Title: Let
1Lets take a look at some highlights of public
relations history
Public Relations History
21. Tell the truth2. Provide accurate facts3.
The public relations director must have access to
top management and must be able to influence
Ivy Lee
3Public relations means the actual relationship of
the company to the people and that relationship
involves more than talk. The company must act by
performing good deeds.
Ivy Lee (continued)
4Interpret the client to the public, (i.e. promote
the client)Interpret the public to the client,
(i.e., help manage the company in such a way as
to gain the approval of the public)
Edward Bernays
5 1. Public relations is a public service2.
Public relations should promote new ideas and
progress 3. Public relations should build a
public conscience
Edward Bernays (continued)
6Advertising is the nonpersonal (mass)
communication of information usually paid for and
usually persuasive in nature about products,
services or ideas by identified sponsors through
the various media.PR is also the nonpersonal
communication of information
PR is not Advertising
7PR is also the nonpersonal communication of
informationslanted in favor of the client, just
like advertisingHowever, unlike advertising the
information doesnt necessarily have to be
PR is not Advertising
8Advertising must pay for its placement in the
mediaPR does its best not to pay for
placementWrites news articles and feature
stories called news releases promoting the client
and tries to get them publishedPuts on staged
publicity events in hopes the media will cover
PR is not Advertising
9PR can be about products, services or ideas Can
also be about companies or people
Entertainers Politicians Wanna bes
PR is not Advertising
10Advertising has to identify the sponsorPR tries
to avoid identifying whos paying for the output
Leave it out Disguise it
PR is not Advertising