Title: Text Amendment to the South Fair Oaks Specific Plan
1Text Amendment to the South Fair Oaks Specific
- City Council
- January 25, 2016
2South Fair Oaks Specific Plan
- Originally adopted in 1998
- Hospital uses are generally prohibited in the
Specific Plan area - Exception
- Hospital uses are allowed in designated
Public/Semi-Public (PS) zoned properties through
a Conditional Use Permit or a Master Development
Plan - Currently, there are two sites zoned PS
- Huntington Memorial Hospital
- Art Center
Art Center
3Initiation of the Specific Plan Amendment
- Council reviewed a Predevelopment Plan Review
(PPR) for a new rehabilitation hospital located
on Fillmore Street within the South Fair Oaks
Specific Plan Area - Council Motion Initiated in March 2015
- Consider amending the Specific Plan to allow
hospital uses with an approval of a Conditional
Use Permit - Directed staff to review the entire Specific Plan
Area and determine whether a hospital use would
be an appropriate use
Fillmore Station
4Public Comments on Proposed Amendment
- Community Meeting August 27, 2015
- 15 people were in attendance
- Participants were generally in support of the
proposed amendment - Planning Commission Meeting December 9, 2015
- 2 speakers spoke in favor of the proposed
5Staff Analysis of Specific Plan Amendment
- Staff considered the following to determine
whether allowing a hospital use with approval of
a Conditional Use Permit was appropriate - Existing land uses within the Specific Plan area
- Intent of the Specific Plan
- General Plan Goals and Policies
- General Plan Land Use Designations
- Community feedback
6Existing Land Uses
- Variety of existing medical-related uses within
the Specific Plan (Huntington Memorial Hospital,
various medical offices) - Other uses restaurants, general offices, a few
retail businesses, a public storage, and light
industrial uses
Existing Specific Plan Area
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Existing Medical Offices (outpatient)
7Areas with Hospital Use Conditionally Permitted
Hospital uses conditionally permitted
Existing Specific Plan Area
Huntington Memorial Hospital
Future Specific Plan Area (Includes portions of
Central District Specific Plan and other areas)
8Intent of the Existing Specific Plan
- A district with an energetic mix of retail,
medical facilities and other service-oriented
businesses that would support and attract
biomedical and technology-based companies - Over the years, the Specific Plan area actually
developed with a variety of medical-related uses - Hospital use is consistent with the intended use
for the Specific Plan
9General Plan Goals Policies
- A hospital use may function as a jobs-oriented
transit-oriented development as it typically
functions as an employment hub for the area - Policy 2.4 Job Choices
- Policy 2.6 Transit-Related Land Uses
- Policy 4.4 Transit Villages
- Policy 11.1 Business Expansion and Growth
- Policy 37.2 Medical Supporting Uses
- Goal 37 South Fair Oaks Avenue
10General Plan Land Use Designation
Glenarm Power Plant
11General Plan Land Use Designation
- Mixed-Use designation
- Intended to allow intermixing of housing with
non-residential uses - Facilitates development adjacent to transit
(transit-oriented development) - Hospital use is compatible use for a jobs-focused
TOD and can be designed as pedestrian friendly - Does not prescribe specific development
standards, but allows for developments to be - Horizontally distributed within a district,
block, or parcel - singular use on a parcel but all projects must be
designed to enhance pedestrian-oriented
12General Plan Land Use Designation
- Upcoming Projects
- Updates to all specific plans, establishing new
zoning district and development regulations
tailored to each Specific Plan area - Subsequent to the initiation of the Specific Plan
Amendment, Art Center submitted a Master Plan
application, which includes expansion of its
South Campus - As these upcoming projects move through the
process, further restrictions on the location of
hospital uses may be appropriate - such as Lower
Raymond Avenue (South of Fillmore Street)
Fillmore Street
Lower Raymond Avenue
Proposed Art Center South Campus
13Overall Community Concerns
- Concerns raised
- Potential traffic impacts, existing FAR limits,
and location of hospitals along Raymond Avenue - Proposed amendment
- General Plan does not limit the development
within the Mixed-Use designations to residential
mixed-use developments but instead encourages a
range of uses that promote transit use - Conditional Use Permit process allows for
thorough evaluation of potential impacts on a
case-by-case basis and can encourage design that
promotes pedestrian environment and transit use - Most importantly, in order to approve a
Conditional Use Permit, it must be found that the
design, location, operating characteristics, and
size of the proposed use would be compatible with
the existing and future land use
14Planning Commission Advisory Review
- Planning Commission meeting on December 9, 2015
- Required findings
- Consistent with the goals and policies of the
General Plan - Not detrimental to the public interest, health,
safety, convenience, or general welfare of the
City - Environmental review
- Initial Study shows no significant impact with
implementation of one mitigation measure
(paleontological resources) Draft Mitigated
Negative Declaration prepared - Recommendation
- City Council to approve the proposed text
amendment to the South Fair Oaks Specific Plan to
allow hospital uses with a Conditional Use Permit
within the Specific Plan Area (unanimous vote)
- Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Adopt the findings of consistency
- Adopt the resolution approving the text amendment
to the South Fair Oaks Specific Plan to allow
hospital uses with an approval of a Conditional
Use Permit - Direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance
within 60 days amending Section 17.35.030 of the
Zoning Code
16Text Amendment to the South Fair Oaks Specific
- City Council
- January 25, 2016
17Map of Specific Plan Boundary
Existing Specific Plan Area
Future Specific Plan Area (Expanded to include
portions of Central District Specific Plan and
other areas)
18General Plan Land Use Designation
Existing Specific Plan Area
High Mixed Use (0.0-3.0 FAR)
Med Mixed Use (0.0-2.25 FAR)
Future Specific Plan Area (Expanded to include
portions of Central District Specific Plan and
other areas)
Low Mixed Use (0.0-1.0 FAR)
RD Flex Space (0.0-1.25 FAR)
Low Commercial (0.0-1.0 FAR)
Med Commercial (0.0-2.0 FAR)
19Zoning Designation
Central District Subdistrict 6 (CD-6)
Existing Specific Plan Area
Public, Semi-Public (PS)
Future Specific Plan Area (Expanded to include
portions of Central District Specific Plan and
other areas)
Industry, General (IG)
Industry, General, Alcohol Overlay 2 (IG AD-2)
Industry, General, Height Limit Overlay (IG
Planned Development 5 (PD-5)
Single-Family Residential 6 (RS-6)
Multi-Family Residential Height Limit 1 (RM-32
Central District Subdistrict 1 (CD-1)
20Huntington Memorial Hospital
Proposed Boundary
Existing Boundary
21Allowed Medical Uses in the Specific Plan
- Allowed Medical Uses in the Specific Plan
- Medical Offices (out-patient only)
- Allowed Medical Uses in the Specific Plan, but
only west of Fair Oaks and south of Hurlbut St - Life/Care Facilities
- Medical Services Extended Care
- Not Allowed Medical Uses in the Specific Plan
- Medical Services Hospitals
- Medical Services Extended Care (in-patient, no
surgical services or emergency care) - Life/Care Facilities
- Medical Land Uses
- Hospital A facility providing medical, surgical,
psychiatric, or emergency medical services to
sick or injured persons, primarily on an
inpatient basis. This use includes incidental
facilities for outpatient treatment, as well as
training, research, and administrative services
for patients and employees. - Medical Office An office or health facility
providing health services including, without
limitation, preventative and rehabilitation
treatment, diagnostic services, testing and
analysis. This use includes offices providing
medical, dental, surgical, rehabilitation,
podiatral, optometric, chiropractic and
psychiatric services, and medical or dental
laboratories incidental to these offices, but
exclude inpatient services and overnight
- Medical Land Uses
- Extended Care An establishment providing care on
a 24-hour basis for persons requiring regular
medical attention, but excluding facilities
providing surgical or emergency medical services. - Life/Care Facility An integrated facility that
provides accommodations for, and varying level of
care to, residents depending on need. The use
shall contain the following components
independent living units, residential care
facilities, and continuing care, Alzheimer and
related facilities.
24Conditional Use Permit Findings
- The proposed use is allowed with a Conditional
Use Permit within the applicable zoning district
and complies with all applicable provisions of
this Zoning Code - The location of the proposed use complies with
the special purposes of this Zoning Code and the
purposes of the applicable zoning district - The proposed use is in conformance with the
goals, policies, and objectives of the General
Plan and the purpose and intent of any applicable
specific plan - The establishment, maintenance, or operation of
the use would not, under the circumstances of the
particular case, be detrimental to the health,
safety, or general welfare of persons residing or
working in the neighborhood of the proposed use - The use, as described and conditionally approved,
would not be detrimental or injurious to property
and improvements in the neighborhood or to the
general welfare of the City and - The design, location, operating characteristics,
and size of the proposed use would be compatible
with the existing and future land uses in the
vicinity in terms of aesthetic values, character,
scale, and view protection.
25General Plan Goals Policies
- Policy 4.1 Sustainable Urban Form Provide an
overall pattern of land uses and densities that
encourages sustainable development offers
convenient alternatives to auto travel ensures
compatibility among uses enhances livability and
public health sustains economic vitality and
reduces air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions,
and energy consumption - Policy 4.11 Development that is Compatible
Require that development demonstrates a
contextual relationship with neighboring
structures and sites addressing such elements as
building scale, massing, orientation, setbacks,
buffering, the arrangement of shared and private
open spaces, visibility, privacy, automobile and
truck access, impacts of noise and lighting,
landscape quality, infrastructure, and aesthetics - Policy 5.2 Pedestrian-Oriented Developments
Require buildings in the Central District,
Transit Villages, Neighborhood Villages, and
along corridors specified by the adopted specific
plans to be located along the street/sidewalk and
designed to promote pedestrian activity. This
can be accomplished by incorporating transparent
façade, small plazas, and dining areas while
locating parking to the rear or underground and
placing primary entries on the street
26General Plan Goals Policies
- Policy 29.3 Pedestrian Orientation Require the
inclusion of improvements and amenities to create
a safe and comfortable environment for sitting,
meeting neighbors and friends, walking and
providing easy access to Metro Gold Line station
areas and mix of uses in close proximity to the
station - Policy 37.6 Sustainable Streetscape Improve
sidewalks to enhance connectivity and pedestrian
activity through enhanced streetscape amenities,
distinctive signage, lighting and paving - Policy 37.7 Neighborhood Compatibility Require
that the types of use and location, scale, and
design of development buffer commercial and
mixed-use development on S. Fair Oaks Avenue and
Arroyo Parkway from adjoining lower density
residential neighborhoods
27General Plan Mixed-Use Designation
- Mixed-Use Designations Properties designated as
Mixed-Use (MU) by the Land Use Diagram may be
developed for a singular use (i.e. commercial or
housing) or a mix of uses on the same site.
Where a single use is developed, the standard for
a commercial use shall be FAR and the standard
for a residential use shall be units per net
acre, where the size of the dwelling units shall
not be calculated as FAR, in conformance with the
appropriate MU classification. Where both
commercial and residential uses are developed,
the standard shall be both FAR and units per net
acre, where the cumulative building area shall
not exceed the maximum FAR specified for the land
use category. - Mixed-Use The mixed-use land use
classifications are intended to afford the
intermixing of housing with non-residential uses.
This may consists of a mix of housing types
horizontally distributed within a district,
block, or parcel, or with housing built above
non-residential uses. Mixed-use development is
an important strategy enabling residents to live
close to where they work, shop, and recreate.
This can result in less vehicle trips, energy
consumption, pollution, noise and greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions and increases in walking,
bicycling, and transit use. It also expands the
customer base supporting nearby businesses,
enhancing their economic viability and vitality.
Finally, a mix of housing and non-residential
uses enhances social interactions and, through
walking and bicycling, human health.
28General Plan Mixed-Use Designation
- High Mixed Use Intended to support the
development of multi-story mixed use buildings
with a variety of compatible commercial and
residential uses. Development is characterized
by shared open spaces, landscaping, and small to
minimal separations between buildings, and shared
driveways and parking. Sites may be exclusively
commercial, but not exclusively residential.
Mixed-use development projects containing housing
shall incorporate amenities contributing to a
quality living environment for residents
including courtyards, recreation facilities, and
similar elements. Where buildings face the
street frontage, they shall be designed to
enhance pedestrian activity with transparent
facades for retail uses and distinctive entries
for housing. Parking shall be located below or
to the rear of the street. Projects constructed
at High Mixed Use densities may be required to
develop pedestrian-oriented streetscape amenities
along their primary street frontages, consistent
with the improvement concepts and plans defined
by the City.
29General Plan Mixed-Use Designation
- Medium Mixed Use Intended to support the
development of multi-story mixed use buildings
with a variety of compatible commercial and
residential uses. Development is characterized
by shared open spaces, extensive landscaping,
small to medium separations between buildings,
and shared driveways and parking. Sites may be
exclusively commercial or exclusively
residential, or with buildings vertically
integrating housing with non-residential uses.
Mixed-use development projects containing housing
shall incorporate amenities contributing to a
quality living environment for residents
including courtyards, recreation facilities, and
similar elements. Where buildings face the
street frontage, they shall be designed to
enhance pedestrian activity with transparent
facades for retail uses and distinctive entries
for housing. Parking shall be located below or
to the rear of the street. Projects constructed
at High Mixed Use densities may be required to
develop pedestrian-oriented streetscape amenities
along their primary street frontages, consistent
with the improvement concepts and plans defined
by the City.
30General Plan Mixed-Use Designation
- Low-Medium Mixed Use Intended to support the
development of properties and/or buildings with a
mix of compatible uses, including work/live
units, and ground floor retail and restaurant
uses with office and/or residential uses above.
Non-mixed use sites shall be primarily
commercial, but may be residential in specific
areas specified by Specific Plans. Mixed-use
development projects containing housing shall
incorporate amenities contributing to a quality
living environment for residents including
courtyards, recreation facilities, and similar
elements. Where buildings face the street
frontage, they shall be designed to enhance
pedestrian activity with transparent facades for
retail uses and distinctive entries for housing.
Parking shall be located below or to the rear of
the street. - Low Mixed Use Intended to support the
development of properties and/or buildings with a
mix of compatible uses, including work/live units
or ground floor retail and restaurant uses with
office and/or residential uses above. Mixed use
buildings may be horizontally or vertically
oriented. Sites shall be primarily commercial,
but may be residential in areas specified by the
Specific Plans.
31General Plan Mixed-Use Designation
- High Mixed Use Intended to support the
development of multi-story mixed use buildings
with a variety of compatible commercial and
residential uses. Development is characterized
by shared open spaces, landscaping, and small to
minimal separations between buildings, and shared
driveways and parking. Sites may be exclusively
commercial, but not exclusively residential.
Mixed-use development projects containing housing
shall incorporate amenities contributing to a
quality living environment for residents
including courtyards, recreation facilities, and
similar elements. Where buildings face the
street frontage, they shall be designed to
enhance pedestrian activity with transparent
facades for retail uses and distinctive entries
for housing. Parking shall be located below or
to the rear of the street. Projects constructed
at High Mixed Use densities may be required to
develop pedestrian-oriented streetscape amenities
along their primary street frontages, consistent
with the improvement concepts and plans defined
by the City.