correlation between winter/spring
precipitation and monsoon precipitation noted by
Gutzler (2000) - Correlations are stronger for July PC ? Early
monsoon rainfall more strongly affected by
antecedent soil conditions
30Precipitation DiagnosticsAntecedent
Ocean-Atmospheric Conditions
- Large-scale Drivers of summer variability
- Correlate leading modes (PCs) of monsoon rainfall
and timing with antecedent Ocean Atmospheric
31TimingAntecedent Ocean Conditions
- Correlate summer timing PCs with winter/spring
SST and Z500 - Positive correlations in equatorial Pacific- ENSO
pattern - increased SSTs in winter/spring go with increased
Julian day (i.e., delayed monsoon) - Correlations slightly stronger for 10th
percentile (onset of monsoon)
50th percentile Timing PC
10th percentile Timing PC
32TimingAntecedent Atmospheric Conditions
- Correlate summer timing PCs with winter/spring
Z500 - PNA type pattern consistent with SST correlations
50th percentile Timing PC1
10th percentile Timing PC1
50 Timing PC
10 Timing PC
33Rainfall amountAntecedent Ocean Conditions
- Correlate summer rainfall PCs with winter/spring
SSTs - July negative correlations in equatorial Pacific
La Nina pattern - Decreased SSTs in winter/spring go with increased
July precipitation (La Nina typically goes with
decreased winter/spring precip -gt increased July
precipitation - Correlations flipped for
- Aug, almost no pattern
- for Sep and Jul-Sep
- Early monsoon precip
- amount affected by SSTs
- but later monsoon may
- have different drivers
34Rainfall amountAntecedent Ocean Conditions
- Correlate monsoon rainfall PCs with winter/spring
Z500 - Results consistent with SST correlations
- July PNA type pattern
- Correlations weaker and
- reversed sign for Aug,
- Sep and Jul-Sep.
- Early monsoon precip
- amount affected by pre-
- monsoon Pacific Ocean
- and Atmospheric features,
- but later monsoon may
- have different drivers
35Rainfall AmountHigh-Low Composites
- Aug and Sep rainfall extremes impacted by the
surrounding Ocean/Atmospheric status
36Precipitation DiagnosticsConclusions
- Entire Monsoon cycle shifted approx 1015 days
later in recent decades - Consequently, decreased rainfall in July and
increase in Aug and Sept - Increased pre-monsoon precip/soil moisture
- (driven largely by large-scale Pacific
Ocean/Atmospheric features) - Leading modes of Monsoon timing and early (July)
rainfall strongly related to pre-monsoon
Ocean/Atmospheric/Land features - Aug-Sep rainfall driven by local
Ocean-Atmospheric conditions - Significant implications for long-lead Monsoon
37Proposed Hypothesis
- Increased winter/spring wetness ? requires longer
summer heating to set up adequate land-ocean
gradient ? delayed monsoon cycle? reduced early
Monsoon rainfall. - Large scale Ocean-Atmosphere conditions in Winter
as main drivers.
38The Research Project
- Precipitation diagnostics
- Streamflow diagnostics
- Water management issues
- Incorporating forecasts into water management
39Water Management IssuesBasin Selection
- Significant summer streamflow component
- Affected by large-scale and/or local-scale
climate drivers (this is important for
forecasting) - Water management issues impacted by summertime
streamflow (e.g., irrigation, MI, hydropower,
environmental needs) - Policies or operations that rely on or could
benefit from knowledge of the summer hydroclimate - Natural flow data available, either from HCDN
data set or computed - Ideally, decision support tool already built and
in use
40Water Management IssuesGila River
Gila River Basin Arizona and New Mexico
41Water Management IssuesGila Basin
- Inadequate surface water supplies to meet
irrigation, grazing, and mining demands - Conjunctive use between surface water and
groundwater resources - Water quality problems due to excessive
turbidity, bacteria, total dissolved solids,
ammonia and acid mine drainage - some stretches of the river not useful for
irrigation - Planning reservoir releases and diversions (4
major dams) to meet demands - Increase/ decrease in demands depending on
summertime precipitation - E.g., more precip ? decreased demand ? lower
priority water user getting water (this can
affect planting)
42Water Management IssuesExpected Outcomes
- Detailed investigation of the Gila River basin
- Key management issues (both supply and demand)
- Operations and policies
- Decision calendar timeframe of when decisions
are made about reservoir releases and diversions - Identify attributes of the hydroclimate that need
to be predicted for improved water resources
management - Forecast variable (precipitation or streamflow)
- timing of the forecasted variable (spring values,
summer values, or both), - the forecast issue date
- amount to be forecasted (seasonal, monthly, etc.)
43- Preliminary Streamflow Analysis
44Water Management IssuesGila River
- Significant summer streamflow component
- 25 of annual flow comes in July-October
45Streamflow DiagnosticsVolume Analysis (summer)
- Gila River near Red Rock, NM
- July decreasing trend
- Aug, Sep, Oct
- increasing trend
46Streamflow DiagnosticsVolume Analysis (summer)
- San Francisco River at Clifton, AZ
- July, Aug decreasing trend
- Sep, Oct increasing trend
47Streamflow DiagnosticsWinter/Spring Flow
- Winter/Spring Flows strongly related to
winter/spring - Pacific SST and Z500
- (ENSO/PNA patterns)
48Gila River -- Antecedent Flow Relationship
- High Spring flows ? Low Summer flows
- Consistent with Precipitation results
49Streamflow DiagnosticsPrecipitation
Streamflow Relationship
- Precipitation streamflow relationship is
non-linear - High rainfall ? very little infiltration ? high
streamflow - Streamflow can be forecast from precipitation.
50Streamflow DiagnosticsMethodology
- Streamflow stations with significant summer
component (due to monsoon rains) approx. 40 in
the region - Timing analysis
- Trends in initiation, peak, and recedence of
summer streamflow - Volume analysis
- Trends in the summer and spring streamflow volume
- Determine the dominant modes of timing and volume
variability - Using PCA
- Identify the land/ocean/atmospheric forcings that
drive the streamflow variability - correlate antecedent conditions with the leading
modes - Determine the relationship between spring and
summer streamflow precipitation and streamflow
in the monsoon season and the role of subsurface
flow - See how well the Precipitation Hypothesis
holds with streamflow - Implications to Water Resources Management
51Summary and Conclusions
- Antecedent (winter/spring) Pacific
Ocean-Atmospheric conditions and the continental
(Western US) land conditions have a substantial
influence on the following summer monsoon cycle
and rainfall amount. - Streamflows in the region too exhibit similar
connection - Enhanced prospects of long lead forecast of the
monsoon hydroclimatology (i.e., timing, rainfall
amount and streamflow)
52Future Work
- Further understanding the physical mechanisms of
the proposed hypothesis via modeling experiments. - Develop hydroclimate forecasting framework
incorporating the large-scale climate
information. - Evaluate the utility in a water management
- Funding provided by NOAA/GAPP (GEWEX Americas
Prediction Project) - Grantz, K., B. Rajagopalan, M. Clark, and E.
Zagona, Spatio-Temporal Variability of the North
American Monsoon (submitted), Journal of Climate,
Special issue on the North American Monsoon,
2005. - http//civil.colorado.edu/balajir/ ?
54Questions / Comments ?
55Precipitation DiagnosticsRainfall Amount PCA
- Percent of total variance captured by each
leading PC of monsoonal precipitation in varying
months and regions