Title: Power Amplifier for Wireless Links: System Level Models
1Power Amplifier for Wireless LinksSystem Level
- Daniel Bustos
- Marco Pirola
- Giovanni Ghione
- Simona Donati
- Dipartimento di Elettronica
- Politecnico di Torino
- Microwave RF Electronics Group
- Behavioral nonlinear model motivations
- The implemented models
- The cooperation between Polito and Chalmers
Units - Simulatotion Tools
- Model and extraction procedure description
- Some simulation examples (IM3, BER, )
- A case study a 812.11a WLAN Power amplifier
- Model the PHEMT ATF-54143 Transistor
- Circuit level and system level simulations
- Model behaviour comparison (VSS VS IT)
- Conclusions and future works
3Envelope or base-band model I
- Oriented to high level (system) simulations (eye
diagram, BER) rather than circuit ones - Identified through input/output system
observation-gt intrinsically behavioural
(black-box) - System level modelling is oriented to the
prediction of the system envelope behaviour - System evaluation through RF simulation possible
but - simulation circuit level far from the system
level layer - system level model identification directly
focused on system - system level simulation unbearably slow.
4Envelope or base-band model II
5Motivations I
- The models used to simulate the PA at circuit
level are capable to represent nonlinearities
with a high degree of accuracy - Memory effects in principle included, although
difficulties are related to the model extraction
(from measured data or physics-based simulations)
and to the simulation techniques used (HB) - System level simulation unsuitable for fast
simulation in presence of complex modulation
scheme- - Classical system level models include
nonlinearities in a too simplistic way -gt lost of
accuracy for complex modulation schemes - More sofisticated models
- need complex identification procedures
- increase the computation time
Find a model trade off between accuracy, simple
model parameter identification, reasonable
computation time
6Motivation II
- Chalmers unit develops and maintains a system
level simulator (IT) adopted within the NEWCOM
network - IT is able to implement a complete
communication links at system level - IT did not account for the effects of PA non
idealities on the system level performances - Polito units has a consolidated activities on the
PA field at circuit and system level (e.g.
activities within TARGET network).
Implement within IT the Polito NL models
7Circuit Level System Level Link
8Simulation framework
- Circuit level simulations carried out with AWR
MWOFFICE, used as the reference model virtual - System level identification through practicable
non-linear experimental data - Automated extraction implemented at the moment
within Matlab - System level simulation
- AWR VSS automatically extracted from MWO
- Classical AM-AM AM-PM model implemented in IT
- Advanced model with memory implemented in IT
- Comparisons on a case study power amplifier for
WLAN 802.11a application
9The implemented models
Classical AM-AM, AM-PM
Static Nonlinear Part
Advanced Wiener Scheme Model
10Memory Model Extraction
- The linear part of the model extracted from two
tone excitation varying the tone spacing - FIR filter implemented through ARX approach
- Static nonlinear part, extracted for single and
two tones excitation as a function of tone power - Non linear static behaviour approximated with a
suitable degree polynomial
11Case of study A 802.11a WLAN Driver Amplifier
using PHEMT ATF-54143 Transistor
- The frequency range includes USA U-NII lower band
5.125 5.250 GHz. - MWO tools used to simulate a circuit
implementation. - For the nonlinear analysis, a harmonic balanced
(HB) simulation was used - The Non-linear transistor model used in the
simulation is based on the work of Curtice
(Advanced Curtice2 Model)
12MWO Diagram of Driver Amplifier
13Example WLAN 802.11a Driver Amplifier
Single Tone AM/AM at 5 GHz
14Single Tone AM/PM at 5 GHz
15Two-tone simulation at 0 dBm input power
16Two-tone simulation at 0 dBm input power
17Two-tone simulation at 0 dBm input power
18Two-tone simulation at 0 dBm input power
19OFDM Mod. scheme BER simulation at several PA
compression levels
- Collaboration with Chalmers Univeristy through
PhD student exchange (maybe to be renewed) - Methodology for extraction of system oriented
models from measured data or standard HB
(multitone) circuit simulations - Model validation on virtual experimental data
- Extractor implemented in Matlab
- Model implemented within IT
- Future possible developments
- model validation on true experimental non linear
data - further model refinements and improvements (e.g.
three box model) - testing and implementation of other models (e.g.
neural, volterra/wiener series appproach, )