Title: Granville T. Woods
1Granville T. Woods
- 1856 - 1910
- By Amanda Hickman
2At The Age of 10
- At the age of 10, Woods had to leave public
education and work at a machine shop.
In 1872, at the age of sixteen, Woods left Ohio
and, in what can be best described as his
travel-and-study period, worked various jobs
around the country, augmenting the practical
knowledge gained from those positions with
readings at night. His first stop was at the Iron
Mountain Railroad in Missouri, where he worked as
a fireman and, later, an engineer. His interest
in electricity and its application to railroads
began there. In 1874, he moved to Springfield,
Illinois, to work in a rolling mill.
- Woods was married to Gabriella Woods.
5His most noted invention was a system for letting
the engineer of a train know how close his train
was to others.
6Granville T. Woods dubbed the Black Edison. He
invented the railroad telegraph.
- His first invention was for an improved steam
boiler furnace, but later patents were mainly for
electrical devices, such as his second invention,
an improved telephone transmitter. The patent for
his device combining the telephone and telegraph
was bought by Alexander Graham Bell, and the
payment freed Woods to devote himself to his own
researches. One of his most important inventions
was the "trolley" or grooved metal wheel, that
allowed street cars (soon known as "trolleys") to
collect electric power from overhead wires.