Siang-Ngaengc Waac Nyei Jiu-Baang - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Siang-Ngaengc Waac Nyei Jiu-Baang


I. What Is The Church? II. Its Origin / Establishment III. There Is One Church IV. Universal & Local Church V. Work & Organization of Local Church Matt. 16:18 Eph. 4 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Siang-Ngaengc Waac Nyei Jiu-Baang

Siang-Ngaengc Waac Nyei Jiu-Baang The New
Testament Church
Matvtaai 1613-20 Matthew 1613-20
13 Yesu aengx mingh Sisaaliyaa Filipvpoi
Zingh nyei deic-jaaix. Yiem wuov Yesu naaic ninh
nyei sai-gorx, "Mienh gorngv yie, Baamh Mienh
nyei Dorn, dongh haaix dauh?" 13 When Jesus
came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he
asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son
of man is?.
14 Ninh mbuo dau, "Maaih deix gorngv meih dongh
tengx mienh jiex wuom nyei leiz wuov dauh Yohan.
Maaih deix gorngv, Eliyaa. Aengx maaih deix
gorngv Yelemi fai yietc dauh douc waac mienh."
14 They replied, "Some say John the Baptist
others say Elijah and still others, Jeremiah or
one of the prophets."
15 Yesu aengx naaic ninh mbuo, "Meih mbuo ni?
Meih mbuo gorngv yie dongh haaix dauh? 16 Simon
Bide dau, "Meih dongh Giduc, ziangh jienv wuov
dauh Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn." 15 "But what
about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?16
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the
Son of the living God."
17 Yesu dau, "Yohan nyei dorn, Simon, aah! Meih
gengh orn-lorqc aqv. Naaiv maiv zeiz haaix dauh
baamh mienh mbuox meih. Se yie nyei tin-dorngh
Diex ganh bun meih hiuv hnangv. 18 Yie ziouc
mbuox meih, meih se Bide. Yie oix liepc yie nyei
jiu-baang yiem naaiv norm la'bieiv gu'nguaaic.
Daic nyei qaqv yietc liuz maiv haih hingh
jiu-baang. 17 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you,
Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to
you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I
tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I
will build my church, and the gates of Hades will
not overcome it.
19 Yie oix jiu Tin-Hungh nyei guoqv nyei
forv-zeih bun meih. Meih yiem naaiv lungh ndiev
ndoh haaix nyungc, yiem wuov tin-dorngh wuov
nyungc yaac zuqc ndoh aqv. Meih yiem naaiv lungh
ndiev bungx haaix nyungc, yiem wuov tin-dorngh
ziouc bungx wuov nyungc aqv." 20 Yesu aengx hatc
sai-gorx mbuo maiv dungx mbuox haaix dauh ninh
zoux Giduc. 19 I will give you the keys of the
kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth
will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose
on earth will be loosed in heaven."20 Then he
warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he
was the Christ.
Biux Mengh Waac Intrdouction Naaiv douc Ging-Sou
mbuox taux Jiu Bang se haaix dauh liepc daaih,
yaac yiem haaix jiex gorn. This passage tells
us who establish the church, and from where it
was establish.
Yesu gorngv -Jesus said
Yie oix liepc yie nyei jiu-baang yiem naaiv norm
la'bieiv gu'nguaaic. Upon this rock, I will
build my church
Hnangv naaic, Jiu Baang benx Ziouv ganh nyei.
Thus, this is the Lords church
Loz-Ngaengc Waac Old Testament
Siang-Ngaengc Waac New Testament
Jiu-Bang ceix yiem Church Built in
(Gong-Zoh 247 Act 247)
Jiu Bang Laengz Jienv Church Promised (Matthew
Maiv zeiz ceix yiem Loz-Ngaengc Waac Not built
upon OT (Matthew 5)
Ceix yiem Siang-Ngaengc Waac Is built upon New
Testament (2 Kolinto 3 2 Corinthians 3)
Naaiv se, Siang-Ngaengc Waac Nyei Jiu-Baang.
Thus, It is the New Testament Church!
The New Testament
The New Testament Church
I. Jiu Bang Se Haaix Nyungc?
What Is The Church?
  • A. Jiu Baang Se Mienh Church Is People
  • Maiv zeiz biauv fai buangh doic nyei dorngx.
  • Not a building meeting house.
  • 2. Gong-Zoh 83 Jiu Baang Mjangc Msieqv
    mienh. Acts 83 church men women

Gong-Zoh 83 3 Mv baac Saulo oix mietc
jiu-baang, ninh ziouc zueih biauv lorz sienx Yesu
nyei mienh m'jangc m'sieqv zorqv tor mingh wuonx
jienv loh. Acts 83 But Saul began to destroy
the church. Going from house to house, he dragged
off men and women and put them in prison.
I. What Is The Church?
A. People B. People who are saved
Gong-Zoh 247 Acts 247 Efeso 216 Ephesians
216 Efeso 523 Ephesians 523
Bieqc nyei jauv - se fih hnangv nyei. Terms of
entrance - Same
Gong-Zoh 11 Acts 11
Haiz zunh Ziouv Yesu nyei jauv Heard preachin
g the Lord Jesus
Zipv Tin-Hungh Nyei en Received the grace of God
Sienx kaux Goiv hnyouv daaih Lorz
Ziouv Believed turned to Lord
Benx Giduc Mienh Christians
Hoqc zoux Yesu nyei sai-gorx Disciples
Benx Jiu-Baang Church
Jiu Baang Gikc Waac - Church (Greek Ekklesia)
Cuotv daaih
Heuc cuotv daaih
Dongh yietc zungv heuc cuotv daaih nyei Mienh.
Those Who have been called out
  • Weic Kuv Fienx By the Gospel (2 Thess. 214)
  • Yiem zuiz cuotv daaih bieqc taux ziangh maengc.
    Out of sin into salvation (Eph. 2)
  • Yiem hmuangv cuotv daaih bieqc taux njang.
    Out of darkness into light (1 Pet. 29)

Matvtaai 1618-19
Matthew 1618-19 18 Yie ziouc mbuox meih, meih
se Bide. Yie oix liepc yie nyei jiu-baang yiem
naaiv norm la'bieiv gu'nguaaic. Daic nyei qaqv
yietc liuz maiv haih hingh jiu-baang. 18 And I
also say to you that you are Peter, and on this
rock I will build My church, and the gates of
Hades shall not prevail against it.
19 Yie oix jiu Tin-Hungh nyei guoqv nyei
forv-zeih bun meih. Meih yiem naaiv lungh ndiev
ndoh haaix nyungc, yiem wuov tin-dorngh wuov
nyungc yaac zuqc ndoh aqv. Meih yiem naaiv lungh
ndiev bungx haaix nyungc, yiem wuov tin-dorngh
ziouc bungx wuov nyungc aqv." 19 And I will
give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in
heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be
loosed in heaven."
The New Testament Church
II. Its Origin / Establishment
A. Divine in origin 1. Jiex gorn yiem Tin-Hungh
nyei hnyouv. Began in the mind of God (Ephesians
14 310-11) 2. Liepc jiez yiem Yesu. Started by
Jesus (Matthew 1618) 3. Naaiv, se maiv zeiz yiem
mienh daaih. Thus, not started by any man.
II. Its Origin / Establishment
  • B. Foretold in the Prophets
  • Ndaanien 244 "Wuov deix hungh diex gunv nyei
    ziangh hoc, lungh zaangc nyei Tin-Hungh oix ganh
    liepc norm guoqv, se yietc liuz maiv haih zuqc
    mietc nyei guoqv. Yietc liuz yaac maiv zuqc
    ndortv benx ganh fingx mienh nyei. Naaiv norm
    guoqv oix mborqv wuov deix yietc zungv guoqv huv
    muonc nzengc, bun zutc nzengc, mv baac naaiv norm
    guoqv oix yietc liuz yiem.
  • Daniel 244 "In the time of those kings, the God
    of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never
    be destroyed, nor will it be left to another
    people. It will crush all those kingdoms and
    bring them to an end, but it will itself endure


2.Isaayaa 22 Nqa'haav laai nyei hnoi, zaangc
ZIOUV nyei biauv yiem nyei mbong duqv liepc gauh
hlang jiex zuangx mbong. Zungv oix ceix gauh
hlang jiex yietc zungv mbong-aiv. Maanc guoqv
mienh yaac oix ndutc ndutc nyei daaih. Isaiah
22 In the last days the mountain of the LORD's
temple will be established as chief among the
mountains it will be raised above the hills, and
all nations will stream to it.
3. Isaayaa 23 Camv-fingx mienh oix daaih
gorngv, "Daaih maah! Mbuo lomh nzoih faaux ZIOUV
nyei mbong, mingh taux Yaakopv nyei Tin-Hungh
nyei biauv, bun ninh njaaux mbuo hiuv duqv ninh
nyei jauv, yie mbuo ziouc duqv gan ninh nyei
jauv yangh. Weic zuqc ninh nyei leiz-latc oix
yiem Sion cuotv, ZIOUV nyei waac oix yiem
Yelusaalem cuotv mingh." Isaiah 23 Many
peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to
the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God
of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we
may walk in his paths." The law will go out from
Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
C. Established in Jerusalem 33 AD
Acts 247 Ziouv hnoi-hnoi Bun duqv njoux Nyei
mienh tim Bieqc ninh mbuo nyei guanh Lord added
to the church daily Suc has were being saved
Norm-morm dorngx nyei Ging-Sou duqv gorngv taux
nqahaav hingv Jiu Bang oix daaih nyei jauv.
Every reference prior to this speaks of it
church as coming in the future
Norm-norm dorngx nyei Ging-Sou gorngv taux Jiu
Baang zungv cuotv daaih yiem jienv aqv. Every
reference after this speaks of it church as
already being in existence
The New Testament Church
III. There Is One Church
Kungx MaaihYietc norm sin hnangv There is one
body (Ephesians 44) Sin se Jiu-Baang Body
church (Ephesians122-23) Thus ONE CHURCH
Yietc Norm Sin One Body
1. Lomaa 124-6 Yietc norm sin maaih ziex
nyungc gapv jienv. Nyungc-nyungc maaih ganh nyei
gong zoux. 5 Fih hnangv nyei, mbuo mienh camv mv
baac mbuo caux Giduc juangc maengc ziangh, dauh
dauh ziouc gapv daaih benx yietc norm sin. Yietc
dauh zoux sin nyei yietc nyungc. Romans 124-5
Just as each of us has one body with many
members, and these members do not all have the
same function, so in Christ we who are many form
one body, and each member belongs to all the
2. 1 Kolinto 1017 Weic zuqc maaih nduqc norm
njuov hnangv cingx daaih maiv gunv maaih mienh
camv, mbuo benx yietc norm sin, weic zuqc mbuo
juangc wuov norm njuov nyanc. 1 Corinthians
1017 Because there is one loaf, we, who are
many, are one body, for we all partake of the one
  • 3. 1 Kolinto 1212 Giduc se hnangv yietc norm
    sin, maaih ziex nyungc gapv jienv. Maiv gunv
    maaih ziex nyungc gapv jienv, kungx benx yietc
    norm sin hnangv.
  • 1 Corinthians 1212 The body is a unit, though
    it is made up of many parts and though all its
    parts are many, they form one body. So it is with

4. 1 Kolinto 1213 Mbuo yaac fih hnangv nyei,
maiv gunv Yiutai Mienh fai Janx, zoux nouh nyei
fai maiv zoux nouh nyei, yietc zungv juangc nduqc
dauh Singx Lingh jiex leiz benx yietc norm sin.
Yietc zungv yaac duqv juangc nduqc dauh Singx
Lingh hopv. 1 Corinthians 1213 For we were
all baptized by one Spirit into one bodywhether
Jews or Greeks, slave or freeand we were all
given the one Spirit to drink.
5. Efeso 216 Yesu yiem ziepc nzaangc jaax
daic weic mietc nzengc ninh mbuo i bung nyei win,
bun i bung caux Tin-Hungh horpc hnyouv ziouc benx
yietc fingx. Ephesians 216 and in this one
body to reconcile both of them to God through the
cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
The New Testament Church
I. What Is The Church?
II. Its Origin / Establishment
III. There Is One Church
IV. Universal Local Church
IV. Universal Local Church
Universal Yietc zungv duqv Njoux nyei mienh
Buangv lungh ndiev All the saved over the
world Matthew 1618 Ephesians 122-23
Local Duqv njoux nyei mienh gapv zunv daaih
yiem buonh deic dorngx The saved in a certain
locale 1 Corinthians 12 Revelation 2-3
IV. Universal Local Church
Universal Kungx maaih yietc norm Hnangv Only one
(Eph. 44) Maiv maaih ganh deix No
organization Mv maaih ganh nyungc Gong benx
yietc norm No work as a whole Mv maaih gapv
nyaanh No treasury
Local Maaih camv-norm Jiu-Bang Many (Rom.
1616) Camv-dauh mienh gox Elders (Phil.
11) Zoux gong Work (Eph. 416) Siou
nyaanh/gapv nyaanh Treasury (1 Cor. 161-2)
The New Testament Church
I. What Is The Church?
II. Its Origin / Establishment
III. There Is One Church
IV. Universal Local Church
V. Work Organization of Local Church
Lungh Ndiev Nyei Jiu-Baang Universal
Buonh Deic Jiu-Baang Local
Matt. 1618 Eph. 44 No Organization No Work No
1 Cor. 12 Rom. 1616 Elders Deacons Phil.
11 Acts 1423
1. Norm-norm Jiu Baang maaih mienh gox Every
church own elders (Acts 1423) 2. Mienh gox se
maaih camv haic nyei Plurality of elders (Titus
15) 3. Ziux Goux mangc Jiu Baang Oversight of
flock among them (1 Pet. 51-2)
Buonh Deic Jiu Baang Nyei Gong Work of the Local
Church 1. Zunh Kuv Fienx mbuox mienh
Evangelism (1 Timothy 315) 2. Laanh ceix laanh
jiez daaih Edification (Ephesians 416)
3. Zoux kuv sic. Benevolence (1
Timothy 516)
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion
Jiu Baang, eix-leiz se heuc cuotv daaih nyei
mienh, Giduc mienh se Tin-Hungh heuc yiem zuiz
cuotv daaih nyei mienh, Jiu Bang naaiv joux
waac nyei eix-leiz se yiem Siang-Ngaengc Waac
caux Loz-Ngaengc Waac sou cuotv daaih. Gikc waac
gorngv ekklesia eix-leiz se heuc cuotv daaih
nyei mienh. Yiem Loz-Ngaengc waac sou, Mose fiev
nyei wuov deix biaa buonv Hipvlu waac faan daaih
benx Gikc waac gorngv Jiu-Bang naaiv joux waac
longc 100 nzunc.
Jiu-Bang naaiv joux waac yiem Hipvlu waac nyei
eix-leiz se gorngv heuc cuotv daaih gapv zunv
nyei mienh (Nzamc Leiz-Latc 910 Yosowaa
835 Yelimie 2617). Yiem Siang-Ngaengc Waac
ekklesia naaiv joux waac eix-leiz se gorngv
Giduc mienh dongh Giduc heuc cuotv daaih wuov
guanh mienh, ninh mbuo nyei jiu tong jauv caux
nitv fatv nyei jauv se yiem Giduc. Naaiv joux
waac Baulo fin-saeng zanc-zanc longc, dongh
gorngv taux Jiu-Bang (Filemon 12 Kolosi
415 1 Kolinto 1118 1415).
Jiu-Bang se benx Giduc nyei sin, lungh ndiev nyei
jiu-bang, se dongh sienx kaux yaac bungx hnyouv
Ziouv Giduc wuov deix mienh, maiv gunv ninh mbuo
yiem haaix doic mienh, haaix gitv lungh ndiev,
danh fanh sienx kaux Yesu, yaac nyiemc Yesu zoux
Ziouv wuov deix mienh gapv daaih se benx Yesu
nyei sin(Jiu-Bang). Jiu-Bang se dongh sienx Yesu
nyei mienh, gapv jienv yiem ganh nyei buonc-deic
dorngx, norm-norm leiz-baaix zoux leiz-baaix ceng
Tin-Hungh, muangx zunh doz, (Tin-Hungh nyei waac)
caux doic jiu tong, tengx Yesu zoux zorng-zengx,
daux gaux, nyanc Singx Hnaangx, yaac caux jienv
doic zoux ganh nyungc fuh sux Tin-Hungh nyei
gong. Dauh dauh Giduc mienh, ninh ganh oix zuqc
maaih buonc fuh sux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv cingx
funx benx zien Giduc mienh. Fuh sux Tin-Hungh
nyei jauv se benx Tin-Hungh paaiv njiec nyei
waac, yaac benx Tin-Hungh nyei lingc.
Jiu-bang liepc daaih weic taaih ceng fai bouh
Ziouv Yesu nyei mengh hoc. Daaux nzuonx ninh
maaih nyei nyungc-nyungc siev jienv guangc
nzengc, zipv nouh nyei fiem-fingx, benx dauh
baamh mienh. 8 Za'gengh maaih mienh nyei fangx
zeiv. Ninh ganh yaac laengz zoux faix, muangx
Tin-Hungh nyei waac taux daic, taux zuqc yiem
ziepc nzaangc jaax daic. 9 Weic naaiv Tin-Hungh
taaih ninh zoux gauh hlo jiex, yaac bun ninh
maaih mbuox gauh hlang jiex maanc mbuox nyei
mbuox. 10 Hnangv naaiv, weic taaih Yesu nyei
mbuox, yiem tin-dorngh, yiem yaangh gen, caux
yiem yiemh gen nyei yietc zungv oix zuqc gueic
njiec baaix. 11 Dauh dauh oix nyiemc Yesu Giduc
zoux Ziouv, ziouc taaih Zangc Diex
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