Title: The Scientific Method
1The Scientific Method
2Steps to using the scientific method
31. Ask a question
- What creates the tides in the ocean?
- Why does fresh water freeze at a higher
temperature than salt water? - Why do we get goose bumps when were cold?
4Observation Inference
- Any information collected with the senses.
- The skill of describing scientific events.
- Conclusions or deductions based on observations .
- The process of drawing a conclusion from given
7Tracks like these are common in parts of New
England and in the southwestern United States.
What do you OBSERVE? What can you INFER?
8Now what do you think?
9Infer what happened based on your observations.
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292. Research and form a hypothesis
- What creates the tides in the ocean?
- Why does fresh water freeze at a higher
temperature than salt water? - Why do we get goose bumps when were cold?
303. Test hypothesis with an experiment
- It is important for your experiment to be a fair
test. You conduct a fair test by making sure that
you change only one factor at a time while
keeping all other conditions the same.
314. Analyze and Draw Conclusion
- Was your hypothesis true???
- If yes, state the results.
- If no, try again Come up with another
hypothesis, and start over.
32Identifying Variables Designing Experiments
33- 3 Types of Variables
- Independent Variable
- Dependent Variable
- Controlled aka Constant
34Independent VariableSomething that is changed
by the scientist.(What is being tested)(What
is manipulated)
35Dependent VariableSomething that may or may not
be affected by the change in the independent
variable.(what is observed)(what is
measured)The data collected during the
36Control or ConstantAnything in the experiment
that is kept the same.(allows for a fair test)
37Designing Investigations
38- The greater the amount of soap in a soap and
water mixture, the bigger a soap bubble can be
blown. - Design an investigation to test this hypothesis.
- Identify the variables
- What exactly will be changed? How will it be
changed? - What exactly will be measured? How will it be
39- The farther a ball drops, the higher it will
bounce. - Design an investigation to test this hypothesis.
- Identify the variables
- What exactly will be changed? How will it be
changed? - What exactly will be measured? How will it be