Title: Electrochemical Studies
1Analysis of Bridgehead Effects on
FeFe-Hydrogenase Active Site Steric Bulk at
Nitrogen versus Carbon
Danielle J. Crouthers, David G. Munoz, Jason A.
Denny, and Marcetta Y. Darensbourg Texas AM
University, College Station, TX 77843
1H and 13C Variable Temperature NMR
Essential Features of FeFe-Hydrogenase Active
13C NMR CD2Cl2
- Open Site site for proton oxidative addition or
dihydrogen binding - Azadithiolate Linker relays protons to and from
the iron distal to the 4Fe4S cluster - Diatomic Ligands stabilize the redox states of
the irons - 4Fe4S Cluster redox active shuttle of electrons
- FeFe-hydrogenases are key enzymes in energy
metabolism, catalyzing the reversible
interconversion of protons and electrons into
hydrogen under mild conditions (pH 7 E - 400
mV).1 - The synthesis of small molecule models of the
FeFe-H2ase active site is driven by the desire
to better understand a unique biological system
capable of producing hydrogen at rates comparable
to platinum. - Questions Can FeFe-hydrogenase active site
models define the role of nitrogen at the bridge
head? Is there a correlation between the Fe(CO)3
rotor fluxionality and catalytic efficiency?
Energy Barrier for CO Site Exchange3,4
Comparison of Carbon and Nitrogen Bridgehead2
Complex Tcoal ?G (kJ/mol) ?G (kcal/mol) ?G calculated
edt 0 C 50.7 12.1 14.3
pdt -60 C 43.5 10.4 12.1
dmpdt -87 C 31 7.4 10.0
NMe -40 C 45.7 10.9 13.8
NtBu -30 C 46 11 15.0
NPh - - - 11.4
disulfide -60 C 38.3 9.2 11.5
- The energy barriers are calculated using
datafrom 13C VTNMR, looking at peak separation
and the coalescence temperature. - Analysis of the carbon bridgehead complexes
finds that steric bulk on the bridgehead lowers
the energy for rotation however, steric bulk
at the nitrogen bridgehead has little effect for
Ralkyl and a greater effect for Rphenyl.
Complex ?(CO) IR (cm-1) Fe-Fe (Å) Flap Anglea () Torsionb () C/N--Fec
Pdt 2076, 2035, 2005, 1992, 1981 2.5105(8) 137.09 0.0(2) 3.498
dmpdt 2075, 2034, 2005, 1992, 1980 2.4939(4) 135.74 6.5(2) 3.735
NH 2075, 2036, 2007, 1990, 1981 2.5150(3) 131.95 0.00(9) 3.481
NMe 2075, 2036, 2002, 1990, 1984 2.4924(7) 122.26 0.0(4) 3.587
NtBu 2075, 2036, 2002, 1994, 1982 2.5172(9) 118.46 6.1(2) 3.320
NPh 2074, 2039, 1999, 1990, 1981 2.5047(6) 123.66 20.1(2) 3.48
Electrochemical Studies
The diiron complexes were studied in
acetonitrile with addition of acetic acid. The
complexes exhibit an increase in current with
addition of acetic acid at two events past the
first reduction. The nitrogen bridgehead
complexes show a 2- fold increase in the current
compared to the carbon bridgehead complexes at
the first catalytic event. NtBu shows a 1.5-fold
increase compared to the other hexacarbonyl
complexes studied at the second catalytic event.
Synthesis of Azadithiolate Disubstituted Complexes
First Catalytic Peak Comparison
Second Catalytic Peak Comparison
Comparison of Disubstituted Structures
- Incorporation of nitrogen in the bridgehead has
no effect on the vibrational spectra compared to
carbon and only a minimal effect on the solid
state molecular structure. - Addition of steric bulk to a carbon bridgehead
increases the torsion angle of the complex
however addition of steric bulk to a pyramidal
nitrogen has little effect on the torsion angle
due to the direction the steric bulk is pointed.
Steric bulk on a planar nitrogen increases the
torsion angel similar to the carbon bridgehead
complexes. - Analysis of the hexacarbonyl complexes does not
reveal any correlation between the Fe(CO)3 rotor
fluxionality and catalytic efficiency.
Complex Fe-Fe (Å) Flap Anglea () Torsionb () C/N--Fec (Å)
pdt(PMe3)2 2.5554(2) 129.9 9.1(5) 3.449
dmpdt(PMe3)2 2.5690(7) 135.74 28.9(3) 3.731
NMe(PMe3)2 2.526(1) 122.24 2.1(3) 3.396
NtBu(PMe3)2 2.5860(2) 118.46 1.0(9) 3.298
NPh(PMe3)2 2.573(4) 121.28 10(2) 3.428
1) Pandy, A. S. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008,
130, 4533. 2) Li, H. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2002, 124, 726. 3) Singleton, M. L. et al. C. R.
Chimie 2008, 11, 861. 4) Lyon, E. J. et al. J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3268.
MYD Research Group National
Science Foundation Robert A. Welch Foundation