Title: Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry
1Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
1 Peter 315
Cary Christian
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6Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
1 Peter 315
7Why are we doing this?
815. but ??sanctify ?Christ as Lord in your
hearts, always being ready ?to make a ??defense
to everyone who asks you to give an account for
the ?hope that is in you, yet ??with gentleness
and ??reverence -Peter 315 NAU
9Why are we doing this?
- In 1 Peter 315
- Apologia
- Means to give a defence
- Used in the phrase, Defence of the Gospel
- Phil. 17
- Phil. 116
10How do we do this?
- S.P.E.A.K.
- Start real Conversation
- Pay attention
- Evaluate their words
- Ask questions
- Kindly respond and guide
- Write if possible
- I write stuff down while they speak, if I can
- Look for hiccup
12SPEAK Apologetics
- Start with their questions
- Pay attention to their answers
- Evaluate their words
- Ask questions about what they said
- Kindly respond and guide back through their
thoughts and words - Who is in focus here?
13Start with their Questions
- What are they wondering?
- What did they comment on?
- What are they criticizing?
- Igor The Bible is full of errors?
14Pay attention to their Answers
- Good time to write down statements
- This can freak some out, but once you explain
that you want to listen well, its cool. - You can also keep your latter questions focused
by pointing at things they actually said. - Make sure to keep good eye contact, though.
- Focus on buzz words
- Do not go A.D.D. on them stick to THIS
discussion - Igor A million errors in the Bible?!?
15Evaluate their Words
- Pick out buzz words
- Organize thoughts
- Ask for clarification
- Igor What do you mean by errors? Based on
16Ask Questions about what they Said
- Ask for more clarification
- Test with hypotheticals
- Offer conclusions/comparisons
- Igor Can we talk about the top 50?
17Kindly respond and guide them through their
thoughts and words
- Put your evaluations in order
- Connect things they said
- Propose questions that highlight the logical
fallacies - Igor So, you dont know the book or the author
or 1 of the errors? Why do you believe that,
18Points of Concern
- No one saved in a debate
- The point is to listen
- Look for a hiccup
- Show respect
- And
- The point is to Listen!
19Sometimes . . . theres a gap
- There are things that might be an invisible wall
between you and another causing a distance
between you. Being aware of these potential
issues is important.
20Terms of Distance
- Syllogism
- Exegetical Fallacies
- Cultural Influence
- Stereotyping
- Main/Predicate bait and switch
- Incorrect Hermeneutical Logic
- Categorical Switch of Truth/Culture
- Much like a practical syllogism a blanket
21Terms of Distance
- Caricatures
- Micro-Argumentation
- Emotional Rejection/Distrust
- Wrong Definition
- Disproportionate Stereotyping
- An overemphasis on secondary Doctrine as Primary
- Negative experience that is real
- Wrong Definition
22Terms of Distance
- Doctrinal Conclusions
- Satanic Influence
- Genuine thoughtful doctrinal view, opposing
biblical Christianity - Spiritual warfare is real
23Two Big categories
- Doctrinal Issues
- Personal Issues
- Which is it?
24The Big Question
25A Walk Back Home A Progression of Degree to gain
- Is it Possible?
- Is it Probable?
- Is it Likely?
- Is it Actual?
26Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
1 Peter 315
Cary Christian
27Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
1 Peter 315 an example
28Question 1
- Cults, World Religions, Christianity The Gospel
29Key Verse
- 2 Corinthians 114
- (Context of all of Chapters 10 11
Specifically 111-4)
30- For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom
we have not preached, or you receive a different
spirit which you have not received, or a
different gospel which you have not accepted, you
bear this beautifully. (NAU)
31Key Indicators
- Another Jesus
- A Different Spirit
- Another Gospel
- K.I.S.S. method - simplicity
32Brief overview of Mormon experience
- Met with a couple (Fosbergs) that we bought our
Corgi from - They had suffered a lot of loss and little to no
aid from their Baptist and Methodist backgrounds - Mormons helped them a lot
- They thought they were still in a Christian church
33Mormons The Dialog
- Generally, one of two situations
- New Mormons
- Elders at the Door
- Most successful pseudo-Christian cult
34The Fosbergs New Mormons
- Thought it was Christianity
- Came from Christian backgrounds
- Something usually happens
- Zealous about newfound faith
- Attempted to go to Scripture
- Clarified for me on doctrines on topic
- Hiccup
35The Topic Three Heavens
- Doctrine
- Terrestrial Heaven
- Telestial Heaven
- Celestial Heaven
- Text They could not find, but 2 Cor. 122
- Question Why three heavens?
- Why are three needed?
- Answer Because God would never send away even a
wayward child only deny Christ gets you sent
away. - Question What about Matt. 721-22 2541?
- I never thought of that before . . . - Hiccup
- Are we really debating?
- What are we doing?
- Key verse and 3 indicators with cults?
- Is Mormonism Christianity?
- Are we really debating? NO
- What are we doing? Listening
- Key verse and 3 indicators with cults? 2 Cor.
114 - Is Mormonism Christianity? NO
38Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorryfurther examples
1 Peter 315
New Life ABF
40Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
41apologetics. Occasionally called eristics,
apologetics is the formal defense of the
Christian faith. Pocket Dictionary of
Theological Terms (Downers Grove, Ill.
InterVarsity Press, 1999), 13.
42Not to be confused with.. Apologizing
43Why are we doing this?
4415. but ?sanctify ?Christ as Lord in your hearts,
always being ready ?to make a ??defense to
everyone who asks you to give an account for the
?hope that is in you, yet ??with gentleness and
??reverence -Peter 315 NAU
45Why are we doing this?
- In 1 Peter 315
- Apologia
- Means to give a defence
- Used in the phrase, Defence of the Gospel
- Phil. 17
- Phil. 116
46How do we do this?
- Be Sleq
- Start
- Listen
- Evaluate
- Question
- Write if possible
- Look for hiccup
47Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorryfurther examples
1 Peter 315
CCs Apologetics
48Cults and Religions Discussed
- Mormonism
- Jehovahs Witnesses
- Catholicism
- 7th Day Adventists
50Key verse for cults
- 2 Corinthians 114
- For if ?one comes and preaches ?another Jesus
whom we have not preached, or you receive a
?different spirit which you have not received, or
a ?different gospel which you have not accepted,
you ?bear this ?beautifully.
- Another Jesus
- Another Spirit
- Another Gospel
51So, what about?...?
- Mormons
- Jehovahs Witnesses
- 7th Day Adventists
- Catholics
52Mormons and 114
- Jesus is just a spirit child of the gods (Mary
and Adam), whos brother is Lucifer and is our
elder brother. - The Spirit is just a fluid dispensed for living,
which is dictated by legalism. - The Gospel is one where the atonement of Christ
only removes past guilt and sins and enables one
to work for salvation.
53Mormons and other doctrines
- Historically founded by Joseph Smith in early
1800s - Claims special revelation from angel Moroni
- The Bible needs the Book of Mormon
- Cultic formulation of so-called revelation
- About 25,000 words verbatim with KJV
- Multiple historical inaccuracies and changes
54Keep in Mind
55Jehovahs Witnesses and 114
- Jesus is first creation of Jehovah, known as
Michael before He is a god. - The Spirit is just an it, an impersonal force.
- The Gospel is one where the atonement of Christ
only puts us back to pre-Adam status and enables
one to work for salvation.
56J.W.s and other doctrines
- Historically founded by Charles Russell in late
1800s, which most JWs will deny - Deny doctrine of Trinity
- Teach annihilation
- The New World Translation is extremely
problematic - No textual Criticism
- Terrible handling of original languages
- All hermeneutics go through Watchtower
57Keep in Mind
587th Day Adventists and 114
- Jesus is also referred to as Michael in the
Scriptures. - The Spirit is essentially the same as Scripture,
but not a Helper. - The Gospel is one of legalistic works, following
the Old Testament laws, although inconsistently.
Christs atonement is not yet complete.
597DA and other doctrines
- Historically founded by William Miller in
mid-1800s - Claims the writings of Ellen G. White are
inspired interpretations - Whites writings are equal with Scripture
- They teach soul-sleep and annihilation
60Keep in Mind
61Catholics and 114
- Jesus is viewed Scripturally, although often
still on the cross. - The Spirit is essentially the same as Scripture.
- The Gospel is one of legalistic works, in which
the church is vicar of God and dispenses favor
and salvation in a works fashion, historically
without integrity.
62Catholics and other doctrines
- The Saints are mediators (1 Tim 25)
- Mary is co-redemptress (Acts 412)
- The Pope has special revelation authority (2
Peter 120-21) - Priest/Pope is vicar (1 Peter 29)
- Pedobaptism (Acts 238)
- Purgatory (2 Cor. 56-9 Heb. 927)
63Keep in Mind
64The Gospel
65The Terms
- Gospel
- Saved, Savior, Salvation
- Sin
- Repent, repentance
- Jesus
- Wrath
- Judgment
- Belief
- Election
- Grace
- Faith
- Adoption
- Confess
- Rebirth
- Calling
- Death
- Man
66The Terms, cont.
- Propitiation
- Reconciliation
- Conversion
- Regeneration
- Redemption
- Atonement
- Righteousness
- Conviction
- Sanctification
- Notitia (Intellectual)
- Intellectual understanding
- Assensus (Emotional)
- Conviction, acceptance
- Fiducia (Volitional)
- Trust, belief
- Sola Gratia
- Sola Fide
67Some Terms Defined
- Gospel Good News euangellion
- Saved protected, secured from harm or
destruction (Ps. 38, 621-12 Rom. 109-10) - Sin disunity with the character of God,
disobedience (Romans 323) - Jesus God, the Son, Whos death on the cross
brought the opportunity of life (1
Thess. 110)
68Some Terms Defined
- Belief Intellectual/emotional conviction of
truth appropriated to ones motivational world
view (Rom. 116, 43 Heb 116) - Faith hearing God and doing what you are told
(Hebrews 11) - Repentance a change of heart/mind, resulting in
a change of action (from-to) (1 Thess. 19
Acts 1118 2 Cor. 710 2 Timothy 225)
69Some Terms Defined
- Grace unmerited favor, gift from God (Eph. 28)
- Death separation, negative relationship - ad
infinitum - Re-birth (Regeneration) being recreated new in
Christ, by God (John 3, 2 Cor. 517)
70Some Terms Defined
- Reconciliation positive relationship restored
- Atonement debt covering
- Propitiation diversion of wrath
- Redemption buying back
- Any others?
71The Gospel, simply stated is the Good News of
God as regards the bad news of sin, namely that
because all men are sinners and all men sin, all
men earn the penalty of sin which is death. This
death is brought about by Gods wrath because of
His holy hatred of sin. This cannot be undone by
man, for he is dead and sinful by nature (death
cannot produce life and sin cannot produce
righteousness). Therefore, man is destitute,
hopeless in his sin, in and of himself. ( men
mankind) God, though, has provided a
replacement for men in His Son, Jesus, the
Christ, who
72became a man, uniquely perfect, without sin. He,
the perfect man, was able to take the wrath of
God in our stead, our propitiation, and bearing
God the Fathers wrath, made atonement for our
sin. His atonement singularly and fully sufficed
for the payment for all the sins of all mankind
for all time and will be applied to all who
believe by repenting, confessing and following
God in His Son, thus resulting in a reconciled
relationship with God having been reborn from
above, a child of God. Truly, we are saved from
God, by God.
73The process of Salvation must include
- A true understanding of sin
- A true understanding of God
- A conviction of sin unto God
- A crisis of faith in Jesus, the Christ, as a
repentant act of believing God - A resultant new person, spiritually reborn
- true does not necessitate exhaustive
74So, some incompatible and/or incomplete versions
- God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your
life if you would just pray - Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart, will
you let him in(Rev 320) - Hes dying to reach you
- If you do not want to go to Hellpray this
prayer - Any others?
75Mind-palette Cleanse
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78 79What is the acrostic? In Greek
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81What is the acrostic? In English
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83Stirring the pot - dialog
- Three issues
- Ordo Salutis Logical/chronological succession
of events - Is Jesus in your heart?
- Lordship Salvation
84When do things happen?
- Culvers Chart (see Robert Duncan Culvers
Systematic Theology) - Categories
- Logical order
- Co-instantaneousness
- Theocentric (God centered/initiated)
- Salvation is the empowerment unto
- Belief, faith, repentance
85Is Jesus in my heart?
- Tough Passages Eph. 317 Col. 127 2 Cor.
135 Romans 89b John 1423 - Clearer passages John 1417, 167 Rom. 89a,
11 1 Cor. 316 2 Tim. 114 - No
86Lordship Salvation
- Defined A view of salvation that includes
repentance and surrender to God as qualifications
to true belief and faith in God, resulting in
verifiable Christian works - The opponents this view L.S. adds works
(repentance and subsequent change of behavior)
as pre-requisites to salvation, which is by faith
87Lordship Salvation
- The history
- 1930s
- Lewis Sperry Chafer, He that is Spiritual,
Carnal Christians - B.B. Warfield, Book Review, Only one kind
- 1959
- E. Harrison Must Christ be Lord to be Savior?
No - John Stott - Must Christ be Lord to be Savior?
Yes - 1960s-1970s
- Ryrie Balancing the Christian Life, So Great a
Salvation, no Lordship
88Lordship Salvation
- The history, continued
- 1980s to Present
- Zane Hodges The Gospel Under Siege, no lordship
- John MacArthur The Gospel According to Jesus,
Lordship Became poster boy - Zane Hodges Absolutely Free, NO LORDSHIP!!
- Many on both sides, a lot of emotional debate
- As far as the doctrines are concernedI am with
the lordship guys (See Jesus and worthy of the
Kingdom . . .)
89So, twalk amungst yaselves
90Questions about the Gospel
- What is mans greatest problem?
- How does man get sin? (become a sinner)
- Why is sin bad?
- What does God do with sin?
- Why?
- What can man do about sin?
- Is there any hope? What?
- How does one partake of this Good News?
- What effect does it have?
91Again . . .
92The process of Salvation must include
- A true understanding of sin
- A true understanding of God
- A conviction of sin unto God
- A crisis of faith in Jesus, the Christ, as a
repentant act of believing God - A resultant new person, spiritually reborn
- true does not necessitate exhaustive
93The Gospel, simply stated is the Good News of
God as regards the bad news of sin, namely that
because all men are sinners and all men sin, all
men earn the penalty of sin which is death. This
death is brought about by Gods wrath because of
His holy hatred of sin. This cannot be undone by
man, for he is dead and sinful by nature (death
cannot produce life and sin cannot produce
righteousness). Therefore, man is destitute,
hopeless in his sin, in and of himself. ( men
mankind) God, though, has provided a
replacement for men in His Son, Jesus, the
Christ, who
94became a man, uniquely perfect, without sin. He,
the perfect man, was able to take the wrath of
God in our stead, our propitiation, and bearing
God the Fathers wrath, made atonement for our
sin. His atonement singularly and fully sufficed
for the payment for all the sins of all mankind
for all time and will be applied to all who
believe by repenting, confessing and following
God in His Son, thus resulting in a reconciled
relationship with God having been reborn from
above, a child of God. Truly, we are saved from
God, by God.
95Keep in Mind
96We keep the truth of the Gospel in mind while we
are being SLEQ with those we are talking to.
Only the Truth of Gods Word will be our
Lighthouse while we are out in the harbor with
the world.
97Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically
Without Being Sorry
1 Peter 315
CCS Apologetics