Title: The%201999%20Venezuelan%20Flood
1The 1999 Venezuelan Flood
- Presented
- by
- Tibi Marin
4Information about Venezuela
- Officially Republic of Venezuela
- Estimated Population 21,005,000
- Surface Area 352,143 sq mi (912,050 sq km)
- Venezuela has a coastline 1,750 mi (2,816 km)
long on the Caribbean Sea in the north. - It is bordered on the south by Brazil, on the
west and southwest by Colombia, and on the east
by Guyana. - Dependencies include Margarita Island, Tortuga
Island, and many smaller island groups in the
Caribbean. - The capital and largest city is Caracas.
- Landslides have caused major socioeconomic
impacts on people, their homes and possessions,
industrial establishments, and lifelines, such as
highways, railways, and communications systems.
6- Socioeconomic losses due to slope failures are
great and apparently are growing as the built
environment expands into unstable hillside areas
under the pressures of expanding populations and
urban development.
7- Human activities disturb large volumes of earth
materials in construction of buildings,
transportation routes, canals, and communications
systems, and thus have been a major factor in
increases in damages due to slope failures, and
increasing the extent of natural disasters such
as the 1999 Venezuelan Flood. -
8Topography of the Area in Study
- Venezuela is extremely steep and rugged. The
crest of the Sierra de Avila reaches 2,700 m
within about 6-10 km of the coast. The rivers and
streams of this mountainous region drain to the
north and emerge from steep canyons onto alluvial
fans before emptying into the Caribbean Sea. In
Vargas little relatively flat area is available
for development with the exception of the
alluvial fans.
9Nature of geologic event
- An unusually wet period in 1999 resulted in
rainfall accumulation at sea level on the
Caribbean coast of 293 mm for the first 2 weeks
of December, followed by an additional 911 mm of
rainfall from December 14 to 16 (MARN, 2000).
10- Fifteen days of constant and intense rainfall in
Venezuela culminated on 16 December 1999 in
extensive flooding and massive landslides in
seven northern states of the country. - Rivers overflowed their banks and swept through
poor districts in the capital city of Caracas.
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- The disaster started when torrential rains
triggered landslides that crashed down from Mount
Avila, a mountain separating Caracas from the
Caribbean coast. - The floods affected the South American country's
entire northern coast, stretching from the
tourist resort Margarita Island to the western
Zulia state bordering Colombia.
13Nature of geologic event
- The mountain soil had been weakened by the
removal of vegetation through deforestation
caused by urban development and migration from
other nearby countries. (shantytowns ) -
14- The heavy rainfall caused massive flooding and
debris flows in the channels of major drainages
that severely damaged coastal communities along
the Caribbean Sea.
15- In coastal valleys, mud slides buried most of the
towns of Macuto and Caraballeda while the towns
of Los Corales, Camuri Chico and Carmen de Uria
totally disappeared under avalanches of mud.
17- On December 15 and 16, 1999, landslides (mostly
debris flows) and flash floods along the northern
coastal zone of the state of Vargas and
neighboring states in northern Venezuela killed
an estimated 30,000 people (USAID, 2000), caused
extensive property damage, and changed hillslope,
stream channel and alluvial fan morphology.
18- These shantytowns and resorts had been developing
in the dry riverbeds and on steep unstable
hillsides outside the larger city as part of a
wide-scale population shift from farming regions
to urban areas, especially those migrating from
countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and
others in search for better jobs.
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21- According to the national government, the
partial figures on the disaster in the country
are projected as follows - Persons affected 331,164
- Persons left homeless 250,000
- Disappeared persons 7,200
- Deaths 50,000
- Housing units affected 63,935
- Housing units destroyed 23,234
- Within this region the Venezuelan Geological
Survey and the Ministry of Ambient and Natural
Resources characterized geologic conditions where
landslides initiated on hillsides and examined
the texture of debris-flow deposits in the
channels of nine drainages.
23- Boulders up to 5 m long were carried along by
the flows, impacted structures causing serious
damage, and were deposited on the fan. -
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25- The volume of debris-flow and flood deposition on
the fan was measured to be about 2 million cubic
meters. - The total volume of material transported and
deposited by landslides throughout the Vargas
region ranks this as one of the most severe
historical erosional events worldwide.
26- Large populations live on or near alluvial fans
in locations such as Los Angeles, California,
Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado, and
lesser known areas such as and Vargas, Venezuela.
27- A combination of debris flows that transported
massive boulders, and flash floods carrying
extremely high sediment loads were the principal
agents of destruction - On virtually every alluvial fan along the Vargas
coastline, rivers incised new channels into fan
surfaces to depths of several meters, and massive
amounts of new sediment were disgorged upon fan
surfaces in quantities of up to 15 metric tons
per square meter.
28- Sediment size ranged from clay and sand to
boulders as large as 10 m in diameter. Sediment
and debris including massive boulders were
deposited up to several meters thick across large
sections of alluvial fans in Camuri Grande and
29- The states of Zulia, Falcón, Yaracuy, Sucre,
Anzoátegui and Nueva Esparta were also affected,
but in less degree. - The fact remains, however, that the environmental
hazards of disease transmission are heightened,
and epidemic outbreaks are possible, which makes
it necessary to assign priority to
epidemiological and environmental surveillance so
that proper sanitary measures may be taken.
- The epidemiological and environmental information
was analyzed to determine the effects on health
and the needs for allocation of resources. - The states hardest hit by the disaster were
Vargas and Miranda. The effects on the Federal
District (D.F.) was also considered owing to its
geographic contiguity to them and to the fact
that it shares their population dynamics and
similar geololgical makeup
31- The following factors operate in the
transmission of diseases in the wake of a
disaster - The diseases already present in the population
prior to the disaster and their endemic and
epidemic levels. - The environmental changes caused by the disaster.
- Population shifts.
- Damage to public facilities.
- Shortcomings in surveillance and in
disease-control programs. - Changes in the resistance of individuals to
32- Diseases already present in the population
- The danger of an epidemic in the wake of a
disaster is a function of the preceding endemic
and epidemic levels of diseases in the
population. - The recurrently most important diseases are the
diarrheas, dysentery from different causes,
measles, airway infections, meningococcal
meningitis, intestinal parasitoses, scabies and
other dermatoses, tuberculosis, and malaria.
33- Predisaster situation of the leading
endemo-epidemic diseases in Venezuela Malaria
the cumulative reported incidence in the country
in 1999 was below that of 1998. - In the six epidemiological weeks prior to the
disaster incidence was on the rise. The entire
country was affected, and the states at greatest
risk for this disease were Zulia, Vargas, Sucre,
Portuguesa, Miranda, Falcón, Barinas, and the
Federal District. The situation was aggravated by
the presence of hemorrhagic dengue.
34Environmental changes brought about by the
- These changes could alter the possibilities for
the spread of diseases, the most important of
which are the vector-borne (mainly mosquitoes)
and the water-borne. - Floods heighten the risk of leptospirosis.
Inadequate collection of solid wastes leads to
the multiplication of flies as a physical vector
for diarrheas and conjunctivitis.
35- The water supply is reportedly greatly
compromised in the states of Vargas and Miranda,
and water disinfection is a high priority for the
prevention of water-borne outbreaks (diarrheas,
including cholera). - In building a scenario for the effects on the
health of the population in the short and middle
run, it is also necessary to take account of the
outbreaks of diseases in the wake of natural
disasters among them leptospirosis, typhoid,
food poisoning, minor infections of the airways,
diarrheas, cholera, and malaria.
- Because most of the coastal zone in Vargas
consists of steep mountain fronts that rise
abruptly from the Caribbean Sea, the alluvial
fans provide practically the only flat areas upon
which to build. - Rebuilding and reoccupation of these areas
requires careful determination of hazard zones to
avoid future loss of life and property.
RISK FACTORS - 1. Internal cleaning of buildings
- Mud removal
- Rubble removal
- Removal of unserviceable articles
- 2. Cleaning of surroundings and common areas.
- Removal of mud from streets and avenues.
- Removal of rubble from streets and avenues.
38- 3. Collection and final disposal of wastes.
- Sanitary landfills.
- Spillways.
- Incineration.
- 4. Health surveillance and education
- Framing and circulation of directives.
- 5. Provision to the community of reliable access
to drinking water.
39- 6. Repair of the drinking water distribution
system. - 7. Health surveillance and education.
- 8. Ensuring that foods supplied to disaster
victims are in wholesome condition. - 9. Sanitary evaluation of establishments that
process foods and dispense them to the community.
- In Venezuela, the extremely steep, tectonically
active Cordillera de la Costa forms the boundary
with a tropical sea. - Easterly trade-winds can force moist air masses
upslope and precipitate large rainfall volumes,
creating conditions for high-magnitude debris
flows and flash floods such as the one in 1999.
41- This example from Venezuela shows the potential
for extreme loss of life and property damage
where a large population occupies an alluvial
fan Without careful planning of human
settlements, the impacts of these types of
disasters are likely to increase in the future.
42- By building communities and other infrastructure
on alluvial fans, dramatic natural hydrologic
processes have been changed into major lethal
events such as the ones in California,
Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Panama, Kansas.
- MARN, 2000. Informe Preliminar Sobre los
Aspectos Ambientales Vinculadas al Desastre
Natural Ocurrido en Venezuela Durante el Mes de
Diciembre de 1999. - Wieczorek, G. F., B. A. Morgan, and R. H.
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Engineering Geoscience, 6(1) 3- 23.
44- Garner, H.F., 1959. Stratigraphic-Sedimentary
Significance of Contemporary Climate and Relief
in Four Regions of the Andes Mountains.
Geological Society of America Bulletin 70(10)
1327-1368. - El Nacional. Venezuelan Newspaper El-Nacional.com
- El Universal. Venezuelan Newspaper.
El-Universal.com. - CNN.COM
- www.fema.gov
45Report of the Flood in Caraballeda, Venezuela.
(Debris-Flow Deposits and Contours of Maximum
Boulder Size on the Caraballeda Fan,
Venezuela) Wieczorek, G.F., Larsen, M.C., Eaton,
L.S., Morgan, B.A. and Blair, J. L. U.S.
Geological Survey MARN, 1999, Cronica
Cartografica de la Catastrofe de Venezuela
Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos
Naturales (MARN), Servicio Autonomo de Geografia
y Cartografia Nacional, 15 p. MARN, 2000,
Comison ambiental para la evaluation y
tratamiento intergral de las cuencas torrenciales
del Estado Vargas, Informe de advance Marzo,
2000, 43 p.
46- Pierson, T.C., and Costa, J.E., 1987, A rheologic
classification of subaerial and sediment-water
flows, in Costa, J.E., and Wieczorek, G.F., eds.,
Debris flows/avalanches Process, recognition
and mitigation Geological Society of America,
Reviews in Engineering Geology, v. 7, p. 1-12. - Salcedo, D.A., 2000, Los flujos torrenciales
catastróficos de Diciembre de 1999, en el estado
Vargas y en Caracas CaracterÃsticas y lecciones
apprendidas. Memorias XVI Seminario Venezolano de
Geotecnia, Caracas. p. 128-175. - Schuster, R.L., Salcedo, D.A., and Valenzuela,
L., in press, Catastrophic landslides of South
America, S. Evans and J. DeGraff, eds., Reviews
in Engineering Geology, v. 14, Geological Society
of America, pp.