Title: Celebrate Nelson Mandela CAFOD hero
1CelebrateNelson MandelaCAFOD hero
2Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa from
1994 to 1999.
3But his journey was hard.
4Mandela worked hard to end apartheid in South
Africa. Apartheid meant black and white people
could not mix together. Black and white
children went to separate schools and hospitals.
They could not play on same sports team
5Mandela believed that everybody should be treated
equally. He campaigned to end
apartheid. Mandela was arrested in 1962.
6Mandela was in prison for 27 years. He left
prison in 1990 and continued to work hard for
equality in South Africa.
7Mandela worked hard to bring people together to
live in peace.
8Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be
great. You can be that great generation. Let your
greatness blossom. (London, 2005)
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10Children campaigning about climate change with
11I have learned that if we get on well, we can
live in peace and be far away from the violence.
Maria and her friends live in a shanty town in El
Salvador, where there is violence. CAFOD is
working with Marias community to build peace
through sport, music and dance.
12He inspired many people to make the world a
fairer and more peaceful place.
13Nelson Mandela CAFOD hero 18 July 1918 5
December 2013
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15Photo credits Sarah Smith-Pearse, CAFOD,
Victoria Ahmed, Thomas Omondi