Title: Double Jeopardy
1Double Jeopardy
Teachings of Jesus Signs and Wonders Notable Quotables Acts Facts Mission Improbable
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2Jesus used this parable to explain what it means
to love ones neighbor.
3Jesus used this parable to explain different
peoples responses to the gospel.
4Jesus used this parable to explain why he has
compassion for sinners.
5This long teaching of Jesus began with many
blessed and came to be known as this sermon.
6Jesus taught this Pharisee the need to be born
again of the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.
7This was Jesus first sign Through which He
revealed His glory.
8His twelve year old daughter was raised back to
9With these items He fed 5000 men.
10These two sisters saw Jesus raise their brother
to life.
11These two disciples healed a man lame from
birth and were then arrested.
12Look! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin
of the world!
13The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power
of the Most High will overshadow you. So the
holy one to be born will be called Son of God.
14Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of
eternal life.
15I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing
at the right hand of God.
16I want you to give me Right now the head of
John the Baptist on a platter.
17He wrote the book of Acts.
18The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on this
festival day.
19He was the first Gentile to receive the Holy
20This apostle went to Samaria to preach the gospel
21Peter quoted from this prophet when he explained
their speaking in tongues.
22Pauls home base church that sent him out on
his missions was located in this city.
23Paul and Silas shared the gospel with their
jailer and his family in this city.
24Paul stayed with this couple during his year and
a half in Corinth.
25Paul spent more time building a church in this
city than in any other.
26Paul was shipwrecked on this island for months
while on his way to Rome.