History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Numeracy Round, partition and segment numbers up to 1000 Add and subtraction numbers with up to 3 digits and solve 1- and 2- step problems. Use the 3-, 4- and 8-times ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: History


Numeracy Round, partition and segment numbers up
to 1000 Add and subtraction numbers with up to 3
digits and solve 1- and 2- step problems. Use
the 3-, 4- and 8-times tables to solve money
problems, division sentences and multiplication
puzzles. Use Numicon to find patterns in
numbers Calculate totals, change and combinations
using money Map-work, directions and using
quarter/half/full turns. Recognise right angles
and create a right angle gobbler Recognise
right, obtuse and acute angles in various 2D
shapes ICT Program a Beebot/Roamer, use
Scratch/Logo to command a screen turtle/sprite to
create shapes and make different turns and create
an algorithm.
Literacy Read the Iron Man and think about the
story, description and key ideas Look at, discuss
and evaluate a range of non-chronological
reports Research Robots and their uses in the
real world Explore non-fiction books and how to
use them for research Plan, create and assess a
non-chronological report. Read Treasure Island
and write a descriptive response Discuss the
features of a newspaper report, look at a range
of examples and create an article. Discuss
characters feelings and create a diary entry.
Create a poster using ICT Write a letter and
recap different forms of communication Explore
language play including a range of riddles and
puns ICT Secondary research, word processing
and presenting a document.
Science Observe the sun and the path it
appears to take Create a road safety
poster Investigate how light travels in straight
lines Go for a shadow walk and explore how they
are created Sort materials by their ability to
let light through and investigate this Create a
sundial and examine how this works Go on a
colour walk to explore how colour is used in
nature and in the local environment. ICT
Secondary research, data logger light
investigation and using Scratch to create an
animation of the Suns path.
PE Game Rounders ball skills,
batting and bowling. Tactics and fielding.
Competitive games. Dance Sequences and
performance Celtic warriors. ICT recording
performances to self-evaluate
Activities for Year 3 Spring 1 The Discovery of
RE and PSHE Group work and team
building/thinking skills exercises. Read Bear
Feels Sick discuss what makes us feel better
when we are poorly. Talk about The Blind Man
and create our own miracle story. Compare and
contrast this story with The Paralyzed
Man Create a miracle/disaster scenario Writing a
letter to discuss different miracles.
Music Explore Vivaldi and the 4
seasons. Explain the imagines music creates in
our minds. Create a storm using our bodies and
instruments. Explore how music can show a
colour. Record music in writing. Look at light
and dark versions of music. .
History Human timeline The move from the Stone
age to the Iron age The mystery of Stone
Henge Roundhouses and Iron Age Hill Forts Create
visitors guides, presentations, information
booklets and posters The mystery of Lindow
Man Celts, warriors and the invasion of the
Romans. ICT archaeological websites, images,
secondary research, interactive activities/clips.
French Classroom Objects Making a game Where do
you live? Where do you come from? Months of the
year Countries Days of the week
Look at a range of pop up books Explore different
mechanisms, linages and levers Create a range of
moving pictures using pop up, linkages and levers
(fixed and moving pivot) Evaluate the different
types of mechanisms Create a Iron Age moving and
pop up book Write a set of instructions for a
younger audience to make a pop up book.
Numeracy Number and place value To recognise the
place value of each digit in a three digit number
and compare and order numbers up to 1000 To count
from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 1000 find 10
or 100 more or less than a given number To
identify, represent and estimate numbers using
different representations Adding and subtracting
two and three digit numbers To estimate the
answer to a calculation and use inverse
operations to check answers To add and subtract
numbers mentally, including a three digit number
and ones To solve problems, including missing
number problems, using number facts, place value,
and more complex addition and subtraction. Using
multiplication facts and to solve problems using
multiplication and division facts To recall and
use multiplication and division facts for the 3,
4 and 8 multiplication tables To write and
calculate mathematical statements for
multiplication and division using the
multiplication table that they know, including
for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers. To
solve problems involving multiplication and
division. Measurement adding and subtracting
money To add and subtract amounts of money to
give change, using both and p in practical
contexts Identifying angles in shapes To
identify right angles, recognise that two right
angles make a half-turn, three make three
quarters of a turn and four a complete turn
identify whether angles are greater than or less
than a right angle To recognise angles as a
property of shape or a description of a turn
Literacy Non- Chronological Report The Iron Man
(3 weeks) To assess the effectiveness of my own
and others writing. To choose nouns or pronouns
appropriately to avoid repetition. To use
dictionaries efficiently and effectively. To
write from memory simple sentences, dictated by
the teacher, that include words and punctuation
taught so far. To read further exception words,
noting the unusual correspondences between
spelling and sound, and where these occur in the
word. To use adverbs, conjunctions and
prepositions to express time and cause. To use
the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns. To
understand that books are structured in different
ways and read for a range of purposes. To can ask
questions to improve their understanding of a
text. To can identify main ideas and summarise
these. To understand that what they read, by
identifying how language, structure and
presentation contribute to meaning. To retrieve
and record information from non-fiction. To
organise information and orally present it to the
class. Geographical Topic Treasure Island (3
weeks) To use a fictional story to inspire a
piece of descriptive writing. To participate in
discussion about books. To write descriptively
using the 3rd person. To organise paragraphs
around a theme To draw inferences such as
inferring characters feelings, thoughts and
motives from their actions and justify them with
evidence. To use speech marks correctly for
direct speech. To plan a descriptive response to
a fiction story. To use further prefixes and
suffixes and understand how to add them. 

Science To review the apparent movement of the
sun during the day. To introduce the idea that
light travels from a light source. To know that
there are artificial and natural sources of
light. To understand that light is reflected from
objects. To know that shiny objects reflect
better than dull objects. To know that light
travels in straight lines. To know that the sharp
edge to a shadow is due to light travelling in
straight lines. To know that a shadow is formed
when sunlight is blocked by an object. To
consider how the shape and size of a shadow
varies with the position of the light source. To
consider the properties of an object needed to
form a shadow. To distinguish between opaque,
translucent and transparent materials. To
consider the shape of the path of the sun across
the sky by looking at shadows.  To understand
that a sundial can be used to tell the
approximate time of day.  To know that there is a
wide range of colours that can be seen.  To
describe how plants and animals use colours.  To
understand the use of light and colour in the
local environment.
PE To copy, remember, explore
and repeat simple actions varying speed and
levels, displaying control and coordination and
linking and varying ideas. To select and link
basic actions to construct sequences and apply
compositional ideas to sequences alone and with
others To recognise and use space
appropriately To watch and discuss own work and
that of my peers identifying similarities and
differences whilst suggesting improvements. To
understand the need for warm up and cool down and
how to work safely. To recognise the changes in
my body during PE and give reasons why PE is good
for health.
Skills for Year 3 Spring 1 The Discovery of Iron
RE and PSHE PSHE I can make
judgements and decisions and can list some ways
of resisting negative peer pressure around issues
affecting their health and wellbeing. RE Discover
y RE Enquiry Could Jesus really heal people?
Were there miracles or is there some other
explanation? To retell Bible stories. To discuss
the meanings behind Jesus miracles and the role
of faith. To explain the different religious and
non-religious view of a miracle.
History To begin to understand chronological
order. To address and devise historically valid
questions about change, cause, similarity and
differences, and significance. To construct
informed responses that involve thoughtful
selection and organisation of relevant historical
information. To understand how our knowledge of
the past is constructed from a range of
sources To explore changes in Britain from the
Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Iron Age

DT To investigate similar products to get ideas
and use as a starting point. To draw products to
show an understanding of how they are made. To
use technical language when designing a
product. To cut accurately and safely. To create
different levers and linkages To apply a range of
decorative finishing techniques To consider the
ways in which their design or product could be
French To listen attentively to spoken language
and show understanding by joining in and
responding To engage in conversations ask and
answer questions To speak in sentences, using
familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language
structures To develop accurate pronunciation To
write basic phrases in French.

Music To learn to sing and play musically with
increasing confidence and control. To develop an
understanding of musical composition. To play and
perform in ensemble contexts. To improvise and
compose music for a range of purposes To listen
with attention to detail. To appreciate and
understand a wide range of high-quality music
drawn from great composers and musicians To
develop an understanding of the history of music
Computing To use search technologies effectively,
safely, respectfully and reasonably. To
understand how focused search terms can return
the most accurate results. To understand which
websites are likely to be the most
trustworthy. To evaluate presentations To
understand how to use images, text, colour and
themes. To create a presentation and enhance
it To know how to deliver an effective
presentation to an audience.
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